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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are Monday Morning second-to-last day of July and finishing day up $2,400 another Green Day With some wild action today on a WX We were talking about this stock for a week. It was last week that it started to move up and every single day we were thinking continuation, continuation, continuation. it was at $2 a week ago today I hit a pre market high of $36 What a move we're going to talk about today, what caused that move and how I traded it and what my game plan is now moving forward. So I hope you guys enjoy and give any questions.

Any comments, leave them below I'll come back through and answer them later today. All right, so enjoy And I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning for midday market recap around 9:00 9:15 Live on YouTube Make sure your subscribing and have the alert turned on that way when I go live you get the notification. All right. See you guys tomorrow.

What's up everyone? All right? So time to break down the trades from today. Finishing the morning up $2,424.87 Green is good and I want to finish the last day of the month tomorrow with one more Green Day That would be a great way to finish the month of July It's been. You know it's been a really good month. it's been.

It's been a very interesting month with a couple of crazy moves on GBR Awx and a few others in between. So today Aw X is the one that we were watching the most closely coming out of the gates because pre market it hit a high of $36 This is crazy Yes! Friday The high was $10 higher, The high Friday was $11 and 21 cents. It was up 300% pre market versus Friday's close. Isn't that insane? So how did this happen? How does the stock go from in a matter of week from two dollars and 20 cents to 36 dollars? We'll break it down in a minute now before we do.

I Want to remind you guys that at 1 P.m. Eastern we're hosting an online training workshop. I'm really excited about I've been prepping for it for the last couple weeks. We hosted one in earlier in July which was a big hint.

There's a lot of fun, we had great attendance and so we've got another one happening today: 1:00 p.m. Eastern So those of you guys who aren't already in our Warrior Pro classes I want you to click to register and be there at one o'clock so a little under 2 two hours we're going to jump in. Ok, so that's coming up at one o'clock after we did this recap and then go for a little bit of a jog, get myself pumped up, and then I'll be back here right around 12:45 to get the broadcast up and running, get situated, and then flip the switch to go Live at 1:00 o'clock Eastern All right those are you watching this later on the replay and you missed the workshop I'm sorry that you missed it. Will host another one soon.

All right so let's see. excuse me, the link is in the announcements tab for those of you that are in chat. but I'll drop it again right here. Ok so you can see the PNL today 2424 dollars is good.

Only one stock I traded kept it simple so we'll talk about mynd this one was on our Gap scanner during the workshop today. We're gonna be talking about how to find stocks to trade on any given day. Now for me, as a beginner trader, it was no doubt hard to find stocks to trade, but over the years it's become so easy that it's like a second nature and I can do it in my sleep. My Nd it was right on the scans right here.
It was our second leading gap or with a low flow next to a WX. So we knew pre market because it was up 18% and because it had news. There was news out this morning at 7:30 1:00 a.m. that this was a stock that was going to be in play.

Ended up squeezing from a high of a dollar eighty all the way up to a high of 278 and through that move I made $2,400 I Wasn't as aggressive on it as I could have been. My first entry was at $2 as it was squeezing up right here. it did a red to green move and then surged up jumped into to scalped it up to 255, gave back a little profit getting into 250 and stopping out as it came back down but made back those losses right up here as it came back up to 250 and then right here as it squeezed up to 270. So total of I think three separate trades on that one.

All right, but Awx is the one that I really want to talk about. We started this month with kind of a crazy Momentum stock and we are finishing the month with the crazy Momentum stock and who knows what they both have in common Gbr and a WX. Well, they're both similarly priced stocks right? Ok, fair enough. They're both priced, you know.

start at $2 and squeezed up. Both of them were parabolic. both of them were lower float stocks and both of them were bought by the company that owns Shore trader. So what I want to do here? Show you guys if you so we look up a WX I'll just pull this up right here.

So this is the you can search all the filings for these big companies. So a WX I was asking myself how is this making this huge move? You know this. This is crazy. The stock keeps going up and up and up and up what's going on with it and so I checked after hours on Friday and I saw right here posted after hours a Forum 3.

Filing a form 3 filing means somebody has taken a position of more than 10 percent. All right. So 10 percent. That's a pretty big position.

All right. So I checked the document and I see Men Brokerage International has filed a form 3 I Take a look at it and it shows that they bought 1.9 million shares on the open market. 1.9 million shares of Awx Mint Brokerage International right? Here you go to Sure Trader Calm. You'll see at the bottom of Shirt Trader at their website owned by Min Brokerage International right here.

Alright, so this is the same company. This is also closely associated with the guys that founded Sure Trader also founded Speed Trader which is located in the United States. So if you go to Mint Broker Comm, you'll see where are you from. If you click the United States it's gonna send you over to a speech trainer and you'll see at the bottom Mint Global Markets.
So these these companies are all kind of connected. Alright so here you have the form 3 filing on Awx and you know when I first saw this I was like okay that that confirms it. I Look at Min Brokerage I can click on this their name right here and this shows me all of the other filings that the company has made and Boom you go down here. you see 629 documents.

Okay, what's this? You click. Let's see click right here. and you see this is a Form 3 filing 4gb Our new concept. Energy.

Alright, They bought 1 million shares of Gbr. Alright, they bought 1 million shares that was on 629. So we go back to Gbr. This was how we started the month of July.

We start with this big move on GPR I made some good money on it. It was a great fun trade. This was 629. This was the day they bought.

All right. The form 4 is when they sell. So they bought on the 29th and then they sold. Let's see, this is a form for for the same stock.

They sold 100,000 shares on what is this July 2nd and then they sold another 900 thousand shares on the 3rd. Alright, so we go back to the chart. So this day was the second and this day was the third. Ok, so what you see is this pattern where the stock made this incredible move.

ABB's parabolic incredible. but it didn't hold the move and probably part of that is because they were selling a million shares. That's a really big position to sell and this just tanked now. We ended up having a couple more trades on it and everything.

You know we made some money and you know they're filing. They're doing everything they're supposed to do. They're taking a big position and then they're selling it and that. You know anyone can do that if you want to buy 2 million shares, you can buy 2 million shares, you file the paperwork, whatever, and the stock goes up.

You know, well, you make money and you sell it. so that's just what's happening. But it's a catalyst when someone buys a million shares or two million shares of these very thinly traded stocks. That's a strong catalyst.

So it happened on Gbr and then Awx Here the form form 3 came out that they bought it, the date was whatever was Friday after hours the 27th and so that when people saw that form 4 or form 3 they're like oh my god, this is what's going on. They're buying up a big position and short sellers start to cover and that's why after hours when that was posted it starts to really take off and I was thinking today this thing I mean I was like it might go to $50 it might it might go at just to keep going. It hit a high of $36 pre-market and I was like oh my god this is gonna be crazy but by the time I came into the office it was already back down at 24 and since then it's been selling off. So now you see this imbalance to the sell side.
So I guess the question is going to be do we see a form poor filing at the close today that they sold it or are they still holding and you know and I don't know I guess we'll find out but it definitely today is weaker than I thought I Thought today we were gonna see fireworks and it was gonna do this final big squeeze out of the gates but it didn't I Knew that this would be a short based on the price action of what happened to Gbr so I knew it would be a short I just didn't know when and that's that's the challenge that every short seller has. You know this will go down most likely when they sell their two million shares. but can you hold while it's still squeezing up right? So someone might have said on Friday you know this stock has no news, it's it's gonna come down I'm gonna short at 11 bucks and that was before they knew that Mint Mint and sure trader had bought this big position so you know at that point they were like yeah, I'm gonna short this and and they were right because it is coming down. it's back at 11 now.

but could they have afforded to hold it when it was at $36 pre market right? and and most most people can't I mean it's just not affordable. So and that's the same thing with like stocks like Lfi and you you would have been right to have the bias that this stock is going to come down. Remember in May Or well no this was not in May It was. um when was this? um, this was back in June November This thing squeezed up to a high of a hundred and forty two dollars per share right now.

This was a little bit different, you know. and there was a catalyst on this that they were getting into the crypto markets, which was kind of a crazy thing, but those were really hot at the time, so that was maybe a little bit of a stronger catalyst. Anyway, squeeze up 240 and then now it's back as six dollars. So if you shorted it at sixty bucks, you were absolutely right.

The question is, can you afford to hold it when it goes this far against you and most can't And so they end up covering losing money. and maybe they get short again. But maybe at that point when they want to get short, their brokers taken away shares to borrow. So if I go to a WX there's no shares available to borrow, its back.

Now coming back down here again. this is. it's. been kind of all over the place today.

well, mostly down I guess. but you know it's been popping up and then selling off and it's been halted like four or five times. So here was my biggest concern. My biggest concern was the risk that this could get halted on a T12.

A T12 is a circuit breaker halt and its halted pending. Basically providing more information to the exchanges about what's causing this crazy price action. So Lfi N was halted on a T12. It was halted.

Let's see where was it trying to remember where it was halted? But it was halted on at T12 for a while and remember where that was. Oh, it was right here. It was halted on April 6th on a T12 right here and then end up resuming way down at $5 So it was halted at $28 and it resumed at $5 It lost 75% of its value during the T12. Think about that.
75% of the value Gone Dr. Ys you guys Something you haven't been trading long enough to remember when this one made it the big move, but here it is back in December 2016. Squeezed up, was then halted on T12 and you can see how this thing came all the way back down. I Mean it was.

It was really brutal. Let's see when was that trying to remember? But anyways, this one got halted and it dropped. You know it was down 50% WN is wins alright. this stock really crazy.

It squeezes up from $20 up to 230 dollars, ends up getting halted on a T12 is halted for six months. For six months your money's tied up in you can't trade. Finally, it resumes at forty six dollars per share, down 75% So my concern with Awx was that even though there's a cat, there's there's a catalyst which is the form three filing of a investor taking more than 10% of a stake and that by itself can be a strong catalyst. Because if you know Warren Buffett or Carl Icahn or some of these other guys take big stakes that can be enough for people to jump in.

you know that might be considered enough of a catalyst that it won't get halted. But what if it does and if it does I can't risk losing 75% of my position even if I buy just a thousand shares of 25. If I lose 75% of that, you know I'm looking at a twenty thousand dollar loss and I can't afford that I mean I can't afford it. but mentally I I don't I don't want it to happen and we could all do without a big loss like that.

So for me, the downside risk was just too high. even if this ended up squeezing over 36 and going to 40 and 45 and 50 and maybe even squeezing up to 75 or $100 for me, the risk of it getting halted on T12 which is too high and so what. This is what I do I say You know what? This train left the station some great opportunities on it last week, but you know at this point it's off. it's gone I can't keep trading it so I'll wait for the next one to take off, the next one that shows strength I'll jump into that.

and today that ended up being my Nd. and there's $2,400 for me, that was low risk I Felt comfortable in those trades and I booked my profit. Now if I had you know right now like I trade with light speed and light speed isn't doing they don't. They're not trading the stocks.

I'm trading. They're not buying Awx. They're not shorting Awx. They're not.

They're not traitors. They're they're They're my broker. and I feel comfortable having you know a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars of my hard earned money sitting in this account because you know I know that they're not trading against me, they're not trading the other side of me. and I think that's no you.
The thing that some people are a little uncomfortable with it Sure trader, you know, and mint broker that they're actively trading the stocks that a lot of their clients are trading and probably a lot of their clients were wanting to short this because it was up so much so while you're shorting it, your actual broker might be buying it. You know that feels like I don't know. It feels like you're trading. You're trading against each other and you know who's gonna win.

It's the one with the bigger account and the more money. So I don't know I mean I guess it doesn't make any difference at the end of the day. but I it's something that just for me I think I would get annoyed about and just feel like it wasn't really fair that they're trading the opposite side as me. and you know I don't know to the extent that it is or not, but that's how I would feel about it at the least.

I just if I lost I would feel that much more frustrated. So you know that's a reason that I'm really happy that I'm with Lightspeed now and I'm not trading it. sure trader anymore or trading it speed trader anymore because they're both you know, kind of all affiliated with this same company and you know you guys do what you want. you feel okay with it.

You don't mind doing it. That's okay, you know, is it? I Don't know. Is it actually your money? Well, you know you're helping them make money with your commissions and everything else. So is it your money that's being used to trade now the opposite side of you I don't know.

That feels like something that I wouldn't be super happy with. But you know you guys, you do whatever you want. and at the end of the day, we're all small traders, small-time traders. We're not trading millions of shares, We're not making millions of dollars.

You know it's a couple thousand here, a couple thousand there and so you know what's happening with your broker probably doesn't make a difference, but I like feeling that Lightspeed sort of a neutral party. They're not trading the same stocks as me, they're just looking out for my best interests. So you know my Commission's are $2.00 per trade which is very very low and you know they keep me happy and so I'm gonna keep trading there. If I found out that they were doing stuff like this I would I would switch I would I would leave Lightspeed and I would go trade with you know, someone else, Etrade, or whoever it might be because that's just that's just where how I feel about it.

So anyways, you know I think that that's kind of something to be mindful of I hadn't seen this happen before when I did have my shirt trader account like a year and a half ago I don't I don't remember ever seeing anything like this. If you look at mean brokerage, this is the history of all of their filings so it only the first one ever is just this last month. So this is all new. this kind of thing that they're doing and they're there I'm no doubt gonna make it none of money.
I mean 2 million shares at $10 You know if they sold some of it pre market I don't know that could have been a 20 million dollar winner. so that's that's a lot of money and you know good for them for you know, having the insight to take this trade or whatever. but you know I still would just kind of have an issue with them trading against me. So I don't know.

You know small account traders? you guys. there's the Cmeg Group CME Group I Know a lot of you guys have been trading there and you've been really happy with them so that's a good one. Trade: 0 You know there, they've been pretty good for some of our international traders. They don't accept US customers, but you know there are other options out there if you guys do have issues with it.

But you got to make those decisions for yourself. And the reality is GPR and Awx. These both of these stocks this month have been have given huge opportunities. They've been really volatile and you know, opportunities.

Volatility. That's what we look for is day traders. So I don't want to hate on you know someone who's creating volatility in the market. but you know it's just it's got it.

You just got to feel good about where you're trading. So you you guys make those decisions for yourselves. For me, we'll see what happens with Awx if it keeps trading up at these prices or if we see a form for coming out on after hours today or tomorrow that they've sold. If that is the case, then it's probably going to do the same thing Gbr did and and come back down.

And then the question is which one's next right? Which is the next one that you know is going to make a big move and which is the next one that they might buy 2 million shares of? So you know what when you speaking to 2 million shares is a huge position. So if you know you were looking at a stock like Mynd for instance and it you know starts taking off and you just see these hue, it's big, big bids and it's just taking off. You know someone's accumulating a really big position and that that can certainly help you if you're in early. So I think there's definitely going to be this kind of speculation of which one is you know gonna be the next one Is it? Is it gonna be this one? There's gonna be that one.

And I think every stock that starts to take off, traders are gonna kind of have that question of is there someone out there mint or someone else buying a million shares of it. and I don't know I mean we'll find out the next day or whatever when we see the filing I think they have to file it the same day? I'm not sure, but you know it's definitely creating this kind of new dynamic to the market for small caps. and it's creating some sort of much-needed sum or volatility. So you know volatility is what we look for.

You can see here on Google Nasdaq Trader and you'll see the halts here. The stocks are halted A-one-two-three-four halts on Aw X 5 Oops. Let's see, we've got one, two three four today, Five, six, seven, seven. Circuit breaker halts on a WX today and it's still only 11:40 so it's still early, yet there will be probably more volatility in this name, but right now it seems like it's selling off, but at the same time, it wouldn't shock me if I Came back later this afternoon and saw that it suddenly popped to 20, squeezed out early short sellers and then drops again.
You know I mean this. It's going to be volatile, but the reality is when you look at this from a technical perspective, this is what we call a shooting star candle. It's a shooting star because this is the body and then this is the tail. So you know when you see a shooting star in the sky, it's got this like fiery body and the long tail.

Well that's the same thing. That's what this is. It's that. this is a body.

This is the tail. and whenever you see that it's an indicator of weakness, it's A. it's a weak candlestick pattern so it would be very hard for this stock to recover and end up squeezing back up. Having said that on day two of GPR remember it had this bullish engulfing candle where it was red and we were like oh yeah, this thing is is weak and then the next day it starts to pop up and I'm like yeah guys I don't have much hope for cuz look at how big the red day was yesterday and it just keeps going up and up and up and up.

and I think that was when they were taking their their 1 million share position. So kind of crazy right there. but you know, so who knows. Having said that though, I don't think they can I mean unless they already sold, there's not a lot remaining to add Because this stock only has like a three million share flow.

so that there's really only so many shares that you can add before there's no more shares available to buy, there's only another million available. So unless they sold a million and they're gonna buy back the million in the middle of the day, that would create a spike for sure. but otherwise there's just not a lot left to buy. So I don't know if it's gonna keep going up, but time will tell and you know my kind of whole approach is look for volatility if you if I can manage risk and I feel comfortable taking the trade.

you know, take the trade, make some money. but I always keep in the back of my mind that risk of T12 halts and I don't want to be in a stock halted on a T12. That could be really really bad for me and bad for anyone with a small account. All right.

So the form 4 or 5 or the form 3 filing it's anytime you accumulate more than 10% That's when that's the threshold. So and I I mean I don't really know exactly how it works I haven't researched it a lot because for me, it's It's not really relevant for my trading. but if you were swing trading and you were holding stuff overnight and you had, you know you had a really thinly traded stock. Awx I Guess anything more than 300,000 shares would be more than 10% So you have to file your your form form 3 & 4 forms or form form four forms.
So yeah, I don't know, but you know I'm not an expert on this. I mean I Focus on the technicals more than anything. The fundamentals. You know they vary and they are what they are.

We can have horrible fundamentals and a stock still goes up. This stock has no actual news beyond the form threes to account for this type of move. So you could say, well, the stock has no material reason to move. You look at their earnings.

they're not that great. The stock is not worth $10 a share $15 a share. but meanwhile, it squeezes up to 36 So you you got to be one or the other, a technical trader or a fundamental trader. I'm a technical trader.

I Focused on the technical. That's my job and you know I Try to leave the fundamentals to the side, but you know the reality is now when I see a filing that says mint on it I'm going to remember Gbr and a WX and I'm gonna think okay, you know this well. we'll see what happens with a WX but this is the pattern that we're seeing. a big big move and then a fade on the backside of the move.

So again, you know this is Sure Trader the company the own Sure Trader meant Brokerage International, The same guys who founded Sure Trader founded Speech Rate or they found Speed Trader first in the late 90s. I was a client speech writer for a really long time, but I decided to leave there last year. Lightspeed gave me a better offer on Commission's so I felt more comfortable moving over there and I was worried. Just you know, the fact that Sure Trader gives us this kind of loop around the PDT rule.

I was just worried that you know the SEC would come in and I don't know. at some point try to shut down Sure Trader or something. you know they haven't yet. maybe they won't but it just kind of made me nervous being tied up in this in those companies just because I was worried that they would be under scrutiny.

you know, being formed by the same person and all these you know kind of similarities. So I just felt more comfortable putting my money somewhere else. So I've been with Lightspeed now for a year and a half or so and I've been happy there and given what we've seen now, I feel even better that my money is is sitting over here so you know that's that's where I'm at. You guys got to make the decision That feels right for you and you know it's It's always a battle because when you have small account you don't feel like you got a lot of choices.

But but you do, There are choices out there. There are other firms and you know used to be you vote with your money so you put your money where you feel comfortable putting it all right. So anyways, that's about it for me today. Another you know solid day in the market $2,400 I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning and I'm hoping that we continue to see some volatility.
I Don't think it'll be on Awx I think that one is is done at least as far as I'm concerned for my style of trading, but I'll be looking for the next one to pop up and start to give us some momentum and I think there'll be a lot of speculation of which one is going to be the next one to make the big move. So watch those scanners and you know, keep your eyes peeled. When you start to see the volume, you start to see the momentum. You know that's you're gonna want to watch that because I think they'll start to take off pretty quickly.

Alright, so anyways, I'm gonna go for a quick jog I'll be back here in about an hour and we're gonna start our workshop right at 1:00 p.m. All right. so I'll see you all in just about an hour. Okay, see you soon if you're still watching.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “$2.4k in 1hr on $mynd ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avalanche83 says:

    LOVED this video!!! Explaining the SEC Filing and how the fundamentals had to do with the technical was spot on Ross! I would LOVE to see you post more videos like this. Very clear and to the point! Thanks! 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Livc Bef says:

    Hello, really good video. Please, I would like to know what is the amount of volume and float that allow a day trader to consider it to trade. I'm a begginer trader. I want to start to trade with 500 £ which platform do you advise me to use. Thank you .

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Cole says:

    Thanks for the explanation on the AWX and GBR price action Ross. So informative and helpful. Really appreciate you sharing these pearls of wisdom with us.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Richards says:

    What type of form is filed when they buy more 10%? t4?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MasterofCreations says:

    Wins halted for 6 months really? Didn't even know a stock can halt for that long. Might as well just throw your money in the sea.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vizionary_trading says:

    I was in your webinar today, it was very very useful. I actually subscribe to your 3 month subscription. I do have some questions about it that I hope you could help me with.

    Thanks! Watch your videos every night after two shifts, can't wait to trade full time.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter Quigley says:

    I was wondering can I watch the chat room on my mobile cause im working doing the morning market but I can trade doing work

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiejung says:

    how can you tell what kind of a halt the stock is going through? is there a website you can check to see?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kareeb beckham says:

    I love this video and insight ross. Thanks. I went from 1,800 to 5k last month and felt like I was on my way. Did my first short ever with suretrader and blew up my account. To hear that they were getting against me doesn't sit well. I still take blame as I didn't cut losses being stubborn. A good lesson learned. Unfortunately, a very expensive one. I will keep pushing ahead.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karim Artwell says:

    Hey Ross, I appreciate how real and down to earth you have been. a quick question; what is your approach to trading stocks? what do you look for with volatility, float and price?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Turner says:

    Ross are you able to post your live trade recordings each day. I did a search for 'Live' on your channel and stuff popped up from a few weeks ago and then a few months ago. I didn't know if you had any plans of uploading them each day. Watching you trade live is so helpful for understanding the process. Thanks Ross!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dreamcatching Sevens says:

    Best video ever, Ross! SOOOOOO informative.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan Lydon says:

    Very good analysis on mint broker international. Very impressed on the depth of research

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joanne Phillips says:

    Thank you for the seminar. When I went to sign up for the training, it was all going well till my internet went down or something and it failed me, so I've missed out! I'll catch the next one when it comes up again.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mach 7 Radio Intercepts says:

    LOL, it is a huge deal if your broker trades against you. Drop them and find a different broker, and quickly.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Rave says:

    Thanks for always sharing and educating us. By the way…..loved the webinar!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Elson says:

    Might be very helpful to give a talk on how to use Edgar Search Results". Thanks

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calvin Z says:

    It’s a tough game to play…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'm Chloe L says:

    Thank so much !

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Mcfarland says:

    I registerd for the webinar today but time went by and i forgot to log on. did i hear you mention those who registered could get a copy of the recording ?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cl says:

    I was in the webinar today, but i missed some parts due to work. Will you send a replay

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    Informative and interesting. Thank you.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohley Wot says:

    Did you delete this mornings video?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hagen Gonder says:

    I mostly tune in to see what cool t-shirt Ross is wearing today! 😛 But for real, 3 trades 3 winners for me in the Warrior Trading Simulator, +$155.00 MYND, +$32.50 SSLJ and +$95.00 ss on TWTR, all plays out of the Warrior Trading Pro course using hotkeys to take quick profits and using key levels to short mid caps. Thanks Ross, thanks Mike and the whole team! BTW didn't touch AWX.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hyper Shift | Gaming & Tutorials says:

    hey ross, when u get ready to catch a stock that running (for ex) if uw ant to get in at 2.50 do u buy at 2.49 or after it hits 2.50?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Nugent says:

    Ross how bout you make a brokerage😎

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Usman Ayub says:

    Ross do you use an external software for scanning gap and go/momentum stocks? Can you name it thanks

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chicken Chipotle Sandwich says:

    so when theres so pull back or breakout but its spiking you go for the whole dollar breaks because i just watched MYND go with out me

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flash ozzy says:

    What does it mean – hold on T12?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yinakaa B says:

    I traded MYND today too. Only AWX popped up at my scanner first and there was no way, I would buy this one.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThermalX says:

    Congrats! Traded the same stock. First trade was a win, but I gave it back on my next two trades. My orders wouldn't get filled on the ask. I put out two orders to sell when I was up and saw resistance. First order I put up at 2.45$, it hit that level 5 times and thousands of shares went through but no fill with only a 200 share position. I changed it to 2.41$ and the same again. Ended up having to get out on the bid for a small loss. My last trade is the one I'm not happy with at all, got in just under 2.50$ around 10AM and it rejected the level. It was a dumb trade, too far from support.

    I really want to get away from Suretrader, my fills on the ask have been slow. More often than I'd like I don't even get filled with small size and plenty of liquidity in the stock. I contacted them about this and their tl:dr response was "you're trading against Swiss America Securities", which I knew but never really had a problem with until now.
    The problem is there is no good alternative to Suretrader that I like. If only Tradezero had more diverse hotkey commands and better charting software on it's platform I'd switch in an instant.

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