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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well here we are: Thursday Morning one hour of trading Twenty thousand dollars of profit. Not a bad way to finish a Thursday Morning one hour I mean I'm happy with that. It was a little choppy today. I Would say you know Again, we're kind of seeing I mean that the leading Gabor's are not holding up really well which is kind of disappointing.

I mean I really like it when we have a leading gap or and it continues the momentum through the whole morning. Right now, alt is back at the highs and I made about 6,000 on that one, so maybe that one will go a little higher. It doesn't have any resistance on the daily from 26 up into the 30s, so there there might be more on that one. And I suppose at this point you know I might be leaving money on the table, but you know I finished the first hour.

it's getting later in the morning. I Really don't want to overstay my welcome I'd rather just take that $20,000 off the table and come back tomorrow just given the fact that the first hour was a little choppy. I traded six stocks, I had two nice winners a IHS and Alt both leading Gabor's are actually well, not a LT but a IHS was a leaving gap or high relative volume. Alt was continuation from yesterday and then I had two stocks that I had like three four hundred dollars of profit on and I had two stocks.

I was read on The Biggest Loser was 1,900 bucks and the second one was only 99. So you know then and that's not. It's fine. I mean I'm not bent out of shape about that, but just the fact that we kind of I guess you know when I trade six stocks? It just shows me that there's a lot of different things happening.

There's not really one that's super super obvious. we had one that was obvious, but then it failed. You know, fourth day in a row leading gapper has not held up through the whole morning. So you know I think in order for me to have another 40, $50,000 or even $100,000 day I need a stock to really go bananas I need to stock to you know, be a gapping up a hundred percent and have some may be nice pre market rates on it.

be up ten fifteen thousand before the bell the bell rings. It maybe does a red degree move and then rip through the V whap all the way back to the pre market highs and higher. You know, a five ten point intraday type of move. That's what I need now.

I could get those type of intraday moves but I wanted to trade Tesla or something like that but you know or Amazon but then I'd be putting so much money on the line and of course the spreads and volatility. there is so much more difficult so I want to continue to focus on high relative volume the obvious stock each day. and if I have to grind on slightly smaller numbers right here, it's okay. I am.

Now let's see: five days, Is it five or six days? Well, four days this week. Plus, we had two days last week for July. So six days into July about a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in profit on the month. I Haven't had any red days yet, so you know I mean although I haven't had any one big blowout like you know, record-breaking Green Day these are all solid green days, so I feel good about that I'll be back at it tomorrow, try to finish up the week.
who knows, maybe we'll get a wild-card Friday So I hope you guys enjoy the recap as always Questions Comments: leave them down below if you haven't already hit the subscribe button or the thumbs up button I Really appreciate that. And as a reminder, if you want to watch me trading live during the day, every day and you want to watch my classes and learn more about my strategy, you should jump into the Warrior Pro course. right now you can use coupon code 42 save 40% Alright, that's our Independence Day at the Bond code which is still active so hopefully I'll see some of you guys in a chat room tomorrow or early next week and you can finish up tomorrow with one more green day and have a five green day. kind of nice.

First full week of July Alright so enjoy the recap. I'll see you guys first thing live-streaming right around 9:00 a.m. right here on YouTube All right everyone. So we're gonna do our midday market recap and go over the trades from this morning: I Traded six stocks today I've got twenty thousand, nine hundred, fifty dollars of nine hundred and five dollars of profit and overall did well.

but again, you know third day in a row were I would say that I didn't feel like the market was as hot as I was hoping it would be I mean you know twenty thousand dollars is a good day but I was a little disappointed by the lack of follow-through on a IHS and and even a little bit on alt which were the two that I made the most on and my loser on see tech you know I I Cut cut it at two thousand which is kind of you know I mean I try to keep my stops tight but with ten thousand shares, you know ten cents is a thousand bucks. so twenty cents is Mm and those losses can pick up pretty quickly. So I've got to be really quick on cutting them and I did the US or vuz I A small loss, small win or small winner. So we'll go over the trades from today.

so why don't we start by looking at the watch list from this morning? So this morning our leading Gabbar was a IHS gapping up 80% and I had already traded it pre market. So this was kind of interesting because this stock we traded when was it it was actually yesterday? Yeah, yesterday this was the leading gap in the market and I traded a IHS and made some money on it yesterday. you know, wasn't a home run day. it was a green day I don't remember how much I actually finished with six thousand or something like that.

So yesterday we had this move pre market on a IHS which I did jump on pre market. We had a little pullback right here I jumped on that with 20,000 shares and we got a squeeze here up to a high of two dollars and 20 since forever was. Did a little red to green attempt here and then pulled back. Ended up selling off through most of the afternoon and so on.
The daily chart yesterday looked like a big red candle. not that pretty this morning. this was on my chart when I opened my computer because it was the stock I was looking at yesterday before I shut down my computer and I was not even I was like not even really doing the watch list yet and all of a sudden I saw this big green candle as it was squeezing up and I was like what he's going on. This just went from a dollar twenty to a dollar seventy three and a second later the news pops up.

Let's see, not that headline but this one right here and it was announces financial results for fiscal year ending March 31st 2020 So I was like okay, that's the catalyst that's the headline. We've got earnings out all right. So then I scrolled down and I was like I was like wait a second. Does that say business increased by 514 percent year over year from 2.5 million to 15 million in revenue from automobile transaction and related services.

That's huge And then I looked at the next one and it said again, up five hundred thirty five percent and I was like whoa, that's big I mean that that's a serious year-over-year increase and so I jumped in it right under $2 and I bought 20,000 shares on this one I added to 30,000 I took a big position I think maybe the biggest was like 35 or 36 thousand shares. We hit a high of two dollars and 58 cents. I mean I was seriously impressed. A little pullback here.

Tried to do an entry in this area. a dip entry kind of small wind grinding. Another dip entry attempt here off of 225 popped back up to 250. Each of those were with between 10 20,000 shares so 1,500 2,000 small winners, but nothing really big.

Another dip trade down here. at 25 it curls up and by the time the bell was ringing, I was probably already up 15 or 14 maybe $14,000 on the bell rings and it sells off and I was like a and why are we seeing these? I mean it's great to see pre market action but then why are we not seeing it holed up into the open? I did a bounce trade-off of 2:10 and it ripped up to 235. pulled back again. another dip trade on.

this was that actually the last trade? No. I think that was the last trade right there and then just sold off and so once again you know we have it gapping up with great news I mean in my opinion but selling off. So one of the thing is that I was mindful to check pre market was to see if they have an S3 so a shelf registration. and in fact they do have a shelf registration.

It was filed last year, but they're good for up to three years and this gives them the right to sell up to eighty million dollars in stock. So you know it. Made me wonder if maybe we're gonna see the headline I Don't know later today or tomorrow that they've that either yesterday I don't know or today that they were selling shares on the open market in a direct offering I Don't know. Maybe I maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe it just was really weak. Maybe you have people who've been holding this for a long time and just wanted to get out, but there was clearly an imbalance to the sell side and I was a little discouraged by that. So unfortunately, although I thought it had some good potential and it did give me some nice profit on this aggressive entry for the break of two which is a whole dollar entry at least I think that was my entry I'd have to go back and just double check and let's see where was my entry on this? Let's see actually 231, 232, 233 and adding it to 37 to 39 and then selling at 261 260, 254. So yeah, a little higher.

but in any case, some nice trades there. but man it just could not hold up. which was really kind of a bummer. So that was a IHS alt was the second one.

so alt. really strong move here, but kind of interesting that the volume pattern was like green. red, green red green red green red. it was very it was.

It was like popping up, pulling back, popping up, pulling back, popping up, pulling back and on this one I didn't start getting really interested in it until I think it was twenty One Twenty eight right here when we know actually it was Sarios 2168. We had this doji at the top which I thought was a reversal and as it came up and broke that level I was like okay, this is a long short, sellers are gonna get squeezed out. So I bought 2168 and squeezed up to two almost twenty three dollars. So about a dollar a share there.

and then a couple dip trades on this pullback off the view app but it wasn't able to really hold that level. It broke View app before now curling back up. but I'm not gonna overstay my welcome on that and the other ones. Emoji you see LS K and VI these were stocks and CT Ek these were stocks off the hide.

A momentum scanner hit the scanner popping up. Two of them were halted but just didn't really see good action. so those all started canceling each other out. Ended up being small net loss among these four trades and the bulk of the profit on a IHS and Alts.

So AI Alt has 26 million shares of volume on it right now. So this has a lot of volume. It's very liquid. It has high relative volume, even higher volume than it had yesterday and a IHS compared to yesterday.

The volume is actually a little bit lighter. Yesterday it traded 124 million shares. Today it has so far only 53 million, but still very high relative volume versus what it had a week ago. So I think these were the right stocks to be honing in on and focusing on today.

Following the relative volume around the market and looking for opportunities seems to be the way to go, so not again. The most exciting action I Would have loved to have seen a little bit more, but you know, continuing to make progress on the month probably sitting up around 125,000 month right now. so biggest green day of the month was 32,000 smallest. Green Day is five six thousand from yesterday and I have not had a red day yet for July but you know I mean you never know.
It could certainly could happen I'm sure it will happen at some point, but just trying to keep it. You know, my first couple, Trey is really trying to focus on a quality set ups and then as the day goes on, if we don't see momentum, I'm just easing off the throttling and walking away so that that's about it for today, you know six. Doc's green. Twenty thousand dollars not bad.

One hour of trading and I'll be back at it once again. First thing tomorrow morning and I'll be looking for the stocks I Think we're gonna have the highest relative volume and try to jump in that jump in and ride that momentum. All right. So and again.

Reminder guys, as always, you should not be blindly following me or anyone else. If you're following me or anyone else, you're always behind the action. You need to be able to see it in real-time You need to be able to understand the strategy and you should be proving profitability in a simulator before you ever trade. With real money.

Day trading is risky. Most people who day trade lose money. so if you want to be, you know part of the ten percent or whatever it is that are profitable. you've gotta do something different.

And that starts by not following instead of learning the strategy and by trading a simulator to prove profitability before you put real money on the line. So be smart about the way you approach this. You know if you're trying to do something that most people fail at, you really have to think long and hard about what you're gonna do that's different from from other folks out there. All right.

So we're to the wise there and I Will see you guys first thing tomorrow And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I Don't monetize my youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let YouTube know that this channel is the channel. But watch if you want to learn about Daydream.

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31 thoughts on “$20k in 1 hour of trading! ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Ledbetter says:

    This whole past week has been red for me, is it time to step back?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Chandler says:

    Your a great teacher. The hell with Harvard …

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Audemarz Champs Elysse Music says:

    How can i trade pre Market ? I signed up
    For Lightspeed

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars H M says:

    This guy is a G

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Klassen says:

    Can I just say how crazy that is… $125k in the month of July and only 6-7 trading days

    I have only been trading for 3 months so my weekly goal is $2k. I’m a far cry from $125k… I can’t even imagine what I would do if I was making that much money….nice work but crazy

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saed Hamed says:

    Thanks Ross.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdjewellpa says:

    Hey Ross. I am getting things in place to start day trading FT. I am taking the Tony Robbins advice and burning the boats (Closing down my existing construction business, and not looking back) My active goal is to sell my existing inventory and assets so I have money in the bank to pay the bills, and have some money to start trading with and not feel stressed when I have losses while learning. My goal is to purchase your training and go live within 6 weeks. I already adjusted my life and work schedule and set time aside so that I am available for trading between the hours of 8 to 10. What would you recommend for practicing until I pull the trigger to join your class and actually start live trading in the meantime. Thank you so much in advance.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anime Zvibe says:

    I'm new yo this do I need college degree to do this trading? I don't even know how to trade or do all of this I'm not even sure if I have knowledge to do all this is it in computer or what website should I download to do the trading please comment here, thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liz Trader says:

    Green on CLSK 200! How much risk of equity per play do you recommend?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norman Pearce says:

    U da man Ross

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BYENBO says:

    hi ross , just got charged the warrior pro 2.578,20 USD and i cant do anything on your website because it says that the card got declined, please help me out .

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Audemarz Champs Elysse Music says:

    Can put the stocks at the bottom that you traded
    Like u do usually please .. one question u prepare all ur trades based on the pre market numbers ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Thomson says:

    Hi Ross, Congrats on another green day! Can i ask what subscription you have with Trade Ideas? Standards or Premium? Thanks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pavle Nikolic says:

    Comme des Garçons Shirt. OK Ross we see you 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kay Cooper says:

    Hey Ross. When are you going to do Review for the month of June?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Ngo says:

    Ross, i make 2k more than you on ctek, i make 3 dollars lol

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felipe Laluce says:

    How many accounts do u trade every day in order to have such a huge profit every single day? Or you just use one account and different stocks at same time?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raul Pompa Jr. says:

    Love your shirt Ross!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy's Joggers Vlogs says:

    Action Ross 20k

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars juan c lopez says:

    Your the best…Ross

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Your Daddy says:

    The only way you made money on AIHS is if you shorted it.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeAngelo Cartagena says:

    I'm so lost on this. Today I lost. Not to sure what I'm doing.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryce Majors says:

    I bought AIHS yesterday morning, bought high, it tanked, so I kept averaging down. Wound up with 300 shares, woke up this morning and it popped again, then fell a little after market opened, so I sold knowing what it did yesterday. I was too sketch to try it again today for tomorrow. Lol. Newbie

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earl Vincent Torres says:

    Ross youre the man!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Connelly says:

    Whats the most* or average you spend on each trade?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ipurrr says:

    I’m so glad I stumbled on you. I love your energy.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BABY ZEE FPV says:

    Usually I make my profits within the first 30 minutes. IN A SIMILATOR!

    Today I had no charts, wasn’t able to get in on the action this morning. AT ALL! But I wasn’t angry in the least. I am green in other positions, long term, on think or swim.

    I finally got in the last 15 minutes to 30 minutes of trading(at the end of day) and ended up closing around $260 in profit. Just on very very tiny share size, not being super aggressive.

    Very surprised, very unexpected. Just wanted to report to you Ross.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith D says:

    I'm gonna start calling you Pre Market Ross 😂 every day so far you traded pre market nice job

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Today at the Office says:

    Thank You Ross, I’m so glad I joined Warrior Pro!!! I’m learning so much.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Thomas says:

    Awesome 👍👍

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thando noxeke says:

    Great 👍….I was green to start but I was too greedy and gave away all my profits….lesson learned for sure…!

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