Stocks fall amid debt-ceiling talks, retail sales data : Stock market news today.
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So a quick market update for you guys, especially for those following my short position yesterday I took about a nine thousand dollar loss as I tried to short the market One Market Direction quickly changed. Uh, we were taking a different approach today I Just wanted to share this with you guys I am going to take pretty much the same position size and it's going to be about 20 000 shares. Uh, in Sqq eventually, right? So right now I'm in with 10 000 shares I am managing my risk um, with a stop loss As you guys can see here at 27.48 I Just entered as we broke above that EMA line indicating signs of a potential reversal. We'll see if those higher highs continue again.

It's not going to be much of a surprise if it actually ends up getting rejected, just keeping you guys up to date. But overall I see upset potential uh to be a little bit over two percent. Now let me explain right? we waited for the break above the EMA from the EMA all the way to pre-market highs is a 1.93 return. Now I'm nowhere close to being a perfect Trader even if I walk away with 1.5 percent out of the 1.9 percent, I will be more than happy.

My downside risk is about half of a percent. So if my upside risk is two percent, my downside risk is half a percent. Risk to reward ratios are definitely in my favor. The only thing that's not in my favor is Market Direction I'm not here to sugarcoat it.

Please do Not copy this trade. Especially if you're someone that doesn't know how to manage the risk. or if you're someone that really shouldn't be opening a trade right Market Direction is not in your favor to be shorting. this is a risk to reward type of play and I'm just excited to follow up.

I Want to see if we can make back what we lost yesterday and then some. and if not, uh, then we'll leave it at that. But as of right now again, we're kind of struggling to form these higher highs and higher lows. I'm keeping my learn plan profit, team up today.

If you guys look at QQ Cube again, it does have a beautiful setting up Trend pattern. What I would love to see is for it to break this support break below the 327 and by breaking below 327 which has been a general support range where it's been consolidating. Then we break below the moving average and actually form lower lows. Lower highs break below 320 26 and then head on over to 325.

So as you can see, this is going to be no easy task. I Don't expect it to go exactly according to plan, but even if I walk away, you know one percent in the Green 1.5 percent right? Whatever the case might be, Um, there's no question that if you look at QQQ it is overbought. Look at the RSI looking at previous patterns. Very overextended.

As of right now, there is a Fed meeting going on. We actually live streamed part of it during our live trading session with the Lpp team. You guys could actually find this by going to and then going under the calendar section and then as of today Tuesday on May 16th it says that Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr is going to be. you know, speaking live right and if you click on this actual video then you can actually tune on in.
but it looks like most people have actually left. This meeting started at 10 A.M Eastern time which means 30 minutes after the market opened. which again as of right now we're about an hour and 44 minutes from that. So yeah, it's It's been quite some time as of right now I Just wanted to make sure that you were aware of you know if you do see a potential Quick Change of Market direction that might be where it's stemming from.

The main focus for this week is again, uh, will President and Congress be able to come up with some form of solution. Uh, with the debt ceiling. That's everyone and everything what we're focused on as of right now. There are small economic reports that are being released this week.

Remember that you can Google search economic reports you can or economic calendar so you can have on a weekly basis all the different economic reports that are set to be released. but for Tuesday they're all done. We do have Wednesday Nothing too significant. We do have Thursday nothing too significant.

It's just whatever is released on a weekly basis. So very excited to follow up. Hope that we're into thumbs up. If you have any questions about uh, you know what we talked about today, feel free to message me via Discord and that's going to be the first or second link in the description down below.

But remember again, my trade that I'm taking today is super super risky. Not something that I'd encourage absolute beginners to copy by any means, but just, um, wanted to share my idea behind it and the risk to reward on how I'm justifying that trade. and I'm going to be doing it in two different positions, right? So right now I'm in with 10 000 shares. if we get, if we begin to form higher highs and higher lows and as we get closer to that 28 dollar price point, then I'll be adding an additional 10 000 shares.

So again, by managing my position size I'm managing my risk and then on top of that I am managing my Risk by setting a stop loss on the original 10 000 shares. So very excited to follow up. Hope that we're in a thumbs up. Please consider subscribing and also do not forget to save your spot for our free live trading session where I'll be giving away one thousand dollars this Friday and that is the first link in the description down below.

You don't want to miss out. Make sure you save your spot before it's too late. Appreciate your time like always. Let's make sure that we're in the year On a green note.

Take it easy team!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Do not waste time trading today…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Korbyn Haydtin says:

    Ricky, FSLR, FICO, LVS, NFLX, LW, GE, WYNN, ACGL, PHM all of these have performed above 50% in 1 year, can one still get into them now or will they plummet once I have allocated? I have just a 100k to put into the markets at this time.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susan Mullins says:

    I would say TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE RECISSION! Recessions are an unavoidable part of the economic cycle; all you can do is prepare for them and plan accordingly. I graduated into a slump (2009). My first job after graduating from college was as an aerial acrobat on cruise ships. Today, I work as a VP for a global corporation, own three rental properties, invest in stocks and businesses, run my own company, and have increased my net worth by $500k in the last four years

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HUSTLE SMART says:

    This market is a fuckin mess….so ass crack my goddd

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Bill says:

    After losing so much to stock market, One best investment decision I ever made afterwards was investing in financial markets. Which has earned me $34,970 profit every 14days lately. Trust me guys it pays a lot.>>

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bntony29 says:

    Why waste time discussing which coins to keep for the long term? Have you even heard of Papayahub?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars roberto valde says:

    Saludo Rick long time my friend

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oleg Ovchinikov says:

    I told u indicies are dog now. Trade cotton gold gas oil

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live N The Moment says:

    This is the hardest market to trade, have an IRA definitely don't start one. And you just have to roll with the punches. All n all this is a very challenging job. And if it was easy everyone would be doing it huh. 🤔
    Plus that's nothing I've seen you make 25k in ten minutes just wish I came across you sooner. But everything takes time.
    Thanks Rick

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 💰 Easy $680 Per Day says:

    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." –Eleanor Roosevelt

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael westrick says:

    never short a sleepy market bro

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hope4Today9 Now says:

    I didn't trade yesterday. I did trade today and lost $2.00 & got completely out.
    Tomorrow is another day! Feel Good.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Norwell says:

    How can I get more profitable Investment in the market?  Is this pump short getting wrecked and liquidated, or any indication of whale, corporate treasury buys?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flyiguana says:

    made $4k on TQQQ today…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DUNK TIMETM says:

    Market is finally starting to look overbought

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LRF Car Reviews says:

    HD, LOW, DIS, CVX, and T all were smashed today. Where do you see those 5 stocks heading Ricky?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Toj says:

    Making crazy gains buying QQQ calls 😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jinkies says:

    Don't know much about this guy, but in all honesty, he doesn't seem like a tard seems to be legit keep the great content and I'll throw a follow on ya

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Trader says:

    Very interesting Ricky!! I want to see how you make out. I'll be watch you "Trade Ideas".

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G R says:

    I have a strategy but both Qqq and sqqq

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S.M M.s says:

    Where do you think
    SQQQ is going? Thank you.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xill says:

    So we don’t trade but you are only allowed trade today 😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jenisly jensen says:

    Hope SQQQ goes to 40-50s

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dex says:

    Is no longer a story that the world is experiencing a global economic downturn but am so happy am receiving $60,000 from my $20,000 investment every Week is so amazing.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 모살까나 says:

    Rickey always wrong . Anytime he say market crash , market go up. Try to invest opposite what he says. I have not seen any right forcasting.

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