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#StimulusUpdate #2000Stimulus
Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the card links and other products that appear on this website are from companies which Brian Jung will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
"The CARES Act was expensive, but it provided support to a wide range of interest groups. The $2.2 trillion act included a one-time $1,200 stimulus check for eligible taxpayers, supported unemployed workers with an additional $600 per week, and it provided $130 billion for healthcare spending, $367 billion for small businesses, $500 billion in loans to large businesses, $150 billion for state and local governments, and additional stimulus provisions.
However, the scope of the new stimulus bill proposals is limited to stimulus payments to individuals - and they all cost significantly more than the CARES Act.
The most costly of these three new stimulus proposals could cost up to $10 trillion. Even the smallest of these proposals would likely cost in excess of $3 trillion. This is approximately $1 trillion more than the CARES Act.
We previously ran an analysis estimating the cost of these programs as:
Automatic Boost to Communities (ABC) Act - upwards of $10 trillion
Emergency Money for the People Act - upwards of $4.5 trillion
Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act - in excess of $3 trillion"
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanguina/2020/05/12/2000-monthly-stimulus-check-why-it-wont-happen/ #12cd927d74a3

Yo, what's going on, you guys welcome back to another video, so I know right now, with the heroes act, we're seeing so much news and it's definitely occupying a lot of people's heads and one of the questions that comes to mind is whatever happened to that $ 2,000, a month stimulus check. This was the talk of the town on YouTube and in the news for the past two weeks and all of a sudden, it seems like people are settling for less with this $ 1,200 check instead, so what I'm gon na do in today's video is share with You guys exactly the reason why that $ 2,000 stimulus check is not really getting focused on anymore. Is it gon na happen? What should we expect moving into the future? These are all questions that a lot of you guys have right now. So hopefully I can do a good job at answering it and giving you guys some value in this video.

So let's get started right away. Okay to start out, let's do a recap, just in case anyone is forgotten. We had three different proposals for the $ 2,000 a month stimulus check. The ABC Act was one of the acts where you guys could actually potentially get a debit card preloaded.

So originally it would have $ 2,000 on it and then, every month after that, you'll get $ 1,000 for the whole year or depending on how long this crisis actually lasts for the other one we had was the emergency money for the people Act, and then we Had the monthly economic crisis support act, I'm not gon na go into full details, because I did make some videos previously on my channel talking about the details of this bill. I don't think we got a deal full recap, especially because they are not progressing right now, and a lot of our priorities are with the heroes Act. Each one of them had their own benefit and, I would say their con as well like some of them. You could be 16 years old and still get a $ 2,000 check every single month, they're, actually extending the income requirement pretty significantly, so each one of these bills has their own version, but the common theme that we would see between all three of them is that You get $ 2,000 at some point: okay, whether it's in the initial beginning or you get $ 2,000 a month.

People would see $ 2,000 as a bare minimum. So whatever happened now, after doing some more extensive research on just the principle of how much these bills would actually cost, I started to get a better idea on why this may actually have not been too realistic. Keep in mind the politicians right now in office really want to throw the glitter at the people, meaning they want to be able to say just. Can you guys give me $ 2,000? It's pretty much like a TV infomercial.

Just imagine you waking up to having another $ 2,000 in your life. You already got a swarm hundred-dollar check before. Imagine another $ 2,000. Your kid will get it.

Your grandparents will get it everyone this is. They really want to bring people's hopes up, but then they don't talk about the realistic cost of these things where, if it's not realistic - and it doesn't make sense at all - it's not gon na pass. So, starting out to give you guys a perspective on how much these bills would have actually cost. The $ 1,200 stimulus check was an estimate of two hundred and fifty billion dollars.
Now that seems like a little drop in the bucket compared to the two trillion dollars worth of the whole cares Act we have and how much money we're giving to the corporations and and state and local governments and different departments that we would never expect people to Get that much money, but we have to realize 250 billion - is still a lot when we're talking about the different proposals that we saw. It is a significantly way more than the 250 billion dollars that it cost it for the $ 1200 stimulus check. So doing a little bit more research here are the numbers that I was able to find so starting out the ABC Act. This wouldn't cost us three hundred billion dollars, four hundred billion five hundred eight hundred billion the ABC act in that current form of the bill.

With no adjustments was actually getting, it was actually looking to get it like. I can't even it was supposed to cost upwards of ten trillion dollars. That's more than our whole cares Act combined and I feel like no one actually said the reality of these costs. People are so blind by us getting money and how awesome it would be for that to happen.

But then we really look at the ideal like how much it would cost the government upwards up to 10 million dollars. The ABC act is calling for $ 2,000 a month payments made at least 10 months during the period with an additional $ 1,000 a month payment for the next 12 months, and on top of that US citizens, residents and non-resident aliens who were in the US for More than three months all qualified for this, so we're talking major shifts, and this is - and this is an email with the cares Act as well we're talking about the proposal like the emergency money for the people's act. This would have costed more than the entire cares Act. This was actually estimated to be about point five trillion dollar the monthly economic crisis, support act.

This was the one that was passed by Bernie and his homies. This is a tax rebate program. This is the one that went retroactive, so for all the months that we didn't receive a check. We were supposed to get compensated for that.

This was two thousand dollars a month as well. This is the latest one that we saw before we heard of the heroes Act. This was supposed to be in excess of three trillion dollars in the entirety of the cares Act. So we see the reality of how much these bills actually cost, and then, if we ask the question yo Brian, how come we're not seeing the $ 2,000 check news anymore? How come that's not unheard of it's it's because at the current form of those bills, they were just so unlikely to actually get passed.
It's just people didn't want to say that people didn't want to bring people's hopes down, but that was the reality of the situation. During the whole entire time now, cost is not the only thing, because you know the feds printing money like crazy right now: they're borrowing, corporate bonds and and they're doing all these things. In order for us to get additional money and within these individual bills to they, they were doing things like like trying to get platinum. If you guys, remember that, trying to get the government to mint more platinum to add more currency and the government was definitely formulating a lot of plans for us be able to get on with these bills without having to go further into debt.

And I do believe they were pretty creative with those ideas, but it doesn't matter how much money we print or how much money we go in debt. That amount is still the same. It's still a very, very significant amount in the grand scheme of things now, aside from it being expensive, there still were other components on why I believe the $ 2,000 a month just was not completely realistic, and one of them is the fact that it didn't prioritize. A lot of the concerns that each of the parties within our political states had so when we're talking about the Democrats and the Republicans, everyone has their own agenda to get additional things passed.

If you guys keep up with the news. You'll know that President Trump really wants the payroll tax cuts. He wants that so bad. We want small business, support and Democrats.

They want a whole bunch of things. I mean just think about the 1,800 page hero's act of all the things that they're looking to get, and I know they're exaggerating some of the things in there. But this is all part of the negotiation tactic, and this is why there is so much additional stuff. Regardless, if we put that aside, we can confidently say each party wants their own thing.

They want different things outside of people just getting a monthly economic bill, so this is another reason why I believe it did not pass with the 2000 dollar amount. Now, in addition to that, I do believe that there really is one more additional rule and that this could be the fact that the $ 2,000 stimulus check. I do believe that everyone should get this. I do believe that this is a pretty fair amount, but when we're talking about the reality of the situation with how much people normally make and then the benefits you get with unemployment, if you're also receiving that people out here would be making a ton of money.

So if you have a household with three kids already and you have a wife and then you get $ 2,000 for yourself $ 2,000 for your wife and then you get your three kids and if we're talking about the latest $ 2,000 month bill, that was $ 10,000 a month and then, if you also have unemployment benefits on top of that, that can be an additional. I don't know 15 $ 20,000 a month for your family. You know, depending on how much benefits you get where you live and really what you take advantage of but say on average, okay, maybe not 20,000 say on average, you were getting $ 15,000 a month solely from the government, with all the benefits for your family. That can be borderline.
You know just a little bit too much a six-figure salary off benefits are free from the government. I feel like imagining that and knowing that could be the circumstance if a bill like this went through. That's really when the idea of inflation starts. Bringing up again - and I know we're in this crisis and there's a theory that inflation is not gon na happen, because we are in deflation right now, because no one wants to spend yada-yada yeah if people are getting $ 15,000 a month and every single family out Here is making a six-figure income from the government.

I would expect eggs to go up in price. I would expect a milk to go up in price. I would not just expect things to completely stay the same when everyone is making so much money. So I think that is really another big component just of how much this cost, I feel like different ways for the government to be able to combat that is to reduce, maybe the income cap on it.

So if you're making $ 80,000 a year, you really shouldn't have to qualify for making more than that or trying to focus and prioritize on how other people would actually get this benefit with the heroes Act. They're trying to do that or try to make this a bit more realistic. They did reduce the 2000 dollar amounts of 12 hundred dollars. I don't believe the $ 1,200 amount is nearly enough.

Other youtubers will disagree, saying that should be more than enough. Once you add everyone up reading the comments, knowing the situation and knowing how long this crisis may actually last for $ 1,200 is not nearly enough. I do believe it should actually be more than $ 2,000. In my personal opinion, depending on the household and where you live, but that's my thoughts on it so guys this was my video.

Hopefully you guys were able to get a better idea on why people aren't actually talking about that $ 2,000 stimulus check again. It's not that people we're just hyping it up in the news or hype, and then the the Congress was hyping it up. They wanted things to go through, but I feel like there was. They just wanted people to be occupied with something a little too good to be true during that time, instead of focusing on the actual realistic situations of the circumstance that we're in now guys, I do have a question for you.

Please leave it down below in the comments. Do you think the $ 2,000 check is enough like? What do you guys think? Does it cost the government too much? Do you guys think that it's worth it? Do you guys think us, as taxpayers, who have been paying taxes to the government, probably our whole life ever since we started working? We deserve this type of support if it's gon na cost the government this much whatever it's gon na cost them this much. We should still see our support in order for our country to survive so guys. This is my video.
Let me know down below in the comments. Are you in favor for the $ 2,000 a month? Do you think we should get more? Do you think we should get less or are they wrong? Are we right? What are your thoughts on this so definitely curious to hear that, like always, you guys don't forget to drop a like on this video, if you guys have not yet already, we are quickly approaching 100,000 subscribers and I just want to say thank you guys, all so Much, I know there's a lot of new people out here, just watching me on this platform, and I just want to say thank you guys, all so much like always don't forget to check out the links down below as well. If you guys want to have a chance of winning a free stock, actually two free stocks again with we Bowl one valued up to 1,400 dollars. If you have a spare a hundred dollars laying around right now is a pretty good time to invest.

While everything is low, I wouldn't say you know, put your whole life savings in there. If $ 100 is all you got, please don't sign up for this app, but if you do have a spare $ 100 sitting around, I would sign up for the app see what stocks you can actually win. Pick it up. If you don't like the app or if you want to pull out, take your take whatever okay pull it out, you're good to go, but you just won yourself pretty much free money right there.

So that's the incentive. I really hope. Like always, you guys did enjoy this video and you guys were able to find some value. Thank you guys again, and I hope I see you guys in the next one slap to the boom.

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31 thoughts on “$2000 stimulus check bills really dead??”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helen Ritch says:

    I am still waiting for my first stimulus check it's a green card direct deposit social security do you know what's going on with it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ludakritz says:

    I think they should let people borrow from their social security like that eagle plan or whatever it's name is

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Letecia Perry says:

    You give great information and I agree with you $2000 will not be enough and it should me more.
    Brain keep bringing us true information and have a great day.
    Thank you

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bladimir Carrion says:

    We all know no way in hell 2000 a month will pass even for 3 months they won't even give use 1200 for 3 months let alone 2000 this bill sucks and I'm hoping they raise it even to 1500 for a couple months but we have dreams

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR3D-Dev says:

    We not gonna get 2k because the policiticians cant get a backhand deal on that hence why a 3trillion bill has a low % just as a direct payment

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janice Mc Bride says:

    Yes we need the $2000 stimulus a month and $500 because of living is constantly rising. $1200 is not nearly enough. I hope we get $2000 now.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kaleem says:

    $1,200 is just rent for 90% of people. That's not counting utilities which include phone, internet and cable. Most families spend at least $200-400 on groceries/food EVERY WEEK. If you're living alone and don't get unemployment you're screwed, AKA, move back in with your parents time. It's NOT enough.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Boyd says:

    Any amount of additional payments would go right back into the economy as people spend so theoretically, these $2000 checks would sort themselves out. Not as high as normal interest rates, but still work out.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pity Party says:

    Well, we need a water heater and new flooring (the carpet is plain nasty). Local businesses would benefit from this.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hazard 1nc says:

    Who'd have really thought that it wouldn't pass.. there is something called inflation that happens when you get too much money and not enough to pay for that debt..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sokha Hammond says:

    My mom get her money direct deposit but me and my husband donโ€™t have money yet work pay tax not received nothing

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blaine Tate says:

    I'm thinking it's fair! But what it's going to cost us in the long run is gunna be detrimental to the people that make 30,000/year when the prices get jacked after this is over. I know this is gunna hurt people such as myself.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Mack says:

    I feel like we need the 2k per adult citizen non-dependent w/ less than 100k/yr., couples less than 200k, 500/mo dependents. I also think that we need it for multiple months, minimum 3.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Margarita Contreras says:

    Thank you Brian for all your info .
    Keep up with your good attitude it's great, god bless you.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sled says:

    The reason being was giving none residents and 16 years old and up was just plain NUTS, NOT realistic at all, its like they did this knowing it was not going to pass, NOW if it was $1,200 to $2,000 a crossed the board at starting age 21 years old and older, then maybe it would of passed. Yes $1,200 does not go a long way or pay ones rent in many areas of the country. Where I live at rent is around $1,800 per month or higher everywhere. Just my 2 cents

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodrigo Mattos says:

    Hi, quick question, I received a $1000 deposit from the US treasury. Whatโ€™s it for? Is that part of the stimulus payment? Wasnโ€™t it supposed to be $1200?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Becka Garcia says:

    But not everyone has a kid or partner…$6,000 is far from from the average person. $1,200 is NOT enough

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DGfluidART says:

    I dont know why they are worried about giving the money. People will spend the money to stimulate the economy. Just quit the bickering and give us the damn money.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Demie Bilbao says:

    I was disqualified from receiving unemployment insurance benefits, am I also be disqualified from receiving pandemic benefits from federal stimulus assistance fund? Please help, thanks.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jenn J says:

    Pelosi is trying to go big! In her own pocket! 2/3's going to government of a 3trillion bill….

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cj Pietropinto says:

    My first thought is that we all have to throw "fair" out the window.

    How is essential workers getting a bonus (on top of the stim bonus) fair? Their paycheck hasn't faltered. They have the same worries and fears as every other citizen. Do they get paid enough? No! Should min wage workers get a wage boost? Yes! How about instead of a temp bonus, we increase min wage to 12$ an hour, with a mandatory .50$ raise for every year an employee has been with the company. Companies will complain that this will add to inflation….so put a cap on what ceo's can make. Like say, no more than a percentage of profits after expenses (meaning essential employee wages would be paid before ceo's, instead of the other way around). (Percentage dependant on number of individuals on the board).

    We also need something for part time workers who were full time workers. They NEED partial unemployment! It's not their fault they're getting less than half their normal hours! Is this "fair"? No, but it's needed.

    Is it fair that parents are getting more money than people with no kids? No! Do they deserve more for opening their legs? No! Will it happen anyway, because it's needed? Yes.

    However! Do I think parents will give their "of age, still living at parents home dependant" a single dime of that money??? Doubtful. That being said, there needs to be a place where these of age individuals who have recently moved out can make their claim.

    This situation isn't "fair" to anyone! Essential workers are stressed about being infected and bringing that home. The unemployed are stressed because of job uncertainty (our primary income is from a place that caters to group events). It all sucks.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joe c says:

    2k PP is a good start !! 1200 was gone in the first / second week. The people in the USA need money

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael Spencer-Stewart says:

    The government should give us more than $2,000 a month a lot of people are killing them selves and robbing stores and killing like crazy people with kids have bills to pay for homes

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Olivo says:

    they can spend millions on wars but have a hard time deciding what can benefit the under payed workers. i've been out of work since mid march due to this whole pandemic am appreciative to the first stimulus but ''1200'' does not cut it nothing new america

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faron T says:

    Whatever happened to the $25000 to the truckers for risking their lives keeping the store shelves full

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex federico says:

    I think if the gov did a one time $5,000 check that it would me a realistic dollar amount that people could use to help support there families. Kids donโ€™t need to receive it because it is ultimately the parents duty to support the kids in the household

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicolas Santangelo says:

    That is our money as a people. Give it back to us we all paid in at stone point. $1200 first round was a nice emergency boost. However it won't sustain anyone. I am essential and still struggling also at risk due to no health insurance.. If they think $1200 will help the economy grow. It won't who in their right mind is going to go shopping for anything other than needed items. Stop stimulating large corporations, give to the small business owners and stimulate the people!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ghogue61 says:

    $2000 a month is decent — yes it will cost us dearly in the future IF there is a future. If they don't figure out how to wipe this virus off the face of the earth there will be no future with humans — imagine only animals roaming the earth that was previously inhabited by humans only there are humans no more. What species would take over then?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ghogue61 says:

    Pretty much everyone is hurting except for the politicians and the very wealthy. That should tell you who the politicians care about.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hor Hay85 says:

    Just imagine everyone homeless this is what is going to happen if the government donโ€™t help itโ€™s citizen. But hey i been homeless before so is nothing new

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susankay says:

    I believe $2,000 a month is great for adults 18 and over and only $500.00 for kids. I believe yearly income of $50,000 and under. I think they need to give it to us for three months, at least.

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