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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey everyone Ross here from Warrior trading. So in today's episode I'm going to break down my trades on Baer 21 723.24 cents of profit on a banana squeeze. You don't know what a banana squeeze is? Well, I talked about it in yesterday's episode and I actually gave you a link where you could watch a 90 minute long lesson on the banana squeeze strategy. So those you guys who watched yesterday's episode leave me a comment down below and tell me if that helped you trade.

Baer Better today than you would have if you hadn't watched that episode. Those you guys that missed yesterday's link I'll put it right down here pin to the top comments and in the description so you can watch that free lesson. It's available as part of the warrior Pro curriculum, but I want to make it available for you guys on YouTube as well because it's a great lesson and the monastery strategy is one of my favorite ways to capitalize on big momentum. and we got it yesterday and we got it again today.

Forgive me for having a horse voice. um I've been under the weather but I still show up and that's one of my kind of uh, you know. one of the things that I believe in is that I have to show up every day I do it for my students who are tuned in and hoping of course to see me every morning and I do it for myself as well because you never know what the market is going to give you. and today it gave me a great gift and if I had said no I don't feel well I would have missed it.

And the reality is one or two days each month can significantly change your month for Better or For Worse but because they can be of course for better I Want to make sure I'm here to see what opportunity communities may present themselves. So for the most part I show up every day and I'm glad I showed up today so we're going to go over. Baer I'm going to show you this. um I'm gonna break down the trades I took.

There were a couple of really nice trades so you're going to want to stay tuned as I break this down. I Will keep the recap brief. You guys are welcome to watch the banana squeeze strategy lesson. It's about 90 minutes long and if you've watched that, you watch the recap and you say hey, you know what I'm ready to take the leap I Think I'm ready to be a day trade Warrior I Would love for you to check out Ross's Ultimate Day Trading bundle.

so check this out! I Think you guys will like it I We put a seven day money back guarantee on it so you can jump in and trade side by side with me. For seven days you can start to go through my curriculum. You can start to use some of the tools I'm using trading and you get a sense of whether or not this is for you or not. So I'll put a link to my ultimate Day trading bundle down in the description and I'll put a link to my Banana Squeeze episode so you guys can check out both of those.

Those links will be pinned in the comments and in the description. All right. So check this out. We've just put this bundle together.

Uh, just this week we're unveiling it right now. This is actually the first Uh video I've made featuring it. It includes your one-time Warrior Pro membership fee. So that's a one-time membership fee.
It's like a library card. It gives you access to our curriculum of all the classes I've taught day trading, the basics, strategies, and scaling all of the advanced strategies All of the classes top at Warrior Pro graduates and it also includes a year of prepaid access to the tools that I'm using every single day while I'm trading and which therefore I think you should be using as well. So come over to this page, check it out and I hope I hope you do. And as always, um, let us know if you have any questions.

Okay, so let's get into today's recap. All right. So this morning, uh you know as usual, well I woke up this morning around oh 5 50 maybe it was early um rolled over and I was like uh not feeling great uh throats throats are in so I check my cap scan and this is something you know I do on on a pretty much daily basis I pull up my Gap scan and I ask myself um, you know what's moving in the market today So I've got my Gap scan on my phone. This is the same tool that all of our Warrior Pro members who are part of the warrior Pro ultimate bundle would have access to and I noticed that the cap scans didn't look that interesting.

The biggest gappers the float pretty low. uh sorry, they weren't very low. Um, there's just nothing really particularly interesting. but that was the case yesterday also.

and I still had a great day. So I came over, sat down in my office and I noticed one of our students who's made over a million dollars. He's got his uh, profitability badge. He made a mention of uh B-a-e-r and he said that's that move right there is going to do it for me uh I just hit my daily goal and that was when it hit like 726 and I was like all right let's see.

um I was like are you kidding me what time is it? It's like 7 30 in the morning. Uh so it hit 726. 7.26 at about 7 35 in the morning. pops up here to 7 Uh, 36 a high of 741 and I decided to buy right here.

My first trade was 5 000 shares. That's 746. it went up to a high here. of 773 and let's see my best exit.

I have an exit at 771 which is pretty good. So I made some money on that first trade about 800 bucks. It pulls back a little bit and it breaks out of this upward channel that it was in and it starts going kind of sideways and I was like all right, well you know what? uh I'm on the leaderboard I'm in the green. that's good I'm grateful for that but it is pulling back here so we broke out of that channel.

We start pulling back a bit and as you can see right here we squeezed up and the pre-market High had been 782. So we come back up here and this was at about let's see eight. Uh the time was 804. so I took my next trade on this one.

uh at Okay so this was a pretty this was a good trade. Um so let me show you what I did here. So I'm gonna back out of this for one second. Um I'm gonna show you on this chart.
So I had drawn on this chart here this trend line so this was 7 35. when we hit that high of uh 782 it pulls back and right here it comes back up and I had drawn this trend line I connected these two dots. So I drew this trend line at about 749 in the morning connecting this candle here at 741 and this one here because I was like it seems like this is after it dropped here and came back up. I was like it feels like there's some support here so it broke, it came back up, tried to get above it, it couldn't sold off, came back up again to that level and then dropped and when it came up here I was like no I can't buy right here.

it's running into this resistance level and I think that it's a respected level so I didn't add there but this is what I did I watched it right here. it pulled back as it broke over the high right there of 63. I said it's breaking this resistance level and right there I Bought 10 000 shares so we got a squeeze right here up to eight dollars and 10 cents. That was a nice trade.

Really nice trade. So that was my um, that was my best trade of the day so far at that point. it then a whole. it struggled a little bit at eight and then I held eight and so I added at 8 15 and 8 25.

at that time we squeezed up to a high of about 840. we dipped down here on this candle to 802 but then we could hit 840. so I got out. it pulls back a little bit so now we're like 8, 12, 8, 14.

let's see. So I got back in at about 8 30 8.30 I was looking for the break of 850. but look what happened. we hit 855 and we kind of stalled out.

pulled back took a loss in this area. It wasn't a big loss, but it did take a small loss a couple hundred bucks. it pulls back again, it comes all the way down to seven and look at where I find support I bought a dip right there I said you know what I'm gonna buy a dip off this level. so I got it and I buy a dip I bought a dip right down there in the 70s sorry in the 80s 70 80s comes back up comes down again I bought the dip again it's holding this level comes back down again I start getting all nervous I was like I don't know I think this might break actually so then I didn't buy the dip I just sort of waited for a second and it did break and I was like ah shoot okay well I don't know I think this this might be done now I'm not sure, sells off a bit more I was like nah I'm not interested and we've got this and then all of a sudden right there right? So when it came back up there, where did I get back in as soon as it broke over that level I was like I'm back in and look at that squeeze.

look at that move we squeeze up to 860. we pull back, we ripped through 860. we go up to 885 up to nine. just under nine.

I added right in this area for the squeeze through nine dollars we could pull. Uh, let's see what time is it. Oh no, this is early. Uh, so then it pulls back again.
So I actually um I think I had another loss in this area somewhere. It might have been right on this candle. So I had another loss. Uh, not a huge loss, but another loss 700 Maybe it sells off and I was again I was like I don't know.

it keeps going up and below this line. it comes back above it here and I was like I don't know I'm feeling nervous I'm not sure I'm not sure if this thing's gonna work so it drops back down. it comes back up and right here as it came back up. Now we're coming right into the open.

I was like okay, it's game time so I got back in at 8.75 added to 85 and 95. now we're up to 9 20 coming into the open right? So we've got five minutes to the open. And what was interesting here on this was that it had a really hard time at 9 25. there were some sellers stacked up 925 big Sellers and I was like I don't know I'm not sure what's happening with this, but there's some big sellers here.

It breaks it and I started adding at 35 and 45 and then sellers again at the half dollar fifty. I tried to get in at 50. I stopped out once and twice and I got back in a third time and then that time it broke. So small loss, small loss.

this time it breaks goes up to 10. Holy Smokes It then halts up at the open at 10.95 Perfect! Gap and go on the resumption I added and it goes all the way up to a high of 12 45. before halting down once. it then comes down the second time I bought a thousand shares at 917.

I put in order to buy at 860. 860 was just a little below a V web order didn't fill but I got back out of my position about break even and then that was my last trade. That was it. I said now it's on the back side of the move unless it gets back up above.

maybe you know 11 or 11 50 and it looks like it's gonna go through the highs I'm done and that was it. That was my day on B-a-e-r 21 000 of profit. What a day! I Couldn't believe it. This was great I wish I had been as aggressive today as as aggressive yesterday as I was today or maybe even on Wednesday.

But um, in any case, I did well today and um, so you guys know of course that I was in this uh, drawdown many of you know uh who have been watching my daily Recaps last week was five days in a row, four big red days max loss and then a small red day on Friday small green day on Tuesday market holiday on Monday small Green Day on Wednesday Thursday 6 700 bucks Nice curling back up today. another big green day and Boom! I'm gonna be back at all-time highs, all-time highs on the month, all-time high in my account, and momentum is back now. It may be short-lived but these were a couple of really nice days here, so that's my recap. If you want to learn more about the Benazquez strategy, check out the video Lesson There's a link to it down pinned in the comments.
And if you want to become a warrior Pro member so you can watch me while I'm trading every single day, check out my ultimate Day Trading bundle. Seven Day Money Back Guarantee Gives you a chance to get into the classes, get in the chat room, and get a sense of whether or not you like the way I trade and you like the strategy that I teach. So I'd love to have you join and I'll remind you as always that trading is risky. My results are not typical and there's no guarantee you'll find success whether you're trading your own.

you'll learn from me. so take it slow and practice that simulator before you put real money on the line. And hey, guess what? We have a simulator that we encourage our students to use so you'll be able to see that if you become a warrior. Pro Member: Alright, I Hope you guys have a great weekend! I'll see you back here on Monday morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

20 thoughts on “$21,723.24 on $baer 126% gap and go”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solid Nate says:

    So because a stock has gapped up, we expect that there is a good chance it'll make more gains?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Chimenti says:

    Soooo happy for you Ross!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yosef says:

    Coach feel better.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unsymetric Crypto says:

    congrats 🙂 great move today

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rob winter says:

    Nice Trade Ross – – I see you out of "trader rehab" – – nice job.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Limited Time says:

    Love seeing you green, boss Ross! Feel better this weekend!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tecky Hacky says:

    Congrats! I'm very happy for you getting back your groove.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P Nejad says:

    Horror episode if you just have a audio! upload it again for Halloween 2023! lol! I hope you feel better soon 😊

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott says:

    I was expecting to be listening to ross cameron not darth vader hehe

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Nooney says:

    Would have helped a lot if I didn't run out of money in a cash account after two trades ! Working on an offshore account then we will be in business hopefully. Screw the PDT rule ! That is nothing but an excuse to tie up your money for their enjoyment anyway and nothing more.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Deng says:

    I recognised that $BAER was just like $OCEA of yesterday. The problem though is that these squeezes seem to run the greater part of their momentum during the premarket. Many who don't trade during the premarket probably missed it!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jane Meng says:

    God bless you.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FREE MY GRANDMA!! 🚔 says:

    The sick sexy voice lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle D. says:

    Outstanding work. Hopefully next week isn't as rough for me.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Defiant GTI says:

    wow 21k

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1Real truth Right now says:

    Congrats Ross! I stepped away from trading for a few days. Actually sitting at my desk right now Re-reading and studying John J. Murphy's Book Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets. Glad to see you are recovering from all those red days.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Dog says:

    You sound like Marge from the Simpsons 😆. I hope you feel better soon sir!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tampanda says:

    Wow! Now this is a Ross Warrior Trading Green Day

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathon Childs says:

    Hey! I’ll be back to Trading after I finish getting out of debt via Dave Ramseys suggestions. Still watching you though!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars carolina camilo says:

    Ohhh man you sound rough! Get well soon. Glad you’re back on the trading saddle.

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