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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. So we're going to do midday market recap here. This is a third discouraging day in a row. I'm not making a lot of progress here on the month I had a nice.

I mean, you know, yesterday was slow. The day before was slow. It's our third day of September and I feel like these last three days I'm just spinning my wheels. It's wearing on me a little bit.

I made 17 000 on Kcac and then lost 15 000 on Tesla. I went short on this, right? Uh, well, right down here for what I thought was going to be the break through this low of 408 and then a move down to the lows and it came up here. And I actually just stopped out here, which maybe I'll end up regretting, but I was. I'm just.

the thing is, if this breaks through the volume, weight, average price, it's going to rip two or three points just like that, and that's not going to work. it's going to be a big big law. that would be an even bigger loss. So I wanted to at least walk away green on the day.

So I'm walking away green on the day, but not by much. Um, you know I, I'm It's one of these kind of markets where I mean the win on Uh, wins on Ca's Kcac were not bad. Uh, this one ended up being decent, but it was also really choppy. This candle here it went from Uh 16 to 17, then dropped to 15.

then it went back to 16, then back to 15. then back up, then back down. then back up, then back down. Very choppy And so I I did the best I could on it, but I you know, only made well seventeen thousand dollars.

I was just kind of spinning my wheels on it. Even on that one. I mean I I would have a winner and then I'd have a loss. and then another winner.

and then another loss. And I just I felt like I couldn't get myself really, um, into the driver's seat. So I didn't do very well on Kcac. all things considered.

And Igc, I took a stab at lost 48 bucks, whatever and then Tesla. You know, if I hadn't taken this trade, I'd be in a much better position today. I'm disappointed that I took that trade and that I, you know, it's just. it's here's the problem.

This is a one minute candle and it hit 408 and then popped up two and a half dollars a share to 410. you know, then it. all of a sudden it's at 4 12, 4, 4, 13. You're like I'm down five dollars a share.

I don't really want to cut the loss here. I'd rather, you know, try to try to give it a chance to work. But you know you got to cut the losses at some point. And so my stop was I didn't want to give.

I didn't want to go red on the day. So that's where I cut my loss. and here you know, if I hadn't cut it already, I'd be cutting it here. So the high there was 1630 and that's right at the volume, weight, average price.

It's a tough one. There's just no doubt about it. It's a hard one to trade and I've had some. I've had some winners on it.

I've had some losers on it. You know, my net trades. I don't think they're really. I don't know if I'm net positive.

I think I'm not negative on Tesla in the last couple. Well, I don't know. I was up 24 000 on the week before today, so I guess I'm still up 9 000 on the week. But I did have a loss two weeks ago on it.
So it's just A. It's a very volatile stock and what draws me to it is that volatility, especially when the small cap market is so choppy. You can see I didn't really mess around with a lot of small caps today. I was just like, no, I'm not.

I'm not going down that road. I'm not going to trade everyone that hits the scanner. I'm just not interested in doing that. I'm not going to, you know, spin my wheels on the ones that I just have a high suspicion are going to fail.

I'll switch gears and focus on mid caps or large caps. It worked on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday today. You know it went the wrong direction and Tesla was looking very weak here. but you know it bounced off those lows.

So it is what it is. Um, I'm you know, coming into tomorrow. So here we have tomorrow's Friday obviously. And then we're going into a long weekend with the markets closed on Monday, so my expectations for tomorrow, they're pretty low.

I mean, it's the Friday before a long weekend. It's not usually the time that we get good breaking news. Usually a company is more likely to put out bad news on the Friday before the weekend. So hopefully by you know, the next Monday or Tuesday people are have kind of like forgotten about the news.

So it's just not really a good time to be. um, taking any. Um, I mean, it's just not typically a time that we're going to see really good follow-through Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, but I I might just take it easy tomorrow and come back next week. Kind of recharge just because we're not seeing the follow-through that I really need.

And um, I'd rather I'd rather just kind of step away than go Red, right? So yesterday I was up 1500 bucks. I'm just gonna look at my daily P L here. So um, so let's see month today. So Monday I was up.

uh, three thousand. Yesterday I was up a thousand. Um, today I'm I'm up sixteen hundred. So I actually made a little more than I made yesterday.

Um, so you know I'm sitting here up 5 000 on the month. Which compared to making 400 plus thousand last month, this is very discouraging for me. Like I feel like I'm at might as well be break even on the month. I'm not making really any significant ground.

Today was the first day that I hit my daily goal and then I I gave back those gains being too aggressive. So I that's a you know word to the wise not to overstay your welcome, Not to get too aggressive. In a choppy market, you know you just might not see the level of follow-through you would expect. S p 500 off the lows here also bouncing up.

That didn't help my Tesla trade, so that's kind of a challenge. Um, the overall market's been tough today. But yeah, Kcac was the only small cap that I was looking at. uh, court.
C-o-r-t I saw that one pop up a little bit, but I didn't I I left it alone. I think there were a few others that hit the scanners, but just generally today. another kind of non-event day. August and September are typically the slowest months of the year, so I'll tell you that it is a great time to be practicing.

It's a great time to be studying. I mean, if you're studying at the hottest time of the year. The thing that is kind of a bummer is that you're missing out on making you know real money because you're trading, hopefully in a simulator. So when the market you know slows down, that might be the moment you're about to go live.

And then that's a bad time to go live. So it's a good time to be practicing during a choppy market because then hopefully you're gaining experience and when the market does shift and pick back up, it's you know you're going to be able to start making some money. So anyways, um, not a great day for me, but as always I'll be back at it you know, tomorrow and got to keep showing up because you never know when you'll have a big momentum stock. Kcac gave a couple of false kind of starts.

it tried. We had on the one minute chart this breakout right here, but then it gave it all back. Try it again here through the V web. gave it back.

try it again here. failed back up, failed. I mean this on a one-minute chart. As you look at it, it's like man what, It almost even to me is like where were the entries? Where were good entries on this thing? I don't see many, you know, so don't feel bad if you didn't do super well on it.

I bought some of the dips I I got some some trades on it but the first candle to make a new high bounce off Vwap failed. Break of V worked and then failed. This little setup here was kind of like what we just saw in Tesla where it was consolidating under the volume weight, average price and then broke through it. So I mean I don't know there were.

There were some opportunities there, but they weren't clean, they weren't clear and so that makes it hard even for someone who's been doing this for a while. So yeah, boy, I don't know. I today I I feel so frustrated it almost feels like it wasn't even worth the 1600 bucks because now I'm feeling even more frustrated than I was yesterday. Of course that's because I was up 17 000 and now I'm up only 1600.

But I actually would have been better. not even trading today because the small amount of profit I gain that doesn't really make up for the level of frustration that I've picked up. And that is hard not to carry with you into the next trading day. So I don't know guys, it's gonna be just gotta be patient and gotta not get frustrated.

And on Tesla, this is a really hard stock to trade. This is absolutely expert level. It's hard even for traders who have been trading for a really long time because some of the good setups just don't resolve and then you have to have the discipline to stop out. I'm glad I stopped where I did right here, but you know, maybe I could have stopped a little sooner and then if then my loss would have just been smaller.
So anyways, that's it for me. I hope you guys have a great rest of the day and I will see you first thing tomorrow morning. Oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750 000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on youtube.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “$17k then -15k 1.6k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TSX Penny Stocks says:

    Hi Ross, The EV sector what's your thoughts on IDEX, which is not a manufacturer like TESLA or PLUG but is a facilitator, any ideas or opinions ? Thanks !

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Amparo says:

    Another thing I want to ask, I don’t like the Idea of the margins borrowed money or the instant deposit “ They got me with $ over $400 when I never needed the “ borrowed money “ I guess I had to learn from that mistake though!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Amparo says:

    I put $2,500 on a vacine company, Europe country came with a news now am loosing 1,500 🤦🏽‍♂️. I am still waiting for it to pick up 😂🤷🏽‍♂️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    @Ross Those huge wins in the past few months have taken a huge psychological impact on your expectation. I remember (in 2019) when you were happy to make $500 – $1000 per day. Don't get too optimistic. Be grateful to be in the Green. Take what the market has to offer.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zoran Kaluderovic says:

    How often you trade before exchange opens, before hours?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    hope you had a great Labor Day weekend & rested very well.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    waiting for you to go live, insane day.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Sorrell says:

    Where is Ross? We missed him Friday.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eden Group says:

    Ross am a loyal fan from here on youtube but i do more on crypto.. please help me raise my 500$ acct… tell me how to send you ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nanobots says:

    Ross you´re right that kcac session was just choppiness, better days will come

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars akrangler says:

    Ross I was just chatting with you on messenger???

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nelly David says:

    Love to watch you just the same. 🙂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Da hood shooter says:

    I like how most of your losses come from trading real companies.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomaž Česnik says:

    hi, do you have multiple accounts on twiter or are this others just fakes?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hibaq said says:

    Ross we miss You brother.Hope you doing well.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alby G says:

    Ross why dont you do the same strategy for short selling ?
    And why you dont also short sell while trading ?
    Like same things but also for short ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiril Kirilov says:

    Hey, Ross. Some people call day-trading addictive, comparing it with gambling. As you said 9/10 traders are unsuccessful. I have not yet gotten into trading. Personally I'm worried that I might get too into it, start losing money and never draw the line. Of course that's not my plan, I want to be educated on it and make rational decision, but I acknowledge that if I get "addicted" my decision-making would be blurred. Can you shed some light on this aspect of day-trading? This might be a good topic for a video. I know a lot of people of prejudges about stock trading in general because of this.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin Nordstrom says:

    Hey Ross, amazing videos! Very blessed to have found you!! Have you done a video on stock profits and taxes for the United States? I haven’t found one but that would be pretty awesome!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paulo MK says:

    wow from small cap to large cap? damnnn

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Truce Clark says:

    you should do a video with your hair down, I'd love to see it

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouTube Offical says:

    R.i.p one of the best traders of all time fly high

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rusty Hill says:

    I can't remember the last time Ross didn't do a live session on a holiday weekend to promote a holiday sale. This actually worries me, BUT .. I will gather myself and convince myself all is OK. I'm actually visiting the Berkshires this weekend. Was half hoping I'd run into him. Lol.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Cotton says:

    Hey Ross, thanks for the openness. I still love trading Tesla, but I find it’s way more predictable on the 15min chart. It removes almost all the noise, you can get stopped out or faked out way more on the shorter time frames. Also I find buying or shorting at support and resistance then adding to breakouts to be key with this one. Thanks for all your help!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steffen Rasch says:

    Ross.. How was your Friday trading? Hope you’re having a good long weekend…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HardyTechnologies says:

    I would like to make $1600 in a day and be discouraged

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gamer4Ever says:

    Hey Ross have nice day , just wanted to say hello and cheer you up a little bit . I have suscribed and trying to learn your strategy but not sure I can afford the training at $1k but some day I will

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dougie5641 says:

    Discouraging no way. Up in the green good man . Tomorrow's another day

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DOWN TIME says:

    …may I ask what your current off-set is selling on the ask (hot-key) In your book its 0.05 i think

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hollon2 says:

    Remember, every day is a new day. Don't carry over yesterday.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kjc9 trader says:

    …WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ON FRI 9/4??? Long Weekend??….Hope you and yours are well!….

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon says:

    it just seems like Tesla is consistently too unpredictable, even given the volatility is it worth it? With the whole tech sector kind of having a minor implosion here, SQQQ has been pretty good for me, once everything starts bouncing back I'll be following TQQQ. Thoughts?

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