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#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So we had some AI momentum today. Not artificial intelligence, but just stocks that have an AI in the ticker. We are in a crazy market so it was S A I, of course Gfai from earlier last week and this week, uh, kind of got us started. C X A I that one kept going Mr A I I D A I these they're not all even AI companies they're not all related to.

Um AI Like actual, um, artificial intelligence. Some just have an AI in the ticker symbol. So kind of crazy. but this is the market that we're in.

so just bear with it. All right. So Gfai, let's just like step back for a second. Gfai has been, um, you know, hands down, uh, one of the biggest winners for me this month.

So actually let me just pull up my metrics and we'll take a peek. Gfai, you know, over the last uh, two weeks went from a low of four dollars and fifty cents up to a high the other day of 36. but pre-market it was up around 39.. so we had some I Mean you know, not only did we get one really good day here, we got a bounce day and then we got another breakout day here and a little bit more continuation pre-market on that day right there.

So I'm just going to look at my metrics for April and let's just look at detailed um I just want to look at the the biggest winner and just see in total how much I've made on Gfai. So I've made about 14 000 on Gfai? Uh, it's good. It's not great. you can see right here.

Sorry. so Gfai 14 000. yeah, you know, yeah. like I said good, not great.

but whatever, it doesn't. I feel like I could have made a little bit more than that, but again, there's no reason. Anyways, that's here. neither here nor there.

Well, I guess it's both here and there because we're talking about it. but let's not focus on that too much. In any case, 14 000 is good. Uh, really getting kind of fixated on that 14 000 number.

So anyways, um, it's gonna be hard to get past that. Well well so so we'll say it could have been better, but it's good enough. So that was that was Gfai and then yesterday we had um, Cxai Cxai yesterday makes a crazy Big Move um I watched it pre-market and I was like guys, there's something weird about it. There's I feel like there's a high frequency trading algorithm on this one.

the level two. it's a less than one million share float and yet the level two is like super stacked. That tells me that there's some kind of algo, you know, some kind of Market maker really holding it together and so I just was like I don't know. And sometimes when you have stocks that go from being pretty cheap, you'll have big Sellers and so anyways, you know it goes up to 280 340.

Couple topping tails, you know I ended up going red yesterday and so I shut it down. Uh, by 10 30, it's popping up here to 380. It goes a little higher, ends up topping out at about 520, which by itself is a great move. I mean you got the first pullback, the second, the third even worked a little bit of a fourth and then it flushes and then look at this in the afternoon, you get this really nice move up to six, a pullback and a squeeze up to 950.
Big Topping tail, then pre-market on very light volume. Now let's just acknowledge the fact that yesterday this traded with 163 million shares of volume and then pre-market on less than 500 000 shares. I'm not kidding. This goes all the way up to a high of 70 dollars a share.

and it's interesting that it was at a time when most retail Traders can't even execute orders because most retail Brokers don't open that early at 4 5 a.m Most of them don't let you start trading until 7am. so some institutional Traders or Traders with different accounts someone I don't know. Market makers weren't really making the market on it and all of a sudden it rips up here on very light volume and then it sells off and then what do you think happens at 7am when retail Traders Come online, it drops 10 points 7 AM It drops right here with high volume down to 20 bucks. it bounces back up.

but at this point I'm like it's backside of the move. We had the you know, early morning kind of weird pop and now it's backside of the move so no trades on um, a Cxai for me yesterday or today I missed the whole move. but I don't feel like I really missed anything here because there was nothing clean I certainly could have traded I didn't like it but yesterday, you know for what's worth I don't feel bad about missing afternoon moves because my goal of being a day trader. uh, it's I mean while on the one hand, we all want to make money and maybe you want to make as much as you possibly can.

On the other hand, I I'm at sort of a point where I recognize life is short and I don't want to spend you know, eight hours a day for 10 years glued to a computer screen. uh I I want to live life and get out there. So if I can make you know five thousand dollars like I did today in the morning pretty consistently I'm happy with that. There will be some days where I see something you know I was read in the morning like I was yesterday and then you know luck of the draw.

It's in the afternoon that we have a big move and you know I still end up being read on the day because I didn't I didn't take that trade. um and so I I just you know you sort of set your rules and you stick with them. So anyways, I don't trade in the afternoon. don't feel bad about missing it.

Um, just annoyed that I didn't do well yesterday morning. But anyway, so the moral of the story on this is Cx-a-i This morning S-a-i is also gapping up. Now the description of the company is that they're involved in Bitcoin Uh, but in any case, I took my first trade here at four dollars. uh as it was squeezing up and I got in a little high I chased it I got in a little high I didn't and this is a problem for me, you know I I see a stock moving and I'm like no, just wait for it you know, wait for it and then next thing you know I'm like oh, I'll just get in here and it's like dude, you're getting in I Got in here at 25.
I thought it was just gonna rip right up to 50. have like six eight green candles in a row. It was not a good entry. I then added on this dip at 380 and I got it.

Came back up here to a high of 320 330. tried to get out, couldn't get out, no shares filled. Sold for 700 loss on my first trade and I was unrealized more than a thousand as it flushed down. so I was just I was annoyed Anyways, it comes back up I whatever I'm like I don't know that thing I don't know if I can trust it and then all of a sudden here it's coming back up to 420 and I'm like yeah I don't know I mean I had that bad trade on it earlier.

not sure it goes from 420 straight up to seven dollars. Come on. So as it rips here, I'm like I can't ah, where do I get in, where do I get in and it's just rips. So I did buy the first pullback right here.

uh and that gave me a little bit of profit. and then I had this trade here at the open and in total I only have three thousand dollars of profit on it. Of course I was red 700 had to recoup that loss and didn't trade the bulk of this move because I just was like I just chased it back here. Now Ironically, you know in this case, if I chased it right here or right here, I would have done great, but you know the one I chased today lost on it.

This one I held discipline, waited and missed like a dollar a share. Kind of annoying, but it really is better to wait for your for your entry and that's going to be a better way to establish risk. Otherwise, you're just. you know you're just rolling the dice and it's just not a great way to trade.

So anyways, got a little frustrated going Reddit to start the day on Sai uh izm that one hit the scanners I jumped in it but the spreads were big I was only able to buy a thousand shares of a 3 000 share order at 350 and then adding it four went up to a high of five big topping. tail drops back down so made 1500 on that one and ID a I I traded this before the offering. news came out. so they put out an offering this morning.

but before the offering. uh it was squeezing up. so I got a little trade on this one as well. um as it was squeezing up.

but boy that and that was. um that was right, it was right here. yeah it was right there. so uh, on that candle and you know 20 minutes later they've got an offering.

so a little bit choppy. um I feel like AI stocks are I mean it's okay again I think generally speaking AI is a good theme, a good focus, and we could get some more opportunity. But the fact today is that we were having stocks that just had AI in the symbol that weren't even actually AI companies. So you know you can get stubborn and say this has no business going higher but then it goes up 300.

So trade what's moving and just try to keep your head down and be grateful when you get a base hit. As always, Reminder: my results are not typical so take it slow and um I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning or sorry Monday morning So I'll see you guys on Monday Hope you have a great weekend. Rest up, watch the classes, study up, watch some episodes on YouTube listen to the podcast and I'll see you next week. All right, take care, see you in the morning Monday morning? Yeah.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Day trading the ai momentum #daytrade”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Harwood says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hanad Pirate says:

    i Remember Allen Iverson, i am old

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew Burton says:

    Should do som live trading mornings… Would be nice to see in action. Just starting out with 200. Though waiting to switch robinhood to cash so I can day trade. Always at work in the mornings and have to use my phone…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonid Volovik says:

    Ross, how many monitors do you have in your setup?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mrs. Patrice Whyte says:

    Yea I made money on SAI…and chased CXAI because I was watching it fly pre-market all the way to 70.00 and was mad at myself for selling it at 5.60 the day prior

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Braydon Campbell says:

    Ross what is the charge to access just your chat room and nothing else?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patriot76 says:

    One thing I will not put a penny in is A.I. The concept is evil.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian D says:

    AI 🤖

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 69Trading says:

    why was healthcare running though… the ones w/o AI

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 蟲師ギンコ says:

    I'm in Asia so i'm always ready at 4am EST and my broker is ready too.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    CXAI only has 2 employees!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Man says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChumpSauce says:

    Thanks for the video sir

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 💰 Easy $680 Per Day says:

    "If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary." _Jim Rohn

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! TripleMike says:

    Momma always told me, "Son, you see anyone title a YouTube video, "Day Trading AI momentum" you must liquidate everything immediately." You are at the very peak of a bubble my boy.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron G says:

    This market makes zero sense right now, you really are rolling the dice on just about any trade these days..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live love Laugh says:

    Great content as always. How do one spot offering news as soon as they come out ?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Castillones says:

    Hey, Ross!
    Thank you for all the vids!
    Big help! Very therapeutic and insightful!
    From SoCal

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earth Explorer says:

    when your gonna be live on you tube again?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Santiago says:

    14K is like 1% of your portfolio. You can do better. +Warrior Trading @Warrior Trading

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Deng says:

    The one thing I dislike about day trading is that you can easily bail out of a trade when it is flushing down. But then later see it retracing to a new high! You end up losing money for something that wasn't actually going down overall!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slime Z says:

    it was so hard for me to get filled with a small account so I sat there in pain crying and tearing my heart while the stock skyrockets on SAI

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 72311A says:

    PTPI Gap n Go from $1.50 to $8 was the screaming buy this morning…..it's too bad you are not allowing yourself to catch the big moves like you did a few years ago. 5k is 5k in the bank. But a 500k daily gain would sure bring in a lot more Students 😉 Your purse strings are way too tight Ross.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tandys RVS says:

    Hey ross can you do a video about a concern of AI or robots takeing over tradeing? (your opinion)

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michelle says:

    Is that what is going on?!?! Crazy

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