Digital Real Estate Events for Recruiting & Referrals | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
Digital real estate events are HOT right now – trust me, I do a lot of them. And one of the best things about them is that you can customize your events to suit your goals.
Mary Bartos uses digital real estate events for more than just attracting leads. In scaling her team, events have played a vital role in her recruiting process. And in this episode of the podcast, I talk with Mary about how she’s leveraging platforms like Zoom to host webinars that are pulling in both referrals and new agents, all without the hefty costs of traditional in-person events.
She’ll show you exactly what to do at every stage – pre, during, and post – of your digital real estate events. Just watch or listen, right here.
In this episode we discuss…
00:00 – About Mary
03:09 – Contribution-based marketing
05:20 – Pre-event
10:00 – Goal attendance
13:30 – Targeting your audience
14:50 – During the event
18:05 – After the event
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So if the person that's watching and and you're saying, well, I'm not sure you know if my past clients if I want sellers I want listings? uh I would just say before we transition to what do you do during the actual event and then what do you do after the event because it's a three-part formula. Um, the one thing I would remind you of is whoever you want. that's who you want to go after in market. So in the case of Maureen Fallon she she basically geofarms all of Queens New York right? So so whatever that number is, you know, some fifteen thousand homes, she sends out a direct mail piece with a QR code invitation, right? JD Alessandro right? It's been doing the same thing: Huge Northern Virginian Market Um, he and his partner.

they basically do a direct mail piece of the entire area, which they do every single month as a part of their overall branding and attraction strategy and then they just say hey, we're doing a free seller seminar at this time. Hit the QR code to register. Yeah, so do you think you know for the person listening I want to make sure they can, they can hit that Also, if they want sellers, absolutely my next. um you know we're testing it with recruiting Because That's one of my rocks for this quarter.

Um, what I want to do is sellers? They're starting. We have a listing boot camp that I'll tell you about some other time. Yeah, that we're starting our agents on and that goal is to then parlay that into some of these for for listings sellers smart I'm not sure if this is for you, but if you're looking for a way to grow your business in a unique way, in an educational way in a servant Hearts way I Think you're really going to dig this show today. I've got my friend Mary Bartos Who like so many of my clients during the pandemic, we were on.

you know things like Zoom very early 2016-17 and at that time when so many people were at home looking for an outlet and clients agents like yourself were looking for ways to scale their trusts stay top of mind with clients I Said: why don't you start doing educational events? Why don't you find out one of the topics that matter most to your customers, the people that are in your database and others And let's start bringing that information to light. Let's become the agent of choice in your Marketplace Because you were the one delivering the real value. the topical content that was on the minds of customers. whether it was how to buy a house during the pandemic, how to sell a house during the pandemic, how to rent a house during the pandemic, and a million other things.

Well, Mayor, you and I both know a lot of people. After the pandemic, raced right back to what we would call traditional real estate. Not being a bad thing, but they stopped doing this. You recently started doing it again, did so.

So tell me. First of all, for the person that doesn't know who you are because it's like second or third time on the show, Um, so Mary Bartos Tell them where you work, give them the size of your team. um, and then let's get into the the meat because she's going to talk how to do it pre, at, and post so you can make this formula right for you. Absolutely! Mary Bartis with the bar test group of Premiere Plus we go all the way from Marco Island Naples and Fort Myers Cape Coral Florida If you weren't sure where that was, Um, we have a rather large team.
We have 25 agents. We're a total of about 40 or so and um, love what we do. So so why did you? Why did you decide to bring back this sort of contribution-based event marketing? Done, you know, sort of on Zoom Why did you do this versus anything else? Yeah, so you know if you in? in our case, what we're really looking forward to right now is recruiting adding people to our team. Yes, uh, we feel that we have a large database so people can actually work in it and there's just too much for our current team to do.

Yes. So instead of renting a room, getting somebody to come, kind of like an event where where you have all the time which is expensive and a lot of work to get there. Um, we decided we'd go back to webinars and come from that that heart of contribution for both local agents who are looking to join a team or actually just kind of give them a leg up if they're a single agent or wanting to start a team and then go from there to also referral agents our referral partners that are in different parts of the country because quite honestly they might need those thoughts as well. So the first one we did was really successful.

Okay, so before we jump into the details, I I for The Listener That might be saying well I don't want I don't want to recruit anybody right? Do you want to recruit sellers? Do you want to recruit buyers? Do you want to recruit investors? Do you want to? Absolutely. Advocates Do you want to recruit people that will run out and scream from the hilltops? Mary Bartos Is the only agent you should work with. This strategy is time tested. It has been around for hundreds of years, right? like this is, This is not a new strategy, we're just modernizing it.

In this case, it's about referrals. but I want you to think through our agent agent attraction right? trying to get more people on your team? I Want you to listen to the before, during, and after because you can pretty much fill in anybody you want uh, seniors that are thinking about selling their house but are concerned about all these issues. That would be a good way to do events and we see others. Maureen Fallon specifically the Queen of Queens and New York who's been doing two of those workshops in person with small groups and listing up a truckload of people from it.

She's actually going to present that at the summit this year. It is going to be bananas and but same thing brief, it's going to be bananas. So Mary walk us through Pre like I know you got notes right? So you're going to take the show and you're going to go. This is what I do pre and I'll try not interrupt.
Sure, feel free to interrupt though. So you've got to really determine who you're presenting to. Yes, you know. so you want that list? Yes, in our case, we're looking at referral partners and markets where they move to our area.

smart and agents that we would want to add to our team. So they do a certain volume in business that we think we can add. Yes, um, you know to their business. so that first things first.

So you get gather that list you want to get it. How do you gather that list? Um, well. the referral. Partners We may or may not know, but we do a lot of parties.

We you know integrate with a lot of people in the ecosystem. Uh, to really have those referrals or people that we've done business with So we have those in our database so it's always adding to it. someone that doesn't have. They're not a part of our ecosystem right? and obviously you should be.

But if they're not, they could say well I belong to this company or this company has this affiliation, let me invite I I Did this with a long time ago with one of my clients Patrick McLaughlin shout out to Patrick I'm like Patrick you're in the Hamptons where do all your buyers and sellers come from He's like New York City I'm like well how often do you do educational event Marketing in the city educating people along the Hamptons he's like let's do that coach and he killed it and all he did is went to his company yeah you know, like his so so think outside the box. that's one the other one is you could go on Facebook and look and see who you have there right? Facebook um I Think the other thing is you could go into areas where you know they're moving from like that, right? But you can also go out and Google them there and you can get it all on on Zillow right? Uh, you know LinkedIn Exactly. Real Estate agent in New Jersey Yes, right. there's the entire list and I'm all a message.

Hey, we'd love to invite you to come check this out. Absolutely. So one is. build the list two though.

I thought you said was kind of build like what's the topic? the topic yeah kind of. I do them at the same time. So who am I going to do it for? and then what am I going to say? and is it going to be catchy enough? So the first one was um, sanity success Insanity How to do 20 million dollars in Revenue earn volume? um without losing your mind. So success.

and Sanity how to do 20 million dollars in volume without losing your mind I Love that title. Yes. Okay, so great. Feel free to take it.

r d it. So you know you want something catchy. Um, you want a graphic so that when you start your email campaign when you start your social um that you have something that they can click on and then we like to know who's signing up so we use Eventbrite and that you know puts them out. They get the link to the the webinar and which we do through Zoom which is what we used to do and um and then then we're going to send reminders.
So you're going to send that email out to three times depending on how soon like we just our new ones coming up on June 14th. um I like to do them so Eastern Standard Time and Pacific can kind of get them together around 10 in the morning and then yeah, and then we start. You know, sending those out two three weeks in advance? So I'm curious. Have you done any uh, partnership marketing like you know, maybe your title partner or your lender who might also want to bring some people to this and have other relationships? Have you looked at that or no? I have not yet because I don't know that they have those lists because I have a list of the agents in my market that I want to go after.

Got it and they might have other people I I can see their volume? Sure yeah. Big Brother watching I Guess yeah. Um so I go after those. But but to your point.

Um, one of my lenders and I were talking about you know the 503k where you can go in and do updates to a home and you get the mortgage and we thought we would have it in person but it's the exact same thing. I'm like why go to the person right? It's great I Love face to face, belly to belly? Sure. but at the end of the day I get more Reach For Less time less investment on a webinar I Love it. So who are you doing it for? Right building the list and and being resourceful Facebook LinkedIn your MLS right? Depending on what is your own database right? Yes and then creating sort of a catchy hook, right? A reason to listen, A reason to show up.

probably use things like chat GPT and others to say play around this. make it as sexy as possible Right Your favorite idea? Yes and then email and then social. And you're saying three emails? Yeah, promoting it on social Link to: Eventbrite So you know who's registering and then the day before do they get anything they get a reminder of. okay, right? do that or do you do that? Um, that's a good question.

I'm gonna have to ask somebody else. Okay, so you can find that out the person. Listen, you're watching All right. So yeah.

so I like that sequence. Um, typically when you're doing this, you know every everyone loves, um, they love when the party is a success. Yes, and everyone that throws a party is always doing this like right before No One's Gonna show up and a lot of people won't even do it because they say No One's Gonna show up. So what do you find to be You know I I Email this many people I invite this many people X Numbers show up.

What number satisfactory do you once you're actually doing the event, How many people do you want on there? Well, this first one we had 90 sign up and 60 showed up and I was thrilled. I had no expectation I didn't want to go in with an expectation smart Um I just wanted to to do it to see what would happen and then you know see what the results were And they were phenomenal. I mean I You know it was so cool. Um, we have a large brokerage.
I'm not the broker for anyone I'm I'm the largest team there, but the broker. Some of the the people, some of the agents in the broker brokerage decided to go and host like a showing session in The Brokerage and like 10 or 15 of them were in there watching me on the big screen yes and talking amongst themselves. which what a compliment. That was the coolest thing ever.

I Agree I Agree. Imagine if you could sit down over the course of three days with 82 different agents and team leaders who combined sold more than 6 000 homes in the last 12 months where they broke down in detail how they generate a steady flow of listings in this market. Everything from the marketing. they use the checklist to get it done and organize and be consistent, the scripts and dialogues, the follow-up strategies, the tools and more to implement them.

That is my promise of this year's success. Summit In this environment, you can no longer be asking yourself how instead you've got to find plays that work and simply run them race to Book your reservation, make sure that you absolutely position yourself Above and Beyond in your Marketplace truly becoming the market of one you know. Remind me in this case, you brought in a guest expert not on this one. this one the first one I did was I spoke on it okay only because I saw the marketing must be on the second one.

Yeah yes, Karen Peters is on the second one on the first one I thought I'm gonna try this myself if it fails I don't want some other guests to get caught in my failure I'm gonna see if it works I'm Gonna Roll it out and you know for me talking to people about 20 million is an easy number because you know I have lots of Agents on our team that do 20 million right? and I've personally you know done 80 million so it's an easy discussion to have. Okay, so so I love it. So you made yourself the expert on the first and now you're testing on the next one, bringing in an outsider, right? And I thought it was unique in that you were bringing in somebody that was from one of the marketplaces where you get a tremendous amount of of referral traffic, right? You know people are moving the Northeast Northeast to Southern New Jersey AKA Florida So kindergarten say the New Garden date with a little more water. So so I thought that was a strategic move.

Was it or is camera just a buddy in you know you know she's Lively shout out to Karen yeah um she's smart. she's Lively but I wanted it to be and we were talking to Mastermind that she lost to recruit because they didn't think she had training. Yeah and I'm like Karen You're The Perfect Storm Let's do this because we can help each other on. um, you know her talking to folks.

It helps people in my market whether they join me or not to know there's somebody in that New Jersey market right right where she is that they could give a referral to because you know we love to give as much as we get. So the person that's watching and and you're saying, well, I'm not sure you know if I was my past clients. if I want sellers I want listings I would just say before we transition to what do you do during the actual event and then what do you do after the event because it's a three-part formula. Um, the one thing I would remind you of is whoever you want.
That's who you want to go after a market. So in the case of Maureen Fallon she she basically geofarms all of Queen's New York right? So so whatever that number is, you know, some 15 000 homes. She sends out a direct mail piece with a QR code invitation, right? JD Alessandro right? It's been doing the same thing. Huge Northern.

Virginian Market Um, he and his partner. They basically do a direct mail piece of the entire area, which they do every single month as a part of their overall branding and attraction strategy and then they just say hey, we're doing a free seller seminar at this time. Hit the QR code to register. Yeah, so do you think you know for the person listening I just want to make sure they can.

they can hit that Also if they want sellers, absolutely my next um you know we're testing it with recruiting Because that's um one of my rocks for this quarter. Um what I want to do is sellers. They're starting. We have a listing boot camp that I'll tell you about some other time.

yeah that we're starting our agents on and that goal is to then parlay that into some of these for for listings sellers Smart! Okay So let's go to the during what do you think are the most important things during the event and I would imagine like the welcome the intro the content how you if there's a CTA if there's a call to action so walk us through your list. Yeah so during kind of still gets from the pre so I like to use PowerPoints um I think they're visual it gives points to not ramble Beyond and what I really like to do with these is talk about because what am I doing I'm looking for people that will run a recruit or I want to give knowledge to wherever they are. So we talk about if you're a single agent, what should you do If you're trying to you know, grow a team or start a team how does this topic relate to you right? And then here's what my team does. So as a large team, you know and I give it back from level of contribution, it's really my responsibility right? as as successful team in the this you know Market of real estate to give back to folks and so that's that's the the rate I guess at which it goes through in the presentation I allow them so just to be clear, you're just fulfilling on the promise.

Which is how do you move from what did you call it like you know, 20 million dollars in Crazy to like a higher level of success and maybe more sanity I totally butchered your headline so you're speaking to that, but you're doing it specifically in the Avatar of hey, if you're a brand new agent, hey, if you're a new agent and you're at eight or nine million dollars, here's the next move for you. Hey, if you're an experienced agent, here's the next three moves for you. So I like that because the person listening is going to say all right. Well, if I'm talking to sellers, right, you know if you're talking to buyers, if you're if you're a first-time buyer, here are the three moves.
If you're If you're a move up buyer, you need to look at Abc123. But if you're that maybe Savvy investor, you're going to look at ABC one two three four five, right? So you're So you're giving every one of the avatars what they need absolutely surely from give give give give right right? And if I never get a referral or a recruit out of it, you know that's that's okay too It really. I'm not looking at the outcome. The outcome is great.

Yes, um but produce results with it so. but but I like that you're walking with like I'm gonna do this and however the cards lie, the cards lie but we got to share with share the success. Yes so what else on the what else on the doing part? the actual event. Yeah so you want to be able to let them ask questions so you know you can do that and make sure you're answering those questions.

Um, and if you're on Zoom it's just the chat function. Yeah, it's a chat function that's good. Um, webinar and zoom. You know are two different things but my team knows how to do that.

But yes the questions are still there. I have my marketing person running it I'm not the person running it I'm a panelist and they run it from behind the scenes. We do this. I'm in my studio, the other person will be you know someone else is on the computer and making sure.

and yes, likely thank you Thank you my guys over here Yes, thank you thank you thank you. Don't let people like us do that stuff. No no and hey, how come the video is not on? Yeah, Well, the first one I apparently did something wrong and I sent something to her and she's like we have no video we can't like. What are we doing? We scrambled on that one.

Well, we learned a few lessons. So welcome to live shows! Yes, Yes. and you know Tom I Think the thing you've always taught me is, even if you mess up, it's okay. Yes, you know the goal is the exercise of doing it.

You're gonna get better each and every time. right? right? So finish the doing part. You know, let's transition to post or is there a CTA Is there a call to action? Is there an offer that you make during that? And if so, what is it? So at the end, so during is different. but at the end, we're plugging the next webinar so we already know what it is.

we've already set it up, we already know the date and who the guest will be and we start going down that path. Nice. Um, the the call to action in it's kind of sprinkled in there is hey, you know we're here. We like to contribute, you know? So there's a sprinkling of the referral part and then there's a sprinkling of hey, if you're looking for a team and you don't want to join, you know, start your own, You're looking.
Come, come talk to us, right? right? And that that could be If you're sellers are buyers as well. Love it, love it. And I think for the person listening, you know if you don't ask, you don't get right right. there's there's the we've all been on that webinar before where all they do is ask and we're like uh, but you know but I like the in in my world we call it seating.

Yes. So I'm going to see the point that well our team and and as we bring on new people right as we attract new Sellers as we help more and more buyers I'm seeding the conversation. Sure, so the person listening is like oh okay, so she helps a lot of sellers. Okay, she helps a lot of agents that that kind of stuff versus the but wait, there's more right? Yeah, Which by the way, don't get me wrong, that also works and it can be funny, you know.

But if you call the banana line right now, all right. So so wrap up anything missing on the doing. Parks I Think everybody gets do it on PowerPoint Make a visual, have it look professional, be well lit, right? you know, deliver on the promise. Yeah, and then some.

Kind of okay. we'll see on the next show or slight. CTA If you need more information, reach out to us. yes, that's exactly how it is good.

and then the post you're gonna send out the video. Um, you know with the audio and the slides that you know whatever they want. Nice. Um, you know again contribution.

We don't care. do you want to use it? Great? Yep. And then you know. Um, following it up with calls those that attended.

You know. not only are they going to get an email, but they're going to get a call from us. Yeah, yeah, you know. and it's It's so interesting.

It's it. Sounds so much like an open house. Yeah right. We talk about Mega of analysis forever.

It's you know, all the pre-marketing to drive traffic to it. It's at the event. What's Our intention? What are we trying to accomplish? Circle of Hell. See all the people talk to my lender yada yada but all the money is made in hey Mary Uh, you and your husband came through our open house.

It went to the European industry the other day. What did you guys think about it? Like just? and it's the follow-up Yes. So so how much do you follow up and then tell us just about results, right? Because you've done one of these Now you've got the recruiting one. You have another one coming up.

What kind of results did you get from the recruiting one? We had great results. Um, we had six people raise their hand. Uh, three are joining our team. Wow.

Um wow Yeah. 60. yeah out of 16 that actually watched it. Yeah, um and there's probably more in there because the follow-up um between that one or down in person.
so we're going to have a new person assigned yes that to make sure that those calls are get got made. Awesome! Awesome! All the money as always is it's it's you know, hi so nice to meet you and oh oh yeah, let's get together sometime and I'd love to do more with you and then they never follow up. You're like that person's full of you know what right? Like that was totally inauthentic versus like okay, great hey I'll give you a call and then you follow up right? Exactly. So so three out of call it 60 people and not all of them were in your local market.

A lot of those people were you know from referral Partners across the country I'd say they were about half and half referral partners and local market and um I'm anxious to see what the next one does. Yeah and I'm kind of a geek with numbers as you know. um and so I would go into Eventbrite like several times a day to see how many new people had signed up and then where they were and made sure that we downloaded them. and were they you know referral Partners or who they were and even my friends, then the you know, the ecosystem that signed up I'm like hey, give me the feedback because I want to know the real deal right? right? So this was a really valuable conversation Mary and I you know I know for the person listening right now.

First of all thank you thank you thank you right? thank you for for you know being a thought leader for testing and trying new things talking with uh Maureen who we've mentioned a couple times you know I asked your recently in a mastermind um I don't forget where we were or February or March and she said I'd heard this idea from Lydia Gable on the show and I'd talk to other people that were doing events and I just never did it and she finally said I need to add something new another pillar and and for her she wants it I want more listings like that's the thing that makes my you know my business saying so she's like I was looking at my demographics I was looking at my market I was studying what was going on and I just found that they were. You know most of my sellers were gonna move and it was. You know it was a tax issue for them in New York like she really thought through and then created a whole event which is like an hour in lunch at our office. Wow right? and for her because it was so hyper local she did it you know, sort of in person.

she's like two in January to February to two in March did like four in April I'm not gonna reveal the numbers at the summit. she's going to reveal the entire thing pre, during, and post. Yeah, which will be worth its weight in gold for everybody there, you included. Absolutely.

Um, but I want to thank you because you you went back and did what's what's old is new. Well I did. but I also was talking with Jamie Martin Let me tell you Jamie you're amazing. Yes and um, she was doing it a little bit different twist.
Yeah and so I'm like yeah, that's what we did in the pandemic. Why wouldn't we right? right? Right? right? right? right? All right if they want to reach out to you Southwest Florida All-time best. what's the best way for them to connect with you? You can connect with any way you want. but Mary Bartos on every social platform there is I actually and I actually envisioned through like a paper airplane to you with my contacts.

Yeah. anyway okay I got it. Okay, yeah, all right, you can reach me via email Mary or my mobile number is 239-588-0230 We look forward to helping you and your customers and you specifically do whatever you want in your business because at the end of the day that's what it's all about right? Give, give give give thank you Mary Thank you so much for watching Send this to a friend of yours that does events that could take this the next level and as always leave a comment let me know what you're thinking. If there's a problem you need us to help solve all you gotta is put in the comments and we will attack it.

We'll see on the next show. Thank you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

4 thoughts on “Digital real estate events for recruiting referrals”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Shannon McCarthy Team at eXp Realty says:

    MARY BARTOS ROCKS! She is as true and smart as they come!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Living in the Bay Area - Spencer Hsu, MBA, Realtor says:

    Does she record any of these sessions? Where can I find them?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denis Murphy Real Estate says:

    nice pen, I used to love them back in high school.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frances Marcou says:

    Great content! Fabulous way to get in front of many more people. Love that it comes from the heart of giving & educating – can only bring awesome results!

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