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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. Read de recap and this is gonna be well gosh, you know what? This is actually my first read day in the month of May So it's been a while since I've had to do a read de recap. wasn't last one wasn't when I was back in April I Guess it was the last day of the month, but today's a read a recap down $6,400 I Really don't want to be that far in the red so where did things go wrong? Well, you know what? I would sort of look back and say that the last few days have been very difficult. Friday Not easy at all.

Only made twenty nine dollars before that trade on Uber ended up finishing the day of nine hundred yesterday. We're almost no progress whatsoever. only one hundred and thirty dollars. Today by 9:45 I was actually down about five hundred dollars and it just wasn't feeling the momentum.

and then Enmax hit the scanners and started squeezing up. and when it first hit, it was about six eight I think it was already up about fifty cents and I was like wow the floats too high I Know it's a recent reverse split but I don't think it's I don't know I think I'm gonna leave it alone next thing I know it's at seven, seven, ten, seven, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67 and I'm like well Jesus thing is moving and rate of changes when I look at first one minute pullback I jump in it pops up only about five cents and then drops 50 cents. Oh so ugly, so brutal and so just like that I lost fifty five hundred dollars on that trade. remembers fifty eight hundred or whatever it was and that put me down 6400 on the day.

Now looking at the stock 15 20 minutes later it dropped down, it popped back up, dropped down and then ended up going up to 79 which is super frustrating. but the reality is rules are rules and I would say on this one I I was aggressive on share size. may be too aggressive considering that it flood wise didn't really fit into the perfect criteria. Although it was reversible at recent reverse split, it was moving quickly and you know I guess it did end up going to 790 so it's not that I had totally the wrong idea I just was a little too aggressive and you know we have one minute micro pullback and it pops up five or 10 cents and then flushes 50 cents.

That does happen sometimes and it's always disappointing. And one thing when it happens I usually I'm like I'm done with that stock. The stock has betrayed my trust I can never trade it again and so for that reason, even though I could have switched to my other account and kept trading I was like now I'm done. You know my daily max loss is if I'm down below 2,000 I don't keep trading if I'm down like 2500.

I will sometimes go ahead and trade in my second account I have a $2,000 max loss in both accounts that puts my daily max loss at about 4 grand. But when I have one trade that just wipes it out, then I'm usually just like. you know what? I don't want to really get into trying to dig myself out of a hole that's that big at, you know, 10:30 10:45 11 a.m. it just doesn't usually go well.
So writing's on the wall today was choppy and that last trade could have been avoided if I trade with smaller size. but the thing was moving. it was. you know, taking off it looked like it was gonna go right to $8 and it just faked me out.

and then it went. So you know it goes. Sometimes live to trade another day it'll put me up still around $42,000 on the month. something like that.

I really can't complain. You know we've got still here. a solid, you know, a couple weeks left in the month so last time still get myself back on track. But you know what? I've noticed on other months, sometimes I'll have an incredibly strong start and then it just totally dies them.

So this week I'm you know, down 6400 on the week versus making thirty thousand last week. So you know it's like totally different. and I think that happens a lot. You'll have a week or two weeks or really really hot momentum and then things just go quiet.

So guys, sit tight. Wait for those equality setups. Be aggressive on those. This one wasn't equality.

I was a little too aggressive on it. So I'm gonna pay my dues. you know, sit back a little bit. I'm gonna take a couple days to dig myself out of this hole, but it will happen.

and I'll finish the month most likely back at all-time highs on the month, somewhere over 50,000 maybe 60 75 is still within reach. All right. So as always, questions on today's trades on the recap leave them below. I'll come back through the answer in this afternoon and I'll see you all first thing tomorrow morning.

9:15 for free market analysis? Alright, see you guys all right everyone. Well, today's a Red Day recap. This is obviously a little disappointing. It's the first red day recap of the month of May and you know, May has been a great month.

Overall, it's been a great month. The last few days have been a little under I Kind of talking about what was on the gap scan this morning and then how that ended up turning into a red day. So if I go to time frame here, Historical Day will run this gap skin for 9:25 a.m. and let's see, let's go look at the top leading Gapper.

Alright so leaving Gapper was Sae x You can see I'm down seven hundred and fifteen dollars on that stock. I tried to do a gap and go strategy setup on it which was buying the first pullback the first one minute Campbell to make a new high right. Here was the high premarket high so I bought right here at 425. I Jumped in looking for the first one minute.

cantle make a new high here and anticipating a break over 4:30 it hit a high of 434 so you know it. That's not really what we would call the best resolution. There was an opportunity to sell for a small profit, but then you know it flushed down and popped back up and I sold some of it breakeven and some of it as it pops back up right in here. So you know basically in the first minute of the day today I was down 700 which obviously is not ideal but sometimes happens and isn't the end of the world I can often recover from red trade like that.
It did then put me down past my max loss. so SAE X was our leading gapper and I was you know, mindful of the fact that our leading Gabor's only up 20% That's not like 40, 50, 60 %. it's only 20% So you know, leaving Cappers a little on the small side. Here today, 2.7 million share afloat.

it did have news, although this stock also has a bit of a history of doing some breakouts, so 700 was acceptable I didn't want to risk big on it and I thought that was fine. so that was SAE ex second-leading gapper WIA only nineteen thousand shares of volume ended up opening lower. A Ytu was also on the gap scan only made 156 on that one. The thing with this is that whenever you have a stock that gaps up and then gives back most of the move, I'm always a little cautious on it.

We have seen some days where stocks look just like this and the bell rings and they go right back up to 290 or higher. So it's not to say it can't happen I just don't usually expect to happen I took my first trade on it right here anticipating the break over the half dollar. so I got in it I think it was 45 or 46 as I saw volume coming in. The break of the half dollar was also kind of.

You know just this psychological level that I was watching so jumped in. It only hit a high of 51 and then dropped back down I got back out of that really quickly and then I got back in right here on this one minute pullback and it hit a high. No, no, sorry I didn't get in on that one I got in on this one right here. Okay, so I got back in here for the break over the highs and that ended up being another failed setup.

that was this five-minute setup right here so only made $156 on two trades on a YT you know follow-through SL DB You can see I lost thirty seven dollars on it. This one. kind of annoying to look at it and see that it actually has moved up quite a bit, but it was a gap down reversal and generally I'm cautious on gap down reversals simply because when the stock is gapping down 30 percent, it's clearly a sign of weakness and there will be a lot of people that are underwater and they're gonna try to just you know, sell as it pops up. So the trade that I took was right here on this one-minute setup for a break over the high a day of 6:14 As you can see, it broke by like seven eight cents and then flushed back down, popped back up and so I got out of that basically just below break even for a $37 loss.

So that's fine. It came back up again and I was like now I'm not going back in it. It did end up popping up here again to you know, first of 22 and then to 43, but then it came right back down here to 609. So seeing how it's kind of popping up and then failing popping up and failing pops up and then it starts to open up here a little bit more around 11 a.m.
So whatever, that's not homerun potential, that's base hit stuff and that's gonna be tricky in any case. So I left this one alone. just not easy to trade. Overall, just annoying.

and this number right here I think is the price of my last exit I think that's what that means. almost positive. So it's not the cost, it's definitely not the average cost I think it's the last exit. So anyways and then we had n max.

So at this point before n backs I was down 500 on the day 595 actually and I was like alright, well you know, obviously we're not seeing. oops, you know the best follow through. but then n max pops up and I see it squeezing and when I first looked at it it was right about here and I was like well, cheese that's up like 84 cents I don't know I mean it's a reverse split I'll put the float according to trade ideas and Max is 400 million shares. so I was like 437 million share float.

That seems kind of like it's too high, but hey it is up, you know 80 cents there and so I kind of pull it up and I'm watching it and then it breaks 86 and look at this. it rips all the way here up to 767 and so now I'm like okay, this thing is clearly moving. So this one minute pullback right here I jumped in too. Similar to this one minute pullback, it's a brief one minute pullback and at this point the stock is increasing in volume.

it's moving higher. It wasn't yet forming a doji and so I bought the first camel to make a new high and it pops up here to 758. so it actually broke by 14 cents and then it drops from 758 to 691 and as you can see I stopped out at and I not only got it I added I got in and then added for the break over high a day. So I was in 44 and then added at 62 and 56 so you know this one I was being aggressive on I was trying to scalp it and I ended up finally stopping out of it down here at 27, 1499, 97 and 13.

So you know on this one, this one minute pullback and just ended up, you know, totally failing. and it's disappointing that it didn't work better because this is a decent setup. you know one minute micro pullback, first candle to make a new high is right here, pops up to 58 and then flushes down here to 691. So you know as I look at this I So I stopped out, took a big loss on it and then you know it comes back up and as you can see here the five minutes setup it ends up going back to.

let's see this was where was this, um you know back up to 58 which was right here and then boom it goes up to 790. So yeah, you know it's annoying, but you know. here's the deal: I have a max loss on my account and when I'm down below my max loss I can't keep trading and then this in this case I was down below my max loss. so I couldn't keep trading in this account I could have switched to my other account but because I was down 6400 I was like you know it's just not even worth it I'm just I don't want to I don't want to make things worse and I don't want to have being damn 6500 is a bad day I don't want to take another $2,000 loss in my my my other account and end up you know losing more so just left it alone.
It'll be what it is and you know generally I don't like to lose more than I make in one good green day. And you know, looking at the calendar for the month of May I've had some great days to $15,000 days, which is which we're both awesome in: $8,000 a day, a $7,500 day, and then a couple of smaller green days. so you know this is on average. It's giving back about three days of profit.

my daily average so far this year let's see eighty-nine ninety. This is the 90th the day of the year and I've been averaging. Let's see two thousand, one hundred fifty-five dollars per day, which is not bad. So unfortunately this does give back three days a profit of average profit, you know, but that's just sometimes the way it goes and I'll just have to keep the losses tight tomorrow.

So I don't have a second red day, you know, just kind of reduce the risk a little bit and backs. you know it met my criteria of moving quickly from 6 all the way to 7 67. but that one minute pullback just ended up being a really big rejection I wasn't anticipating it and ended up costing me. you know, pretty big.

So that's part of the deal. You know it's the way it goes. 10,000 shares, 50 cents and you know, just like that, you down five grand on the trade. so being aggressive sometimes doesn't pay off.

I just was aggressive on the wrong stock today. and in fact, if we look at this highest volume of the day was on that candle right there and it was a red volume. So yeah, I could have gotten back into it, but probably not worth it. So live to trade another day, you know.

I Don't ever want to lose more I don't I don't know more, want to take a loss? That's gonna jeopardize my ability to keep trading. So as of right now, I'm up about $42,000 on the month down from being up closer to 50 grand. And let's see, since my last red day, let's look at how I've done since my last red day. I had made about $48,000 so that was a really nice hot streak.

Made $48,000 crossed over the million dollar mark in my small account. I still have about thirty thousand dollars of cushion between me and the million dollar level and that was something that was really important. Remember I said that I wanted to cross that million dollar level and you know, not dive back down below it. So even after today I'm still up thirty grand off that level.

So you know? Let's say I Have you know a couple days here of sideways? Well, I've still got a nice cushion here. about thirty grand and then that can you know, open up for the next leg up so you know it is part of the deal with trading, you're never gonna be right a hundred percent of the time. you're never gonna be able to avoid losses. you know? I'm right just about sixty seven, seventy percent of the time.
And you know today's a day where I just got on the wrong side of a couple stocks, couldn't get myself into the green and stay green and that's the way it goes so you know, always an opportunity to learn and VAX probably should just left it alone completely given that the float was questionable. but you know, thought maybe it had a little more in it and pretty much bought it just a bit too high. But that's okay. Be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

As usual, you know, get back on the horse. That's That's what's about as a trader. It's not about how many times you fall down. It's not about how many times you lose, it's about how many times you get back up and try to recover and you know no doubt I will.

This, of course, is a tiny loss in comparison to what I went through in March when I lost. you know, 50 grand over the course of about two weeks and had to spend the next six weeks digging myself out of the hole. But I got myself out of the hole and I'm back at all-time highs well before today. so you know I'm now six thousand four hundred dollars off the all-time highs in my account, the small account being all-time highs right around 1 million 37,000 so no reason and no right to complain.

Just got to take these things in stride. All right everyone, So we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Hopefully we've got better stocks on the scanners and can at least have a green day and just kind of clear the slate from today's choppiness. All right, So that's the game plan.

See you guys in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video, so why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

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27 thoughts on “Difficult day of trading -$6,400 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stane says:

    Practice jumping. Soon all traders will be on roofs.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juri Kameda says:

    Hi Ross, I haven't seen you use Stop Limit Order, and I'm wondering why you don't use this very often (I'm a current Warrior Pro student). Thank you.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Cameron says:

    i lost $3500 yesterday..today i gained it back $4000..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justin foster says:

    Those trade talks with China causing the S&P and the Russell 2000 to drop and having a overall red day making it hard for stocks to really open up

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Olson says:

    As one of Ross's students, if he's struggling, new guys like me don't stand a chance!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dtanktdtank says:

    Dumbass Lol Stock Was 5$ And Buys At High 7 lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenzo Shibakariki says:

    Tough day, -735 for me. I was a few seconds late on $SAEX at the open and got filled right at the top and then I played $AYTU and $SLDB. At least I walked away without losing more!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FCI says:

    WWR will be releasing shares

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DDD says:

    you didnt see its history period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vasily Kravtsov says:

    I traded mostly apple today (I don’t have access to small cap stocks), made a small profit but commissions will put me in the red slightly. Could’ve made a lot but sold at the wrong time. Pretty annoying but hopefully tomorrow will be better. Still learning 😄

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snap Snap says:

    May has been awful.  What is going on?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars breonknott says:

    Not giving up tho but my program is about to be over😔

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars breonknott says:

    I hate learning in this kinda market because it’s like I’m damned if I do and if I don’t because I get in the red if I trade and if I don’t I don’t have my consecutive days for my four weeks😤

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoffeeWithFred says:

    Hang in there Ross.You'll be back green tomorrow!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars leone leone says:

    You have my RESPECT …
    You are seriusly professional showing even your negative trades .

    Just a question please .
    As a day trader which ema do you use ? 20 -50 – 200 in a 5 or 15 minutes chart ? and as a targets which one you take as a refence
    the 1 hour pivot point , 4 h pivot point or Daily .

    Please , if you can answer me I appriciate that ….

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Phan says:

    rough week… in red for 800

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ferengiprophet says:

    Hi Ross, why do you change brokerages relatively frequently?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taso P says:

    Hi Ross, love your channel. I noticed on your 583 to 1,000,000 challenge you day traded more than 3 times a week. Can you show us folks with only 3 day trades a week how to do it with our limited trades? Thanks Ross!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Ch says:

    Thank you for sharing your red day. It's so much more important to learn from the Reds and see what we can refine our strategy on. Green days usually it's just yup yup yup, hit that, got that, and we don't really learn anything. My own trades I mean.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Rockatansky says:

    guess im the only person making money this week. Im up $464 american on a $2000 dollar account thanks to this guru and his wise words of advice. i sold TSLA and UBER daytrading. i SAW the BULL FLAG!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romie says:

    Trade war is making very hard

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leconte says:

    😱OMG Ross.
    Today was a real grind. I know you’ll bounce back.
    I was breakeven, Nothing for me today

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nomen Ama says:

    Ross, I am new but I think I read somewhere that sometimes no trade is the best trade.

    Come back stronger next time. I will always follow you. Like your channel very much.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars House 2 House on Vinyl says:

    Every single bull flag setup seemed to failing today, tried getting in on a couple of trades MARA and VFF, ended up red for the day.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Sabo says:

    Well Ross on NVAX your stop should be bottom of the previous candle 🙁 you teach me that. Tomorrow will be better !!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian O'Conner says:

    You need to wear the bunny ears again!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veritas says:

    Trade wars with China could make trading to the upside very tricky. I would be very careful with position size and would lean on short trading.

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