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2.Β Frustrated by the PDT rule? ❌🚫 I know I am! Check out this link to read about how Day Traders with Less than $25k can trade πŸ†πŸ₯‡ -
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4. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into over $1mil πŸ’΅ πŸ’° in trading profits πŸ‘€ - Remember, my results are NOT typical. Day trading is very difficult.
5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?Β  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up Everyone All right? So today is day six of the small Account challenge and I'm continuing to make some good progress which is great. I want to break down for you a couple things during this recap. I'm going to talk about the challenge that I'm having right now with restricting myself to one trade a day. It is so hard for me because I see more opportunities and I want.

I have this urge probably as anyone would have to grow the small account, especially when we have days where it's really slow. I feel like man I should have traded more on the day where it was hot. I left so much on the table. And on the other hand, it's so important for discipline to take one trade a day because most beginner traders lose money.

Most beginner traders with a small account are probably going to blow up that account. So if you could take just one trade a day, you can reduce the emotional kind of impulses the the emotional traps in the market with with fomo with fear with greed, with revenge, trading and everything else you know if you're only taking one trade a day, you're not going to be in a scenario where you made 500 and then on trade two, you lost it all because those types of events can trigger that emotional response where you start revenge training to make it back. So one trait a day is the small account way. It is slow and that's part of the deal.

When you have a small account, you have to take it slow. So you know here we are, I'm on day six. I started the account with four thousand, three hundred and thirteen dollars. Uh, I'm up right now this morning at 5 827.

so I'm up like you know, 1500 bucks not including today. that's in the last five days, but that is a 300 per day average, which is phenomenal. It just so happens that today was only 132 and yesterday was only about 100.. So the last two days have been a little slower.

but you know that's the ebb and the flow of the market. and that's been partly because the stocks that, well, it's been a little slower last couple days and the stocks I've traded have been a little higher price. have to trade with smaller share size and um, that's a little bit of a challenge. although actually, yesterday I did it.

uh, have a trade with, um, a thousand shares on a lower price stock. So it's just. in any case, it's just the ebb and flow. So um, the second thing that I just wanted to, um, give you guys is a link down below to download a pdf of my small account Pre-trading checklist: Eight items are on the checklist.

Things that you need to do check off yes or no before you start trading, a small account and nine of my favorite chart patterns. So those are chart patterns that I encourage you to print out and put around your trading station so you can see them and have that positive reinforcement that these are the type of patterns I should be focusing on. Good quality A Quality patterns. Now I know that at some point here, I'm gonna have a red day, right? I've had six green days in a row in a small account.
I'm gonna have a red day at some point. However, because I'm taking just one trade a day. If the trade goes red, I'm gonna cut it. That's it.

I'll be red. and that's it. Is what it is. I got to be ruthless and cut that loss as quickly as possible.

That's number one, but number two. Because I'm only taking one trade a day, my quality standard is pretty high. That's probably why my accuracy has been higher, but it also means that if I end up having a loser, it's going to be a loser on a stock. That was a really good quality setup, and I think that will increase the likelihood that it'll be a small loss or maybe even like negligible break even.

Maybe I'm up only 16 or I'm down 16 or something like that. That's it's. not a big deal at all. now.

once you start lowering the quality threshold so you can take more trades and get more aggressive, you start taking on more risk and that's often where things can start to go off the rails. and then very quickly can lead into that emotionally impulsive trading. So as a reminder, in case you didn't already know, trading is risky. Take it slow, Don't try to blindly follow me or anyone else.

Trade in a simulator, Test yourself practices simulator. That's your first proof of concept because if you can't make money in a simulator, you've got no business trading real money. So train a simulator First, build up your track record and then consider flipping the switch to real money. but with small size trade with small size.

Once you've proven a track record there, then you start increasing. That's the right way to get started. Unfortunately, probably 99 percent of people do the exact opposite. They jump into real money right away.

Big money, they start losing, they get angry, they get frustrated, it just compounds, it gets worse, and then they become a statistic of another failed trader. Don't let that be you. All right? Hopefully you can learn from some of the mistakes that I made when I was getting started. So uh, with that, I hope you guys enjoy the recap.

Make sure you download the small account pre-trading checklist along with the charts. Those are part of that same Pdf. I hope you enjoy it and I will see you guys! Uh, first thing tomorrow morning for day seven of the small Count Challenge. All right, hit that thumbs up.

I hope you already have, but if you haven't hit the thumbs up, please subscribe to the channel. I'll see you guys tomorrow! Okay, so today is day Six of the small account Challenge: One trade, one entry, one exit I M N M. So my trade on this, um, was, uh, 250 shares in at 22.97 out at 23.50 for 132.50 I sort of struggled to find something appropriate for the small account today. I don't didn't really want to be trading a 22 23 stock, but uh, it was the one that made the most sense at the time.

So um, I'll just move this right here. So Imnm was actually our leading gapper this morning gapping up 45 with a news catalyst that, um, they're um, this medication they're working on neutralizes the Cova Delta variant in pre-clinical testing. Okay, so this is a catalyst that I thought would be strong given the fact that the Delta variant has been part of what led to the biggest red day in the market. Um, since like October.
So in months, over six months? Okay, so I am Nm. Um, my bias on it was to the long side and the question was, where's a good entry? So as I was watching it in this area here, I actually took my first trade on it. Um, right around here. the break of 23 23? 30.

uh, that was in my big account that was earlier. So I traded it first my big account and that was a risky trade, not really suitable for the small account. I just kind of jumped in as it was squeezing up here and we got this nice move up to 24. So then I was thinking okay, well, maybe I can take a small account trade on it sort of right in this area.

Here on this pullback so it pulls back and if I sort of move this, make this a little bit bigger. I was thinking about taking an entry right here and I say, you know what, I don't think I could do it, It's it's too extended on the five-minute chart and it already kind of had its first pullback on this red candle here. So I liked the idea of it and I couldn't do it in the small account. Um, it ended up going up to 24.37 so it did give about 50 cents from the bottom there up to the top.

Went without me and then it started pulling back here and I watched it right here off 23. and I was tempted to take that trade right there. You know why? Because the previous breakout was 2294 right here. So I thought, okay, look, it's coming back to that level of 2294.

If it holds that level and bounces off it, excuse me then um, that could be a great setup. So oftentimes previous resistance becomes support and in fact it did bounce off 20 2293 and it popped here up almost 50 cents up to 23.57 So that one went without me and I thought, oh man, okay again. so now I've had two chances at it for the small account and I passed on both of them. It then dips down again.

So um, let's see it pops up here first to 24 and um, then it comes all the way back down right here. And this right here was where I got in at 2297. So I said, you know what, it's coming down to this level. Again, I missed it once.

I'm not going to miss it a second time, so punched along there 250 shares, which is the most I could afford. So my account right now has 5827.92 So this is the progress that I've made uh over these last six days. My start. My first day, I started with, uh, it was around four thousand Three Hundred dollars I think On day one, let me just confirm I I don't remember, um, to the penny, but I I can.

I can get it for you here. So let's see. So Day one last week, um, what was that? How much was I in? Um, oh, now I can't remember if I do have it. Um, so okay, sorry.
So uh. 413 Dollars, Four four, Four thousand, Three hundred Thirteen dollars, and Six cents. So 43 1306. So now I'm just curious.

Um, what? I'm what I'm at. So uh, five thousand, Eight hundred, Twenty Seven dollars, and Ninety Two cents minus Forty three Thirteen o' Six is, uh, one thousand, Five hundred, Fourteen dollars, and eighty six cents divided by five is an average of three hundred dollars a day. So that's been my average over the last five days. Well, today, I'm only up 132.

So obviously my average is going to come down a little bit after including today's profit. But that's fine. So in any case, um, so I got off on a little bit of a tangent there. But I bought 250 shares, which was the most I could afford because I'm trading with my cash balance.

I'm not using leverage in this account. So I took the dip right there and it popped up here. Um, and I held through this little dip. It came back up to 2366, but it was not able to break through that 66 level, which was a double top and resistance.

So unfortunately, that was. uh, that was it. And then it sold off and really, kind of, um, pulled back a bit more, then got back above the V web and then sold off at the open. So here's the thing.

Um, so I'm on day six here. I've had six green days in a row, but today, for instance. Uh, the other stock I was watching was Nrbo. I was watching it pre-market I was watching it on this micro pullback right here at about Uh.

407 and I said, all right. well, how many shares of this can I buy and of that one, I was able to buy closer to 1200 shares so if I could make just 10 cents a share, I'd be up 120 bucks. And I was tempted to take that trade and I didn't take it so I didn't take that trade, it goes up from 408 up to 420.. So 12 cents a share? You know that would have been 10 cents 120.

And then I was watching it kind of again in here and it pops up a bit more up to 28. and then I was watching it again. Right here, over 28. We got to move up to 37 and then there's a little false breakout right here.

and then at the open we got this squeeze, uh, right here from 420 up to 430 and the break of the pre-market high 428 gave you gave us a nice move there up to 450.. So all that's to say, I saw a few other opportunities today that I was tempted to trade. uh, some of them I I didn't take just because I was hesitating. and then after I'd taken my one trade on Imn, I said well, I've already taken my one trade.

You know, I one trade a day. It's a small account way. and that's true. But for how long is that? The small account way.

Until your account's not small anymore. Until your account is big enough that you could afford to trade a little bit more actively and start taking a little bit more risk. So at 5 800, my account is still pretty small. It probably makes sense for the first 10 days of this challenge.
at least to do one trade a day. and then maybe from day you know, 11 through day 20. Two trades a day? Maybe I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud. Then maybe from day 20.

Day 33 trades a day? I don't know. but at a certain point you are going to probably be limiting how much money you could make by restricting yourself to one trade a day. On the one hand, and then on the other hand, restricting yourself to one trade a day is really good for discipline. When you have a small account, it's so easy to fall into the habit of over trading and giving back profit and churning commissions and then falling into one of the emotional traps of trading of revenge trading.

You know you're up 130, You take a trade, you lose 75, and now you're trying to get back to up 130. you spend the rest of the afternoon trading, generating you know, possibly hundreds of dollars in commissions and then losing more and more and more, getting more and more frustrated and thinking, man, I wish I had just stopped when I was up 132 dollars. Clean and simple. One trade and I'm done.

So you know the fact is, trading is very difficult and it's risky for a lot of different reasons. But one of the biggest challenges is that emotional component of Fomo anger, frustration, and trading from a place where you're emotionally fueled. And if you cap yourself at one trade a day, it's hard to get emotionally fueled over one trade. And and even if you do, you're like, well, I have this rule.

it's one trade. You know, it's one trade a day. So what, You know, what can I do? I got my one trade yesterday. I made like 100 bucks.

I got my one trade today. Again, it's like 100 bucks. Is this slow progress? Absolutely. It feels very slow to me to be making only a hundred dollars a day these last two days, But from a 5 800 account, a hundred a day is fantastic.

That would if I was consistently doing it, be twenty five thousand dollars a year if I just stated a hundred a day. But of course, once the account grows over the first few months up to ten thousand or fifteen 000, then using that same using my cash balance, I'd be able to start taking bigger trades. And that one trade a day could be, um, more profit. So then there's I Guess the other scenario is, do I just continue taking one trade a day knowing that every day, I'm able to take a slightly bigger trade.

a little bit bigger, a little bit bigger, a little bit bigger. And then by the time I'm on day 15 or day 20 and the accounts at 7, 500, or 8 000, or nine thousand or whatever, it might be that one trade a day is going to be a little bit of a bigger punch. You know? Obviously, if I had taken this same trade with 2500 shares, I in theory would be up a hundred. Uh, thirteen hundred dollars, You know? So and that would be a terrific day.
So I don't know whether the right approach is just to continue with one trade a day and let the account just grow slowly. I think that's probably from a discipline standpoint. Uh, very good. And from the standpoint of most beginner traders lose money.

Most beginner traders will blow up a small account. So if you restrict yourself to one trade a day and you get 10 days in 14 days in 20 days in without blowing up your account, I feel like that's already a pretty impressive achievement. and I think you probably got there because you restricted yourself to one trade a day. You know if once you take the restrictions off, you just start over trading.

Inevitably, one of those days you're going to end up doing something stupid. You're going to take 15, 20, 30 trades because you you got Fomo and nothing's stopping you. and then you really get yourself into a jam. So I I think I'm just feeling a little impatient with the slower progress.

But you. know, 100 a day is really good and slow And steady is the name of the game. This is a marathon. It's not a sprint, so if I start increasing to three, four, five, ten trades a day, that's when I'm kind of getting into more of that, um, you know, more of the the sprint of trying to race to grow the account.

I can race to grow an account. If that was what the goal was to see how fast you can grow an account. I've done that before I could do that again. I think the purpose of this challenge was to show account growth uh, without using leverage without being so aggressive, and to trade in a way that would be admirable for a beginner trader.

And I think one trade a day is the way. So anyways, uh, today's another day in the books. Day six: Making a little bit slow progress here. It just so happens that the momentum has been on a little bit of the higher price names and therefore 250 shares.

I've got to get 50 cents to a dollar a share to, um, you know, have a have a nice winner, an Rbo, you know. I guess I could have gotten a little something on that and maybe been up a little bit more today. But right now, one trade a day is good training. This is the right way to approach a small account and the account is still small.

So that's it for day six and I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning for day seven. And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. but do me a favor.

Please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

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30 thoughts on “Day 6 of my new small account challenge | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My MidLife Adventures says:

    Again, this video demonstrates a conversation that all of us newer and maybe even veteran traders, need to have with themselves, from time to time. Sit there and literally talk it out so you can hear your thoughts. I can be very effective at times at helping one overcome their emotional thought process that takes place internally. I know this video is a few months old but I’m definitely in the one trade a day camp, and just grow size over time, along with confidence. And if you do see a β€œno brainer” trade setup later then just scale back on the risk and tell yourself that it is only a bonus, so you protect gains from your first trade. But really, one trade and then log out and go do something else. That way you’re not tempted in the first place. Haha

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny LeBlanc says:

    Thank you so much more the checklist, loving the small account videos and the live trading!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tradingly Grateful says:

    This is really awesome, but most w a small account wouldn’t even be able to trade daily bcs PDT. Still, I enjoy watchingπŸ’œπŸ™πŸ½

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andres m says:

    hey ross huge fan i watch all ur stuff and like i had a question how do you know when its time to step back ? i am doing super good i get long 2 week green streaks at times but when things get bad how do you know when to step back im still profitable but sometimes well alot of times i get 3 days down thats when i realize its time to step back but by then im down a good amount i dont loose all my profit but i want to preserve as much as possible

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristhian Reyes says:

    Thanks to speak to me in that way. I feel like you really want me to be cautious when I start to trade

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s3nior Rodz says:

    Don't you have to wait for cash to settle before you can take another trade?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NorthWestRider says:

    i think you can stay disciplined and at some point start to take a second trade when you see a good setup. Maybe not try to take a second trade every day, but if you have the funds and see a great setup, go for it. Even someone else with a small account would do that. Like you said, don't do it for revenge on a losing trade, for make one just because you made money on the first. Just do it on a really good setup.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    July 21 I'm hoping you hit NURO premarket. I know it bit you yesterday… Keep ER Green

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linds Lou says:

    Your pre-trading checklist is so helpful & insightful! You really have a gift for teaching. Thank you for all your help & sharing your wisdom, Ross!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Brown says:

    Ross, I have a 140k account Im trying to take to the next level. Sir, I need your guidance. Please.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TraderRoss says:

    The simulator is the best teacher for new traders. Even if you trade live a little bit it's like going to sports practice everyday so when the big game comes you smash it. We are financial athletes(and I'm tired of getting benched). Got to work those buy & sell fingers so they know what keys to hit without looking.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHanfara says:

    great job
    What about the monthly subscription of the broker, which is estimated at $250
    Did you calculate that in this challenge?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C C says:

    Great progress, its really good to see that this is possible with a small account, your awesome Ross!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Korner555 says:

    I've lost $180 right at the open on IMNM πŸ™ I thought the uptrend would continue.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Glenn says:

    I'm new to forex and I have been making huge loses but recently I see a lot of people earning from it

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Robinson says:

    Ross, I’m not quite tracking why you buy a $20+ stock in a small account? You had multiple sub $10 stocks to choose from so isn’t that a better play due to IMNM being so expensive? I thought on smaller accounts we would prefer to be $10 or less? I’m still trying to learn the proper zone to trade in as I too have a small account. Thx for all that you do for us.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim M says:

    Thank you for the video. Won’t that money be unavailable until Thursday because it needs to clear? I can only trade with 1/3 of my free capital because of the T + 2 rule for cash accounts. How are you getting around this with your small account? It would be so helpful to use my entire account each day.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick M says:

    Thanks for answering my previous question. You use CMEG for small account which is the Broker but what Platform do you use their as they have many?? Thanks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    Im fairly new to the markets.
    I've been watching your post's since September 2020.
    I just want to say that I absolutely love and admire your "one trade a day" approach.
    Thank you!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    Way to go Ross, One question.. When does the "small account" become a regular account? ..
    Keep ER Green

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Stewart says:

    Ross, another awesome video. Just wondering you bought at $22.97 on the dip, it popped up but then dipped and you held through the dip to see it go back up as high as $23.66. It didn’t break and you took profit and sold at $23.50. How much did it dip after you bought it? You held through that dip but did it drop below $22.97. If so, what would trigger a sale at a loss, or put another way what amount of loss would you be willing to hold through before you sold off. It seems that this is a key decision point for success. If you sell off prematurely you could give up the potential reversal and profit, but at the same time you need to protect against a potentially larger loss. I guess you are using bid/ask data during this decision making process but I am wondering if you would be willing to share more detail in this regard on this specific trade you made today.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 6Deep6 says:

    How about instead of the one trade a day is the small account way – which I like. Maybe a different way to look at but with similar restraint is "one loss in a day means done for the day". Cut the losses ruthlessly. This way you are still focusing on quality setups but not restricting frequency. Just a thought. If you view your results in % rather than $ performance comparison as the account value changes will be possible. From a % gain point of view, this trading is incredible. Love your work. Legendary efforts. Cheers

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars listo120 says:

    Hey Ross, today was my second day of trading on a sim… I've been learning from your youtube posts for about 2 weeks now… 128% gain HaHa…. SOOO… THEN…your words of wisdom, combined with my general common sense… "an early homerun will certainly lead to false hopes in the real world"

    I decided to go back and review the actions of the day. Honestly, I did my best to use calculated judgement, but frankly my inexperience mixed with emotional impulse controlled my movements today.

    Long story short, I had a heck of a lot of fun, but real money would have felt entirely different.

    This being said, thank you for the time and effort that you have extended so that people like me can learn this system in a somewhat "safer" manner.

    You're awesome!!!!


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandan Roberts says:

    How are you trading 1 trade a day without pdt and a margin account? Or is it a cash account using like half buying power each day?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damian Williamson says:

    You mentioned commissions a few times. I use Chase invest and the commissions are like 2 cents per thousand dollars traded I'm pretty sure. Aren't brokerages removing 99.9% of commissions?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francisco Sanchez says:

    I think for us the beginners what we are learning watching this process of small account challenge is very important (discipline)tks so much!!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrHipHopRealTalk says:

    Learning so much. How are you getting past the PDT rule with your account? Thank you

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    🐐🐐. I don’t think you should limit yourself on how many trades you can take, but i think you should go about it as you can’t lose 20% of your gains or else you have to shut it down. Also something with the commissions that they cannot go above half of your gains. Just some thoughts!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Brinkman says:

    How can you trade without cash settlement days? Is your broker giving you a good faith settlement on same day trades?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wright says:

    in this challenge are you using an off shore broker to get around the 3 round trip trades in a 5 day period rules ?

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