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🔽Time stamps:
0:20 $CCL $CODX shorting stocks
1:54 $RCL $AAL $CCL $IQ $AKER Overtraded long/short
5:22 $NVAX $APT $RCL $ZM penny stock gap up short.
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Large cap stocks continued to be volatile. Stocks like $CCL $AAL $RCL $ZM still provide us lots of range long/short. They were good traders with SPY.
We're seeing many small cap penny stock pumps the last week. But none of them really stayed and these stocks were sold off due to many ATM offerings that ruined the sentiment. Stocks like$CODX $APT $AKER $ICD $CNSP $ASTC were some examples.
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Hello, everyone actually forgot to record yesterday's trades on a Monday, because recently I've been working out at home and for some reason, every time I work out from home. I just kind of fall asleep right away after I work out. So apologies for that. So I have to show you my charts from yesterday, so the trade yesterday was, I shorted CCL first and took a loss on that foot long after we started holding this 920's area added so into the push and sold into here and, of course, sold way too Soon because I would really wasn't expecting the market gap up to hold.

Oh, we did so a missile all upside, but the trade of the day yesterday was co DX. This was on the weekend watch this sent out for free to everyone on my email list and it was already planned out. So you know come Monday, I'm just executing my plan right. The plan was to watch these key levels.

I was already prepared over the weekend. So it's nothing new. So for me a Monday morning you know I was seen that was starting to fade off from 1180s eyes and testing this level. Here it is 10 80s and it was really weak and there was no one buying it so a lot.

So just shorting the pushes sure to hear showed them more here covered some into the flush and they open and shorted the pops towards the pre-market eyes and showed it on the way down and covered everything here, and I tried to go back, and this is where I started to give back some profits and whenever that happens, I know for me for myself personally it's time to step away. So overall, it was a really nice short trade. I feel like. I did well didn't catch everything, but I caught the meat of the move and I didn't out stay.

So that's the most important thing for me. So let's talk about the trade today today in America you know kind of rallied hard and we sold off at the end. I'm gon na talk about you know as usual, cut on this day, okay, so our CEO. This is a loser.

On the day on Tuesday, you can see you know it looks like a piece of trade because it was I over trade it on this ticker. Definitely I wasn't patient enough to let it work, and I went back too much. I made money on short side early on. I lost money on the law site on the backside and after you know what long clearly didn't work.

I went back to shorts so on this ticker, the short trade was decent, but the loss was on the long trade and overall, it's a loss. So that's a trade on the day. The better trades on the day were a couple traded tons of takers today, al on the short side. After you know, we push and failed in the morning can see our CLC see our and a lot of rest of the market stocks selling off the push, and that's where I went in short, a al same idea as Lvov and run an airline stock.

Really similar story, but this one I did not catch the meet. I feel, like you know and left a lot of money on the table. Wasn't patient with this one and that's just kind of how happens when I'm in too many trades? At the same time, and I understand that's my downfall CCL - this is one I did really well on a short side and then on the long side. I'm really happy about it.
You know shorting some of the fate back here near the end of the day. So this is why I love this market. You can be very flexible and versatile, there's money to be made on the long side and a short side. You just you know, got ta know your levels really well and be reactive to the price action.

Okay, another one IQ. This is a muddy waters tweet, so muddy waters, tweeted out a short report about IQ. They are one of those funds that can move the actual price action of a stock. They are the ones that took down okay, luck and coffee, which isn't another Chinese company.

That's now halted so IQ. That's why this flush was so aggressive and the penny stock. The smoke happening South trade on the day was acre, so this one know extremely dirty filings. They had outstanding s1 and s3, and just another very toxic stock reminds me of SN CA where they kept on pushing a stock up.

It's a low float after all and they drop a midday offering and we'll be seeing a lot of that and that's why I'm a morning watchlist pre market morning washes which are sent out Irene clued these kind of SEC filings research, alright stuff, like it's! Okay to longer but make sure you're loaning a frontside and go don't get involved on the back side when volume started dropping off, and this is kind of crap that can happen ATM offering they can drop the stock from $ 7.00 all the way down to five Dollars you don't want to get caught in that long, so I was shorting the stock and I was in short here. This is a scalp. You know it was clear that momentum was still to the upside there's a lot more room to squeeze. I didn't get a want to get involved short Ernie and then I had no idea.

They would drop the offer you so so early on. So you know I only caught the bounce after the unhold on the way down still a decent. You know just a little bit fifty cents a share, I'm not gon na complain so over a really nice action, especially on the large cap stocks today, both on the long side and short side and penny stocks, just being it's being okay playing these smoke a penny Stocks - and they are not really on my mean watch anymore recently, just because there's so much more volatility elsewhere, so another pretty decent day and played a couple, familiar names, so just em back short at the open and then went long for like a tiny scalp later On and also apt, these are tickers have played time and again, I'm very familiar with the way they trade but forth apt act wholly piped out you can see. I had a nice entry on pre market on this push on some PR pump.

Shorted 1520's covered some and the plan was to add on any pushes, but we'd never got that push. You can see. I totally piped out on this when the ads were terrible. For me, the actual are being up here as well.
I should add it there, but mister ad and the covers I covered some here. I didn't coverage into the flush here at one point and another ad, but the price action wasn't really the way I wanted on it just looks like it was starting to grind up and and holding a little bit too well for my liking, and I covered and Literally right after cover the the stock flushes down to 13 dollars, so good entries, but poor exits for this trade, it should have been a lot better. I'm familiar with this. My performance on this particular stock today was not as good as I had done on this day on April 2nd.

So that's a disappointing thing on my part today. So our CL is another familiar name that treated so many times in the past and Jordan, le open or nearly open after the market was kind of flushing and we failed to push and hold above this pre market highs and shorter and covered into the previous day's. Close for a nice hour or so assure reassured again, ba got chopped up and just kind of left it alone. In hindsight, of course, she that went long when we claimed V WAP and grind it up higher and had a tiny slope here, didn't work so um.

This is the other trade if I was a little bit choppy to this, as you can see like the action here, wasn't as clean as we had a couple of days ago. So that's why I didn't want to get involved after the first hour or two at the open. The final trade on the day was the M, so this one I trade, the scalped a little bit pre-market. I wasn't sure if the push was gon na hold - and you know I didn't get involved in any of this long until we had some negative news coming out from Google saying that they are banning all employees from using zoom product because of the security concerns, and So when the news came out, the stock just sold off right from 125 all the way down towards 116, and I was waiting for a bounce to get it short.

Ideally, the bounce areas I was looking for was up here, I'm 120 121, so just so heavy. So I just scouting a small size, gilding here 119, so so and then covered some 116 and more 115. I went back to avoid resource and near the end of the day, but the market I went back for a small, rish orts near the end of the day, but it was holding a little bit too well and I didn't want to swing it overnight. So I just kind of cut it off, but overall nice little scalp, long trades and short trades.

At the end of the day. This stock is a little bit tricky to trade, because the spreads are pretty wide and traits kind of thin and it's hard to get fills inning out, so I got ta know slowly add into it, and also I've been getting a lot of questions regarding. We can watch this. You can sign up with the link in the video description.

It's not a hard. It's on the top link, you just scroll down and click it. It takes two seconds once you go here, you put in your email, your name, and you have to submit and find your subscription confirmation in your own email. Once you confirm, then you'll get the email watches.
I just sent them all on Sunday evenings and give you some ideas and the market smoke app sentiment in general and my ways right, absolutely not, but I feel like all those ideas that I provide. I provide you some good risk reward you're, not a hundred percent guaranteed to make money, but it's up for you to manage your own risk. This is not financial advice. This is just some ideas for you to look at either as a swing trade idea or as at a trade.

It's up to you right. You have to trade, your own plan, the feedback I've been receiving from you guys and all my subscribers on this weekend watch. This have been extremely positive. Hey guys, thanks for watching.

I hope you enjoy the video and the bad jokes. If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watchlist and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and I'll.

See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Day trading stock market volatility $zm $ccl $rcl $aker trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Reyes. says:

    Los cruceros aun no veo una señal clara , excelente informacion te felicito .

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Necessary Evil says:

    You didn’t say Lamborghini. I’m taking off points. 😉 Jk. My favorite trader-tuber.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucien Molina says:

    Any chance there is a valid discount code for Humbled Trader's Daily Watchlist/Gameplan.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Wong says:

    ZM is fully control by very smart Chinese, too many setup out there. I just a swat from this stock

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Valdivia says:

    should try options and spreads to maximize profit instead of whole sale stock, not as big profit margins

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lukas O says:

    So many scalps jeez. You probably need 2 more monitors for what you're doing. One day you'll chill out and just add heavy based on 5min charts 😉

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SAI DHRUV says:

    People keep saying that this MARKET CRASH is an opportunity to make MONEY, i'm yet to figure out how. I saw some people on twitter talking about making $85,000 from $25,000. I would really appreciate any tips as I have lost my Job and trying to make money in the stock market.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheQsanity says:

    Where do you guys get all these news?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken K. says:

    I like your info and your jokes. Thanks for the light hearted no BS trading channel!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Cole says:

    Do you only trade stocks? why not try other markets?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars At Peace says:

    The guy in the ad that is just before your video is so annoying! 😂🤣

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bronson Lee says:

    i hit a like button wow u are into trades trading a lot daily what mobil broker are u using ? i assume webull that u made a content anything else do u use ? wow ur growth of subscribers is going up fast people see ur valuable videos ur real lambo is becoming real keep up ur great work and stay safe mahalo

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Plane Truth says:

    I think I asked this already but have a short memory… What's best trading platform in Canada for: small cap shares available for shorting; for charts/indicators; and for AH PM market hours trading?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Idi To says:

    How do you see the stock market going after coronavirus ?
    And how many digit do you put on the table for one stock ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar M bazar says:

    Hi Humbled, can you do a video on how to do options, or you/ anyone know a good video on youTube on it small account. Thanks in advance

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Prado says:

    Humble trader is a beast! Weekly watch list is lit! Thank you…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micayah Blackman says:

    RCL is literally the only one I've been trading with. You're extremely helpful

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate Rodriguez says:

    Could you make a video showing your market data subscriptions and recommendations on what to subscribe to on IBKR?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Chase says:

    Hello! Can you take a look at $CVNA and let me know your thoughts on it? Not sure why it made the move it did today, and I don't have any intuition on where it is going to go tomorrow! Thanks! I understand you don't provide financial advice and your response will just be an opinion! -Ethan

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 50VideoSolutions says:

    Haha falling asleep right after working out! appreciate the honesty, happens to me too!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Василь Васильович Пуравець says:

    Do you use algorithms (market analysis programs) in your work? And what is your opinion on working with artificial intelligence in the market.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Mario Bermudez Garcia says:

    Excelente mi bella amiga mil gracias

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter VanRooyen says:

    Being brand new, does the little up and down arrows on your charts mean you bought and sold?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hasso Hammerle says:

    I'd like to thank you for the watchlist. I made some profit today. thanks a lot

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chad v says:

    Hi Shay, just wondering where you found the astc, psti and icd stocks to trade. I've been watching mcep all week, it was on questrades split list. Thursday it was at 16 cents and today 3 bucks. Guess i should have bought it, but not much volume so might have been challenging to get out. ICD is crazy today, did it get halted twice, it just froze for me twice. your videos are great, especially the bad jokes
    Thank you


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KalaChasma says:

    even after getting pro at this one thing traders still struggle with is patience !

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boyd Abtey says:

    Holy crap, smart, beautiful and funny, my new favorite Youtuber. Love this girl, keep it up.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liu james says:

    Your videos are great!!! Very helpful for beginners. Do you need to have a sole proprietorship to be able to declare business income in canada?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dennis ameen says:

    Can you make a video about the risk management that you are trading with and how and when you write it down

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam says:

    May I ask, where did you get the news that Google banned it's employees to use Zoom products that day? I was in a short position for 10 minutes when the stock dropped (minutes after a big hammer). Got out way too early. Took another scalp on the news (mentioned by someone in a free live-trading chat) a bit later. With reliable news on time and control of my emotions, I would have done even better. Apart from this trades, I did not do well that day.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tu le says:

    Can you please help me turn $20k to $100k?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo says:

    Hello, I tried to subscribe to the weekly email list but it doesn't accept my email address which is a normal gmail account….

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GabbishLee Gifted says:

    I’ve been practicing with zoom on a virtual market and it is tricky.. made some decent $ going long and short buttttttt I got stuck over this weekend trying to go short again on Thursday assuming it would drop again like it did the days before .. nope went up to a 3 day high and stayed above my entry point smh.. lol I may owe a lotttt of virtual money come opening bell here in a couple hours lol. Good to learn these lessons.. yet 🤔 I think I still might be in the #1 spot in my current challenge with the other virtual traders I’m playing with.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flo_86 says:

    Pretty soon you will make more money form YouTube, I've joined on 40k subscribers and now it's over 155k. You are doing something right. Thank you and stay safe!

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Xiii_No_Name says:

    Please tech me how to trade..i want to learn from the start..

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