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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are: fifth fifth consecutive green day in a row of about $18,000 this week which is great now. I was a little aggressive in the goal of hoping to be up 20,000 this week. You know, sometimes I've set the bar a little high for myself. so I'm coming up short.

but by always setting the bar high, you know I'm striving to do better and better and better. And even though I often come up short because I said such, you know, aggressive and ambitious goals I still end up doing much better than I would have done if I just said well, thousand dollars a day is good and I'll be done with that right? I'd be up only 5,000 this week. So instead of $18,000 which is terrific, the last five days have been hot, Today was tricky. You really want us I mean we had this huge move yesterday on BP th.

As a result, we saw a lot of stocks take off today, but most of them didn't have good follow-through they would pop up and drop back down which made it kind of hard because you know if I jumped right in to the long side I was afraid I was getting in too high. Of course if I jumped short. well, you know, after big moves yesterday I didn't really want to do that either. so it was just a lot of wimpiness and I navigated through that and then I'm gonna finish the morning was about $1,400 profit Green is good.

Live to trade another day. I'll be back at it first thing on Monday morning. All right as usual. Any questions, any comments? leave them below.

give me a shoutout of how much you made today, what you trade it I'll see you guys first thing on Monday All right everyone, So we're gonna do midday market recap. Finishing the morning little on the earlier side today: I'm taking the money and I'm gonna walk away up 1448 dollars and 52 cents another Green Day which is great, you know I had a bit of an aggressive goal this week I wanted to make about $20,000 I'm a little short of that up 18,000 on the week. but today is kind of interesting because you know with yesterday's crazy crazy move on BP th I knew that today we would. you know emotions would be running strong in the market, we would have a lot of volatility, lots of things happening, and that was definitely true.

But it wasn't actually the easiest to trade because some of the moves were a little unpredictable and not necessarily the cleanest patterns the things that we typically rely on for good quality entries and exits. So this morning the watchlist was pretty simple. We had DB th that we were watching for as a continuation stock. I wasn't actually interested in trading it, mostly because you know it's thirty six dollars, thirty one dollars and but you know it was something that we kept an eye on.

We'll do a timeframe historical scan here for 9:25 a.m. So leading gapper this morning T ROV Drove up 125 percent. the bell rings. it sells off now I Liked it if it broke the pre-market highs but it wasn't able to break the pre-market highs so no trades on that for me.
Next one down seal. Now on this one, we have this sort of pre market pivot right here. around six dollars, it's squeezed up to six. Let's see the high was 620.

No was the high here, sorry the high is 749. It pulled back and on this one I tried to do it dip by where I tried to buy. where was it I think it was right around 7 and then it. It ended up falling down.

So I lost 420 bucks on that on 6,000 shares. but I kept my stops tight which is really important. that's the name of the game keeping stops tight TN XP Straight off the watch list right here gapping up 65% with news. Jumped in for the break of the pre-market high.

355 was the pre-market high 360 jumped in for the break and we made a squeeze up to 420. So right there we had a nice you know 60 cent squeeze. I jumped in it and made about $1,700 on that first trade I then tried to do on this one a dip by as well where I've tried to get in right down here thinking this was gonna dip down and then surge back up and instead of buying the break I tried to buy the support level and I gave back about $400 on that. So one loss on seal, one loss on on TN XP So that's two losses so far and two winners and then we had s bot come up s spot.

You know initially I wasn't that into it because the pre-market chart you know it was on the Gap scanner and everything else but the pre-market chart showed this stock you know pop up and then fade and stair-step down. so I just didn't really think it was gonna be that great. Very rarely do you see these actually break the pre-market highs, but this was showing some strength and given all the foam well we've had in the market, I figured I would take a stab right here. So I took a stab right here on this one-minute micro pullback and it squeezes all the way up here to 250 one guess.

Halted, opens higher and hits a high of 275 I did three trades on it I did the first trade here where I made a thousand I just second trade rate. where was it? My second trade on it was actually like right in here where I tried to add coming out of the halt and I lost like 1500. so I was now down 500 on the name and then I got back in for the first woman to Campbell to make a new high right here and sold at 80 and maybe back a thousand. So in total today I had four losers and let's see - let's see - winners on s spot.

one winner on TN X P So for losers and three winners you know which is kind of a bummer, but despite my accuracy being a little poorer today I still AM up $1400 which is great. It's a good day, but this is also part of me recognizing that this is not a day for me to keep pushing it. This isn't a day for me to try to hit a home run or take it to the next level. you know I'm I'm green only on three out of seven traits you know.

I my accuracy is not as good and I think it's just the nature of today. We're seeing these emotions running higher. We're seeing a little bit more irrational moves and you know that's at times can be a little more, a bit more difficult to trade. Seal.
it looks like it's you know, selling off again, dropping down, getting halted. This one was kind of frustrating because the bulk of the move was after hours and then pre-market at 4:30 5:00 in the morning. You know I mean we don't trade that out in those hours and it was on incredibly light volume. Anyways, the spreads must have been massive so you know I mean it's I don't I don't have FOMO that I missed that opportunity I'm just disappointed because by the time the bell rang, you know kind of all the action was done and we didn't get that good follow-through But in any case, this is my fifth consecutive green week you know, which is obviously a sorry fifth consecutive Green Day which is obviously terrific.

and you know $18,000 week is a great week. It's in the shadow a little bit of losing. you know about 8500 9,000 on Friday last Friday so you know it's gonna put me up. you know, on the month I guess you know right around 10k or something like that.

Want to see where I'm at on a month? but you know it's that. You know that's a little bit disappointing that I have had to dig myself out of the hole, but that's fine. It is what it is I'm out of the hole I'm back at all-time highs. You know the IRA account here is growing.

We're getting closer to a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. I Started this account this year with 29 grand. You know it's up close to 300% here, so that's nice. I'm very happy with that.

My main account I didn't trade in it and today so that one's just sitting tight. you know I I'd like to trade in it, but at the same time you know given the tax rate it's like there's not really any point unless I want short something because I can't shorten my IRA account and then my Interactive or my Centrepointe account. I Didn't trade in today because there were no shares available to borrow except for Ppth which was available at a dollar 28 per share. which means if I'd reserved a thousand shares, it would have cost me 1000 $280 just to reserve the shares.

So that was a that was a no-go so and no shares available on trove or Sealand I tried both of them twice. so whatever, that's fine, you know it's But it does go to show that if you if your strategy is based on short selling, even if you end up funding an account they you know typically has shares available borrow, it doesn't mean you're still gonna be able to train it. and and that's why for me, being a long biased trader is just so much easier. I Don't have to go through that extra hurdle of reserving shares and paying the reserve shares and trying to find who has them and all that stuff.

So you know I know a lot of you guys like to trade to the short side and you know which is fine, but you know it's just one of those things you gotta kind of deal with. So Daniel a few words about the Roth IRA and why I Like that? Well, the Roth IRA is the growth is tax free and the withdrawals are tax-free So it's all tax-free you know? And So that's that's the big appeal to it now. I did a traditional IRA contribution and then anyone can do a conversion of a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA When you convert from traditional to Roth you have to pay the income tax on the amount that you convert. so you know whatever.
I paid that income tax and now I've got this tax-free account which is awesome if I need the money. If I absolutely need the money, I can withdraw. However, I pay to penalties. The first is a 10% penalty and the second is I have to pay income tax on my withdrawal at my tax rate.

You know? So I mean it's it's not that I can't take money out. like if I grow this to a million dollars you know or whatever the case is and you know at age you know 55 I'm like, you know what I really need to take some money out and at that point I'm no longer in. You know, the highest income bracket for taxes Then you know I could go ahead and say well, you know I'm going to take out 50 grand and I'm gonna have to pay. You know the 10% penalty on it? That's five thousand I'm gonna have to pay income tax on fifty thousand dollars which is probably like I don't know fifteen or twenty percent or something like that so you know I'll still get to take out seventy five percent of the money you know at that time.

And and and that's a decision that you know anyone can make if they feel they need to. So and honestly, realistically, even if I even if I was just gonna do that, that's not a bad strategy either, because right now I'm in the highest income bracket. So any income that I can put into tax-free and defer it is you know is is great. So any ways that you know that's kind of yeah I don't know about the five year rule off to look into that, but you know in any case, I'm you know? So yeah, I'm mostly trading in this account now that I have enough buying power to pretty much trade as I'd like.

There have been a couple times where I switch and trade in my main account here my regular account because I don't have enough buying power, you know? So I can trade in both a little bit and try to kind of double up my profits which is good I have income tax on this side, you know? but I can withdraw the profits immediately so you know it's it's okay. I can do a little bit of that as I see fit and there will be days where I do it. It has to be I have to be seeing a pretty solid setup. It's hard to be a scalp trader in two accounts because you know if you're if you're scalp trading in two accounts.

quick entries, quick exits. you know that's that's really quite difficult being a trend. trader in two accounts is easier so you know it's kind of an issue with the you know with the with a strategy or training. So anyway, so yeah, seal just going lower.
this one's giving it up so you know at this point the day is done. we're not gonna I'm not expecting to see anything clean for the rest of the day. so I'm throwing in the towel, taking my 1,400 dollars and walking away happy with that. It's 1,400 dollars more than I had about an hour ago.

So one hour of trading $1,400 Green is good in the background at first thing on Monday morning. All right! I Hope you guys all have an awesome weekend and I will see you on Monday If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior trading family.

By Stock Chat

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36 thoughts on “$18k on the week! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BradyGaming says:

    Started off on robin hood in January with 500$ now im at 813$ lol not big change at all lol very slow moving for me

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oUZA The Mogul says:

    Just ran across a video of yours and watched 20 already. Your amazing dude, nothing but love and respect that you seem genuine and helping people make money easily. I still don’t understand nothing i don’t know anything about trading at all and don’t have money like that to start off. I was wondering how much do i need to start off and how and where do i start. Thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiya says:

    will you be bringing back free chat mondays anytime soon?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Antonoff says:

    I'm very interested to know how to find out how the challenge is going taking $583.15 to $1,000,000. Where are the stats. Where are the goals – where are the progress reports. I'm very interested to know – how is the challenge going ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sargent Crunch says:

    Anyone know of a place I can find day traders in my city. Looking to meet up. And learn more. Thanks in advance…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Rusk says:

    I don't trade anything but UVXY. Its money bags.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonnathan says:

    hey Ross I just want to attend one of your free webinar but there's nothing available at the moment?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Daily says:

    Ross your strategy has changed my game the past few weeks👍

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D H says:

    5k loss. Got 500 bucks too day trade with. NOT GOOD. Your picture made me comment. My sentiments in real life.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LongestYard says:

    Up 23% on Friday with $TRNX, Taronis, Celtic God of Thunder.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CapWalks1 says:

    Lost money on Friday. I kept hoping praying that we would see more downside movement. 🙁 still, I am up $80,000 for the year.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alaminator Plays says:

    sorry to ask again ross, but can my account grow at the same rate by swing trading as it can by day trading? thankyou

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MS Compare says:

    I Nedd some money($100).After 1 weak i send money,Anyone help me?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V says:

    Hey Ross, do you know if it's possible to scalp trade like you from europe? because i tried it on tradeZero and it felt like i need to use market order otherwise I never get filled, and with that I had bad entry points or exit points. Not sure if thats because of the ping or because of tradezeros forced "smart route". Dont know if i would have the same issues with lightspeed for example.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! joe dagger says:

    Love the sweater

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Venter_twts says:

    love it, man, you are doing great 🔥

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Kusinski says:

    I trade SEEL, got in yesterday at $2.99 sold at $6.53, $5070 profit.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rex Lee says:

    GLBS Monday 3/11/19 Big moves

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Miguel says:

    I traded TNXP 6k shares $840 not every day is meant for high momentum just take the money and 🏃

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    sir i want to trade in us market i am from india i already trading in nse india. can i join u r class and can i trade every day from india. kinly reply sir thanks.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChan59 says:

    made $12 on $SBOT 12 cent trade on second pullback. never felt better following the rules and being patient

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Bill says:

    i do enjoy the video but would love to see recaps on minute chart because 5 minute did not really make scense to me . thanks

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Bodley says:

    Ross – For your trades, like TNXP, what is your thought process to 'get out', on that first trade. It squeezes up, ~60 cents, and you pull cord and take the earnings. Is it a percentage win? An amount per share? Or just as it starts to pull back you take the scalp and wait for the next setup? Cheers.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Loving, Esq. says:

    Good job in this choppy market.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikki Rambo says:

    Bought SEEL pre-market @ 5 & sold @ 7.22. Only 50 shares but I'm starting with a $500 account. Patience pays!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nuggy Gaming says:

    Any tips on how to grow a small account?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev Leon says:

    Hey Ross your videos are awesome. Just had a random question since you’ve been doing this for so long. News articles always say we’re going into a recession and just wanted to know was it very difficult for trading during bad times like the financial crisis we had in 2008

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Seaton says:

    No trades for me today… Yesterday I bought BPTH as it ran from 34.00 up to 56.00! Still shaking from that ride!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Rodrigue says:

    down 112$ on my 220$ account. Big yikes. God damn SEEL caught me with my pants down.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Golden Spear says:

    I'm green 818 on two names. SEEL and TROV

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fraser says:

    Hey Ross, quick thought. Between the two accounts, is it accurate to say the only fee above and beyond income tax is the 10% fee for early withdrawal?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jun 75 says:

    Did anybody short SBOT today? Was it shortable at Centerpoint?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D A Rangel says:

    Good Week Ross! Still 3 full weeks to go as well!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Rhoads says:

    Ross that fendi is SWEET but I have one question: how are you able to trade so well with your order software? Wouldn't it be easier to use something like tos and be able to interactively change orders? I imagine it would be hard to place such good orders with just putting in the numbers… what If it makes a huge move and you have to type a new number in? Wouldn't it be more efficient to just change where the order bar is on TOS or streetsmart?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Hang says:

    Wait so 6000 shares @ $7 and stopped out at 420 does that mean your stop loss was at 6.99!??

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emil Christian Stillhoff Jensen says:

    Ross, what do you do with all that money?

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