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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here we are. It is the first day of June. It's also the first day of Summer school and we've had a great morning here. I Finished the day up $24,000 which is fantastic.

I'm super happy with that. The momentum has not slowed down I Was a little curious. You know we're starting the new month I Was kind of like all right I Hope that we see the momentum from April and May continue into June but sometimes traders at the beginning of a new month can be a little cautious, little hesitant. Which makes sense because ultimately on day one of the new month, we all have the same P&L We'll break even and the first thing that we need to do is build a little bit of a cushion.

So until we have a cushion, it doesn't always make sense to be super aggressive. But today, pretty much right away I built a cushion on a ESC which had a awesome move. Mmm. smells so strong when they're in the house.

It almost smells like almost smells like paint thinner. like gasoline. Like really good stuff. Strong! So a ESC second-leading gap in the entire market ended up squeezing up over a hundred percent.

Really big move on that one. CET X Also traded that over a hundred percent move I mean two really good stocks I Will say that my very first trade right out of the gates. My first two traits were on CET X and after those first two trades, I was like I don't feel like I did very well on that stock. Let me just take a quick peek of my P&L I was up $98 I was like yep, all right huh? so not sure AES see at the time was below the V web but it squeezed up, popped up to I think it was 380 or right around 4.

Then did a micro pullback. First pullback got bought up, second pullback got bought up. Then we got a five-minute setup. 5-minute awesome breakout and I stepped up to the plate.

I'll show you the live trading recording of it. 14 almost 18,000 shares and a sweet 50-cent breakout that's $7,500 in one trade and I have a couple of those. So today day 42 40 second consecutive Green Day the markets hot Momentum's on fire I'm not stopping I'm gonna continue to be as aggressive as possible and note that CTX traded probably at this point I didn't just check to see where it's at with volume, but probably close to 80, maybe even 100 million shares of volume. A Esc was over 30 million shares of alling when I was trading it.

These are stocks are very liquid. You can get in and get out even with 5 10 15 20 thousand shares if you want to. The question is can you handle a risk because ultimately you take trades with a big share size, they go the wrong way. Those losses can be just as big, but I feel like I've got I had both.

The cushion on the day and I certainly had the cushion in this hot streak right now to step up to the plate a little bit. So you know the markets hot, but just because you know you're setting record lap times on a dry track, don't expect you're gonna set those same type of records when it's pouring rain or it's snowing. In other words, the market will slow down at some point. So you know, be grateful for the profits that you may be making right now.
And certainly I'm saying this for myself, but don't expect I'm not gonna expect that. I'm gonna make $200,000 a month I made 225,000 gross profit in May Best month of my career I may not have a month like that again for years. I mean who knows or I might do it again this month. but I'm not going to set that as my expectation when the market slows down.

I gotta ease off the throttle, but you know what? right now the markets hot so I'm gonna stay pedal to the metal and I'm gonna be aggressive and I'm gonna really try to capitalize on this momentum. and maybe the month of June it's gonna be the best June I've ever had. Who knows I mean it seems right now like it's very possible. So anyways, that's it for me.

Enjoy the recap, please! Also, if you don't mind I didn't that thumbs up button I Really appreciate its the way you let YouTube know that these videos are worth watching and this is the channel to be on if you want to learn about day Trader. So if you're not already subscribed to the channel I Go Live every morning for my watch list. So tomorrow morning 9 a.m. I'll be live-streaming so hit that subscribe button.

make sure you're subscribed and you'll get the alert when I Go Live! Alright, that's it for me. I Got some things to do. we just finished up class and I've got to export those videos. so I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow.

Bye everyone! All right everyone! So we're gonna get into the recap here and break down the trades on a EST and CET x the two stocks I traded this morning. Total profit: Twenty four thousand, three hundred ninety seven dollars, and forty seven cents. Not bad at all. and I've got some live trading archives that we can go through and kind of review at least a couple of the nicer trades on these stocks today.

So today obviously first day of the new month and actually I can see CET X ripping back up to the highs there. You know today's a day where I may well be leaving a little money on the table. It's 10:30 and I'm walking away right there on. CTX I Probably could have taken this trade from right here, which was a little break of eighty five little one-minute pullback right there up to 99.

I would then be probably looking to add for the break over three when we see it come back up to 99 and three dollars with a target of 305 310. So you know I'm gonna leave a little money on the table today, but that's okay because we've got summer school starting at about 11 a.m. in about 30 minutes and you can see there's the high of 307. so good job for those you guys that did take that trade.

One of the things I'm talking about yesterday during my livestream is how challenging it is to know when to walk away. It's one of the hardest things is a trader. A day like today you can feel FOMO you can feel regret. You can feel frustration even as much as money as you may have made that you left money on the table that you walked away too soon that you didn't really fully capitalize on on every opportunity.
And then on the other hand, when you have a day where let's say I took this trade right here three and now I'm holding it to 291 and I'm down 10 cents a share. Then all of a sudden I'm in the red I'm feeling. you know I'm feeling frustrated. Darn it.

I gave back my profit. What's wrong with me? Why didn't I just walk away. So sometimes it feels like we can never win. You walk away too soon, you feel regret, you trade too long, you get back profit.

You feel regret. So I think it speaks to the importance of being kind of present and being grateful for the for what you have and what you have gained. And if you are among the traders out there that are consistently throwing down some you know nice profits on a regular basis that you know you should really give yourself a pat on the back for walking away green and and not feel frustrated that you didn't make as much as you possibly could. But the market is a place where fear and greed are two of the strongest emotions and you know it.

For those of you guys who haven't already heard this, I've been reading this book about Chipmunks cuz out here right around kind of my the yard here where I am looking well I'm trading and I'll turn the camera so you guys can see it for a second. Actually my cameras kind of all jammed up here. so why is it not? Well there's that one. but I'm confident something on this one.

I've got two cameras here. one is for YouTube stream and one is for the chatroom stream. Okay, sorry about that guys. So anyways right out here is where I'm You know, watching my little chipmunk friends, you know, running past and chipmunks have a very intense hoarding instinct for food.

It's it. It drives their entire behavior really. And I was thinking about that from the perspective of you know, so it's obviously a food insecurity. so I was thinking about that from the perspective of of day trading.

and I think with with day trading one of the insecurities that probably many have. As you know, when it's this hot streak and an end and then how long am I gonna have to survive on you know, really small profits right? Because we all know that hot streaks they come and go. You know we have periods where the markets really hot and then it slows down and so you know we have to get through that the the winter and that's what certainly can be a little bit of a you know, a scary thought initially. So anyways, I think for me when I'm trading as aggressively as I am even.

you know, after having made quite a bit of money, it's that feeling that I need to you know I need to stash away this profit because you know the market will slow down at some point. So nice job there Mike on your your account there I Can't tell if one's a Sim or one's real money but good job 2:23 there 16,000 in the Sim nice work 650 there 480 that looks like a real money account Corey Nice nice nice good job you guys I know a lot of you guys are students so Ally you are training in the Sim your your practicing your kind of refining your technique and your learning my strategy and you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. and in the Sim it is ok to over trade. It is ok to give back profit because when you're the simulator, you want to get as much experience as possible when you're trading with real money.
that's when you need to start to set these rules of when am I going to throw in towel and walk away. So every day you're either leaving money on the table or giving back profit. And one of the things that I'm usually okay with is giving back a little bit off the top. and I don't really have a strong like.

it's not about a percentage. it's not really like a dollar amount necessarily, but you know if I give it back a little off the top then I'm usually like alright you know this is a good place to to step back. Now that didn't end up happening today today I I pretty much captured you know max profit and then stopped when I was kind of at my at my peak and not because I not because I again thought the market was no longer strong but really because I wanted to switch gears and get ready for our summer school class. Alright so let me show you.

I'll show you a live trading recording here and I'll show you a winner I'll show you a loser and we will look at the Gap scanner. So this morning when I sat down at you know 9 o'clock I was looking at this Gap scanner and I was trying to figure out you know which which stack has the potential to make a big move today. that's always the question and our leading Gapper was CET X and that was the first stock I traded right out of gates now CET X which actually still have up on my screen right now was you know kind of. It was a little extended coming into the open as you can see here.

I did take a trade on this false breakout candle and I made about $100 about 98 dollars. In my first first two trades the pre-market flat top was at 60. it broke that pre market hit a high of 65 then pulled back and then popped up. it had pre market already 12 million shares of volume in.

right now it has 71 million shares of volume. so again and 40 sorry 33 million on ATSC Trading stocks that have a lot of volume make it easy to get in and out with larger share size, which means you can make more money on them than trading some of the stocks that have really really like volume. So I was basically break even on it through here and then right here is it came back up. I Bought this pullback right here.

This is a good call that someone mentioned in the chat room. hey check out CTX 255 I Pulled it up and I was like yep, that's a nice setup So I jumped into that actually 258 and then added it to 67 and rode that momentum up to two dollars and ninety four cents. So that ended up being a nice trade. AES II is the other one that I was dialed in on this morning and you know it's kind of funny because pre market actually wasn't sure it was I was like it's interesting, it's a 44% it's a eSports company and you know the headlines are of course that during Kovat 19 people staying at home video games these sports have been really been doing really well but pre-market who was already selling off so it's kind of like I don't know about this I'm not sure and as you can see, it popped up right here.
And what happened on the first one minute pullback? right here this is an entry: First one minute pullback boom Second one minute pullback boom Third, one minute pullback right here. A little bit of false breakout, but from the first one which was at 380 all the way up to a high of 515 is without a doubt an impressive move. So that one was really, really solid, which was really, really good to see. So I was very happy with that.

Um, let's see, let me pull up my highlight trade on this one. So I traded through this area right here and then as it was consolidating right here. My big trade was on this break right there. so let's look at this for a second.

So right here I was watching it as it was consolidating I had done a couple dip trades down in the 60s as it popped back up I guess the last one here was actually at 65 and then back out at 68. That was a break-even trade as it turned out so is. it's curling up right here. I was watching and my hands on the Buy button right there.

That's my mouse and I'm watching for the break back. Over 4 dollars and 80 cents. Why am I watching for 80? I'm watching a for Haiti because it's the first one-minute candle to make a new high. So that was the level that I was kind of dialing in on there that first one-minute candle to make a new high.

So I'm watching the level 2 and as I'm seeing green on the tape right here I'm like alright this is. it's already starting to pick up, it's picking up momentum and the sooner I get in, the tighter my stop is because my stop is down here at about 60. Alright, so I'm in at 70. I'm adding now we get the break of a be a min with 8,000 shares right now at 76 the hi a day on this was 515.

I put in order at 501 to add I'm watching and holding it pulls back down to breakeven or roughly breakeven. but I have conviction in the Senate This is both a one-minute and a five-minute sets. We've got multi time frame alignment so I add right there now I'm holding 14,000 shares at 483. Watch here for the breakthrough.

Five hands on the Buy button and all of a sudden look at that rip. I'm in at 14,000 shares at 483 and that's 519 and 520. Boom right up through the highs. That is resolution.
So this ended up being an awesome trade. It pulls back for a second. I was I put out an order to sell in 20s and the knows like well. actually hold on.

hold on. Let's see for a second because if this thing can open up towards 5:00 you know 4573 was a daily resistance level and then I thought we have room up to 627 so I held a first second I'm watching 525 and I actually thought maybe I should add at 525 watching shift 1 I just added a thousand shares 525 Now I've got almost 15,000 shares and that was the breakout. Look at that seven thousand, two hundred eighty dollars and that's in one trade. So up here I started to take a little profit because I expected immediate break through, 30 up towards 45 and maybe a tap of the half dollar.

And since it really I'm only basically break-even from where I added I was like now that's actually not looking great so I took some profit off the table. here it pulls back for a second it pops back up I get out both hitting the bid and selling on the ass just to try to maximize the the profit on it. But that ended up being probably my best trade of. It was the best trade in the morning.

All right. So a couple more trays is it's squeezing higher and then this right here was actually my worst trait of the day. All right. So right here it is selling off, it's dropping down and I looked at this and I thought that it was gonna bounce off of the half-dollar So I got long right here.

I'm in at 53 now. Large position but I thought it had room to bounce back up to 75 80 and just like that, boom like that I'm down twenty-six hundred bucks. now that's only 19 cents or 21 cents a share. About with the big position, that's not pretty.

So I don't panic out, it pops back up to 55 on the ass now. I'm down lonely $236 These are big numbers when you trade with bigger share size. so I was like okay I need to unwind this position. So I threw out some orders to try to unwind the position a little bit reduce my risk because that was not what I was expecting and I end up selling it at 47 and 37 and booking roughly a 10 cent loss which is still $1200 loss and was the biggest loss of the day.

So I sold half there and I sold the rest right there and you know that was the right move because it didn't come back up to that level for from actually I'm not sure if it has come back up to that level even now. So those dip trades you know, sometimes you know they they get me and you do have to be careful on them. so it actually did come back up right here. came back up to 75.

but I didn't want to hold 12,000 shares down to 518. I would have been down like almost five five thousand dollars. So you've gotta be quick to get out when it's when, when you're wrong and that's you know that's very important. So after that loss that was at 10 a.m.

I did have a few more trades both on this stock and on CTX. So finishing the morning at the highs right here. Twenty four thousand, three hundred ninety seven dollars and forty seven cents and great job! For those of you guys trading in the simulator I See some of you guys posting your PNL here so that's really nice to see you know. Keep up, keep up the good work.
Keep practicing! I Know that we will all certainly have days where we're feeling a little frustrated and you know the markets not cooperating and stuff is choppy. We're seeing lots of false breakouts, but you know, keep your head up because every day that you're in the market, you are gaining experience and ultimately this is a career where the more experience that you have, the better equipped you will be to handle surprises in the market. You know it's and there's a way to build that experience as just by actively sitting. you know, in the chair, watching the level too, even if there's you know, some days if there's nothing happening.

Okay, fine, but you know trading until 12:30 1:00 o'clock can make sense just to get that that level of experience. All right. So it's 1042. I'm gonna switch over to the Warrior Pro Room here, so Warrior Pro Students as a reminder and the Warrior program is right here with the little chalkboard.

So I'm going to close this one down. I'm gonna open this room up right there. So welcome to those of you guys just getting logged in and we will start summer school in about 15 minutes with class one of the Warrior Starter course. So I've got that up here right here.

All right. So this is going to be class one starting today. All right there you go. Okay you guys I'll give you a few minutes to refill your cup of coffee, grab your notepad, and then Warrior Pro students we're gonna jump into it.

Thank you guys for today! Another great great morning! Good job everyone! Oh hey I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750 thousand subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on. YouTube.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Day 42: putting the pedal to the metal $24k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Chattwo says:

    Hi Ross, I'm following you for almost 3- 4 years, I higly appreciate your hard work & generosity. Keep doing this good things. I hope you a great success in ur career. THANK YOU.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJDumlao says:

    can lightspeed buy & sell pre-market & post-market

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter O says:

    You can sure slam it dawn! Don’t let me stop you, those bears definitely deserve it! We are all here to win it!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charlene jones says:

    I lost 33 thousand dollars on Aese – I didn’t get out in time- I kept waiting for it to come back up never did – so I took the loss today June 2 – I’m so sad 😞

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Edit says:

    Whats the name of that book on chipmunks? My favorite chipmunk is "Alvin".

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zakarov says:

    Hi Ross 🙂 , thanks a lot for your videos , please one question: how to know seller from buyer on the level 2 ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tronghung Dao says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Packjam says:

    The flowers don't smell like gasoline man, smell again haha

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iAm HEre nOw says:

    My first day in your Warrior Pro program and I made 815 dollars! Your entire program is outstanding.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hil Shean says:

    Good to see you at one with nature Ross!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iamyour FAN says:

    Ross – why are you not tracking your students P/L?

    Legal reasons?

    I always wondered about how many people become profitable bc of your course – and how long it usually takes so i can compare it to my own progress.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars So Sophia Says says:

    Hi Ross! I signed up for Warrior Pro a few days ago and am learning lots from all the videos! I’m wondering if I can still get a copy of your book “how to day trade”? I prefer a printed copy but if you have an e-book version that I can download, that’s ok too! I looked all over in the portal but didn’t see the link. Thanks!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam says:

    Ross when you make so much money in an unpredictable way, how do you avoid underpayment IRS penalties? If you estimate your taxes, how can you know what you will make? Are you a Mark to Market Trader or have TTS designation. Sorry for my ignorance but I'm really confused.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Kennedy says:

    Thank you Ross for the re Cap. Much appreciated. Paul Kennedy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chakapan chan-o says:

    what camera you use at the beginning of the video?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flagship seeyou says:

    Hi ross could you talk about direct acess routing vs non. And strategy around this if begining traders cant afford direct unless it is given in platform

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan says:

    You ever been to BC Ross? We have the best gasoline!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Man says:

    Again? O my Gosh!
    Ross if market will fall down again like it was at march, your strategy will be same? Or at this time momentum of buyers doesn't work? And use your system better on the bull's market?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    Exchanging my likes for such a great content? take all my likes Ross, worth to support this channel ✌🏻 thanks again

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Jassal says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Hendry says:

    Hi Ross I noticed you said that you were selling on the ask and the bid at the same time. Can you actually hit sell on the ask full and on the bid just after without canceling the ask order? Or do you have to cancel the ask order before selling on the bid?
    Thanks heaps

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evolution Lancer says:

    good stuff ross. caught you live this morning.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trelyn Pounds says:

    Man you been going crazy… what percent profit this that 24k?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kalonji WingsofEagles says:

    Another great job Ross. God bless

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Thomas says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Tone says:

    Green on the day trading AESE
    P/L + 103.47
    real account 🙏🏻😍

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    Ross – what camera are you using for the recap?

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