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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, uh, green Day Recap: Finishing day: You're up just about 20 000 trading Apo. Well, Apop and Cyth. But Apop was the biggest winner and you know it's a stock that has a history of popping and fading. Knew that going into it and didn't want to overstay my welcome.

So book some profits pre-market book some profits at the Bell. In this recap, you'll see some live trading right at the open. It was Wild Warrior Pro students. You'll have access to this in the live trading archives, but those you guys here on Youtube, you'll get a sneak preview.

I hope you enjoy it. Please hit that thumbs up if you haven't already hit the subscribe if you haven't already. We're working towards hitting 1 million subscribers on the channel this year. We won't get there without your help and as a reminder, it's always my disclaimer: Trading is risky.

Most beginner traders lose money, so approach this skill or strategy or side hustle or career or whatever you want to call it With caution: trade in a simulator before I put real money on the line and I hope you guys enjoy the recap and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning during the morning show. All right everyone. So we're going to do our midday market recap here. Um, I'm finishing the morning up twenty thousand.

I was uh beat by Farad. He uh posted a screenshot of being up forty thousand today. Double doubled. Uh doubled the teacher so baby bird has left the nest.

Good for you man! We're super impressed. He's got a 100k badge in the chat room and uh, that's always good to see. I'm I'm genuinely happy. I have I.

I mean, I'm competitive, but I'm I'm genuinely happy to see you doing that. Well, it's great. So my trades. Uh, from today? Uh, Up Twenty thousand as always? Uh, in case you didn't already know, trading is risky.

Most beginner traders lose money. My results are not typical. Um, neither are uh, our his, or probably, uh, anyone that made forty or fifty thousand dollars today. Uh, we would be among the uh, minority.

However, this is the strategy I trade every day. It's momentum trading and it's a buy high, sell hire type of strategy and Apop was one of the ones that I did quite well on. Although it was, uh, risky for a couple of reasons. Um, pre-market had made this really big move.

Um, this was actually after hours it drops down, Then pre-market it surges up to a high of 880.. Now, when I saw Apop on the scanner, I was like, all right, Apop. I know this stock. All right.

I know this stock because it has a history of popping up and selling off. But the fact that it has a history of making big moves is sort of. What's more significant because in each of these days, while these days closed red, there was still a lot of volatility and a lot of opportunity. And so I traded it on many of these days, we go back a little bit further.

There's you know, you just look at the volume, you can see these are the big days. So I knew Apop had a high likelihood of being another kind of pop and drop fade type of stock. Since it's done that in the past and initially when it was in this area 466, I had no interest. I was like nope, not interested at all.
And at that time I was actually trading cyth. Which I'll talk about those trades in a second. This one also a pretty disappointing day here. It's actually, it's actually lower than yesterday.

Um, despite what seems like good news. Anyways, Apo people focus on this one first. So on this one, I just I started getting interested in it as it approached the volume weight. average price right here.

As it spiked on this candle, I was like, all right, you know what, it's up. over a dollar a share. Clearly it's moving. It makes sense I think at this point for me to try to find some opportunity on it.

And so I actually if you look at this right here, this was a one minute pullback underneath the volume weight, average price and I got long right here. Boom. Jumped in that trade up to 590. pulls back around six.

Another one minute pullback right here. A trade through. Six doesn't hold that level. drops back down, pulls back, drops down.

and then at the open. A nice gap and go, but a little wild. Pretty wild. A lot of volatility right at the open here.

and then it came back down. So you know in this area and this, you could almost look at this as a Um head and shoulders pattern. The shoulder here, the head here, and the other shoulder on this side. I don't know that it's perfect, but um, but you can kind of visualize that.

I'll I'll grab a screenshot of this to add to the classes. um for the next. The next time we do live classes, let me just grab this here. So uh, apop, let me let me pull up one of my recordings here.

so Warrior Pro students you'll have access to this in the live archives. You can watch it and re-watch it. Uh, but coming right into the open? uh, it was. It was wild and and I knew it was gonna be wild.

I knew that it carried a lot of risk trading these at the open. Um, we just can see some wild moves. So we're about 30 seconds from the bell here in this recording, so you're gonna see the open in just one second. And so the lowest risk trades in my opinion, were on the earlier one-minute pullbacks before it kind of started to get choppy.

And of course, right at the open is obviously when we see um, you know, high levels of risk. So as we come into the bell, we know that we have a high likelihood of seeing a big whip. So here's the open. The bell rings.

I start. I saw some. I thought I saw some green on the tape. Let's see, it was right back here.

Um, I think I saw some green like right there at 68, 69, 878 And I said all right, I'm punching it in 12 000 shares at 79. looking for the breakthrough? Six? There's 95, 96, 97, 98.99 It's got a breakthrough. Six Six And I'm saying no. I'm worried because this could reverse instantly and that's the type of thing we've been seeing on these at the open, so sold it there at 93, which on twelve thousand shares is like fifteen hundred dollars.
and then looking to add back orders at 610. Adding back right there for the breakthrough 6. there's 6, 10 615. nice order goes out to sell half at 612.

taking some profit off the table. there's 618 620 taking a little more off the table. Now I'm going to let it dip, new order, moving it up to 620 and there. and I continue trading.

That's a little sneak preview of what Warrior Pro students get to see in the live trading archives, so I'm not going to do the whole thing on Youtube. but educational, I'm sure. I hope you guys enjoy it. And definitely a wild wild ride this morning on Apop.

Uh, all the way up to 7 15.. I think my best exit on this was probably around. Uh, actually I got a hmm. Well, I got I got a partial fill exit at 7 10, but I also added at 7 10..

so that was kind of. I bought and then I guess I sold. But anyways, so that was Apop. Uh, it's selling off now.

I'm not interested in it anymore. Uh, Cyth uh was also one of our leading Gappers. Our leading gapper today was Apop second leader Hwcc buyout. Immp.

This is one of the ones that Farad was trading and he obviously did really well on that one. I didn't trade it a little bit of a bigger float. wasn't sure whether or not it was going to be a big momentum stock. but anyways, it's You know, it's just.

uh, just kind of the way that is. And then C-i-d-m and E-n-o-b Um, let's see E-n-o-b And then we had C-y-t-h Good call Mark, I will check that. Um, yeah that I might have to look at. I'm gonna have to look at that, especially with bigger size.

It's a good call so I'm just gonna make a note on that. Um, let's see. Okay, so Cyth man, what a disappointing, uh, what a disappointing sell-off there from 1350 down to nine? I mean, that's that's. really kind of.

It's a bummer to see that when the stock actually had news. Um, you know, but sometimes this happens and so pre-market We were watching it and I said all right. Well this is the first five minute candle to make a new high. I don't want to buy that because it's below V web, it's a little too weak.

Didn't buy that, but then did buy um right around this area here on a dip off of the V-wap Bought this dip off V Wap and caught this squeeze here. up to three. Uh, 13.70 took some profit out, added back on a dip, took some more profit up in the 13 50 60s, but unfortunately it didn't hold that level. It rejected.

I was hoping I tried to do a bounce off the V-wap and it broke below it and went lower. It just couldn't hold up and it's really a shame because it looked it looked like it had a lot of potential and it looked like it was going to be the leading gapper. And then you know. As we had this sell-off coming into the open, all of a sudden it started dropping down the Gap scanner and it was actually gapping up only 10 percent, which is not the big gap that I was hoping for.
So uh, so that that was at that point when I switched from Cyth to focus on Apop, which between the two at that moment was certainly looking better. Uh, and you know it's probably worth noting just because of the way the market works, that when there's one obvious stock, a lot of sort of the other stocks will fade as all the focus is on one stock. And that was Apop. So if Apop had not popped up, it's actually possible that Cyth would have gotten more attention because it would have still been something people would have been looking for dip trades on.

You know, people usually just look at the most kind of volatile biggest gapper and then just start actively trading it. And so sometimes you have the case where you have one, that's the obvious one and then it kind of goes out of favor as another one picks up. That makes an even bigger move and everyone sort of sort of switches focus to that one. I mean, you've got millions of traders out there, and so it's not surprising with access to high a day momentum scanners and things like that, that most traders are going to focus on what's moving up right now.

because Momentum trading is buy high, sell higher. And that certainly was the case on all of these stocks today. it's It's always the case, whether we're talking about Gamestop, Apop, or Cyth. I mean, it's stocks moving up by high sell higher.

This could have been a one minute micro pullback right there at 134 on Gamestop went up to 144. I didn't take that trade and feel comfortable with the risk on it, but it's just it's the same. the same idea. So anyways, um, that's where I finished today and this is where I'm sitting on the month: Gross: Profit: 340 Net Profit: 293 Accuracy: A little lower than I'd like.

Profit loss Ratio: you know, one-to-one not as good as I'd like, but you know that's where I sit right now. So look at the overview. we'll get the calendar and I'll go back to gross. So this is this is my month right now and not including of course today, which I'll I'll add tomorrow, but we have four days left.

Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and my daily goal is 20 000 a day. Right now I hit. I hit it today and I'm I'm I'm there today. I've actually been averaging 21 000.

It looks like a day so far this month. So far this year I've been averaging 30 000 a day and gross, but only 26 in net. I've spent a lot of money already this year in commissions, but I did last year as well and it's just part of the deal. I mean, I could try to trade at a commission free broker, but I don't think certainly at the open the way I was trading how quickly I was trading something like Apop.

I just don't think I'd be able to do that with Td Ameritrade. And I say that having tried it and having not been very successful at it and of course I shared that experience with you guys. So my two cents is, you know, find the right tool that's a good fit for you. If it's a more expensive tool, but it gets the job done, then it's the right tool.
Lightspeed is more expensive, but I think it's the right tool and so I'm I'm willing to pay pay that commission in order to get that, high speed routing and everything else. So it's just about what's what's suitable for you. And I know a lot of you guys do use other brokers, free commission brokers and stuff like that. and for your strategy or your sort of twist on the momentum strategy that I trade, Maybe fine, but anyways, you do what works for you.

So as always, uh, again, I'll just put up my disclaimer. here's a reminder as we finish this recap: The trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. With that in mind, trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line and those on Youtube.

Please hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and we'll see you guys all back here first thing tomorrow morning for the morning show and we'll finish up this week Friday, hopefully with another green day. I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. So please, please, please hit that subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “$20k on $apop $cyth recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savvy Lions says:

    Do one on $AMC

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Britney says:

    Thank you Ross for sharing! It would be great and easier to understand if you could put the right stock chart next to your live trades next time when you do a sneak pick! Miss those Morning Shows(

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eugene Mcgregor says:

    please can you suggest a stock broker for someone living in the UK which has the small cap stocks you trade with? The brokers in UK and USA are so different… I can only buy your course if I have a good broker. thanks.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E M says:

    are you trading with a real or demo account

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E M says:

    how much do you trade with on average, per trades to generate your income – and what is your leverage, thanks!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cash Paradiso says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephane Montpeirous says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy IsMyName says:

    You are a Godsend to those of us who are new to this game. I really appreciate you taking your time to do this. I aspire to live your life of working a few hours a day and making maple syrup outdoors. You're living my dreams!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane McCusker says:

    Hey Ross – just wanted to say thanks. After losing for many weeks and resetting my paper account… I am up 33% on 2k and learning so much everyday. Question: when you get a bad fill at the top of a candle, how soon do you look to get out? I am noticing that when I panic sell here it is the majority of my net losses.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KoLDBLooDeD Entertainment says:

    whats up how is everyone doing today

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KoLDBLooDeD Entertainment says:

    that guy all send me to his number did not work but only on whats app on about me learn how to day trade cryptocurrency done it still work or you got his new number he has

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrés De Perez says:

    Hey Ross great videos and great trading,how can I join Warrior Trading

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Pilled Redman says:

    Good job ignoring the other hype!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 510purple says:

    Ross is a soft spoken G

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Oldenburg says:

    Ross or anyone else… im trading on TOS and trying to figure out how Ross does an order pre market as a stop above the current stock price? I see him do this all the time saying my new order is at a price higher and hoping for a breakout. TOS only allows limit orders premarket and if you try to place an order above the current price premarket it just executes immediately. I usually don't trade gappers but just curious how this part of it is done on TOS… thanks!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EchoDelta _ says:

    Hey Ross just wondering what’s the best way to handle accounts as they grow? When I was under 25k I had to basically use my entire account in each trade now that I’m above 50k it’s like I’m either making a ton or nothing. I have been able to cut losses quick but where I might have lost 1-300 before I’m losing 1-3000 but when I’m green it’s like 3-6k I know it has to do with share sizing. But since different stock are different costs should I think about how many dollars I’m in before think share size? As always thanks for your insight. Like should I be thinking no more then 10k in a trade so if I’m at a $10 stock I’m at a 1000 shares $5 2000 $20 500 or should I keep share size the same all the time? Trying to find a balance.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tristan Luke says:

    Thank you so much Ross. Very helpful when you share thse with those of us not yet in your course. I have to get more comfortable trading pre-market. It's fascinating how far these stocks go up with a catalyst, long before the bell.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! kbryanl1979 says:

    Love the background music

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marlen Noah says:

    I’m down 40k
    Would be nice if u trade on my account for two days ..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Whin says:

    Ross: Buy high, sell higher
    Everyone learning: Buy high, sell lower… A lot lower 🤣

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FixLife says:

    Hey Ross, thanks for everything you do! If you happen to read this I've had a question since last year when the pandemic happened…..I was following inverse ETF's which were JNUG and JDST. They both dropped like a rock after the initial panic. I thought if one went down the other goes up but they both went way down. Have you ever seen anything like that? Thanks again, you really change people's lives!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roberto Jerez says:

    Ross waht will be you best suggested route to use? i started a live account this morning and out what should have been 4 trades became like 20 …. any suggestions will be appreciated
    keep up with the excelent channel

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Miranda says:

    WOW ! 40 K !!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bartosz Ð says:

    Ross – thank you so much for all the videos, I watch it every day 🙂 – would it be possible to see how you operate with your hand on keyboard while buying / selling? thanks!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bijan Zand says:

    Still struggling after a year… It's a zero game at the end of the week…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blue jaze says:

    is they a better paper trading platform where i can place an order rather than entering at the last price. webull kinda sucks for paper trading

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blue jaze says:

    i couldn't trade today because i over slept and i still got 2 more years in high school

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