Vlog Time! Join me for a day in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to New Vlog Series: X2 Ventures
1:33 Morning Routine
3:50 All About Being a Mortgage Loan Officer
9:19 Meeting Part of the Team
11:42 Lunch Time
14:35 Secret to How I Produce Such High Volume
20:31 Evening Routine
21:48 Final Thoughts
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Yo what's up guys? Sean Here and welcome to day in the life of a mortgage broker? Yeah! I Wish that's what my life was like on a daily basis. but it's not most of the time I'm like literally at my computer, slamming away on the keyboard or responding to emails or I'm on the phone. It's not the most entertaining job in the world, but so many people truly have no idea what I do on a daily basis. So I'm gonna try a new series on this channel where I'm basically gonna do some Vlog type content of my life on what I do on a day to day.

If it's entertaining and you want to see more then let me know and if it's not then you're gonna have to let me know too because I don't want to waste a bunch of time on these. Okay, for those who don't know me, my name is Sean nalkew and the official job title for people who do what I do is called a mortgage loan officer. However, I'm slightly different because I don't just have the job of writing and originating loans because I also own the company that I originate loans through. If you've seen other videos on this channel, you would have, um, heard me talk about it.

It's called X2 Mortgage. We're attack focused mortgage company Uh, that offers some of the best interest rates in the industry due to the way our companies set up and we're able to do it without charging any origination fees or any type of lender fees. So the idea behind the company is that it is the best possible solution for a consumer when they are buying or refinancing a property. And if you want to learn more, you can head over to our website X2mortgage.com Nobody really talks about what goes on in the day-to-day of a mortgage company.

and since I'm all about transparency I figured it was time to open the doors and let you guys all in. As you can see I start most days by waking up early, going to the gym I try to get to the office before anyone else gets here I try to set an example for being here early, but it doesn't work out all days because sometimes I get home from the gym I sit down in my home office and I start replying to emails and I just did in this Whirlwind of working and then all sudden it's 10 A.M but the second I'm in the office I slide through my emails to get through whatever I didn't respond to the night before or even while I was on my phone at the gym and I try to get through them as quickly as possible. then I take a look at my Pipeline and I see what loans I need to follow up on to make sure we're closing on time to make sure everyone's in constant communication, make sure everyone has a great experience when they work with us. Actually, hold on.

Let me back up. Most people have zero clue what a mortgage loan officer is and what they do. So I'm going to play a quick clip from a video I posted previously I Say it's similar to being a real estate agent because as a loan officer, we have to go out and generate our own business. We have to educate our clients through the home buying process, the financing side of things at least, and we have to actually put together a good file for our client to ensure that we can actually get that loan funded by the bank, lender, or investor.
So it's pretty much all about real estate. Besides not actually showing homes, it's more so the financing side of things. The video also talks about how we generate money, but essentially make a percentage of the loan amount. Um, similar to how like a real estate agent is paid.

The kicker is not a loan officer needs to be closing about two to three times as much as a real estate agent needs to to be able to survive. So most of the loan officer's time is spent going out there and generating business, trying to establish relationships and connections with any type of referral partner. We're talking real estate agents CPAs financial advisors, divorce attorneys, other real estate professionals, maybe other loan officers who maybe don't have access to certain products that other people do. Yeah, it's really all about networking and trying to get your name out there.

so people will come to you to get a mortgage. And most importantly, it is all about being mega, mega responsive to these referral partners and clients and really anyone. So when they call or text you, you want to be answering the phone, you want to be responding as soon as possible. Because that's really how you generate more business.

Like you'll see when I'm on the phone and someone else is calling, they're literally getting attacks on automated texts saying like ham on the other line I'll call you right back. It's like borderline the one downside to our jobs. if you don't answer the phone, if you don't respond to people right away, people are gonna go find someone else to talk to and you're going to lose a potential deal. So I just made it sound like really simple, but our jobs are very challenging.

It's really hard to generate business, especially when you're starting out, and once you have that business, it's really hard to know and talk to people about the millions of things that's involved with. Loan loans are incredibly messy, incredibly stressful. Probably gonna see me going through it with some very stressful files. Probably super entertaining for you guys, but our jobs are very, very stressful and very challenging to know everything.

But that's really what it takes to be a big producer now. I Want to say this very very very clearly: I am just a small fish in the mortgage World While I might be a top producer I am a very small fish, there are people who do far more volume than me who are far bigger Ballers than me and who are way better at this than I am. So by no means am I saying I am the best and I am unreal. But I am a little different than most loan officers While Most loan officers spend 90 percent of their time generating business and then about 10 percent of their time taking care of the business that they generate.
On the flip side, my time is just trying to survive and keep all my files moving, putting fires out, and making sure that we're actually taking care of people. And everyone generates and runs their business differently in the mortgage. World A lot of the big big producers are so busy on the business that they have, they're just making sure that their processes are top-notch and they're getting their referrals and generating their business from there. So again, I'm not trying to flex.

but I have yet to find some one on social media with a good presence in the mortgage world who does a high volume of deals. so if you know anyone, let me know. But most of the time the people who are closing a high volume of Deals They don't have time to make content for social media and we have tools to kind of look up people's production. Everything In the mortgage world, it's kind of like real estate where it's all got to be tracked and federally regulated.

We all have licenses animals license number 1785086 so anyone can look up my production, but because of that, you know we can look up all the deals that have been closed. We have tools for things like that, so a little bit of a flex again. I'm still a small fish, but I think I Closed about 50 million in Loan Production in the last 14 months and closed about 55 million in a 12 month span. so a little shorter during the big boom of kind of 2021..

So that's why think this series will be cool for you guys to see because the stuff I do on a day to day is very different than most people. And in all honesty, nobody really talks about what happens in a mortgage office. Not the sexiest thing in the world, but it's definitely unique. Also, I was just thinking if you're not in the mortgage world, you probably have no idea what those numbers that I just said even mean.

So to put that into perspective, the average loan officer is going to be closing I don't know. Probably anywhere from 3 million to 10 million in the course of a 12-month period. and by no means am I Knocking the average loan officer posing 10 million in a year is very hard to do. That is not an easy fee and I'm never one to knock anyone's Hustle but again, I'm just trying to add color that like I'm not just your average loan officer.

Not to mention I do have like full-on tasks that require like just running the company I Wish sometimes I could just focus on my production and going out and generating business, taking care of my business. but a lot of times I get bogged down with a lot of admin tasks and helping other people with their loans and just making sure obviously the business doesn't light on fire I'm not quite brain Sirhan level in the mortgage world I aspire to be there except like: I don't get a show. Bajillion dollar houses are super flashy for people to look at. I Get to talk about the numbers for those bajillion dollar houses.
Well, you get the picture. Let's meet some of the teammates who are here. Tanner that's Tanner Tanner Explain what you do to everyone in 60 seconds, 60 seconds. Uh, basically I guess all the marketing, all the Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube all the content you see, he's either shot by me.

Wow, this is a really good response. It's either. um, just put together a plan by me. Let's see what you're working on right now.

We're trying to put together a little road map. What kind of closing process, what that road map looks like for us? Dang I Pay you to use Canva I mean sometimes What else? you working on putting together our quarterly email as well? So just import it all here. Mud Shots I like it. so just previewing that through desktop mobile.

it's great it is. Tanner You just killed that. You know he's not gonna kill it right now. All right, there's Rebecca All right Rebecca What do you do so Payroll, recruiting, benefits, licensing all the behinds.

Wow, this is pretty good. That was good. How long were you practicing that? A while all in mine had us Tanner was talking. Oh nice, nice, nice.

Okay, so what are you working on? is it? Is it? uh, private? should I not show it? I'm just gonna audit some loans, but yeah, we can't show that. Okay, what else is working on Rebecca Recruiting I Make some calls today. Okay, that's fine I actually talked to someone that's good friends with Tyler He watches your videos. He knew all about it.

Who is it? Rebecca Rebecca Loves to be my own camera. Are you sweating She said watch this I Know this is gonna be great. You know what? I was actually thinking of. So we have security cameras right there.

There's only one up here and you can't really see much that happens like over this way. if I put a studio camera in Rebecca's office then we could just always have thoughts in from Rebecca just like a live just a live stream you know. and then uh and then she'll just have to get used to being on camera. and then when I'm like this, she like won't get super nervous I eat it should I go get some canes because of that.

What'd you get? Box combo that's what I get some coleslaw adding another cane sauce. okay see I sub coleslaw for an extra toast but you got to get them bobbed. Have you ever got them bobbed? What is that? This man doesn't know what Bob toast is Bob toast. Yeah so they do it on both sides, but the reason I do is because it makes them make it fresh.

That's a Keynes hack actually because otherwise they're going to give you a piece of bread that they made like 30 minutes ago. So if you ever in the drive-through line or even at the front when you say I want it bobbed mid combo, they'll literally get on the mic or they'll yell back like we got two bobbed because they have to make it right there. What? Well it's secret. I've tried it once I was pretty I was pretty small.
wait actually yeah I thought their ingredients are like secret. you can. you can find it. there's a guy fall on YouTube that like does all the I'll make canes but I'll make it better.

Wait actually what is this guy? Can we see this wait? There's Jimmy Jones kicking Ranch I Worked at Jimmy John's for like two years and I think that was after me. Uh, as in Joshua Wiseman Wow, this is like legit. Tanner We need our videos to look like this. This is the expectation though.

How many subscribers? Oh dude, that guy's got seven million subscribers? Yeah, no, he's big. All right. let me go get some canes. I'll be back.

Do that real with you bet? Yeah, Bag secured. You know. One thing I was just thinking about is there's gonna be a lot of confidential information throughout these video series. but I'll do my best to give as much info as possible without getting into people's personal finances saying names of people we shouldn't So yeah, we're gonna try to keep it as as confidential as possible and also a little update on the day so far.

I'm just now getting lunch because I've been so busy this whole day to catch up on emails which I have not caught up on yet once. I get all of my emails I'm caught up on my email inbox and everything's kind of moving as fluid as it can I'm actually going to be hitting the phones today I know I said I I don't typically Prospect as much as most people and usually I don't but we're a lot slower right now than we should be and there's a bunch of people I have not connected with in a really long time, so we'll probably be doing that this afternoon. Either that or I'm going to be cold calling a couple of new agents on some specific Globe products that we just had because I've been telling everyone at our company they should be making these calls and I'm one of those people that I can't tell someone to go do something unless I've done myself and I know that it works. So I'm going to do a little bit more of that probably today.

so I don't know. we'll kind of see what I end up doing. who knows. I might also get back to my computer and there'd just be a massive fire I need to put out and then I got to focus on that for the rest of the day.

very likely foreign sweet tea. You know. one thing I was just thinking about. that is probably a big reason as to why I'm able to do as much volume as I do.

probably because of the use of my YouTube channel and my CRM A lot of people talk about Crms and real estate or business in general. you know, customer relation management system. It just needs to be super organized on how I can track everyone. So when I have people emailing me, they're all in different parts of the funnel.

Right? If you're thinking about a mortgage process, you've got someone who's interested. They fill out an application, they get you documents, you get them pre-approved or pre-qualified They go out shopping. They get under contract, and once they're under contract, there's different steps throughout that process. And then for someone who gets their own business, you want to nurture that person that you've worked with to you know, hopefully get their future business when they go to refinance.
Works another home you know whenever it might be and so my CRM allows me to track everyone perfectly so that when someone calls me or someone emails me I know exactly where they're at in the process. I The most dialed in CRM ever Nemo's you know, dialed in email marketing and all my email marketing and all my drips and all my things that nurture everyone in the process is all based on you know, having a lot of YouTube videos mixed in there and it does two things. One, it gives people you know an opportunity to kind of like get to know me a little bit better from like a YouTube you know, like video sampling right? they can go see videos, see me versus just like hearing me on the phone feels better before. But also most importantly, it saves me a ton of time.

For example, I have someone right now asking me about down payment assistance. So I'm gonna just search for my video on here down Payment assistance forever and show Malku and I'm gonna share this video in my email to them. So I don't have to explain what a down payment assistance program is because everyone always wants a down payment assistance program and then I send them this video and then they go, Oh my payment's gonna be higher. Oh it's not as good as of a loan program as normal.

All right. Maybe I I don't want to down payment assistance but I don't want to spend 20 to 30 minutes on the phone explaining that when I can send an email with the video I've already made I already save myself 20 30 minutes and now I'm on to the next client. It keeps me super streamlined, super organized, and also gives a better experience to the clients because they're getting videos for me about the specific topic they had questions on versus me trying to explain in an email or attack. So I think that's a big reason as to why I've been able to scale my business the way I have and then of course just replying to people as quickly as possible.

All right, let's see what. Rebecca's out too. it's coming back in. Oh no.

I actually want to talk a little bit if you have time to tell it I do challenge. Hold on. Hold on, hold on Hold on Hold on yeah. I Gotta take this real quick.

Hey Jessica good. How are you? what's going on? Okay, yep, so it's called a 1098 foreign I would just recommend calling Benchmark or trying to log in and then you know getting on 1098. I will Okay, cool, all right. Well, they were trending downward like a pretty decent amount down, which was nice.

and then we kind of had. you know, the FED meeting. What is that two weeks ago? Three weeks ago now and things reversed? Pretty heavy on that. I Think the Outlook now is gonna be that we'll see rates come down, you know I was hoping for like May it's probably going to be more like July August now.
Well, we're getting pretty close in years to knowing that, so it could be it could be like June Okay, all right, yeah, I will say the one thing, have you guys been wandering Scott's credit at all? Okay, yeah, we just try to start getting that higher because the stuff you do now will be reflected in 30 to 60 days, which is likely when we'll kind of start that hey, rates are getting to where we need them to be. Okay, Okay, cool. all right. so let's get him.

Yeah, no problem. see always being available for past clients because then you end up getting a transaction later if you're taking care of them like I Learned a little bit of a slong bread Now pipeline for next month. We're halfway through this month, which usually means my pipeline for next month is getting almost sealed in and I've only got one and a half million in the pipe for next month. which is not a lot I like to not drift below three million and I feel like I'm in a major sub right now I've got like 33 pre approvals out.

kind of just go through slopes. you know where you're like man. I got nothing going on right now or it feels like I got nothing going on and then something could pop. Speak of the Devil past client: just text me hello Sean I Haven't talked to you for a long time, do you? Helped me back in 2020? Purchase my quad Plex I'm thinking about buying other investment property in Arizona just wondering if you can help me out.

Well, there's a potential. another pre-approval I Just wish it was a contract. it's a Fickle business we're in actually. I Want to show you guys something real quick.

This chart right here is accumulation of what I do to generate my business and this could almost be applied to like any business. but to make sure what I'm doing on a daily basis is productive. Here's the items I Do I'm pushing existing loans I'm meeting with new referral Partners I'm getting online reviews I'm mailing out cards I'm attending networking events I'm putting stuff up on social media I'm working people in my Pipeline and ultimately it's all trackable. Like if I were to get 100 points a day, there's no reason why I shouldn't be doing.

You know, anywhere from two to four million a month in production. And like I said earlier, you can go watch that other video I made. That basically explains how much a loan officer gets paid based on loan amount, but two to four million a month in production Isabel 30 to 50 000 in income for that loan officer. Our industry is pretty lucrative, but at six o'clock I'm at a decent stopping point with my email I think I'm gonna head out a little early on the day.

go get some food, maybe try to do some activity tonight. Probably do some video editing stuff. Yeah, let's get out of here. Wow, that's somewhat of a day in the life I Guess let me know if you want to see more videos like this.
I Will say that future videos are going to be a lot more jam-packed with a lot more things in it in a single day I am like I said slamming away on my computer or my phone majority of the day. but a lot of these videos are going to be broken out over the course of a week or two. And if you look at kind of my life over a one or two week period, there's a lot more different things that happen. whether that be big meetings, random days off at the lake, or random networking events.

I Also want to be able to talk more about specific loan scenarios and situations that we go over on a daily basis because a lot of people think you just apply for a mortgage and you get it. There's a lot more behind the scenes with figuring out tricky situations, making sure we stay within the guidelines. There's a lot so I would like to go over more of that kind of stuff in future videos. but if you're interested in kind of seeing more about this, please let me know in the comments down below, hit that like button do all that fun stuff.

So I know to actually spend the good amount of time it takes to make these videos on making more. Uh oh wow are you playing Fight Club You wanna you wanna play Pickleball Steve I'm down to play Pickleball tonight hold on I'm getting another call.

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7 thoughts on “Day in the life of a $50,000,000 loan officer top 1% mortgage broker”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Cadby says:

    more peeing scenes plz

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parker Conley says:

    Enjoyed this! Hope all's well my dude

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheSandmanKS says:

    Are you the only originator at your company? Iโ€™ve been an originator for 4 years, unfortunately I was just laid off 2 months ago. Worked for a CUSO.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameron Kuiper says:

    Awesome brotha.. Pretty cool seeing you succeed this much, Watched you play roblox when i as young and now seeing this is super motivating for me.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tanner Pratt says:

    Working on my Canes Sauce recipe right now! Lol.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ma Leonex channel says:

    Grab me plz

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ma Leonex channel says:

    Money is everything

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