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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Let's help everyone. Alright, so today is the first day of rebuilding my account after a couple of really big losses and kind of a just bad couple of weeks of trading and you know we've probably all been there. If you're watching this video right now, you might be here in this same spa's me right now. So the goal today ultimately is to try to make back everything that I lost in the last two weeks in the first 30 minutes.

right? You just failed the first test Wrong. The goal today is just to try to clean the slate just to have even if it's a break even to. Even though I only make ten dollars today, it's just to start rebuilding confidence. I I just really want to have a small green day And that means I need to focus on the setups that I have the highest level of conviction.

So for my strategy. Now for your strategy. that's what you would want to do. You'd want to focus on the subs that you feel the best about.

So you can just kind of start to rebuild one brick at a time with small green trades a quality setups. Now, as a result of focusing on a quality setups, it's certainly possible that there will be some big wins in there, but it'll be because of a quality, not because of throwing a Hail Mary pass and trying to make back all of the losses in one trade. It's human instinct to try to do that I know because I have it and so what I need to do is I need to fight that human instinct. There's a quote by Peter Lynch that I'm gonna get for you real quick.

Let me find it. So the quote is. The trick is to learn not to trust your gut feelings, but rather to discipline yourself to ignore them. How true is that for day trading? Alright, so I want you guys to comment below what you do when you're in a rut and you're trying to get out of it.

What I've done is I've put my my checklist here of some of the things that I need to be mindful of question is adding to positions work. Number two: Do I have a confirmation bias. In other words, I'm being overconfident and just thinking things are going to work because I'm just recycling myself out there. They will so be more objective.

Number three: no multitasking while I'm trading. it's it's a bad habit of mine that I'll do something else and I'll flip back and take a tray and I'm not going to do that for the next couple weeks. Number four: I'm gonna do a one-minute meditation before the bell rings. Now one minute is just enough for me to be quiet, focus grounded.

Just bring it back down before I start trading. And then number five to ask myself, are we in a hot market or cold market? Well after the hundred and fifty percent move that we saw on Friday and one of these small cap stocks which I still manage to lose money on I would say we may be in a market that's picking back up so that could be really great, but I'm not sure yet. so I'm still gonna play it a little bit safe and just really. this morning, try to focus on a quality setups.

All right. So that's the game plan. I can get into my watch list and then Sue's the bell rings. I'm gonna be looking for a trade and hoping that I can find something that looks really solid.
Minimal risk with good profit potential. All right. So that's the game plan right now. All right.

So it's about two o'clock Actually, it's 2:45 So I'm done trading for the day and the rebound plan worked better than expected. I'm actually up fourteen thousand. Eight hundred dollars. Okay, so that's not the typical rebound scenario.

What typically happens with the rebound is just a small bounce off the lows, a small green day, and then sometimes. as I said earlier today, sometimes just by focusing on equality setups, you end up having a great opportunity. Now, what ended up happening today was that we had. We ended up having one of these kind of like, you know, he sort of big events where we had this stock that was gapping up 95% on Friday and the squeezed up gapping up another 95 percent today.

and right now is up three hundred and thirty five percent. This stock literally. last week was it a dollar and seventy two cents and right now is at $22.50 Okay, so when you have a stock like that in the market, that's volatility and that can create opportunity Now, despite the fact that I'm up 14,000 today, I would actually be up a heck of a lot more if I hadn't just had if I wasn't coming off of a slump and that even gives me a little bit of foam. oh maybe not FOMO but more of like regret of missing out or frustration of missing out I don't know but the reason I have that is because if I had been able to feel like I could take more risk today, I could have made a lot more money, but I didn't feel comfortable taking a lot of risk early on because of course you know today I just need to focus on rebounding.

Part of the reason today was such a solid day was because I prepared And that started with going to bed early last night getting a good night's sleep I Got up earlier today than usual I Got up about 45 minutes earlier because I didn't want to feel rushed this morning I wanted to take my time I got up I picked out my outfit. The first thing was sorting through all my red shirts as a red shirt. No pink shirt. No no, that's a shade of red that's not gonna work either.

this ranch shirt. I wore that on Friday it's bringing back bad memories already. that's not gonna work. Green shirt there we go.

So I put on the green shirt I envisioned myself having a green day so my green shirt, my nice jacket coming in feeling good I go downstairs I let the dogs out. They do their morning routine. they run around outside I make some coffee, you know, just kind of taking it slow. Now it's so typical for me to just have so many things going on that I'm bumbling out the door and I Drive to work.

now my office is not at my house so just that whole process, it's easy to get a little behind schedule and then you're at a red light and things start to. But today I left early. a nice relaxing drive to work. Ate some oatmeal along the way I came into the office I sat down I did my kind of rebound the first part of this rebound video I then did my meditation and when I sat down to trade I felt pretty calm, cool and collected and guess what happened my very first trade today I lost money I went into the red and for a moment I was like you know I just kind of felt like mother.
That's just sort of how I felt for a second there and then all of a sudden I just kind of was at peace with it and I was like you're okay, so it's a red day. Let's just see if I know maybe something else will pop up. if I can cut the loss in half, that's great and maybe soften the blow and that ended up happening. That happened as SES started squeezing up and my trade on SES and I'll pull up my charts here.

My trade on SES that was really good was when I got in at $9 for the break of the volume weighted average price. So this was a nice simple day trade. The setup was right here for the break over over $9 and I'll put up my my peon out here I'll just close this chart since I'm not going to use it. So there's eleven thousand, seven hundred, eighty three dollars in my retire in my main account and then in my retirement account.

another three thousand dollars after I went from being read in my main account to up only about five hundred dollars I said, you know what, you just went from red to green Let's shut it down. Let's just put that the main account aside and and just try to start a start over. And so then I start over in my retirement account and had a couple great trades on Bi MI and SES and then I went back to the main account and started trading a little bit more. So my very first trade was a good solid five minute pullback pattern along at 9:00 and as you can see, this ended up breaking out and working really, really well.

I Then got back in as it came out of afternoon consolidation right here and we got this break. Where was it right around here? 1439 for this move up towards 15 and then all the way up to the high. Now what's interesting today is that while SES was running bi am I all of a sudden started to pick up momentum. and what these two stocks have in common is that they are both energy stocks and this is what we call sympathy Momentum.

Now, as far as a lesson: I'm having a rebound day. It's it's uncommon that when you're trying to have a rebound day, you have the good fortune of having two stocks squeeze up three hundred, four hundred, five hundred percent. On and on the one hand, I say that's good fortune. on the other, it's bad fortune because if this had not been a rebound day, if this had been an ordinary day for me, I would have been able to take a lot more risk and I probably would've been able to buy more shares and make a lot more money on these types of moves.
I mean this could have potentially been I Don't know what twenty-five thirty-five forty thousand dollar green day. but because I'm in trade or rehab and I'm in, you know the rebound mode. I was going with smaller share size. Now of course we had these huge moves and so even with smaller share size, I made really good money.

but it could have made more and and so that's kind of that challenge right now of trying not to feel too annoyed at myself that because I was overly aggressive on poor quality setups last week. I Now you know blew my chance of having a really great day today when finally some equality setups present to themselves. So maybe I'll be a little disappointed myself and that'll be just a reminder to try to be more disciplined when the market is a little softer. So anyways, SCS and BM be IMI both kind of moving in tandem as they're both these energy stocks and I was just basically at a certain point in the day, trading both of them looking at one and the other and trading the pull backs.

focusing primarily on five-minute setups. The setups I I had the higher level of conviction so I'm not gonna break down each individual trade. The trade on Yuma was also an energy stock that I thought would be a little stronger than it was. That got me for a loss at the open Epi.

X randomly hit the momentum stock scanner and I jumped into it thinking that it was gonna take off because it was moving quickly and I got stopped out of that for a loss which was my biggest loss of the day. But at that point I was already well into the green and was starting to take a little bit more risk and but that one. Also, it was a bigger loss than I was anticipating. So although this isn't probably the most typical type of rebound day, I actually did make back.

Funny enough, all that I lost today which is not what I was in a show You, it is not what I was intending to do I wasn't swinging for the fences like that I wasn't throwing Hail Mary passes, but we ended up having obviously some great opportunities. A typical rebound day for me is going to be a day that I'm up maybe five hundred to a thousand fifteen, maybe $2,500 and and that's where I was sitting after the first, like 20-30 minutes of trading before things started to really go crazy. So generally speaking, the mentality of a trader who's trying to bounce back who's trying to rebuild the account. it has to be one of just being crazy about managing risk because once you've had a couple big losses, you start to get a little shake and you don't want to have another.

So trying to reduce the risk unfortunately, you know today that meant that on Yuma I hesitated a little bit and then because I was not totally sure and then once it started to open up I jumped in it maybe just a little higher than I should have and then I did have confirmation. but I paid the price and then when it failed I ended up losing. So that's another one of those times where I felt like hesitating almost created the loss. So it's it's It's very challenging from an emotional perspective to be totally present with the market.
trade. the market you're in to not hesitate when the moment is right, but at the same time maintain that mindfulness that you need to rebound and you can't afford to take a lot of risk right now that you have to, you know, be a little bit more careful. So all of that you know. getting to that state of mind is you know the goal of any trader and it's It's like you know when you see someone surfing, it's being so present that they're able to adjust the their weight.

You know without overthinking it right to maintain their balance. You can't overthink that stuff. you just have to be what is the expression in the flow state. That's the expression you have to be in the flow.

State And anyone who's an athlete who does sports, anyone who is a musician knows that what that's all about, it's you know if you're kayaking down a river and the ability just to react and respond and that it becomes educated intuition. And someone actually mentioned the intuition of trading how that is a big component. Something that someone mentioned in the comments. Again, as always, please throw the comments down below cuz they help me even as I'm you know, processing all this stuff with trading.

but for me, that's something that I need to be able to embrace that flow. stay where when I sit down in front of the computer. On the one hand, I'm able just to let it go just to drop all the baggage about the losses I've had in the past or the bills I have to pay that in the moment that I'm trading I'm totally focused while at the same time I have to respect my max risk parameters. You know I can't be so tunnel vision that I go and just do something insanely risky or that I lose sight of the bigger picture and so being able to have both that short term view and that bigger picture while not letting it hold you down.

That's like Zen state trading and you know, as long as I've been trading, I I'll have moments where I'm totally there and and then other times it slips away from me and I'm sure you guys can relate to that. So anyways, this is overall been a pretty interesting day. SDS is now dropping back down and actually got halted on circuit breaker coming back down. So I think we're now probably on the back side of the move for both of these stocks as the momentum kind of dies down and today a big challenge for me was to capitalize on FOMO without falling victim to it.

So as always questions comments, leave them below. Check out the links in my description for those of you guys that are wanting to get started. Those you who are struggling and want some help getting to the place where you want to be as a trader and as always I will see you guys back at it first thing tomorrow morning. All right, see you guys Then if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.
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30 thoughts on “$14k bouncing back like a champ ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james billard says:

    Green shirt baby

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Take Notes says:

    New to the channel wanting to start day trading is this something where i need to go to school to truly be successful ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    The next few days u should be on back on track bro.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    Lol,what the fk.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    How in the he'll did you pick BNGO This one is,a Winer dude.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    Ross can you say what your buy in before the bell on BNGO was it a buy in at $1.12

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    sell at 8.00.,well I'm in the wrong area because I'm using gut feelings.Thanks Ross for the info.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    I believe next time BNGO goes up to 3.25.Then sell.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo A says:

    Ross, umm.. wheels between our legs and bowl of cereal in our hands while driving ?! Let's hope there no cops watching this videoI BTW the funniest and most inspiring video you've made.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    Ross retune,yourself on some penny stock.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando Rico says:

    Yeah omg I just abiut drove off the road i laughed so hard when i heard him say Mother F$@&”! Haha and I’m enjoying the zooms and clip art/ sound effects. bout time your videos got some spicing up Ross!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dave kim says:

    Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! The champ is back!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BullsDeep says:

    Caught wwr today 4.58 to 9 bux. I almost fell over

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BullsDeep says:

    I caught ses bimi and dtss. Great week. Up %40 on total acct value.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Menachem Sahler says:

    Suddenly the market is moving big again, it's like a flip just switched on. Glad you had a successful day on the same symbol you black-listed on Friday 😀

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jules Winnfield says:

    Hey Ross! Great video again!
    Just wondering – do you have any learning material recommendations?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boone and June's Free World says:

    lol one swear word a day keeps the losses away.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kalonji WingsofEagles says:

    Ross! You're not supposed to oat meal n' drive brother… 🤣🤣🤣

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jade Hunter says:

    LOL, you're funny! Love this vid! Always looking forward to your vids. I learn so much. I tend to multi-task while trading. I should stop that and just really focus so thank you so much!!! God bless you more…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Leitch says:

    Hey Ross, how can I get that warrior trading computer backround/wallpaper? I need it!! Keep up the great work btw, love what you do and the quality content you produce.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emma Maton says:

    Hi, I can’t sign up to your free trading workshop because the button on the webpage isn’t working… I’ve tried on my mobile, iPad and laptop. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sidhant mishra says:

    Once we enter a position should we have a Target or wait till end

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. A. Rosenberg says:

    It's okay not to win every day ! And if you lose more than you win that's also good because you are helping stimulate our economy !

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mindfully Trading says:

    I totally agree when you said about being aware of hesitation causing a loss… trading is such a delicate balance between aggression and being conservative … Like you said, its all about the flow state 😀

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amc says:

    Hello Ross, is sympathy momentum restricted to same industry stocks or does it extend to any stock high on the scanners.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Bac says:

    We Are Lions!!!! Clean slate. Breaking even. You got more than a small green day. As you've mentioned. I think in the market in the Volatile state its in that safer is better than sorry!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeroen van den Heuvel says:

    Nice video, really learned something about the emotions wich is the part I need to work on. I had a devastating loss today, because I let my emotions get the best of me. I eknowledge the problem and am now going to work on it and tommorow is going to be my rebound day

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Mack says:

    I watched $SES but played $BIMI quick small win off dip bounce, and $TOPS dip buy.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fatima says:

    But how do you differentiate “gut feeling” and “experienced intuition”?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paramountx says:

    "And guess what happened? My first trade was red"

    Lmao. You forever faking me out

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