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Foreign good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome back and happy monday morning. Hopefully, everybody uh had a good weekend and hopefully it'll be a better week. So nonetheless, uh we're gon na get ready to rock and roll pretty soon get my handy-dandy notebook ready. Don't need that um bbig there uh there should be sound yes.

Good morning, mr montero rainia sunny chuck everybody good morning good morning, good morning, yeah i figured there was some to you. So some of the main ones first to talk about probably this morning, are going to be the stock bbig um sprt. There was another one um, a t, e r, there's, also one more um right. Wasn't there good morning, andre hmm, now that i'll top my head, those are the ones.

I thought there was another one though i just can't remember it. Let me just double check one more thing: that's right there. It is okay, so yeah, let's first start with some of the big movers from the past couple days, because i know everyone's pretty much going nuts about those we're gon na. Do s prt and we'll start there all right so and then also neuro ended up going up to 20 dollars, which is kind of a max price target we gave for that so, but we'll talk about that.

A little later, probably all right so first stock here bbig, this was a big mover from monday. I know we talked about it a little bit and you know what i looking hindsight 2020. This is was obviously so much. It was pretty obvious, but i remember we did touch on bbig from from friday a little bit.

I just don't remember what we were mentioning um, oh okay, so yeah. What we had mentioned on friday was bbig's. First long target on the day was, i think it was 350, maybe 356, wherever this line is oh 372., so that was the first long target up on the day we expected the market to get through. This is also the regression level which this can be a big breakout level, as you can see, that's what we say whenever stocks really break away and break through the mean they're gon na have a big run, and so that's why i went from not only reason Why? But anyways it goes from three all the way to 10.50.

So really it's gotten overbought again now, of course, we've seen stocks get overbought and keep running through this mark, but um. This is the same thing as sprt now that you're over uh one second. Now that you're over this price here six and seven seven dollars or another way of saying it is the plus three plus four is going to be your downside target for the time being, a quick way to explain that is like sprt all right watch when we Flip this to uh the four hour time frame, so you'll see the sprt went up and when it crashed, where did it crash to it? Crashed down right to the four deviation mark that purple line so again, the crash move of bbig will always revert back down. Typically, to to the four deviation to three deviation, so just know that if you do or you get caught in that crash, move on a bad day, that's how far it typically goes down.
So i think you still watch bvig on the long side a little bit, but just be mindful that you're now into the overbought levels. Um, though i will say this price point here, 770 is the plus 4 deviation mark, and that's why you're bouncing you can see market goes up big red candle down right to the purple line, and now it's bouncing so for the time being. This is your support level for the day, it's 780.. This is where you should look to be long off of already so now, you're, just hoping the market continues going up and does not come below 770..

If it does come below 770, then there's probably going to be another balance in the day around 680. So you probably drop about a dollar down towards the 680 mark and then you would have another opportunity to bounce. So if even 782 support doesn't hold throughout the remainder of this day, markets will most likely move next to 6.80. As for the long target on this, i have no idea, but for now the max target could only really be up to 1650 to 1888.

For the time being, um on the intraday chart so yeah that would be max target support you already bounced off of it and then, if you're lucky and that's pretty much it yeah, i mean you're already bouncing off support. So if you want to lowest risk possible entry this morning pre-market, you probably already missed it, because that probably was it. I will say again unless the market's really trying to get bearish here. That probably was the bottom for now um, so we'll see 500 viewers.

Today, i think we are, i think i definitely think we're gon na we're gon na break the 500 mark again uh. What's my target on bb id yeah again, jan, don't really have one! You know now. It's just for me max targets, so you're just playing intraday plays and hoping it keeps going up. But for me the max long of the day is going to be in the 16's 18's area.

Exactly relax pop. You always have to beat the kids you're here with the grandma very nice. Tell our minister tell her to say hello m y, no problem. I appreciate you tuning in all.

We have to do the thumbs up. You know make sure you subscribe share the stream with uh pretty much as many people as you can. We appreciate you thank you um roku, that might not be a bad one to look at um. I don't have a video on the tos account if you're referring to one that's similar to what i just did regarding the weeble one, then i don't have one specifically on think or swim as of yet okay um, let's go uh, mr gabriel, guy guys, gabriel.

Sorry, i can't pronounce your name but uh i'll, just call you gigi, what's going on brother good to have you in here all right, so now we're going to pop on over to sprt, so sprt again yeah, it's hard for me to be bearish or sorry. Uh bullish the stock at this point only because we had such a big sell-off. So this is something where i'm just not comfortable being extremely long bias. This bounce.
If you wanted to be long, biased, sprt after a crash, you should have been getting long bias off the plus four deviation mark on friday for the counter trend. Long now, the short sellers or bearish movement is going to try to probably sell this top down. Only in the event that after this market tries to move lower and it fails, then you could suggest yeah. This might continue higher.

But for the time being, i do think that, of course, the market's overbought. That's why we had the big correction move. That's why we crashed the four deviation mark again. I do think this is going to end up.

You know slowly starting to come back down if we're lucky, then it goes over back through all-time highs, but for now i don't think you could really justify going for an all-time high move uh at least yet so uh really just watching this bearish thinking it's going To roll back over, fill these gaps and end up going down towards a price of for now, 17 to you know, 19 filling this gap down to basically 20.. So sbrt for me is a bear stock, though another one here, ater had a nice jump, pre-market, um, fella and i fell apart then bounced this was something i thought could continue. Moving on the day, i didn't check if it had any news. It's 8 30.

There's! No news meh, probably not, then okay, so this is a stock that started moving and i'm not really sure why. I'm not sure if it was sympathy to some other stocks that were moving in the market that i'm really not sure of or if it was just started moving, because whatever that i really don't know, but nonetheless, this morning the active volume is up significantly. That's why there's a purple line on that chart so anyways a lot of volume very active. The interesting thing is this line.

Here is a breakout level. That is a regression level breakout, but we haven't really been able to maintain very well. You can already see we pulled back close to it, didn't quite touch it, so i feel like the markets are going to try to keep moving bearish on atr and only because you'll see again. We have pushed up into the regression trend on the four-hour chart for the first time, so the same thing that amc did just a couple days ago and then just sold straight off.

That's exactly what this is doing, not exactly the same setup, but the price action of the stock is coming off of the same exact level in a very similar way that amc had just done. So we only can suggest ater is a bigger move higher when it gets up. Oh wait. I think i might have done that wrong.

Oh yeah, i did do that wrong. Sorry, um, wait! No kind of kind of i said it wrong to start, but most of that was right. So, yes, resistance right now is 978. The breakout level that it did was it did a negative one.

Deviation, breakout move so it broke out of this level here and spiked up to the next one. So i would assume the markets are trying to maybe roll back down to 838 and hold the support. You will see we got pretty close here, but not really, and so we might still need to actually come down into this price and test it so watching for bigger moves on ater through 980, watching for a move back down to 8.35, so break out through 978 Dip levels down at 8.36: if we go down to 836, we might actually break instead of holding reason being markets came to here, not quite to support and bounced. So if anybody bought this bottom - and it's not really the bottom - anybody buying here will stop out.
If the price goes below, which might add enough selling pressure within this portion of the market, to actually create a break through the support level, so for now watching bearish down to pretty much 8 30 being optimistic, it actually goes through the 838 price because of the Previous bounce that was put in here at 752, creating stop loss, orders just below that price, which would put a bunch of selling orders right at the support area, which would be the opposite of buying that support so kind of yeah. Watching that on the downside figures. So earlier i did a small little short trade on this, like here, scalp just kind of moved down and uh. It was easy to borrow earlier and now that i'm looking again it's hard to borrow so now that it's like you know, i kind of think this is going to keep rolling down.

I was debating doing a short play, can't even get involved anymore. What a bummer um so two other things that i want to talk about really quickly, then i'm gon na take a look at some of your guys's comments. Here is works. Okay.

This is a stock that um is looking a little better. This was also mentioned by a gentleman just a who had also mentioned the stock sprt before it went on a big move. He said to maybe keep an eye on this, and so i started looking at it after he'd mentioned about it doing my analysis and you know he's right: it's not overbought. This has room to pretty much keep going up decent formation, so it started moving on friday with some pretty active volume.

Here, it's not very heavily traded so day trading, it's probably not the most ideal, but it does look like this. Has a decent formation still has some room to go up and basically what we were looking for was a move up to 330 for right now, wait hold on sorry, 332 uh 347, and if it can get up to 347, then it's going to be looking for, Like a move to 399 and so on and so forth, so nonetheless just kind of a small, smaller slower mover, decent formation, picked up in some volume friday, probably worth keeping an eye on it. Another one that moved this morning was kplt. So this is a little bit of a cheaper stock.

Five bucks made a decent move earlier, didn't really hit a resistance that at least i'm aware of or that i would typically take action off of, or at least would know to take action off of so i'm kind of confused is more or less the better way To put it so i i know what's happening right now, but i have no idea what wants to happen or not even really a good assumption, um, so i'll try to explain as best i can so for me, like the resistance, is like seven bucks on kplt. Today the market might be around this level or it might be the other one hold on. Oh, i guess i do see a resistance i could have hit now. I might have missed that earlier, but it still didn't fully touch but um.
So you will see marco was in downtrend, then the market came through and crossed the 180 day hour, regression trend, which we always say. When that happens, we can see a pop well, it crossed over pulled back down to it held. So it's like you know. It's kind of awkward right, so it's such a steep downtrend and it went over it almost like sideways kind of and then fell back to it held support squeezed up now the market is up to about the half deviation price, so it's almost to the one deviation.

So we've gone from the solid white to halfway to this to the solid yellow orange, so the support level yeah. I mean we're pretty much on it right. If you look at this four hour chart or sorry daily chart yeah. If you look at the daily chart here, there's a half deviation price that comes into play on kplt at um 555., so downtrends.

Here it comes into play at 555.. There's another half deviation that comes into play at 472.. You will see we pretty much went up to the first one close shied. It then we pulled back to the next one.

So if kplt is going to amount to anything today, it needs to stay over this price point, so it might be worth watching. I haven't checked if it was easy to borrow or not. It is easy to borrow, so it might make sense for me to be somewhat bearish this today, but anyways just thought i'd mention it's another penny stock. That's up for the day, um yeah.

I watched the bmw championship yesterday that was um very exciting, playoff uh and match at the end. It was, i surprised that deshambo didn't take it, but i mean it's golf. I'm really not surprised, but that's rough um, but very congrats for cantley, though really just held in there throughout the whole thing. Uh fifteen dollars right now, uh goatman would be pretty hard on sprt because most of its support bounce levels currently exist above uh 15..

So before it would hit 15 it would you would normally see a couple counter trend, long bounces. That would maybe even convince you. It's not going to go to 15., so i can't say 15 for sure yet um, but i think it. I think we can be comfortable saying that right now, 20 is possible, not that it's gon na happen right if this bounced and kept going higher right.

Of course it's knocking at twenty dollars for the time being, but on a downside, bearish move buyers would be located right at about twenty and nineteen dollars, probably making it impossible for the stock to actually go to 15. In the event we see a bearish move is is a good way of saying it. Um yeah. Let me take a look here at um.
Why man, my brain moves too quickly that hurts bud yeah uh roku? Oh, i already went over that one here, right, yeah. So roku is just sitting here um. I really really like the way that roku held that day to me. That's pretty important.

We've been following roku and we've been wanting to see this thing: bounce um. We missed this bottom and really started. We were talking about roku, as it was coming into this bottom. Just didn't, buy it on the day that it hit that line and for whatever reason, didn't trust it.

Then it bounced - and it just didn't, really have the feel that it was gon na rip uh right away, so we were just kind of watching it hanging out and so the other day i'd mention like this, isn't a good look for it because it had such A bearish rollover that we need to see this continue to hold up still, not quite ready, and so we wanted to see it hold the previous price action bottom, which it did, and it was a good day right. You can see it did a little gap up and then just one candle up candle candle, so just kind of grinded up throughout the day, and then uh you'll see that the price is currently sitting over a half deviation level. So it's trying to hold support this morning pre-market, so the level that roku needs to stay above for just to kind of pop and run immediately would be 358.29. Now i will say it does look a little just a little funky at bottom.

Just doesn't doesn't quite look that good, so i'm still not really certain. This thing wants to run or bounce just yet, but we are holding and have been holding the uh the deviation level very, very well. So i think it's a good idea to keep watching roku closely for a long play um. Nonetheless, i i i've been watching it i'm going to keep watching it.

I just can't say that it's right ready to pop just yet we could be close, though we'll see i mean we have that gap that it created this morning. I would hate for it to reverse and fill that gap, and you try to long that. So i think it's definitely worth watching. I think we could be around the corner from a long move taking off on roku hmm uh.

I myself have never actually used fin visually, so i couldn't really speak on that myself. Good job reloading time, awesome neo for a swing. Um looked at neo briefly, today, kind of just quickly uh quickly shifted once i seen it for the first time, it wasn't didn't really hadn't really. Given me much warm fuzzy feelings, acic long-term outlook, i would probably have no idea to be completely honest: uh afrm, yeah afrm, just recently squeezed up.

I don't really know why, but i did see the big price gap and i know that's one of the stocks that meet kevin was talking about um. So i don't know if that has anything to do with it, but um uh yeah. I i would have to do about research on it actually, but um. I don't necessarily think i mean you you're already well past a good entry.
I mean, if you really really quickly. If you look at afrm or a f yeah afrm, you missed a great entry. Already i mean it's not a it's pretty straightforward all right, so this thing has been down trending, so unless it's trying to reverse and break through the all-time high right, i mean your great entries would have been obviously obviously on that bottom um here was a hold Of the regression trend and then it just broke out, you know so watch like what it looks like on this chart, so slightly oversold back to normal break out of the trend it squeezes up to the next one, so you're slightly getting into the overbought levels. With this so you're most likely going to be seeing afrm, maybe jump into these areas and then start to pull back a little bit unless it's trying to really change its trend, which i kind of don't think that's going to be the case, at least for right.

Now you know but um. If you were trying to day trade it, then you would want to have ownership before it breaks out through the mean on the day. So if this is meant to go higher right, this is where a lot of times the breakout will happen on the day. So once the market falls below the white trend line, the big breakout move usually only happens as it goes through.

The white trend line uh. Yes, we did, we did cover bbig uh yep. We did cover ater just started options this morning, uh we just started in options. Is this a good place to learn more um, maybe a little bit like in the future? I will actually try to get something scheduled.

I haven't really tried either um, but yeah i mean we could teach you a lot about options for sure, but we just don't really have anything. We don't do streams for options. Nor do we do a ton of videos for options and that's because i don't do a ton of options, but i have a partner and someone i work with uh closely, who is good at options and does a lot of options. So it's just a matter of bringing him onto the channel or having him create content for you guys or be willing to um.

So i haven't really opened that i've opened the discussion up but haven't really followed through with it much. Why are we not? He says why are we not talking root from scanner? Um i mean we can. That is another one that i forgot was moving this day today, uh but yeah. I love it.

Let me cover this really quickly so before something happens, so pretty much right now on the way up. My target max would be 10 bucks. 10, 20. um two, oh, it doesn't help, oh, that makes sense so you're kind of on you're you're at halfway.

You know half deviation resistance right now, so that's why we're chopping around, but yeah i mean the stock really isn't. Uh doesn't really appear to be all that overbought in trend. So i think this could be halfway decent, so you cross through the mean down here at the price about 580. You have swung up into the half deviation zone at 8, 30 to 8.
um. At this point you, if you're on the long side, you would want to see it break over the previous price action top at 8.71, 870, 871 and then hopefully get a breakout up to your next trending resistance point which at right now is 10 19 to 10.70, Which, theoretically, isn't even possible because those two red lines are above this blue line so right now the market usually wouldn't allow for the market to go that high. So we could possibly like get a move up to 9.76, then pull back, and then the trend is up to this price and it goes higher. But i think you can continue watching this long bias.

The volume's heavy today, not extremely overbought at half, deviation for prices right now. There really isn't any news on the stock, so um, but wall street bet. So there you go so yeah. You can watch this one slightly on the long side.

What you're looking for today is a hold and continuation through the price point of 8 30 to hopefully push this market up towards basically 10 to 10.75. Today, um, i no! I don't think deviations are similar to pivot points entirely now, hello, nessa good morning to you not a lot of people buying this dip on root for the time being or selling it so um could very well be looking at a pop kind of squeeze move here. All right, let's talk about mrna sure, so this has just been getting absolutely annihilated. Um again, just just as a reminder uh, we did recommend this stock short on that day.

So that's cool. It's been kind of hard to figure out what it's wanted to do since it dropped. Though i figured if we were going to try to do some sort of counter trend, bounce um and then the market would try to roll, looks like it's finally kind of happening. Um yeah, i think you just continue watching this bearish.

I really do. I think we're gon na see yeah. I think we're gon na see something like that break yeah, so i really think it's gon na be like yeah. I mean you could say that that was trending like this i mean yeah, yeah yeah, but nonetheless i think it's just this half deviation price right.

That trend in the middle dotted one. I think this trend is going to break and then the markets are going to go down to this level somewhere around 325. I think it's possibly cmrna down there, so i think you continue watching the stock bearish um for a breakdown today it might be a little challenging because this really is the first attempt at breaking the support back down again since quite a while ago, i mean you: Can see we came down here, bounced all right then held a higher low. Now we're back down again.

So it's a first time trying to break this resistance since it was last put in but again, if you're talking about the trend line, then we try to go down one two three four times so we've been trying this trend line four times um, but nonetheless yeah. I think you, you kind of watch mrna bearish going forward at this point. Maybe i'm looking for prices to 323 right now and let me check this chart because i didn't do that: that's a little different uh, so yeah you're, actually first looking for a move down to about 351. yeah.
So if this does fall apart from 372, you look for a move to 351 first, as opposed to what i first told you which was 325 and then through the 350, which, through the 350 deviation level, that's going to take you through the previous low here at 350, that stop loss action will be big enough to take us down to 325.. So your first move is down towards the previous low here: uh 350. 3350. Then you go to 330 327.

cheers cheers everybody um, so the people of the book yeah when you get our custom, deviation scanner from boardroomtrain.com. There is a scripted uh scanner that comes with that that helps kind of scan for stocks at certain deviation levels. Based on your input, so there is a scanner we have built that goes along with the system, hassan malik um i mean. Maybe again i don't i'm not gon na really we're not gon na go back to sprt.

Maybe it does. I mean if it went back to 50 you're, just extremely lucky um. So no you know sprt is no, i mean yeah. Just no you'd have to be extremely lucky.

Our recommended selling target for sprt on friday was like 50 to 65, anywhere from like 50 55. To 60, we pretty much said you should be a seller on the stock, not not a buyer um, so yeah, we don't couldn't suggest going back to 48 right now, because, as ms as the price of your stock changes, the standard deviation is changing right. How can you get accurate trend lines if you're not going to allow the trends to keep up with the actual price of the stock as the price moves volatility increases? The standard deviation? That's what people understand. It's a deviation, so it's moving and fluctuating right.

If your stock goes up, it's changed in volatility. It's changed in price. The standard deviation will change to give you a reflection of the most accurate pricing for the time frame, you're looking at so that's why they change. So yes, right, that's.

Why, like, for example, on um what i say root so root right, we said we want to see like a max long target on the day would be 1080 to 10 14.. This is where the long-term trend zone is at the intraday trend. Blue line only goes to 980. markets, whatever say it's not supposed to go above 980 right price is not supposed to go above.

The intraday blue line right market can move all the way to the blue line. Right now stop pull back for an hour and since the market moved from 820 up to 980, that trend and the volatility has increased so later say 30 minutes after it hits the price of 980 and pulls back 30 minutes later. That trend could increase. To now be above these two price levels, allowing the markets to actually go to the long-term trend again, so they do change a little bit um and it's really just to make sure that it's giving you the accurate, updated standard, deviation for the time frame that you're Looking at are options sketchy with the scary bubble, waiting to pop uh.
No, no a bubble waiting to pop doesn't make options any riskier less risky, they're still the same option. Market volatility um can change, which can change, implied volatility of options and the greeks for lack of better words to make it quicker. Yeah markets, change in volume and volatility will always have an effect on the way, a certain security or instrument trades, which could either make it more risky or less risky within that moment in time, as opposed to it. If the market wasn't as volatile, but a market bubble doesn't have a direct impact on making options more risky, not necessarily no hmm, okay, sorry uh yeah.

We got to go over to amc really quickly, so we'll pop on over there uh. So you guys will remember from friday we pretty much said we should be watching the markets more long by us on amc on friday. Well, markets came down bottom then held up overnight, so we were right about that, but i don't actually i'm not convinced that i was well. I mean i guess i mean it did kind of catch up, but uh i mean yeah.

I guess we probably should still watch more long, then yeah, i'm just gon na say we got ta watch amc more on the long side. If i'm wrong. That means we're gon na come down and we're gon na crack below 40 40.. So pretty much my support level that i'm watching for the day uh well, maybe not really.

The first support level that i'll be watching on the day is going to be 40 40 and then followed by 39.14. So again, if amc is meant to keep moving higher right now, then this market's not going to come back down below uh 40 40. For the most part, if amc is meant to be bearish, we're going to see it come back down to this price and probably lower. So for the time being, i'm optimistic that we're going to try to bounce back up and go long on amc for right now.

So watching it on the long side, myself, that's pretty much it now we're not going to see a gigantic move on amc, we're not, and what i mean by that is we're not going to get a big breakout move on amc until the price actually were to Get up and through 40 46 26 at this point, so um. The current long move in the market that i'm looking for max on amc is back to 46.26, not looking for anything higher for right now, because that just probably doesn't make any sense. The marcuses probably wouldn't do that so watching amc on the long side to move back towards 46 26 for right now and only can suggest a bigger move as the markets successfully go through 46.26 and at that point we'll be looking for the markets to go up To about 64 to probably 55 or something like that, yeah 56.57 will be our target if we can actually get through 46.. So pretty much a 10 move again.
A break out of 46 go up 10 bucks to 56.. So that's amc, uh no haven't actually touched. Um excuse me touch under oh yeah, no um sandman again, we always use the long term charts as our most strong, so pretty much the best way to put it is 180 day one year one day, your stock will typically go to those levels on the day And along the way, it's gon na trade within your intraday channel okay, 180 day one year, one day, your stock will go to the levels on that time frame for the day, most likely or very close to and along the way it will trade within your intraday Channel uh rob winter 50 to 60 price target. It was right, sometimes they're wrong, but yesterday's was correct, so that was awesome yeah.

My nose just does not want to stop itching. This morning, uh yeah. We did mention watching emery anymore on the bearish side uh. I never traded on fidelity, no uh mrin, maybe it's kind of been a bit since i seen that i think we've been watching this for a bounce for a long time and then it's spiked up so yeah mrin is kind of doing something.

That might i mean we have to get lucky, i mean yeah. The only way mrin becomes anything is if it goes up and through the price of 777.. So i think you can. I think, everyone's just optimistic right now, because sprt went so nuts and everyone's, like.

Oh, let's just buy up everything and anything and wall street bets this and then it's kind of crazy. But i do think you watch mrin on the long side today, at least to start um and ideally you're, just looking for to go back to 780 and break through 780 and go all the way up to a target of 970.. So 970 would be my max target for mrin over the next couple days and or today again, if this is really moving up and giving us a two leg: kind of pull system, candlestick breaking out move then max target's 960 and the breakout level is going to Be over the previous day's high, so this is a previous day's highs. Play breakout, signage situation.

Okay, this is yeah, i mean that's where the breakout is, but of course the price would still have to go from seven to seven eighty, so it still has to move 80 cents from where it's currently have to even get to the breakout level. So there's a lot of money you can make before you even break out on this too. Theoretically, whew um yeah. When the markets open more flat, then they have a better chance of running right away out of the gates.

When markets open after a sell-off or a stretch up, then they usually don't trade as fluent right away out of the gates. So oh yeah we're definitely going to reach 500 viewers a day, we're just we're just aiming more for the 600 mark, but 500. Is it that it's just a given? It's definitely going to happen these days, um so yeah we're uh. Oh i forgot.

I want to talk about. Gamestop gamestop actually looks significantly better than amc to me overnight, but now i guess they kind of look equally decent. So maybe i don't want to speak too heavily like that um, but anyways. You guys know as well as i do.
I told you on friday, or whatever day it was the game. Stop didn't really actually reach its resistance. It got close so still kind of has the opportunity of going up and through it, but just know again if we, if, if gamestop, gets through this deviation mark here at 233, this thing's gon na spike back to probably 309 and then once it gets back up There that's what i'm saying if we can actually get gamestop back up to like 308, that's going to be scary business, because once you do, that, i mean sorry, i mean still realistically trend would put us right back at high. So we still don't have a breakout over highs.

You'd still stop right in that zone. Um right! Look at that right if you use the previous price action top as your resistance, that resistance still falls in line pretty close to the plus three deviation mark. So, there's a very good chance again if it's just saying: if this broke straight up and hit here, you probably still would sell off it. Probably i want to say it wouldn't break out, but again a lot of people would use it as a resistance top and again that's it lines up almost ideally with our uh there.

It is look at that one there, so it almost lines up, ideally with uh. Three deviations perfectly so extend left there. We go so again, look at that like where those wicks and those tops are at and where our deviation levels are, but anyways yeah gamestop actually looks kind of halfway decent. So i think we just got ta just be patient and optimistic to gamestop at amc.

You can still have some moves. No, you cannot trade options. Pre-Market. I haven't have not looked at neo.

That was something i did need to cover uh yeah again so neo. It's pretty straightforward here i actually just deleted the drawing that i pretty much still need. So pretty much neo is not going to give you much of a big move higher until you get up and through that trend line. So that's pretty much.

What you're, looking for you're looking for a successful break of that trend, line, which it kind of, did it the other day? And we talked about it, but it wasn't good enough to sustain you can see. We broke the trend here pop and then i think the markets might have pulled back, but anyway just sold right down. Um, it's the same thing i mean you, don't really have a big long play until you successfully cross through that trend line. So i don't really really think you have to concern yourself too much with with being too crazy.

I mean it's, i i promise it's just you're not going to get a big move until you go to that trend line. So everything until you go to the trend line is going to be kind of back and forth. Chop grind consolidation that most likely will confuse you um. So just again you, you won't get a big long move on you until you go through that white trend line.
There, which you know the price of it, is going to be different depending on where, wherever you're at when it gets there, i mean it's down trending. So it's a decreasing price level that until you go above you're not going to see a pop happen on neo. So i think you can just sit be a little patient and just watch for the break of that trend line on neo, otherwise you uh yeah. I mean this thing's, probably gon na end up trickling lower.

So that's a watch we're looking for the reclaim of this trend line, or else we'll just wait to see when it starts to break down, and then it's probably gon na trade down to its next deviation levels: uh, yeah joshua. We have a couple channels that are a couple videos on our channel that are free. You can also get a custom one from our website um with a couple more features. It comes as a scanner and small little course for it, so you get that there or you could go back to our youtube channel um.

I keep forgetting to post those videos in the thing below, but anyways yeah. You go back to your channel. Look up the video. The strategy will make you consistent trader full strategy guide, yeah, but you'll you'll find i mean long story short, i mean they're, there they're definitely there, but you will for sure get to at least one of those videos.

If you type in a title, this strategy will make you a consistent trader that should show you how to set them up, at least for the freeway, so uh yeah yeah, so videos are planning on coming out today. I know i didn't have anything come on over the weekend um, but you know uh. Actually i might have a video come up friday, but then my software was being super annoying. I thought it like deleted.

My videos ah screw this so anyways yeah uh - will be some more uh content, probably coming out today. Oh justin, i am sorry that i did not go over a gsat for you. I only go over six million stocks, almost every other single day, but i'm sorry. I missed this one for you and yeah.

It is actually running very well. So unfortunately i didn't look at it earlier. I apologize um, but again i look at six trillion stocks a day on a daily basis. So yes, i'm sorry for missing your stock uh.

So you're at resistance right now, which means you're, probably going to see a pullback um. You will only see gsat kind of running higher once it gets through about 248 240. Maybe 249. um yeah.

Let's see this one's 294. This is kind of set up annoying. But that's okay, so yeah right now uh! I actually this has great momentum, but you can only really predict it can go to about 292 once it gets to about to like 250 or so um. So you should see gsat do a little bit of selling action.

Some hesitation here at about 248 and then um once you see the intraday 3 deviation price, maybe matching up with the 290. Then you could probably suggest it goes to 290., so yeah um, i think, going forward on the day pretty much you're. Looking for resistance to start here now, next couple minutes already is around 245 247 250 249, and then only through that price will, you see is continuing to go higher, at which next price point you should look for be about to move to 293.. So looks like the market has about: has deviations of maybe about 50 cents right now, so through 250 go to 290 or so uh and then on a pullback? Well, there's see, there's a lot going on on this chart.
So, like you kind of have a pullback support level here, um, which is at like 226. um, you know and then there's another one. That's where is that it's like here see that's no sense, there's so many different levels, they're not lining up like equal. So there's got a lot of stuff everywhere: um, maybe yeah you pretty much would look for like a dip support.

First, on the day, around 2 26 and then it'd be down. I mean we'll follow it throughout the day, a little bit, but it it's kind of confusing. So i'm not even gon na i'm gon na try. But i just know that if this goes into a harsh pullback, it can pull all the way down to about 226 and we don't have a breakout coming until you get back through 249.

At this point so uh for now. I don't really think there's a whole lot to do. You're, probably like i said, i'm gon na settle down. Yes, i know about the gap on uh afrm or a-r-f-m-a.

Whatever it is. Yes, i do um how much money should you start to day trade with as much money as you want to lose as much money as you feel comfortable trading with you know, whatever you think is good for yourself. No amount of money is going to make you any better any worse at trading, so the only difference is going to make is the amount of stuff that you can buy? That's really just it. I know that sounds very like boring and wow you're, so not energetic, but that's the reality of it right.

It does not matter how much money you start with it. Uh does not make you any better or any worse. At trading, you are going to take the trades you're going to take and those investments are going to pan out the way they're going to pan out, based on the knowledge and experience you currently or are soon to gain the amount of money that you do, that With it will not make you better or will not make you worse the more money you use the faster or more money you can make on an investment, the less money you use the less money you will make on an investment or more money. You make an investment, but either way it doesn't dictate whether you're going to be good or bad.

So my recommendation is to if you feel, you're ready to start trading in the markets with real money, then you really should just use a dollar value amount that you're comfortable, losing or seeing go to zero and the reason we say that is because it's highly probable That when you do high risk speculative investing, especially for your first time, good chance, you can see that go to zero. If you don't want to see that go to zero, then i highly recommend what you can do is follow along with something like this. This is a weeble portfolio. If i can get it going, it doesn't really matter what it is.
It's just a portfolio where you can have most of your money invested and disperse amongst lower risk things. It can still grow you money, while leaving a small amount of your cash on the side to practice or try any sort of your speculative high risk. Investing that way, even if you lost all of the money that you're respectively investing with you, still have in this situation, twenty eight thousand seven hundred thirty four dollars is still invested. They can still gain you back your loss if you don't touch it, so that would probably be a smarter, more practical approach.

That way you can protect your capital. You can still learn. You can be invested in multiple different things, providing you security and then still using money to grow your knowledge and strategy with the market. That's another good option.

Wait, there's an update! Is this the update folks? Is this the update we've all been waiting for? Sorry, i'm getting branded on right now we're coming brandon! I'm coming. I got you. I was waiting for you to pop on, though okay, so i kind of need to install that. Let me do that real quick uh uh.

Why do i use 4? Because i came to the conclusion that 4 tends to provide good information too uh do a video regarding breakout levels. I mean yeah, i've made videos and, but not specifically anything recently soon now i haven't covered tkat today, yet no uh. So there is gsat right doing a little false breakout uh for a second there and then immediately back into a red candle. So that's kind of frustrating for some, i'm sure uh.

It's also easy to borrow wow. I didn't know that. That's also also the reason why it's going up so easy this morning. Oh yeah, that's what i want.

Let's see, huh, that's weird, but let's see if we got anything good, i don't see it now, nope not on there. Unfortunately, but whatever okay, i need to uh change over a couple things here on this big watches today, um yeah, if it's easier to borrow it's easier for more people to short, if more people are short, it means more people have to buy back the stock in Order to exit it's the exact opposite of how you think the market probably works right. Yes, when things are easy to borrow and easy to sell, the markets have an easier time going up a lot of the times, because people are selling short all right. If people are selling short, then there's people to squeeze up - and one thing i can tell you for sure - is most of the people selling this stock short down here - probably not market makers, okay, um and then i will say it like this.
Then most of the people buying the stock when it gets up to this price. Probably not your market makers, people probably buying the stock market makers. People seem to be selling the stock market makers and retail everybody else, but yeah, i highly doubt you know um yeah anyways, but anyways yeah, so we'll be watching gsat long bias. At this point, this thing's, probably gon na, go up to the price of whatever i told you earlier, the 280, the 290 or whatever i said, yeah 290 very good chance.

It gets there um yeah, you have a little little pit, stop at like 270. Maybe get a little hesitation, but yeah should probably go up to about 290 at this point is the way it seems um before it gets to two nine. You have your plus three deviation, so you should expect there's going to be maybe a pullback here. If this line doesn't match up with the 290 by the time that all kind of comes to fruition - ah, okay - let's see he said they added it to evil, but it's lit, but it's limited r1r2 um! I don't! I just don't see it.

I mean i you figure would be under that, so maybe it's i don't see r1r2 under main chart or anything like that. So yeah, i just don't. So if you can help me figure that out. That would be awesome, but i don't see it that's.

Stdv is not it either: uh bbi bbig. I would recommend you go back to the stream uh beginning of the stream, but pretty much we'd recommended that you wanted to be long bias off of the 777 price. By the time we got around to even mentioning that was a good dip by support. Support had already been up or sorry market already moved up to about eight bucks, but nonetheless we pretty much had mentioned.

That 770s was your first support level for the day and that's what you wanted to say above in order to see bbig continue to move higher for the day, which so far, it's doing so you're, just probably more slightly on the long side. For the time being. Yeah, there's a lot of stocks to follow here today, a t e r um. That is up right at about basically 10 bucks or kind of close 532 people watching.

I really appreciate you guys tuning in if you could uh, do me a little favor and go ahead and just tickle the like button ever so gently for me. That would greatly help our channel um yeah 975, as we mentioned before, with atr, is still the breakout sort of play and level. I kind of feel like it's not going to happen, though i feel like it's going to be real tricky um i mean news. Always has some sort of effect on a stock, so i mean jr, i mean if you're asking is that why the stock is going up, then yeah i mean there's, that's a big portion of it.

Oh yeah bbig. At this point, i think he would watch bbig to maybe even get back up towards like 9.85 pre-market before it sees some selling it might be going for an intraday regression trend move, that's really the only thing i could think of that it would be trying to Do on the long side for right now, uh mark yeah. I agree with you. Definitely agree with you on that one.
Well, it looks like gsat is pulling back. This thing is easy to borrow uh. You know, give me one. Second, i'm actually gon na go make a quick pot of coffee.

That definitely sounds good for this morning. So give me a second. I will be right back folks, foreign, sorry about that folks, i'm back on here! Sorry about that. Sorry about that all right, uh! So yeah it looks like gsat 270..

I'm still optimistic that uh still optimistic that gsat can move a little higher yeah, no still still work off an old coffee pot, yeah. Now working off an old coffee box, um yeah root bad down all right. So yeah! Sorry, just reading through some comments, uh i'm gon na take a peek at root really quickly. Let's see yeah root, not looking so hot, that's unfortunate.

You know we went to uh costco yesterday in mind, you that was not and then not not a cheap one. That time, but anyways yeah, i think we got tim horton's coffee. I think i got tim horton's coffee from there. I didn't grab it, but the lady did but yeah that's what we got yeah i mean mrna is not looking so hot, so maybe we'll follow.

Just i mean that i mean it is on the watch list. Um, it's just a matter of. Does she break down today? That's the only thing that would really amount to an awesome play. There, i think, is if we got uh we'd have to get a breakdown play and well in order to do that, you still have to fall through the half deviation price.

At 370., so still some challenging things that would need to be done, but yeah mrna. I definitely definitely can't say i would like to be long, biased there right now uh. What do i think about idex after their recent acquisition um? I have no idea, i mean so if they acquired another company, that's cool uh. I mean it's kind of good news.

It's right on resistance right now, so this stock will not go higher until it breaks out of 250 um, which could actually maybe happen today. Yeah. I think you kind of watch idex long bias a little bit just being optimistic that you might get a breakout around 250 today. So i'm thinking that we would be bearish on, and you know what i haven't actually looked at the market today, which i should do.

Hmm, i mean either the market pulls back or we just i mean yeah, but are we really gon na do that i mean i could see a dip on the market all the way down to 375 today. So i guess if the market starts moving bearish, i think it's going to keep moving down. Then we'll probably look for a bearish move, but it would really just be a pullback to support is all that the market's doing selling the markets getting super bearish just pulling down to support us all, and why does that matter yeah, but anyways? I think mrna is a good one to be bearish on today, uh yeah, so bbig in terms of how high a price could be. That is pretty much unknowable at this point, but i would expect bbig can get through the previous high.
So i think you're still looking for bbig to try and get through that previous top there um i mean. Obviously, if it fails and it falls apart, then the move can be all the way back down to the sixes and the fives. But for the most part i think right now you should still be optimistic on the long side of this and then also the last time we looked at bbig. It was like down here right, which was at the negative one deviation mark, which we said is a swing, long price, which is so you mentioned.

We took a look at like yeah. That's a swing, long price. It makes more sense to be long down here than bearish and sure enough. The stock blew up - i just didn't know, expect that big candle to happen on one day, but nonetheless, still still optimistic.

That can have some movement we're also just kind of in that market. Right now, where everyone's like, oh everything, can just keep going up and up and up and up and up and up in the midst. Why not? This is another interesting one blind just kind of come across the scanner 602. Would you break out of that? No kind of so, if you did that, where you going next, oh this day is going to be hard, there's going to be so much stuff to follow.

Uh tesla's back on resistance, so pretty much that's pretty much it uh! So tesla is like literally smack dab on resistance right now this morning. So it's pretty much over under the price of 7, 15 56. see it's either long break out to 7, 15 56 or markets move bearish off 7 15 56. But in my opinion i kind of think they're meant to go higher uh.

I just think think they are so i'd probably watch it more on the long side for now than bearish. But that's also because i'm optimistic so we'll see like i said it's right on resistance, so we'll see whether or not it can sustain a breakout or not, but it is directly on resistance today holy smokes folks, we might actually break the 600 resistance today, let's go. Let's go um, so brandon uses some of the same stuff uh, but also does some different things has different techniques that i myself don't even know how to do so. There's there's some things that he knows well outside of my knowledge, um.

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