AMC stock pushed up 13% on the day and during the bullish run I had a total of $500,000 invested in my day trade. I plan to only hold 1000 shares of amc over the weekend to manage risk! Wishing you the best with your hold or trade on AMC stock!
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What a freaking time to be alive? What's going on team, it's ricky with tackle solutions. I hope that you guys are all having an amazing friday and what a day to end the week right. Amc alone is up over 13 borderline breaking about 50 dollars, a share, which is a pretty significant price point. On top of that, if you guys follow me on instagram, one of the things that i showcase today is, i bought more amc today than i ever have.

I had over 4 000 shares on my weibull account at one point right now i sold the majority of my positions. I only have 1400 shares left over. I don't mean only. I just mean in comparison to what i have had before.

It's a lot less. I'm up over 18 000 on the day uh. One of the things that i want to quickly talk about is again i'm not someone that holds amc. I'm someone that day trades it i'm not here to offend anyone, i'm just here to be transparent about what it is that i do i'd hate to pretend that i'm like an ape and that i'm holding whatever it is that you know people are standing behind um.

I want to be open with you guys. I have shared my red days and i love to share my green days right and that's what i've been doing for the past couple of months. I trade live every single day with the learn plan, prof group, and it was just such a focus for me to make sure that i take advantage of an opportunity that makes the most sense to you. Uh makes the most sense to me uh right now.

We just broke above 49 dollars a share all together. Just so you guys can see, and you guys can do the math. I had over 7 000 shares of amc just on my fidelity account, so i made over 30 000 profit on the day. 38.

000. All together, a big portion of that uh believe it or not, actually came from tesla. If you guys saw yesterday, i only had half of what i have today on tesla tesla sold off to lows of 600.. I bought the dip right now.

It's trading right around six ten, so you guys could see that i made the difference off of that. So today is a very very green day for myself. Thirty eight thousand dollars on my fidelity account a little bit over seventeen thousand dollars on my weeble account. So i surpassed 50 000 today alone in profits, and this is not my normal day.

I'm not gon na pretend like it's like this, every single time, a huge portion of that you know seventeen thousand dollars is coming from amc on my weeble account. Thirty thousand dollars is coming from my amc position on my fidelity account. Amc is a big player and a lot of people love to ask me. Why is it that i'm day trading it? I love amc when it has the momentum.

I love when the directions in my favor and i love when it rallies right, but i also have so much money invested that i'm sure, if you were in my position, you wouldn't be holding. You know. 10 000 shares overnight because of how risky the stock is, and it's simply that you know easy to understand. Amc is a very, very risky stock.

Does it mean that everyone should jump on into it? No of course, now one of the things that i really do appreciate, and i want to kind of clean, uh, clear things up about what i said yesterday. A lot of people agreed with me with my approach on day trading amc because of how risky it is right with the idea that you know at these overbought levels. It makes sense on why to manage position size and manage risk, but there are also a lot of people that are behind the movement or behind the cause of you know, just holding amc. One of the things that i wanted to share with you is, you know i i've said it from the beginning: there's not one video that i've made uh trying to bash or encourage others to stray away from that.
My my biggest focus every single day is to simply encourage people to understand the risks that they're taking on when it comes down to either holding amc or taking on any trade alone. My only encouragement within my channel is to always have a plan to understand that. There's two sides to every opportunity, because the thing that i really respect out of this whole movement is, let's be honest: if amc does short squeeze the way that a lot of people anticipate it hitting to one hundred dollars a share hitting to one thousand dollars a Share i've heard even some people saying that it could hit up to highs of one hundred thousand dollars a share. I don't know where they're getting these numbers, but if that does play out you're right, i'm probably not going to have 10 000 shares during that squeeze.

So i'm not going to partake in that right just because i don't want to risk that much, but that is the holy grail of hail mary's. If it does play out that way and that's respectful as long as you understand that you are taking on a huge risk, it's that simple right in comparison to someone like myself, that when amc is bullish, i, like to day trade i like to take advantage of The momentum and i like to take advantage of the volatility uh when it presents itself and it's that simple i'd rather be open about what i'm doing every single day, both green and red, and not pretend like i'm holding something when i'm actually not right. One of my biggest encouragements for all of you guys, is it's never trying to copy what it is that i do or to copy. What other people are doing is to make sure that you have your the best interest for your future self and that's all we ever want to encourage you to do so.

I wanted to update you guys on my amc position. Um, i'm very happy that i've taken a lighter position on my weeble account, so if it does pull on back, one of the things that i wanted to share with you guys is that i am going to be holding at least a thousand shares over the weekend And again, a thousand shares in comparison to what it is that i could buy um. The reason that i'm at least holding a thousand shares, which should be around roughly forty five thousand dollars, is because, if it does sell off i'll, have a lot more money in buying power to be able to buy on monday, if it. If i, if i see it, if i see it as an opportunity, it's that simple right when it comes down to my uh amc position on my fidelity account i've closed it out all together, uh, it's too much money, uh, it's too much risk for me.
I'm just not someone that can tolerate that kind of risk and volatility, and i'm open about it right. I at least like to share uh what i'm doing and what i'm not going to do and, with my fidelity account i'm not going to risk having what is that 340 000 on the line um over over the weekend and hoping that it pushes up on monday. Right, i would rather wait till the market opens on monday and take advantage of an opportunity if i see it present itself and be able to mitigate and manage my risk, so uh just take it as that uh. Let me know in the comment section what you guys think um and i wish you guys nothing but the best.

I hope that amc continues to push up. I would love to partake in it if the opportunity presents itself uh, but at the end of the day, all we ever want to encourage you to do is not to be on one side or not to be on the other, but just encourage you to only Take advantage of opportunities that make sense to you and that you understand the risk of as long as you understand both sides, you know all power to you, you're an adult you're, taking advantage of opportunities, and you understand that this is a risky market. So i think that's something that we can mutually respect about one another. I hope that i earned your thumbs up, don't forget to subscribe to the youtube channel and if you want to stay connected, we do run one of the largest and free facebook groups for those who invest in the stock market and we have a little bit over 313, 000 members and that's that first link in the description.

If you guys want to be able to watch me, trade live every single day and yes, i did say that every single day i trade live, i don't just go on and you just see my screen. I actually just like this: i'm buying i'm selling, i'm explaining my thought process if you've ever wanted to see what it's like to watch someone trade live click. The second link down below learn a little bit more about the learn plan, profit group and if you find it to be a good fit for you, then great so be it. If not, i have a bunch of free videos on youtube and, of course, there's so many other talented people on youtube as well.

Like always, let's make sure that we in the year on a green now take it easy team.

By Stock Chat

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26 thoughts on “✅ day trading amc stock with $500,000 (profit?)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank William says:

    Panic could cause quite a staggering decision, always watch it while making financial/stock decisions.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lewis Steely says:

    More dislikes on this video..
    Good …i hope its demonitized too..u made enough money anyway so good for you

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shamir Patel says:

    So you are calling people that think day trading AMC is wrong arrogant? I understand its a publicly traded stock but a lot of us fought hard and lost a lot of money to get it to the price its at. Its the only reason you are day trading it right now. You do not find bragging about the 200k you have invested compared to whatever an average retail investor puts in isnt arrogant? You basically just called us pee ons. You yourself are an arrogant prick and dont even realize it, you are what we are fighting against. You are the enemy!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CastrejonHDTV says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Smith says:

    Also your voice is super annoying. He said one of the youngest millionaires in Az. Not facts lolol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Painting says:

    No real information on this video. I don't see where the 500k profit is from what you showed. I didn't see 500k. I only watched until 6 min so maybe something happened after that but I got bored

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Ashbourne says:

    If you look at the larger picture. The movement that the apes are spearheading. Transparency in the market. Fair trading for retail investors. Exposing corruption. A former white house chief strategist praises the apes. You are exploiting this movement and bragging about it. Yes, not everyone participating is here for justice, but you'd expect someone who has made a career in investing wouldn't be so arrogant to dismiss this opportunity to create change. Grow up and see what's unfolding before your eyes. Opportunist, smug, child.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Canadian Futures Trader says:

    Great stuff, I started learning trading from this channel! Now I have my own, feel free to check it out. 100% free content. Mainly scalping.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David WC says:

    You got to do what you got to do. With my small account I know I'm always concerned but I couldn't imagine having a larger account watching it walk away. LoL

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tguns says:

    In my opinion everybody's Holden to hurt the hedge funds no matter what they lose they will make up throughout the rest of the year stomping all over us and most people trade to make money not trade to make somebody else lose money meaning I won't hold and lose money just to hurt a hedge-fund who's got billions of dollars behind

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D B says:

    Please just hold it we all dont have thousands to throw around each day…. Day trading hurts us

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L L says:

    This is dude is a shill. Don't fking sell. We own the float. We are winning. This youtuber got paid by Hediges and he knows he is corrupted also deep inside his heart. He will use gained trust over the years to stab back of Apes. We are HOLDING not for our own greed but to change the broken system and bring justice to criminals. Don't sell. HOLD.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty Klawz Kathryn Johnson says:

    Just wanted you to know, I have your back and will stand up. We all have are trading styles and ik we all aren't perfect. The funny thing was when he started hating on you cuz you sell a lesson, and just went on and on, the stock just kept going down and down like karma came back to bite with some sharp teethez

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty Klawz Kathryn Johnson says:

    But none the less, I agree w what your about with know when to take profits and stay true to your plan. I started off learning from you and I watch so many gurus, I like andrewmomoney and professor meatball his sidekick. Check him out Ricky he's has some 4 indicators when to buy and sell.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty Klawz Kathryn Johnson says:

    I even suggested he and you do a colab. There are lots of traders, swing and day. I know your a sweet and can brush off the haters. I almost sold all my 5k shares and then I said I'm not going emotional n let someone mess w my tendies or sauce

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty Klawz Kathryn Johnson says:

    I get he was burned before but unless he checks out your channel he shouldn't talk shit. We all in to make money and at least your honest and do show pnl

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty Klawz Kathryn Johnson says:

    I got mad at Matt for bashing you on his channel. I stood up for you and told him to stop. I even disliked it and made a quite a few stop bashing you.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piyumi Madara says:

    How lucky you are to live such a comfortable life🙂🙂 I am 20 years old. I have been living a very sad life since I was born😔 I've never really seen the food here. Thea has never been in such a comfortable vehicle. Since my father died, I was entrusted with the responsibility of the family. The money I earn from my job is not enough for my mother and me to live on. We are both hungry most of the day. Sometimes we go hungry for two days straight🥺 Our house is getting wet due to the prevailing rains these days. We are living a very difficult life. I hope someone who sees this will help us. Blessings of the Buddha to all🙏🙏

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eircification says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Underdog 2299 says:

    Not good advice AMC stock is not a day trade you are missing the point to what you think is a short term profit. Clearly Ricky Gutierrez doesn't have big picture in mind or have any type of ethics. Buying AMC stock is to hold and teach Wall Street hedge funds not to short a company which was not allowed to operate and create revenue due to lockdowns during a pandemic and yes we have made money stock is up 1,919 % since January 2021 I remember when it cost me 2.01 cents a share.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Nguyen says:

    I missed the launch too the moon on GME, AMC, but I purchased a few tickets for BB. I'm only one ape, who wants to fly lol

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LMS says:

    I decided to go a bit heavier on a GME trade today, made 100 bucks within 2 hours (which is a lot for my account). But I also sold at 224 because I did not want to lose the money like I did last time.. still down around 600 bucks on GME but im slowly getting it back when ever there is an opportunity. Very very very risky plays tho so I would encourage anyone out there to not play with more then 10% of your portfolio (this is why I got nervous, cuz I played with about 20% instead of 10%).

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Ramirez Mi5 says:

    Only people holding tiny positions criticize us day traders for not holding. If I was only $500 deep I wouldn't care either, however people like me and Ricky have big money on the line and we are not giving it away.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mmiller446 says:

    This makes me sick. Making money off the apes backs like it’s cool. We poor asf out here going all in for 250 shares and holding in hopes of finding some financial freedom and this guy doesn’t hold a single share . Already rich asf just straight handing thousands of shares back to the hedgies going against the movement.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milburn Green says:

    Please stop day trading. Hurting the cause man it’s lame. We are fighting for something serious and your hurting us. You’ve made good money now move on!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    AMC profit today is a little over $50k, this is not a normal day for me. I am simply here to explain what I do and how I did it. Wishing you the best! Very open that I am not holding AMC stock, I am not here to pretend like I am!

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