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🔽Time stamps:
0:23 IDXG, EFOI low float runners, NIO
5:55 SPI, STAF, FLSY, NIO overnight buy
14:00 Trading Questions in comments Q&A
Leave your trading questions in the comments to see them answered in the next Q&A for next video!
Learned from past mistakes on trading low float stocks, this week I stayed safe from small cap algos squeezing out shorts and stayed safe. Some main low float stock gappers were IDXG, STAF, SPI. SPI was the supernova runner that ran up 4000% back in late September. And there were good opportunities with buying the front side and shorting the backside after the gap up failed. Some large cap stocks in play were NIO and FSLY stocks for the long side.
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Let me ask you a question: do you have one of those friends who are like super annoying because they're always cold? Well, that that's me right here: it's like getting really cold here and i don't want to pay extra 50 a month to turn on my heating. This soon it's only october. Well, it's very cold here in canada, it's uh being a very hot week in the stock market. So let's go over some trades since wednesday, so the main play on wednesday was this stock idxg.

So this is actually a stock that i used to trade a lot in 2016. um. I remember the stock used to spike all the way to was it like 20 or 30 dollars, but that's why i was surprised i came back. I remember this was a low float stock and it still is um, and but the thing is locates on these kind of stocks are really hard to find um.

So i never got a big size on this. You can see gapping up pre-market. It was already over this 480 steady level. So if we, you know break out above here, we can gap fill all the way potentially to 580s and six dollars and the height of the day the stock did do that um.

I was short on the front side started some early pre-market already. That was out almost of it. This is where you kind of learn from the past few mix mistakes, because idxg is a low float stock and remember what we talked about the last few times. This low floats, algo, they'll drop, it drop, the stock from pre-market highs, hold some support, levels intraday and then squeeze it back up.

In this case it squeezed all the way to 580s. I did want to get short on the squeeze move. That's where i did scale in some shorts i covered most of the scale. I was thinking okay, i'm gon na.

Let it find the top and react into it. I thought the top was gon na, be the six dollar psychological mark on the daily chart. Um, you can see we spiked to 570 and uh. We just dropped and honestly that drop happened so fast.

I i this. There was no way i could have caught that um and it did feel like i was chasing at this point, so i didn't add into it. But overall i didn't have a big size on idxg borrows were pretty expensive and they rang out really fast. They were about 12 cents.

A share. I only got about 3 000 shares. So it's not it's not a big position in the grand scheme of the of things um, but i just shorted on the way down pretty nice um. I just added some weakness: small uh, but covered into the flushes, and i was out most of it by this point.

I did have some small left, i'm just trying to let it fade out um. So that's idxg, that was the trade on wednesday. The second stock efoi, so this one is a similar setup as idxg, but this was a pump um. So whenever there is an actual pump and this stock had no news, so when this kind of stock is up, was it up like 90 100 on the day, with no news uh, it's probably going back to where it came from, which is uh actually um.

I underestimated how much it could fade. I was out all of it by ten dollars. I thought they were gon na start holding this ten dollars level. You can see i covered way too early, but i'm almost always trying to be careful with these stocks that tank um to pre-market lows and you know low of the support, because you know i thought this could essentially do the same kind of squeeze move like idxg Did also mdgs and mdly earlier this week, so when you kind of learn those behavior and you're trying to protect your yourself, sometimes it does mean you take profit too early, but you got ta have to be okay with that right.
It's either taking profit too early. Leaving too much on the table or getting squeezed on a secondary move, we saw on idxg, so you have to balance that yourself whether the risk and reward is worth it for, in this case efoi. I thought it was really gon na squeeze. Um didn't happen.

So no, i was out by ten dollars, but the stock later on, you can see faded to nine and actually previous, they closed. 40.. I think the most important lesson is here on uh efoi is that they had no news. Yesterday i also played neil and unfortunately uh - i was always long.

Neo neo is not a stock. I want to fight on the short side. A lot of people are getting squeezed short in neo, i'm just like. Why are you shorting a stock that is breaking all-time highs on the day that was the highest ever um buying volume on neo? So don't fight this kind of volume and don't fight a stock? That's uh that that's up so much and it's a large cap stock.

It's not a small cap, so you can't just expect it to fade it down to earth like idxg. So neil i took a loss on it. I waited for a dip which i did over here. I think it was a pretty good entry, but i just thought you know we're gon na retest, 27 dollars near the height of the day didn't happen, and but i kind of also want to let it work and slowly add into the position.

But you can see on this new position. I did stopped out for a small loss - maybe 20 30 - i did buy it back up for some overnight swing, so if you're under pdt, if you you know, are not comfortable with day trading a lot of times um, i take a lot of these swing overnight. Positions or swing for a couple of day positions um near you, know, 30 minutes, or you know near the end of the day into the close. So that's why i like to do i like to swing these kind of stocks overnight? Uh - and you know this morning today is thursday: it did gap up all the way to 2750s and then later on, ran to 28 dollars.

So that was a really nice swing, a neil, so those were the trades from wednesday. Today, thursday, the biggest play for me was on the long side on fastly, so you can see the stock. This is a large cap stock. It was trading around 120s yesterday previously closed and the stock actually tanked all the way to 86 dollars and below because they cut guidance um.

So it's a it's a cloud um, it's a company in the cloud storage space called technology guidance. They cut the guidance. That's unfortunate uh, that's bearish for the stock, but for the stock to drop. You know twenty dollars overnight.
Actually, forty dollars overnight to view you know it dropped from 120 to eighty dollars. It's a little bit overdone um and that's why i was leaning more long bias on the stock. I was never short in the stock. You can see.

I don't i'm not trying to pick bottoms. I don't pick bottoms um on stocks. It just seems like it's free falling, i let it set a bottom right. You can see it set a low at the market open at 85 and later on, spiked up, you know, i i let it go.

I let it go, i'm not going to chase it. Let it pull back to you know 86 right here you can see the second low is 86, so, technically speaking, it set a higher low right. Now, if i'm going to loan the stock, i have two previous low of the day levels to risk off. I'm not just picking some random bottom, i'm drawing from the thin air right, so i went long starter position.

The idea is that i want to start building a position on the long side once it shows me that 87 dollars, which, when i'm long from 86 80 87, is going to hold up, and i loaned it starter right. So, if your full size 1000 shares starter, you want to take 100 200 shares maximum. You don't want to. You know, go go too heavy too fast.

If you are going with 500 shares, then that's not a starter, then you're half halfway in um, so i went long sold some into the spike. I want to see if we're gon na hold a new higher low. I always get those things confused and it did. I went long again added back to full size this time so now, after this ad had an average closer to 88, because the second ad was a little bit heavier right.

Um 88 went all the way to 90 nice two dollars a share sold some into it. This is where you know i have trouble letting things run and i to me you know 88 dollars all the way to 91.92. That's four dollars a share. That's really really decent profit, and that's why i sold most of it here and after you know, it spiked from 92 all the way to 93 and failed um.

I thought this was gon na, be the top, and that's why i got stopped the rest of it and you can see. I got stopped out right at the bottom of the support here and the stock later took off to 95. So that's the story of my life, but i'd much rather take the meat of the move than trying to keep on going back in trying to add ad uh. What and then you know give back profits, that's kind of something i'm trying to do recently.

I'd rather just loan the front side, you know use um the amount of risk, you're comfortable with and take the meat of the move, and you can see the stock later faded from 95 dollars down to 89.. So if i keep on trying to go back and trying to capture all of it, um thinking i can go all the way back to 100 or more, i probably would have lost money. So that's why i like to trade the first two hours of the day and be done with most of the size, so another decent trade on the day is so this one definitely did the low float i'll go squeeze that we've been seeing and that's why you Know i left it alone. I was super patient and truth be told.
Locates were like 20 cents, so i'm not gon na pay, 20 cents locate on a stock. That's two dollars, so i only got very, very small size so pre-market. I left it alone. I actually thought it was going to squeeze and i really should have went long, but i didn't because it's a two dollar stock.

You know i feel like i just didn't. Okay, i missed it. Just just be okay, you can't you have to be okay, not able to capture everything both long and short um. So you know i let it squeeze from.

You know two dollars all the way to three dollars. That's why i started going in with my tiny, tiny size. Shorts uh short is some three dollars and let it show me whether it's gon na break down three dollars or if it continues holding up it, could actually go to you know. Potentially, if you look at a daily chart, if it actually holds three dollars, it can go to three sixty four dollars uh, but it didn't so it failed three dollars um, that's where i want to go in and short the bounces which it did.

You know tanked to you know about 250 bounce to 280s. That's why i added back in. I guess my full size is still a very small position on the short side on this. One shorted covered some at 250s.

You know just to pay myself a little bit. I was out most of it at 190s um. I was out all of it by 190s, um and re-added. Some and you know have some cover.

Some here actually have like the final 500 shares short. I have two dollars average. Only 500 shares left. I just kind of want to know how low it can go for ships and giggles um because of 140 right now, but the stock came from 80 cents the night before so you know this could pretty much fade to 120s.

But at this point i'm in the money with such a small position. That's why i'm okay, just letting it right out and see where it goes. Oh, did you guys see my new plans, so the last plan was really annoying which is like in the way. So i got this new plant which has been okay so far.

It's it. I hope it lives but uh. I should probably water this. It's looking kind of dry, oops, sorry huh, so that was staff um.

The other player was also really nice is spi, but this one's a similar story. Where you know i'm, i keep on trying to anticipate that they're gon na squeeze, and that's why you know i did take a loss on the pre-market short you can see pre-market. I started in small starting small covered um. This was a pretty much.

A small loss will break even and i have a small pre-market size left when it has 14. I thought it could actually squeeze to 15 and that's why i didn't add into it and at the opening it just kind of dropped like this thing literally, could not bounce. It's like somebody tied a bunch of rocks to this person's foot and just tanked into the bottom of the ocean, and this piece of literally could not bounce. I didn't use most of my size i located about about only i didn't locate that much, but still i didn't get to use all of it, so this turned out to be a it's a decent winner, um, because you can see you know the stock.
Basically, you know faded from my entries of eleven dollars down to nine dollars and forty cents. Now i have a small position left uh, but i didn't get to add um. Just because you know spi was a former ripper um on this day in september. You know on this day i squeezed from one dollar all the way to 40s, so you know, i did think that it could at least go to 15 and it didn't just tanked, so you kind of have to be okay with that after it breaks down this.

Basically, this eleven dollars, this ten dollars level uh, it's it's done like you, can see the selling volume extremely heavy. If you were looking at the tape, the price action every time it tried to pop back up towards 1160, this slam right here got rejected so quickly. It's like somebody slapped this thing in the face: it's pretty pretty scary uh, but even though you know it was heavy, i wasn't able to add a lot of it because with these the low floats it. I don't want to add short on the weakness and that's why you just have to be okay with taking the meat of the move and taking what the market gives you, and this was the neo swing trade position.

You can say so too early 2720s pre-market because the market at a time looks kind of frothy uh, but we later squeezed to 29. You can't try to capture everything you just have to take the meat of the move. So some comments from the last video that i wan na answer. The final countdown is asking: do i have a gold amount i try to make on a daily or you just try to make as much as possible and stay green.

I think it's a good idea to just take the meat of the move right and i try not to set a daily goal um. But for me, if you know, if i can, you know if you think about it, if you can consistently make just a thousand dollars a day, then that's 200 000 on the year. So that's that's more than enough for any person to live off. So i try not to be greedy, but at the same time there are.

There are days in the market where it's like really difficult to even make a hundred dollars. I remember in september it was. There was just nothing going on everything was choppy and those were the days where i was like. Okay, you have to take a step back and be nimble.

If you try to hit that you know, let's just say: one thousand dollars go every day, but the market is only giving you fifty dollars or a hundred dollars and you keep on forcing those trades. I've done that before and each time i try to force trades to make that meets. That goal. I end up being read like i don't know like 100 or read 500, so it's not worth it trying to force trades.
Rather, you want to take the meat of the move on the slow days in the market and really hone in on days like this, where there's eight plus setups that fit your criteria, then those are the days where you can capture. You know yeah your daily goal and most times actually more than that, so that's kind of how i operate. I don't try to meet daily goals. I think it's good to have.

You know a cycle, a mental amount of what you want per week. You know, but you know daily goals. I think it's very, very toxic, we'll have one more face. Is asking hello, humble trader.

Would you really like to know how to beat the elgo? You can't beat the ogo. I think you know that's the thing that people have to understand: you're, not trying to in day trading at least you're, not trying to beat the market you're trying to find out how it works. How all the l goes work, how the market makers work and be on the same side as them? I know it sounds very difficult, but you're not trying to beat. You know these algos.

If you try to beat them. You're gon na go broke first, so you just want to be on the same side. You understand how they operate and take that to your advantage as a day trader. Okay, guys, if you have more questions, you want me to answer.

Please leave them in the comment section below. Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys next time. Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes.

If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time,.

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25 thoughts on “Day trading profit from what the market gives you- spi, staf, idxg, nio stock trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gap Puma says:

    Are you sure it’s algos trading low float penny stocks? Sounds like a waste of technology. Would make more sense on more liquid and sought after stocks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Elias says:

    I wish I could keep ya warm… but I’m that guy You just spoke about… anyhow “Cold hands ..means You have a warm heart!”

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Madson says:

    Hey I really appreciate your videos. The information you provide for free is invaluable to me. I'm glad you did NIO, its interesting to hear your thoughts on that one as I'm long on NIO myself. Do you have multiple trading accounts, like ones for longer positions or ETFs?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter_white says:

    When you complained about how you didn’t want to pay more for heat, I thought you’d insert a “bad joke” about how your trading set up is putting off enough heat keep you warm…LOL

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kimberly Pritchard says:

    Love your videos, Shay! I'm sitting in my office with a blanket over my legs, wearing a stocking cap (because I too, am not ready to start paying a heating bill…I live in central WA state). Have you made a video on setting up trailing stops or using hard stops and profit taker? I'm having a hard time being disciplined about my stop loss. I've heard that the market makers can see those hard stops and will simply take them out??? What are your thoughts on hard stops? Probably should have emailed you 😉 Have a great day!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Augustine Au says:

    Hi guys, im nee to trading and i would like to ask, what are these STI, SPAF? Why cant i find it in my mt-5? 🤔

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josephboot1 says:

    Can you please make a video on screeners? There's so much information in the filters for setting it up I don't know what to look at and what's important and why.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All says:

    Would you be able to go over your hot key setup and risk management plans you think? Super interested to learn a bit about that

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jns says:

    Amazing video. What do you mean "Low Float" stock and how do you identify them. Appreciate your clarification. Thanks.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fhei z says:

    How should you add volume gradually? I always tend to add more volume on losing trades and can’t find good entry points to add volume on winning trades.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hieu Bui says:

    I got a question, if my account has less than 10000$, and I really like to short sell stock, which platform you'd recommend me to utilize to grow my account ? By the way, I prefer my self to short with penny stocks only.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vaca lepic says:

    Hi, new subscriber of your channel. Q: IDXG is hard to borrow from my brokerage, how easy it is to call to borrow?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anfodrew says:

    Hey, just wondering if you think holding a stock for only one month is enough in terms of TFSA to not get ding'd by CRA

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cala Kinis says:

    Your channel is amazing and it has inspired us so much to get organized and plan ahead for the future with my money now! I'm currently 8 months pregnant with my second child. My Husband and I have been saving and also investing in the stock market for the most part to cover us while I'm on maternity leave. We managed to grow our account up to $263,000 and about to purchase our first rental property. I'm so happy we did because now neither of us are working or will be needing a job again

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Brandt says:

    Hey! I'm working on a website that provides various tools for day traders and investors. Do you think I can talk about it with you sometime?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Movie Stuff & Junk! says:

    if you need to warm up come stay with me in arizona. it will give me a chance to school you on how to never take a loss.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arturo Garza says:

    Lovely trading on $FSLY, good 'timing', it built a low very close to the levels on pre-market and then go long from there, and you said it, not chasing it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MeisterANT says:

    I just invest, sometimes short time, I just started… I just wanted to go into Nio and Niu… Niu Scotters sell very good here in Europe… I think about getting one, no one is as cheap… Nio is a different level, it's in China I can't tell you something now… Keep on your jokes

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Catamaran Channel says:

    You dont want to pay 50 canadian dollar to get some comfort??
    The bad jokes just never stop, hahahahaha
    Keep them coming!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Assid Amazigh says:

    As I’m interested in trading and investment in stock , I’m writing to you to ask whether it would possible to share your experience with me .there are some good stocks I want to share with you .

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Assid Amazigh says:

    thank you for all your hard work on this and thank you for everything you bring to the table.I’m a beginner trader and personally don’t have much experience . VVPR is the best stock to trade or to invest in right now .

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoyPi Trader says:

    hi HT, how would you know thats its an algo trading goin on. Or its an algo thats squeezing the shorts? 🙂 very nice recap by the way

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Alquisalet says:

    Which broker is that? I think the only International Broker I am allowed to use is IBKR, I'm very pleased with it, but I can never find shares to short for the low float runners 🙁

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A. T. M says:

    Great vido how do you decide when to go long and when to go short and thank you I like this kinds of videos where you explain what went to your mind when you were trading it

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RandomScandinavianGuy says:

    Just a general question: how do you hedge against currency risk? I assume you trade the US equity market from outside the US. So you must be exposed to currency fluctuations. This is one thing that is holding me back from doing any kind of investment/trading outside of the EUR zone.

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