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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well I don't know what to say I mean what else did you expect? Mrah was up 200 almost 250% today of course I was trading it I was being super aggressive on it every time I saw one of my go-to setups an ABCD pattern red to green set up a bounce off you AB a fade off of you AB I was trading it I locked up $28,000 I'm not easing off the gas yet I'm still gonna be aggressive. the markets hot I have no indication that it's gonna slow down now. of course when it does, I'll be quick I hope that I'll be quick to ease off the throttle. you know when I have that first big loss and I did have a bigger loss last week, but when I had it I was already in really good shape on the day.

So I think I was just pushing my luck a little bit trading too late in the morning, but you know I like getting out of my little office to do these recaps. you know I'm surrounded by Green Green Green Green Green on my P&L green on the on the trees, green on the ground I mean it's just green is everywhere right now and this hot streak is is on fire. It's my little office right over there. You guys can usually see me of course when I'm trading.

probably the cameras pointed like in like that but this is what I look out on and you know I'll tell you that I when I first set up here, when Kovat 19 start and everything or when it really picked up here in the states I was kind of like oh this is a bummer. I'm moving you know from my nice office downtown back to trading at home and I didn't want to bring all my set up my whole monitor everything back home so I just brought home three monitors and kind of set it up here and you know now that I've been here for and gotten settled in I actually I'm really enjoying it it I don't think it's why I'm doing so well I'm doing so well cuz the markets hot. but I do think that the your setting of where you're set up to trade is important and I think one of the may be problems with my other set up is that in that office although I have a small window, it's kind of like up high so I'm really just I don't really have anything to look at other than you know trading think sometimes that gets me a little sucked in and I forget to step back and take a breath and say like you're in good shape like you've done a great job today. Okay, you came back a little bit of profit but just let it go.

You know, step back and be grateful for what you have and that's that challenge of when do I walk away? You know do I every day I'm giving back profit or I'm leaving money on the table and sometimes when I would give back profit I would then get frustrated myself and I would try to make back the losses and the next thing you know I've gone from giving back half to being red on the day which is terrible. You never want that to happen. And then when you carry that frustration into the next day, you can start this multi-day cycle of emotional trading. which is something that I've definitely struggled with.

you know, in my career. And that's that's why as part of the classes, we have such a big emphasis on the mindset of being a successful trader. Because it's not that you just get the mindset you have a forever. it's the minds that you constantly have to.
You have to take steps to ensure it stays strong, and and make sure you're very careful about things that you could do that could really hurt your mindset because you know it's it's like one really really big fall. One really really big loss can just throw you off your game, potentially for weeks if not months. So it's just it's It's really important to think about that you know what you need to do to maintain the really strong my instead of a profitable trader. And as a beginner trader, you know you can fake it to you make it get into that mindset now even if you're not profitable yet, but try to really be in the same headspace as someone who is profitable.

You know, which is hard. But I think it. I think it's possible and I think that. That is certainly a step of moving in the direction of being, you know, being successful.

So anyways, I Gotta jump in there Day Two of Summer School. It's going to start right now. We're actually running like five minutes behind schedule cuz my recap and trading ran a little long today. but that's okay.

so I'm gonna jump in there I'm gonna start date to a summer school. If you haven't already checked it out, make sure you check out the links down in the description for summer school. and if you haven't already subscribed the channel, hit that subscribe button. Is it? there? is it there? I can't remember, but hit that subscribe button and please hit the thumbs up.

It's the only way YouTube knows that these videos are. You know, worth recommending to people. so do me the favor. You're getting a nice video here.

Nice recap. Do me the favor. Hit the thumbs up button and subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you guys right back here. Live streaming tomorrow right around 9:00 9:15 and I guess I'm hoping for a 44th consecutive green day even if it's a small green day and only make 100 bucks.

I mean I'd like to maintain the hot streak so hopefully we have some good stocks on the Gap scanner and the momentum continues. I think it will all right. I'll see you guys right back here Writer once so we're gonna do our midday market recap. Go over the trades from today there it is.

Twenty eight thousand, two hundred seven dollars, Ninety cents a mrah mrah is currently up two hundred eighteen percent the forty five million shares of volume. We are seeing some incredible momentum right now I am as of right now up 52 thousand dollars on the month and it's the second day of June So the hot streak has not ended. its continuing. Today is my 43rd consecutive.

Green Day I think 43 and you know I I'm in a really interesting place right now where I'm feeling comfortable being very aggressive I don't know I remember I had one year skiing where it was like the best year that I've ever had I might have been like a 17 or 18 I don't know and maybe even a little younger 16 or 17 and it was a year where I remember feeling like so in the zone it felt so good I was I was skiing a lot I was on the the race team at my high school. The ski team I wasn't really really good at the actual competitive racing but I was feeling really dialed in. both on the skis that I had which were a yellow pair of what's the name of that, what was the name of it it's trying to remember the name of that ski. it's Brazo Lling I think Rosling is what they're called Roselyn skis it just the names like Russ yeah there is Rossignol skis so it was a yellow pair they were this is the this is their website but I don't know why I'm not even seeing like there I could see all these clothes but where's the actual skis alpine ski so ski equipment.
So anyway so I had this nice pair of skis they were I was feeling really good on them and I was going in the terrain park and I was doing jobs and I was you know doing 360s and just feeling like I was so dialed in and I've actually never gotten back to that place I you know life happens I took a season where I didn't try rated ski a lot and then when I got back into it I had a different pair of skis they were a little heavier and didn't feel as good on them I've done a couple demos on different skis maybe correlation skis, trading platform you know I switch to a new platform new skis because I actually broke into my Rosin L's at the end of the season which you know is fine but I broke one of them and I fell came off a jump and landed on that sort of tail of the ski and it's split right behind the boot. So you know life happens. it's fine. but I I ended up switching to a very different ski and it barely really impacted my comfort so probably wouldn't be different if I switch from light speed this trading platform over to you know Ameritrade or each rate or something like that big platform switch in the middle of a hot streak or if I took the summer off and then came back in September with a different platform that would probably feel very different.

So you know in any case, and yeah, I do have a video of me. this is you pull this up. This is kind of funny one. So this is skiing with Ross this was me in at Jackson Hole in Wyoming I was this was me.

This wasn't me at the height of my skiing career. but boy hey girl, pull it together. Seriously, this was a this was a fun fun day. Hang on! I'm just gonna I'll put that up for you for one second.

I got to grab my tea which is on the stove. You can't deep enough into my new YouTube channel. you never know what you might find. so yeah I got that jacket specifically for that video.

So anyways, you know I hit a couple jumps I was tearing it up Now of course you may recall when was this. Yep, take it slow, don't don't get ahead of yourself there. Yeah. I'm hitting the jumps I did two years ago knock myself unconscious skiing I was wearing a helmet but you know I landed right on my face so that was.
that was interesting. But in any case, so right now with my training I'm feeling super dialed it. That was a long way of saying that. and I right now couldn't imagine going off a jump you know a 20 30 foot jump and trying to do a 360 I would wreck myself and probably six months ago I would have been shocked that you know in six months.

if you said Ross in six months you're gonna be taking 15 and 18,000 share positions on. you know these stocks I'd be like I doubt it. but here. I Am you know? Back-to-back really big days here.

My last red day was March 31st. so super hot streak through April through May and now into the first. the first day of June So yesterday's trades were imported so there's June 1st right there. So 24,000 yesterday? Actually, that's gross.

So gross profit was 24 397 right there. And since my last red day I mean I've probably made over three hundred thousand dollars. Let's see, since April 1st 2020 I'm sitting at 342 gross profit so you know Accuracy: 75% taking a lot trades average winners 3 under an average losers sorry 600 average losers 365 So today on a Mrh I sat down this morning around 9:00 a.m. maybe 8:45 at my computer and I saw wwr at the time was the leading gap or in the entire market not including these two reverse split stock stocks.

So Wwr I pulled up and I was like, okay, it's got a history of making a kind of big red day back here, you know, but that's volatility so maybe there'll be something there I Saw I had made a big move and this was kind of a round and I sat down and I was like wow, I'm not gonna trade it this time, but morning, but I'll watch it I had time the bell rang, this had faded, didn't end up taking any trades on it although I was considering a dip trade-off of $3 but it's now getting a little too late in the morning because in about well, actually in about 10 minutes, we're gonna switch gears and start day two of Summer School. So I've got kind of a hard stop here at 10:30 for trading each morning and so I followed that today. even if it does mean I'm leaving a little on the table, but a Mrh ended up popping up pre market and again, similar to last week. I took my first trades on a pre market I had said this morning I've probably taken more trades pre market here then I've taken pre market in the last like year just in these last two weeks we had one yes, our last week on a bi oh I think it was and then one this week and there was I think another of the week before.

So we've been seeing some some really hot momentum. It's a nice opportunities pre market so this one I can't remember where my first entry was but I definitely took this trade right here for the break over for 34:31 and it squeezed up to a high of 489 which gave me a nice profit before pulling back a little bit now pre market before the bell rang. I would say it probably had about two and a half million shares of volume, so that's kind of. the only thing I say about trading pre market is that I do need to see that the stock is trading on a fair amount of volume and is moving quickly.
If it's moving quickly with volume and news you know then I'm willing to test the waters but only during a really really really hot market which is probably I don't know it's a it's rare for me to do that but I was concerned if I didn't jump in that I would end up missing the opportunity. Now this didn't end up moving up quite as much as a Bio pre-market but that's fine. I still got a nice profit there and then out of the gates. bought the dip out of the gates and then we got that rip right up over five.

So about 70 cent winner out of the gates. Starting my share size on this has been actually four thousand shares all day up until the last couple trades. So if I punch this three times I'm into twelve thousand shares I do four times I'm in was sixteen and eighteen thousand with my biggest position today. Nice-nice trades high of five thirty and then dip trades off the low.

Those dip trades were bounce off of four dollars down here and then a break in the V whap up here. There's not really any one particular trade today that was especially amazing I did I don't think I had any like huge winners I Also didn't have any huge losers. Today was a day where I took probably about twenty base hit trades. but you know those base hits were two thousand, two, twenty eight hundred dollars each with ten thousand to fifteen thousand chairs.

So you know I mean this was a day that was the culmination of many base hits. and fortunately, I'm not sure that I had any big losers. I had a couple of trades that I got in for a dip and then got out basically breakeven but none of them were like really, really, you know big losses which is good. So anyways, that's you know there we go.

Second day in a row, over twenty thousand dollars twenty four yesterday, twenty-eight thousand today of course I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning on Wednesday for wildcard Wednesday although we ended up having a wildcard Tuesday today just with that surprise move pre-market you know the momentum is high and I I don't really know. it's hard for me to set an expectation of you know what I should be setting is my goal for this month. You know it's this is a kind of a place where I'm already up over 50,000 on the month and it's June 2nd. So you know last month they did $225,000 I I don't know that it's realist I think it's crazy to set the goal at 200 I Really think that's crazy, but at the same time I am 25 percent of the way there and we are only two days into the month.
So I think I think I'm just gonna say right now I'd really like to have a second month over a hundred grand. A second six-figure month would be awesome. So I'm halfway there and once I hit that then I'll adjust my goal. I'm the type of person that I you know and I again.

Talked about this yesterday during summer school. My middle school math teacher can attest to this: Not really good at taking on big projects and you know better. It kind of, you know, small small tasks. doing lots of small tasks.

So in other words, it's easier for me to set a short goal, a small goal, achieve it and then set the goal out. Another 10 feet achieve it out, another 10 feet achieve it. So in this case, I'm gonna set the goal at 100 grand and then once I cross that hundred grand mark I'll set it at 125 or maybe 150. when I cross that I'll say that one 175, 200.

So I'll just keep setting the bar out a little ways cuz for me, when I set the bar out really high I just end up feeling overwhelmed I'm like I don't even know how I'm gonna attack this and that was kind of how I felt when I set the goal of turning $583 into a million dollars I was like man, this is just such an outrageous goal. Why did I set it so high? Because it ended up taking me two and a half years to do it. But you know it's fine I I did it and at this point after crossing that million dollar mark I didn't May I conscientiously made the decision not to set the new goal at like ten million. I was like don't just don't do that, just let's just keep trading and I'll make you know as much as I can so on.

So as that is concerned, I'm sitting since my last hour since the beginning of 2017, which is when I started my small account challenge I'm sitting at let's see as of today or as it yesterday, one point Five eight million dollars from less than six hundred dollars in my account over the course of five thousand trades and now over three years, about three and a half years, I've turned that six hundred dollars, five hundred eighty three dollars into one point Five Eight million dollars. Those who you know are skeptical at that outrageous return. If they go okay, here's another guy thrown out stupid crazy numbers: I'm sure he's a, you know, he's a liar I'm just gonna grab my page here which is my Independent Accountants examination of my broker statements. So this was from January 1st to May 31st and this was the the period of when I turned $583 until the month where I crossed 1 million and so that's what that looked like.

There that was the equity curve. and this was the Independent Accountants report of my broker statement. So they reviewed my broker statements, they reviewed all of my deposits, they reviewed all of my withdrawals I had to verify that against my bank account. they had to get all my 1099 s all that stuff.

They have to get it directly from the broker, not through me. They have to. You know, they have their like chain of custody for this report. And so this was my investment return.
January 2017 First month of $583 2,700 percent return. you know, and that that makes sense. Obviously the first month is going to be pretty phenomenal, then the months obviously decrease in percentage growth, but the average monthly returns 100 47% of course thanks to starting with such a small amount. but still.

first year made 335,000 second year 499 and then 2019 through May I was at 236,000 for an average monthly return of 36 thousand. So 36 thousand dollars a month. you know that's divided by 20. You know that's the per day average.

It's not $28,000 a day. This little hot streak that I've had now in the last two months has been very unique. It's been pretty incredible and it's certainly gonna help get me closer to that. I Guess you know 1.75 million dollar mark or whatever the case is, but you know we are basically right at 1 year since I crossed the level and so I've gone from 1.07 in that last year.

So through the end of May I've added another just about five hundred thousand dollars in that 12-month period from June through the end of May which is phenomenal. I mean that's I'm very pleased with that. So anyways, this is you know, available for those that are curious and my 2020 earnings right here. you know for what it's worth.

I am the same trader here in May that had a breakeven month in in January January I finished breakeven down 133 dollars after commissions I Had kind of a rough start with some red days in my IRA account. Dug myself out of the hole and by the end of January I was breakeven the market you know was not really favorable but then come into April and May May right here. two hundred three thousand dollars in gross profit and those are the statements you know showing those gains. So it's It's been a pretty good month and it was a pretty good month and I'm looking to have you know, continue this hot streak and hopefully have another strong month here in June while at the same time being very mindful that when things do start to slow down a bit, ease off the pedal.

But anyways, so this is so that's the recap for today: 43rd consecutive green day. Twenty eight thousand, two hundred seventy dollars and ninety cents again held to the medal being super aggressive, not gonna step off the gas until I see some indicator to slow down, you know today I really thought Wwr and I was I was like alright, well that's our leading gapper I don't know. it's last day was read better be careful on it. but then a Mrh popped up so we're gonna market right now where traders are definitely hungry.

They're aggressive I Don't think it's just me I think it's Collectively, we're all seeing a lot of opportunity. It would be a disservice not to try to capitalize on it, but remember, it's gonna have to hold you over until you know things slow down again, which is just inevitable because it's the AB Evan market. Alright you guys, so that's it for the recap. Thank you for those of you guys who've been streaming on YouTube Facebook I'm gonna put up my disclaimer here and then a Warrior Pro students.
We are gonna jump into the Warrior Pro Room in just a few minutes to start class right around probably five past eleven or so And that right there was an entire video with no ads. I Don't monetize my youtube channel video ads which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor. Please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let YouTube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about daydreaming.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Day 43: $28k on amrh up 200% ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fuzzy Traveller says:

    Hey Ross, what is your filter value for float?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UriahKiser says:

    When using CMEG should I use Sterling or DAS

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    WOW ROSS , I just finished your e book .. Thank you it was a really good read !!! There were alot of good advise !!! Keep up all your great work/ wins.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory Swenor says:

    Yup mindset is huge. I opened a new account with cmeg first 2 days were great. I got too confident, increased my share size, took 2 big losses and now my account is half of what it was. So slowly building the account back up. But I'm still confident in myself and the strategy!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Winkler says:

    PM has been super hot, I'm also usually not getting trades in before market opens but there's been some really clean moves.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tropicalpnch says:

    You mentioned this in another recap, but I like that you are focusing on basically one stock instead of jumping around and possibly getting in to moves late.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dragoș says:

    Those last few weeks have been insane

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ranjan lokesh says:

    How the daily avg volume should relate with market cap for a preferred mid/large cap stock?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading & Crypto Stories says:

    I loved the ski example, I also used to be big into nordic skiing when I lived in Minnesota haha! Those are some monster green days that you are having, you will be at 2 million dollars plus by the end of the year haha!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caveman 007 says:

    Thanks Ross. Have a blessed day

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stunt Chicken says:

    Ross can you personally reply to my email sent wt team on Tuesday. Thank you emaill is stuntchicken@

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cyril revel says:

    hi ross
    at what price range do second offerings tend to happen the most? are stocks over 5 dollars also indagmered of it

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Man says:

    Again? O my God!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikola Vasiljevic says:

    Hello Ross, hope you're doing well. Do you have any advice on discipline?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Say What? says:

    After a 3% loss yesterday I took a day break to reset will be back at it tomorrow if things feel right for me, glad I’m learning this lesson with a smaller account Don’t know if I would handle a decent loss like this with a bigger account as well as I am right now so early on in my trading venture

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Masouredis says:

    Ross your amazing!!! Your up over 100k in just a week!!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Borrego says:

    Great job Ross! Thank you for all the lessons!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abc123 says:

    Love the forest background. I've been day trading for just over a year and I've picked up a lot of ideas from you. When I become a successful trader I want a forest view too from my trading station lol.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KCMAC38 says:

    Ross thank you for the great analogy on setting the bar high. The last 2 trading days I have gotten myself away from setting goals instead swinging for the fences, only to end up in the red.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shashi Sharma says:

    Hi rose
    It’s great
    Could you please help to know
    How you find this stock for day trade and it’s movement predictions in advance

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars best intrest says:

    💯💯 loven the content

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seba Cortinez says:

    Great performance!! You are a great person man! Keep the good work

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshaklese says:

    This was a great learning moment.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Gonzalez says:

    So awesome 👌

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tzahi Sofer says:

    Each day is more amazing from previous

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 王浩 says:

    hey Ross.AMRH made me lose $19. When I saw him, I had already missed the best time to enter, and then it fell all the way. The 3-point chart I use sometimes misses a wave of quotes. I want to know why do you use the 1- and 5-point chart?Lastly, I would like to ask if your transaction is moving forward today?I'm sorry, I don't understand English, I can only read the news through the translation software.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan says:

    +2141.13 second day using your simulator! Thanks for all the fantastic content brah!!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OMAR P says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sylvain Vachon says:

    Une machine !!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soccer Soul says:

    Hi Ross, great trades again, you are something else. The entry pre-market was a very clean set up, however the entry at the open on the dip what was the indicator that made you buy the dip. The stock could have flushed too, so how did you know was a safe entry that dip.

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