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#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Well, well, well look who's back. So um, I was able to recoup the losses. Um, it's about noon time right now. I am not gonna or say my welcome.

In fact, I shut everything down so I am no charts. I don't want to look at anything for the rest of the day. Um, but I am pleased with my recovery. So I have recouped 18 000.

I lost 15. so 15 and then at 18 I'm up about 3 000 on the day. maybe two 2500 Something like that and that preserves my hot streak. Um, I mean it's not the hottest day, but it preserves my consecutive green streak.

So it's my 14th consecutive green day today, so I'm I'm grateful for that. Um, and I will say that my recovery today was, um, calm, cool and collected. I wasn't uh, swinging for home runs. I wasn't trying to hit a hail mary.

You know, whatever grand slam I was pretty much. I was very cautious on my first couple trades in my retirement account my Ira account because I knew that I, um, if I went red in that account I would just be doubly annoyed and I would be like man, this is what this is why you shouldn't do this So my first couple trades I went slow, but I actually never went red in the Ira. I started slow and just started progressively building up a little bit more, a little bit more from 900, then up to 3000, then up to like five. Then I think back down to four, then up to seven, then up to nine, and up to ten, and up to uh, then up to about 16, then down to 13..

So when I went to 16, I was green On the day when I went to 13, I was back to Red on the day between the two accounts and then back to up 18. And that's when I said all right. hands off, hands off. and in fact, um, I left some money on the table because you only is the one that I traded on that uh ramp up and uh well, I'm just looking at a blank screen.

oh I have my scanners there. I'll just close those down also I guess. but um, uoney looks like oh I see 2362 was the last time it hit the momo scanner and I was trading it between around 1850 to the squeeze up to 21. So I left some money on the table on it.

but I don't feel as bad leaving money on the table. Knowing that I got back to Green. I get frustrated leaving money on the table when I lose on the stock. If I lose money on it and then I see it go without me, then I'm I'm frustrated.

But if I make money on it and then I just you know, cashed out a little too soon and it goes higher. It's kind of like well, hey, you never know how high they're going to go. At least I got green so you know, whatever. so that's that's my attitude on it right now.

And what I don't want to do is jump back in right now, have it drop and go from being green on the day back to Red. I already did that once. I don't want to do that a second time. I just don't.

I just don't want to do it because then I'm going to feel like, okay, I've got to keep trading to see if I get back to green and then it'll be longer and longer and longer into the day. It's Friday, that's just. it's not a great day for me, but at least I had a nice recovery. You know, recouping eighteen thousand dollars eighteen thousand dollars would have been a great green day, but it is what it is.
so I'm up about three thousand on the day. So second recap: I hope you enjoy it. Um, a little bit different. So I basically kind of started this day.

the second day second part of the day at like 10 10, 15. or I don't even remember exactly when I hit my max loss, but between 10 15 and 10 30 I think. so. uh.

trading a little later in the day this morning actually paid off pretty well. Uh, and it did yesterday as well. And and maybe it maybe it would if I keep trading. but I'm just gonna.

I just can't. I just can't go back to Red, so I just gotta shut it down here and live to trade another day. I kept the consecutive day hot streak alive just barely. So that's I'm happy with that.

14 consecutive green days. And um, about 310 000 in these last 14 days, averaging over 20 000 a day? That's phenomenal. I, I mean, I'm really, really pleased with that. That's a great hot streak.

It will absolutely have to tide me over during the inevitable, you know, slow period that comes because there's always an ebb in the flow to the market. So that slow period might be two weeks from now, might be a month from now, Might be the whole month of August. Might be September. I don't know.

there's no way to know, but I always try to think of. the profits I'm making Now is kind of like little acorns that I'm kind of putting away for those rainy days ahead. It's a good way to think of it, all right? So um, and hey, as a reminder, beginner traders out there, you might be looking at this thing. Wow.

this guy's crushing it. I've been doing this for a really long time as a beginner trader. In fact, trading in general, your odds of success are very low. Your odds of failure are extremely high.

Therefore, you should expect as a beginner trader that you'll lose money. With that expectation in mind, do yourself a favor that I wish I had done by trading in a simulator. Prove you have what it takes to be profitable before you put real money online. Because listen, if you can't make money in a simulator, you've got no business throwing real money at the market.

So here's the cool thing. if you're a warrior starter or a warrior pro student, we give you access as part of your membership and there's a couple different levels and stuff like that. But um, we have a real-time simulator that you guys can use real-time market data. It's the same exact platform that people use with real money.

In fact, I have traded on that platform with real money. I traded on it with real money to prove it was good enough for real money that you guys could use it for simulated money. So um, you know that's a problem With just a side note with simulators in general because sometimes they're not. Um, sometimes they're not real-time market data.
Sometimes they don't have level two, so they're not really a very good simulator. And then when you get into a real platform, you're like you feel lost and that's not good. So with this software, you can practice in it and then you can literally log out and log back in with that platform with your broker and it's all the same. So it's a better.

It's not perfect, but you know it's much better at simulating trading. It's not perfect because you can't simulate the emotional, um, kind of reactions to gains and losses without real money on the line. But we do the best we can. So um, and those of you guys who haven't checked out our website jump over to You go to day trading resources up at the top the tools.

We've got so much stuff on the website. If you just want to kind of poke around and learn a little bit more about trading, jump over there. All right. So with all that said, I hope you guys enjoy this second recap.

Take two and I'll see you on Monday morning. Enjoy the weekend. All right. So this is going to be recap: Take Two The recovery.

So when I did my last recap I was down fifteen thousand and cautiously said I might switch to my Ira and see if I can try to recoup some of the losses. And I I did. um my uh. first trade was on Orph which is the one that I lost 10 000 on.

but my first trade on it was not bad. It was a 900 winner and it was um I believe it was on this bounce right around here. I took it. Oops.

I took a dip trade in this area here and we got a retest of 14 and I made 900 bucks and I thought okay not bad. let's see if there's anything else in there. Got another trade on it on the break of V web right here. made about 2 000 on that so that put me up about 3 000 in this account.

and then I got another trade right here that gave me another couple thousand. So I ended up making you know, fifty two hundred dollars back on Orph. Not bad, not great, but not bad. Arcon I did a uh bottom bounce on this one.

It was halted. uh, going down right here and as it resumed and started to show strength, I bought uh down here. At 7 39 it squeezed up to a halt. at 7 59.

my target was eight. It broke through eight on the resumption. I took my profit so I made about 3 900 on Arkon. I lost 35 on clove.

One small trade on that which was a bounce off the view app which actually worked but I it just didn't work for me and then um, Uone was the one that I just uh, wrapped up on and golly look at this breakout right here. So uh, that was my trade right there and I had one trade on it in this area which was a small winner was like 400 bucks and it kind of consolidated. I was watching it but I was sort of sitting here doing other things you know, just kind of looking to see and then it started to pop up and I thought all right here we go. looks like it wants to make a move and I got some nice trades through that area with my last one being a dip trade at twenty dollars and fourteen cents it dipped down to a low of 19.75 and I did not sell because that's a double bottom so I held through the pullback.
I was red, it curls up I added for the break of i can't remember what it was 25 or 35 and I was looking for the break through the highs. we did break through the high, we hit a high of 2078. I took my profit as it broke through the half dollar and held a small position which I sold as it came back down at 20.17 and with that back to green on the day so I'm down. Well, I'm up 18 000 in my tax free account which is great.

I'm down 15 000 in the account that's taxable. so that 15 000? Um, I was actually up. I think 15 000 in that account yesterday. so I guess between the two days I'm flat.

but I don't. you know, I I like to trade in that account a little bit because of course I can spend the money. Uh, in my retirement account, I can't take the profit out. You know, I mean without a penalty and paying income tax until I'm at retirement age.

So I like to trade a little bit in both accounts. But uh. anyway, so today preserves my green streak. I'm at 181 000 on the month being down 15 and then at 18 really only up about 3 000 on the day.

You know it's really not a big green day. However, it is certainly better than a red day. and it preserves my green streak that began on May 21st. So I have now had 14 green days in a row if you include today.

So that was 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.. So today is my 14th consecutive green day and in these last 14 days, I have, uh, built a gross profit of about three hundred and ten thousand dollars if you include uh, the three thousand from today, average daily gain about twenty three thousand. Profit loss ratio is decent. Winners are nineteen hundred dollars, just under two thousand losers are sixteen thirty one.

Look at that. Very nice. Very nice that. See, I almost hit the hot key there for the long at 21.

And if I had, I'd be flipping out on the ask at 21, 10, 21, 15. that would have been a little bit of an extended entry, but this is great to see and you know what? This as always goes to show that sometimes they'll go without you. I don't mind them going without me if I'm green on the day. I do mind them going without me when I'm red on the day because I feel like I need to try to recoup those losses.

I think today, I recoup losses. calmly and with a lot of composure and I am really happy for that. I did not uh, Hail Mary pass on anything. I didn't go for like a home run or do anything crazy.

I, I just kept having base hit after base hit after basic base hits being between three and four thousand dollars. I did have a couple yeah, nicer trades on Uon E because it made a bigger move, but I wasn't going reckless with share size or doing anything like that. so this was a sustainable good day. The High here now of 2017.
looks good. I hope that maybe you guys do get some more momentum on this. but having gone from red to green and then for a moment going back to Red because if you recall on those watching live I had one trade in here. It was actually the first pullback that I did the dip and I stopped at 20 and I lost about two thousand three thousand dollars on it.

So I went from up sixteen thousand in this account to up thirteen 000 which meant I was green and then I was back to red. And then when I got back in and we got that squeeze up there, I went back to green. so I I don't want to straddle that red to green anymore. I'd rather just say you know what, you were down.

Fifteen thousand dollars, You clawed your way back to, uh, a twenty five hundred dollar, two thousand dollar green day after commissions, you preserved your green streak. Let's throw in the towel before you do something stupid, because at a certain point we're going to get too late in the day for me to recoup. You know I mean, yes, it's only 11. 45.

Right now, we there's 11 47. We still have possibly, you know. well, four hours to the close, there's still a lot of time. But the further you get into the day, especially on a Friday, yeah, volume starts to taper off, so I'm grateful to be green.

It's a second recap here, and this was the recovery. Slow and steady. And that's the that. Yeah, that's the P L from the last 14 day.

Well, not including today. But uh, so 74 accuracy. Can't complain about that. That's pretty good.

and in fact, my accuracy has gotten better. Uh, I believe. Well, let's see No 77. So my accuracy yesterday I guess wasn't as good.

But but in any case, on a nice little hot streak trying to, you know, roll with this momentum, kind of pack away as much of those profits as I can. I will say that June of last year was the best month of my entire career. Let's look at it. Gross Profit: 1.3 million dollars Fifty Nine thousand dollar daily Average: eighty percent accuracy.

I was on fire. I I mean, that was remarkable. It was unreal. I probably if I never have a month like that again, it honestly wouldn't shock me.

That month was the perfect storm. I was dialed in. I was the market was hot, I was trading aggressively. Everything was just perfect.

So I I don't expect to see that happen again. But you know we are. Um, sitting here. Uh, this year.

Um, you know, two weeks into the month and I'm up at a hundred and well, I guess 180 000. So I'm off to a great start this month. I I certainly have a chance at getting through 250, 300? Maybe 400 500? Maybe. I don't know.

We'll see. You know I could have as you saw from um, the P L from uh from last year. Oops, I gotta fix this. So from the P L from last year, you know I had uh, one day where I made 225 000 and then the second day I made 155 and the third day I made 225.
So when you have three days back to back like that because you have crazy hot momentum, well crazy things can happen And that's certainly what happened in January. Um, when we had the game stop momentum. So or was it January or February? No, that's 2020. I was going to say that doesn't look like this year.

Here we go. All right. So January of this year, you know, look at that. 217 000, 478 and then 114.

55 was on Tuesday. So I mean that week, right? There was like eight, Nine Hundred thousand dollars. So you never know when a week like that could be coming. And and certainly, if you're trading in a smaller account and you're a beginner trader, you have to recognize that my results are not typical.

The typical. My experience with trading is not typical. Most beginner traders lose money. That's the reality.

So for me, um, you know, a week where we have a bunch of stocks like maybe Uon E, and a few others that are just super super strong? That could be a week where I throw down some some really big trades and make some serious money. As a beginner trader, it would be unrealistic to ever think that you would return anything close to what, uh, what I'm doing right now. It's I've been doing this for a very long time and I take a lot of risk on some of my trades for sure. You know, 10 000 share position on Uon E is two hundred thousand dollars in the trade.

So a ten thousand share position on Gamestop is two and a half million, and I took two and a half million dollar trades on that earlier this year. There you go. There's some nice parabolic momentum. so I I'll say that I'm feeling a little bit of Fomo.

I, I do feel a little bit of Fomo here. I'm watching this thing rip. It's It's nice on the daily and you know at this point it's like it sure is tempting, but this is the reminder to be grateful to be really grateful right now that I'm back to Green on the day and that tomorrow is a new day. Monday's a new day.

It's we're coming into the lunch hour this is. You know, we've got a daily trigger around 23. That could be resistance as well, so we could be coming right into resistance right there. We switch back to the five minute chart and let's see how it behaves around its resistance levels.

These are daily resistance levels and you can see how it respects them quite well. So I have to be very mindful not to give in to Fomo at this stage of the game on a Friday, so be grateful for what I have. It's a green day, preserves my hot streak and I'm gonna shut it down. Walk away and maybe you owe any.

It goes to 50 bucks. Maybe it goes back to 10, but whatever it's going to do, it's going to do it without me. Good luck if you keep trading. I'll be back at it on Monday morning.
Enjoy the weekend everyone. Hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. so please please please hit that subscribe.

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25 thoughts on “+$18k recovery +$3k net on the day | 2nd recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andres m says:

    mannnnn the fomo on UONEπŸ˜πŸ“Š its alright ross it could have gone the oposite direction and put u red on the day. great job man i love your stuff

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melvin Lamb says:

    Its never a bad idea to trade as you will gain higher profits especially trading with an expert for the past week I have gained higher profits trading with marcosrodgers I'm thanking him for he is the best now I can go on vacation.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Gonzalez says:

    all alone and repair by bogg these only have about 5 views but this one has a really cool blues piano at the end..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blackinkX says:

    Hey mate love your content. What do you find the best time frame to trade small caps. 1 or 3minutes?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unsocial jt says:

    ummmm so, what are the best free trading simulators cost i want to learn to be consistant in trading befor eputting money on the line, ima trade part time while i have my job to fuel the trading.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L T says:

    Your strategy is the best! Love your videos and the thought process, I want to be like you!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noor alansari says:

    100 trades in one day ???? i see in ur recaps that u dont o more than like 5 trades. how in ur history it says u had 100 trades a day ? man 100 is too much. i cant do more than 20 even when im in paper account and trading like a cow. 100 trades is way too much. there must be something i dont understand pls explain

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maxmiami 305 says:

    So you were down -10k and kept trading .. what is your daily max loss where you stop trading ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canadian Futures Trader says:

    Great stuff, I started learning trading from this channel! Now I have my own, feel free to check it out. 100% free content. Mainly scalping.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Racz says:

    77% accuracy ! Congrats man, that’s amazing. Especially considering all the low float names you trade

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goodbye Mr. Anderson says:

    thats exactly how i feel when im shooting for a home run and i sink into a hole early. Ill get back my 500 bucks and make 40 dollars on the day and im so pissed because i could have had 540 dollars on the day and not had so many commissions to boot. love ya Ross you are my everyday inspiration.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kj lt says:

    Also I have the problem of being very consistent on a simulator, but not having a defined strategy. I turned a 500 dollar account into 20,000 so far this month. (In a simulator). But still having trouble mixing all the charts, level time, time and order and pattern finding. I need help simplifying

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kj lt says:

    Any tips on seeing patterns as they form? I feel like I never see them until it’s too late. Am i looking at the wrong time frame? Tips please

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sly angler says:

    Down big time in this dog called AEMD. Ross was right. Just when it's raining down money and you are on top of the world reality sets in on risk management and being a beginner. I should have listened to Ross..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Morale says:

    Bro I love your channel. You definitely where I’m trying to be in terms of trading stocks. I think next year I will invest in course. I enjoy the way you break down things and your style of shooting these videos.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Gauci says:

    I wasn't convinced you will stop for the day after watching your first video. I was expecting you to take another trade to try to recover πŸ™‚ At least it worked for you. Happy Weekend.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars akim2007p says:

    Hahah, β€œrecovery”. So you broke your own rule, traded after red day and luckily recovered. Good luck next time with β€œrecoveries”, because this is how you end up blowing up. Good teaching! πŸ˜‚

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Steele says:

    Happy For you! Always great to make your money back and go green! Great advice on shutting the trading software down when ya just know you're done!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock King Fatz says:

    Today was kinda a tough day in the market for me ….I close green but not that much profit seen the trade reversing and jump out,I’m trading with a cash account because it help me manage my risk better but since I been trading out of it I been green

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Maitner says:

    Amazing Ross! One thing I really noticed today is that you did a really good job maintaining composure after being at max red! Great lesson, Great comeback!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizcocho Dulce says:

    Thanks for the recap! Glad that your day was green, mine too πŸ™‚ To the moon!!! have a great weekend!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJ Turano says:

    Wtg Cam…. I knew you weren't gonna take it laying down when I watched the -15K lol…nicely done

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ido Gur-Harosh says:

    Hey Ross, I can see that you use eSignal for charts and lightspeed for your order executions. Are there any delays at all between the level 2 market depth's bid and ask on lightspeed and the charting system on eSignal or are they perfectly in sync? If they're not, do you also have a tab open with lightspeeds charting system simultaneously?
    Your content is very informative so thank you for that.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Good Vibes says:

    My goodness, I've been watching you for over a year and I need to start making money. What would be your recommendation to create a fund to start investing with?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imnotftw says:

    I had a similar day today. Went up $1000 then down $250 only to finished the day with small green day of $170. Better than a red day.

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