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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #Chauvin #DerekChauvin #GUILTY ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Guilty plea to avoid life in prison.
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Hey everyone meet kevin here. I am retaking this video on the update regarding derek shovin pleading guilty to civil rights charges related to george floyd's death because of drama that ensued in the comments section after my last post, apparently folks are more interested in their own personal views of political righteousness. Taking over the facts, listen folks, we're gon na make this crystal clear right up front and then i'm gon na go through the news update, which i had previously recorded, which i'm just going to retake right. Now we got to make this clear, because apparently people don't understand what a plea agreement is or how resisting works.

Okay, that's what the problem was. In the last video and commentary, people were upset that i suggested that uh george floyd at one point when he was on the floor, stopped resisting, which is what the jury found. That is the fact yeah he may have had certain drugs in his system beforehand. He may have been resisting going into the car.

We got that, but you stop resisting you stop using force, that's what the law is and so for all the crazy commenters who want to put together their political perspectives and spew them out in the comments section on youtube, let's make crystal clear what the department of Justice says and what the plea agreement says: this is not bias, so the people were like. Oh my gosh, i thought you were unbiased, you're saying he wasn't resisting. Would you read the darn report and that's exactly what we're going to do right now? Let's make it crystal clear, because that's what we do here, i'm not here to report bullcrap bias. What do i get out of inflecting my bias on what what happened in this trial? I'm reporting information now i'm reporting stuff that obviously people are politically heated about which is honestly ridiculous, because it's right here in the plea agreement, defendant chauvin, admitted that on may 25th 2020 he willfully violated mr floyd's constitutional right to be free from an officer's use of Unreasonable force, this is what chauvin admitted to, and this is part of a plea agreement so that chauvin doesn't get life in prison.

Okay, he's trying to negotiate his sentence down i'll explain how that concurrent sentence works in a moment specifically defendant chauvin admitted that he held his left knee across mr floyd's back neck and shoulder and his right knee on mr floyd's back and arm in the plea agreement. He states that mr floyd remained restrained prone and handcuffed on the ground for approximately 10 minutes. Derek shoven further admitted that he continued to use force, even though he was aware that mr floyd had stopped resisting okay. This is critical.

Now i've been on the road in law enforcement for 3000 hours. I've been on both sides. Okay, now i'm not suggesting anything by this beyond i'm trying to do my best to just report the facts. Here i don't care about your democratic or your republican tilt.

I freaking hate politics. I wish we would take politics out of politics, so we can actually have government that functions. Look at california, it's a disaster just as an example, but anyway and i'm in california. It's all governor, newsome's fault, see i'll, say that, because i ran against him anyway.
That's political bias, okay, but i think i'm right too, but anyway, i'm just being transparent about that. That's an opinion. We're focusing on fact here: okay, listen right here! When someone stops resisting, you have to stop using force, even though he was aware that mr floyd had stopped resisting talking and moving, and even though he was aware that mr floyd had lost consciousness and a pulse defendant. Chauvin admitted that policy and training requires officers to stop using force when the subject is not resisting and to move an arrestee from a prone position to a side, recovery or seated position, because the prone position may make it more difficult to breathe.

So what happens? We have a jury that declared that at some point, george floyd stopped resisting yet derek chauvin continued pro holding his knee on on shoving's neck and back and arms in the plea agreement. Chauvin is agreeing to this. Now we understand it's a plea agreement. So obviously there's some element of like well at this point i may as well just sign and hopefully get a lower sentence right, but the point is there is a point and i don't think anyone can dispute that there is a point when derek chauvin was on Top of george floyd, where george floyd was not resisting where george floyd gave up and derek chauvin stayed on top of him.

That's what matters here! Folks! That's what matters! So all these comments about, oh my gosh, you said he's not resisting at one point. He was not, we got ta chill with the freaking political biases, but moving on, let's understand what the news update here today is: okay, chauvin appeared in person today to input or change his plea. He pled guilty in both floyd's death and a separate 2017 case which in which both he was being civilly, charged for essentially excessive use of force. In the 2017 case he was charged with while he was arresting a 14 year old boy.

During that encounter chauvin held the teen by his throat hit him in the head with his flashlight and held his knee on the teen's neck and upper back, despite the teen being handcuffed, there's a very similar case here right. Obviously, in this case, the teen survived and floyd did not floyd died. Now this wasn't the only encounter that prosecutors used to show that chauvin had used neck head and upper body restraints. In the past, there had been a total of seven prior instances prior to 2004, and this surfaced in court filings.

Four of those times state prosecutors said that chauvin went quote too far and held restraints quote beyond the point in which such force was needed. Under the circumstances, members of floyd's family were present today, and so was the then teenager from the 2017 case. Yahoo news reported that as they were, leaving the courtroom. Floyd's brother said to the 2017 victim.
It is a good day for justice. George floyd's nephew said that a chauvin had been quote held accountable for what he did in 2017 to the then minor george floyd would still be here now. The indictment now alleges that chauvin violated floyd's rights to be free from unreasonable seizure. The other officers had a similar charges against them.

Chovin right now remains in prison on a 22 and a half year sentence that was the midpoint recommended between 15 to 30 years. When we covered the trial live, or at least the sentencing live for the state case and acknowledging his guilt in this federal case might actually help him get a reduced sentence in this. This federal case see without a guilty plea. He could have potentially faced his 22 and a half year term, plus a life term, now he's facing a 22 and a half year term, plus a potential 20 to 25 year term, and those would be served concurrently with an additional five years of supervised, probation and Agreeing to never be a police officer again, so there is a chance that uh chauvin's total sentence could get extended by two and a half years to a total of 25 years or that maybe the judge will just choose a sentence that matches the 22 and a Half not extending the sentence at all, but rather reiterating the sentence with two terms and then always there's the potential of somebody being released early on on good behavior or whatever.

But look i just want to be crystal clear because in in politics and political things, people get so emotionally charged about one thing: they hear one thing: oh my gosh, you said he wasn't resisting. Didn't you see him resisting going into the car yeah? Okay, we got it floyd resisted going into the car yeah. There were problems leading up to the instance. A lot of things went wrong.

A lot of things went wrong on both sides, but dude. If you're, on top of somebody and they're unresponsive, get the f off of them and that's not what happened here, and that is why, in my opinion, the jury ruled the way they did and we've got a clear statement now from chauvin as well. That chauvin acknowledges that when resistance stops, which he acknowledges, the resistance stopped you get off and you move the person you're restraining to a seated position so that they can breathe better. Okay, all right, look folks! It's just the news chill out with the freaking comments and the hate it's better to learn and go spewing crap in the comments.

Okay, all right, thanks for watching this updated version, goodbye.

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33 thoughts on “Deleted my first take on *this* derek chauvin breaking news”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Conservative Watchdog says:

    George said “I can’t breathe before he was being held down. He was on drugs. He resisted arrest. If he were white, the country would not even know about it. The fake news made this way bigger than it should have been.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Percy MIRACLES says:

    Finally someone who got it right. Derek Chauvin had a history of brutality that the police department ignored or you can put blame on the police unions. Unfortunately someone had to die to get rid of this bad apple. To see another example research Chris Dorner story.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Howes says:

    This is why I’d rather watch you watch the news. I don’t have the time to decipher the bs.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fitzroy Smith says:

    Some people don't like the truth. Are all been fool with our favorite news channels. Kevin your views are well stated.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Ceesay says:

    Objectivity is unfortunately never objective enough for those with strong opinions or biases.

    Great video. Kevin strives to be objective which should be admired. It’s the this why we all check out Kevin’s video!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mcolliproductions says:

    If people can't stop and look at facts vs feelings they have no place in our society

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    This is not a POLITICAL issue. This is a civil rights issue and an excessive use of force, and power, issue. We all saw the videos. We all know it was wrong regardless of past history of Floyd. It is all situational. In this situation it was unreasonable to use the force and continue to use the force. You are not wrong Kevin.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vineet agarwal says:

    Love your reporting Kevin, thank you so much ! Haters gonna hate, don’t let then bring you down!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LJ Boiii says:

    I'm glad you educate the ignorance and as always great video!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael J. Clarkson says:

    @Meet Kevin, stick to finance. People are polarized enough on trades without getting into politics. There is only downside for your brand doing stuff like this. Leave that stuff to @Steve Lehto or @Legal Eagle.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Robinson says:

    He’s a cop in prison. He will never get out alive. Even in PC they’ll get to him.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! T Leonard says:

    a "jury" once found OJ Simpson not guilty, so relying on 12 morons who heard evidence and chose to ignore it for political reasons would not be such a farce.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damon Shankling says:

    Kevin, I appreciate your insight. You are a smart and good man.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight For Your Freedom says:

    So he had done it before!!! It should be a no-brainer death penalty for Chauvin.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Gambie says:

    Kevin once again having to break down things simply for his moron conservative viewers

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Dog says:

    If people want to point the finger they can point it at the morons that sat around filming the entire thing on their phone and did jack shit.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tee Bee says:

    Facts Kevin f the haters!!! He's a freaking murderer period! Facts are facts, no body has a right to hand out street justice. He got away with the same actions 7 times before and thought he would get away with it again. Ps ppl resisting arrest does not mean you can just murder someone, I don't get folks logic.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Hearseman says:

    It's unfair that Chauvin only gets 20-something years for this crime of intentional murder, yet a 25 year old truck driver in Colorado who lost his brakes, panicked going downhill and killed 4 people when he lost control of the truck got 110 years. While I believe he still needs to serve his sentence, I believe his sentence should be swapped with Chauvin's. That bastard is gonna be free in his 60s in time to catch up with his good 'ol boys over a game of golf. 🙄

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helen Marie says:

    Proud of you Kevin. George Floyd was not resisting. Definitely not resisting when he was unconscious and then dead. Video of whole incident, judge and jury finding, current plea – these are facts. George Floyd DIED and still there was a knee on his neck.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ishtar0077 says:

    People use logic stop using your feelings. Thank you Kevin.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Artist says:

    Never try to keep those in comments happy. Many of them think the world is flat.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chio saephanh says:

    Props to you Kevin for not being a freaking sheep like some of these freaking clowns that wanna comment. I hate politics and Gavin.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pittsburgh T says:

    Thus isn't political Kevin its a civil rights issue that keeps happening to black citizens at a extremely high percentage compared to other groups.. stop saying its politics..

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peace Walker says:

    Didn’t know Kevin had a bunch boot lickers as viewers. Does it hurt always being on your hands and knees saying yes daddy?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diana Gonzales says:

    He should not be allowed a plea agreement for this man 🤦🏻‍♀️

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandy Shrimp says:

    This has nothing to do with Floyd and justice. This is a perceived win for BLM/ANTIFA/LIBS. And when you are on Team Trump you can't have that. better believe Team Trump is going to challenge a play that resulted in a touchdown. Tribal mentality

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sheldon d says:

    His family got a large settlement. The Floyd's are millionaires now

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Valadez says:

    Cop in a city full of crime probably traumatized, restrained a black guy on drugs that was resisting to go in the police car, he did this by putting his knee on his back while a camera on the android from 2015 showed it being his neck, then even when he resisted early it’s extremely bad he didn’t stop using excessive force when he died. Now why was he charged with manslaughter? Well easy you only need suspicion they did the murder! Thx media now a guy who fought for this city is in jail for a long time and his kids won’t have a father his wife won’t have a husband because media like.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorne Schmutz says:

    We need more reporters like you. Giving factual information without bias.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 4309chris says:

    nobody ever discusses George Floyd's culpability, morally and lawfully…does he not have any contributions?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albu Ru says:

    i HOPE meet Kevin will become NEW GEORGE FLOYD <3<3 !!!!! just because he is a criminal , his racism towards China cause so much pain in people lifes !!!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oneofakind says:

    Victim of a crime, or the family thereof should have a say in weather of not a plea is OK. Let the guy rot in jail!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThePunishmentGaming says:

    I work in law enforcement and you can only use as much force that is necessary to get control of the offender. Once Flyod stopped resisting the officers needed to switch to ensuring the health and wellness of Flyod.

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