Wallstreetbets is home to some of the craziest stock and options traders, we're here to keep track of some of their greatest trades. In this video we'll analyze the biggest trades on the WSB forum from the prior week. We hope this video will be informative as you can learn from the successes and failures of WSB options traders.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we cover all things: stocks and investing today we're going to go over some of the greatest trades on the wall street bets forum from the past week, so we can learn from other people's experiences. First on the list is user voluptuation this trader has been holding tens of thousands of dollars in amd calls he initially put in ninety thousand dollars into buying 100 contracts of 122 strike calls amd's stock briefly reached 119 dollars for a short period of time. Last week. It's been in the middle of a huge uptrend over the past couple weeks, but in the last few trading sessions it seems to have taken a breather, although the current share price of around 114 dollars is within striking distance of the 122 strike price.

Theta decay has made this trader's options. Position bleed out by more than half its value with 100 contracts. The total price he paid allows us to calculate the price per call. Ninety thousand dollars of initial capital for a total of ten thousand calls means each call cost him nine dollars that puts the break-even price at 131 dollars per share of amd.

They expire in about one month on september 3rd 2021.. If amd is able to resume the uptrend, then it could easily reach and significantly surpass that level. But if this is just the end of the line for the run-up, the op might lose the entire rest of his position. Commenter lone wolf sigma says that this post is an example of jumping on the bandwagon too late due to fomo it's a common trap that some people fall into when they see large gains on the forum and want to replicate the success.

Unfortunately, as the saying goes, if you're seeing gain posts on wall street bets for a stock you're - probably already too late, better luck next time. Next, we have a robin hood trader called bagholder69. However, he hasn't been true to that username. He bought 21 000 worth of 150 strike apple calls one week before expiry in the middle of july.

At the time, apple was on a multi-week uptrend and had just pulled back from nearly hitting 150 per share. It seemed reasonable to think that it could hit 150. A share within about a week, unfortunately, it then pulled back to 142 and hasn't reached 150, since this trader then got out of his position on july 19th selling his calls for 26 cents each off a base of 1.30 each that amounts to an 80 loss. After that disaster, his portfolio has finally finished its accelerating trend downward.

He now has lost more than 98 of his portfolio doing options yolos like this one. Now he only has 280 dollars left in his robin hood account. He calls himself bag holder, but if he had just held onto those apple calls just a day or two longer, it's possible that he could have saved himself. Some of those losses, the very next day after he sold apple, rose halfway to the strike price of 150 dollars, a share then again by the expiry date of july 23rd.

The calls would have expired worthless. This just goes to show that the difference between a gain, a loss and getting completely wiped out can be just a matter of days when it comes to options. Next, we have an enormous six-figure gain on a trade on amd amd has had an incredible past couple weeks after reporting earnings where the company doubled revenue year over year. Investors have responded with enthusiasm.
Luckily, wall street vets has been bullish on the company for some time now. This trader was so confident that he bought 100 contracts of 100 strike calls expiring in a few months. He bought them for three dollars per option, bringing his total investment up to thirty thousand dollars after the past two weeks saw amd's share price increase from ninety dollars to one hundred ten dollars. Those calls are now comfortably in the money.

The result is a 440 gain or a massive 132 thousand dollars. The op actually says that he first started trading amd four years ago. Since then, he claims to have made over a million dollars in realized games which he's used to buy a house, and a car amd has been one of the great winners of the past five years. It was only trading at about seven dollars.

A share back in 2016 when it was a clear second behind rival intel, but with the new zen architecture, its consumer cpus from the ryzen line, have won over serious gamers. Its enterprise-grade cpus from the epic line have converted many server manufacturers for those insightful enough to have seen it coming. It's been a great ride. Congratulations on your life-changing gains! Next, we have user oliver.

This trader decides about a hundred thousand dollars that the broad market would close significantly lower on august 13th. At the time of the post, spy was trading about 441 dollars. A share. This trader, owned out of the money puts with a strike price of 4.25 you'd, have to go back an entire month to find a time when it was below that strike price, and even then, it only briefly dipped below 425.

By about 3 cents. The op says that he is middle class and the trade was a big one for him, which makes it a little strange that he would risk a hundred thousand dollars on a single trade like this, especially on an index option with an index like the s p. There are much fewer catalysts that you could have a view on in order to try to make a trade. You can't really play earnings releases or other events like for individual stocks.

Also bidding against the s p has a long track record of wrecking bears user. I sell good quality good says that he used to do these types of trades too, although with much smaller amounts, he thinks it's better, not to try to guess on short-term movements that are ultimately probably just random. Instead, he prefers to just follow the crowd with more traditional investment styles. Hopefully this trader will be able to make up for his losses with some future gains.
Next up we have a very nice weekly gain for user farmer314, he's up 26 thousand dollars in just five days off the base of about 36 thousand dollars. Most of his games are on calls on nvidia, the giant graphics processor maker. In the past week, nvidia has had an incredibly low volatility, move up from 195 dollars, a share to 205 dollars a share, although that's just a five percent gain our trader held at the money. Calls on the stock, in particular his 16 contracts of 190 strike, calls made up the majority of his gains: 14 000 dollars from these alone.

His other calls with 100 strikes also made money about eight hundred dollars worth, but his two or three dollar and seventy five cent strike calls were still out of the money at the time of the screenshot. So they were actually down a little over a thousand dollars, but now that those are three dollars in the money, it's likely that they will end up being profitable too. Despite this, nice weekly gain, a commenter asks. What about the 52-week chart? That's the problem with options games it's much harder to consistently make a profit over a long period of time.

All too often, traders are able to make one good trade and have a week or two of huge gains, but then lose some or all in future trades. Hopefully, this doesn't happen to this trader. Congratulations on your massive gains! Next, we have another tragic loss on a huge amc. Trade user, yaz 2684 owns more than 1 000 shares of amc.

Unfortunately, this trader bought amc for an average cost basis of 47.5 per share over the past month. The stock has fallen from about that level down to the low 30s. That's approximately a 33 decline in one month. Obviously, that's a painful loss to take on any large investment.

Despite the 18 and a half thousand dollar loss on the bright side, this user only owned stocks and not calls if he had owned calls. The losses would have been much steeper also. He is definitely not alone in his amc pain, many wall street bets traders have been having a rough month since the glory days of june amc had its glory days and it seems to be losing steam recently. Some people think that amc is the subject of fraudulent market manipulation and ready for another short squeeze.

Some think that is just a pump and dump that is now over and others seem to want to stay in amc, no matter what the true situation is. The only thing that you can say for sure about amc is that its highest highs and its lowest lows can be separated, sometimes by only a matter of weeks, alright, guys that wraps it up for this video. If you enjoyed this content, make sure to smash the like button and subscribe, so you don't miss future uploads. Also, let us know what trades you're in right now in the comments section below, as always.

Thank you so much for watching and we'll see in the next video wall street millennial signing out.

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31 thoughts on “$100,000 epic loss on spy puts yolo, greatest trades of wsb”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Smith says:

    September 3rd is tmr. The dude is going to lose the 90k unless he sold out of them for a huge loss a while ago.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DumbledoreMcCracken says:

    It is all a simulation, and you don't get to write the algorithm.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D T says:

    12 years working for one bet…seems reasonable

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Onyeka Onyebuchukwu says:

    Am getting second hand hurt from this

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelzkelly says:

    I called BYND $124 strike when the stock was trading at $101 a few months ago had 5 calls paid about $0.32 a piece these calls ran all the way up to $32.00 still pissed I didn’t hold them longer. You can make decent gains on options if you play far otm further out tbh. Way cheaper and gives you way more time. I stick to 3 stocks when I do trade ROKU, BYND and Tesla every now and then. Mainly ROKU and BYND

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MJM says:

    Well whoever sold him the contracts is most likely going to pocket all of that 90 K

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Jackson says:

    Buying options and shorting stocks is dumbass..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stewie Griffin says:

    why yolo when you have legit stocks like kandi tech and ford stock
    There are fear that these stocks will go down.
    Warren Buffett says, be greedy when others are fearful.
    If people fear that its going to go down.
    Fuck it im buying more.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flippa The Shippa says:

    This is why I don’t mess with that call shit Just buy and be patient and if it keeps falling and you believe in the company or the crypto whatever it is just keep buying

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jmitterii2 says:

    Sellin puts the putses.
    Wallstreetbet folks don't realize they're puppets on a string.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steady Stackin' says:

    Bagholder69 lol. Am I the only one who finds this name hilarious 😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F Liu says:

    not sure you will do a video on KKR's Toy R. Us that die.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UFC highlights says:

    Amc has extremely high IV on its contracts, if you own 1000 shares that means you can sell 100 calls on it wheeling in anywhere from 4-9k+ a week. (Assuming you don’t get assigned)
    I can’t believe y’all idiots don’t know how options works other than naked calls/puts

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Traders Simulation says:

    These stories are so good. I also produce similar videos of the most insane trading stories from wallstreebets

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SCAMMERS MASTER says:

    I was going to buy 110C at. amd. Next day I saw it at 123😔🤦‍♂️

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SCAMMERS MASTER says:

    I hope spy hits 445 tomorrow 🙏 my calls red

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hyena hiena says:

    Opens up with calls on AMD!!! Total insanity.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Franse says:

    Wouldn't the breakeven be $122.09 for the AMD guy's strikes? the call being $9 means that the guy pays 9 cents a share. 122.09 is reasonable.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars christopher ruseell says:

    Bring back what car they could have bought comparison

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John C says:

    Man I love your videos you do great work, thank you

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Smith says:

    i'm holding OCGN in my traditional ira at a cost basis of .291 and 86000 shares…… I think it should go to 100 in time but waiting is the hardest thing to do

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max distefano says:

    I have a 8k to 98k gain shows 2100% gain. and a 4k to a 40k to a 0k gain. Where can I send you screenshots and info on my options yolos.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars metalslug26 says:

    Call options are straight up gambling 🤣. I'm soft, so ill stick to ETFs 🤣. Gotta secure the wife doesn't divorce me bag.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nuclear Thunder says:

    I kind of like this channel. The reason I'm iffy about it is because of the name. I'm not a fan of anything WSB related. If you ever push any meme stocks, I'll block this channel. Full disclosure: I made money on GME when it first rallied but now it's just a pump and dump group.. pump and dumps only cause long term damage to the economy.. they hurt retail investors under the guise of getting back at hedgefunds. It's only for suckers now

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Incredible Sushi says:

    I don't understand doing options on an index fund. The volatile is nonexistent. Someone tell me why people play options on index funds like SPY and VIX. Btw when I saw AMD at $113 I thought hat said AMC and i was like when did AMC get above $100

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Dana Yi Show says:

    why would you bet an amount that would take you 12 years to save up/earn??? Crazy trades!!!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Patel says:

    Think ur math is wrong there 37+43= 80. It’s 80k not 90.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Biß says:

    Been hooked on your content since 3 days ago. Let's just say if you were a stock, I would've bought. You're way undervalued. Hope you get the subs you deserve soon my man!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imanasaurus says:

    This stuff makes my stomach hurt imagining the pain of losing that much money relative to how much money I have

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samson Soturian says:

    At least WSB is past GME and back to its roots. Maybe I will rejoin.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samson Soturian says:

    Short dated SPY puts are never a good idea…

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