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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are: Wildcard: Wednesday Finishing the day up $10,000 on my 39th consecutive green day, we've got two days left for the month of May Only two more days for me to lock up a second consecutive no red month which is really exciting. Now the cool thing today: the three stocks ain't traded E si es EA M RNs and Hertz h TZ Straight off the watch list which I Live stream for free every single morning right here on YouTube So if you guys are not already subscribed to the channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button because you'll be able to watch me when. I Live stream every single morning starting at 9 a.m. I Turn on the stream I Give you guys about ten minutes to log in around nine, Ten Nine Fifteen I Start breaking down the watch list and today EC M RNs and Hertz those are the three that we had our eye on, so it's nice to have the profits come straight off the watch list.

Now it's not like that every day some days we have a watch list or there's actually not a lot that we like and on those days I end up watching my high momentum scanners looking for something to pop up and show a little bit of momentum which is a little bit more like what we had yesterday. but today was one of those nice, fairly straightforward days. So I hope you guys enjoyed it and enjoy the recap and as always, remember questions Comments: leave them down below and don't forget Summer School starts on Monday So if you have not already signed up during the Memorial Day weekend with our Summer School sale coupon code, make sure you check out the link. It'll be right down there in the description to check out the Summer School Curriculum program which is starting the week from, well, week from last Monday So in like four or five days.

All right. so that's the game plan. Enjoy the recap and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone! So we're gonna do our midday market recap here.

We'll go over the traits from this morning. Today is wildcard Wednesday another a pretty nice Green Day 10200 14 dollars and 84 cents. Not not really. I mean kind of an interesting day because we haven't seen the best follow-through today, but I was aggressive on pretty much everything I traded.

Actually why? Because it's Wednesday And you know when you kind of get into a routine of doing well on a particular day of the week, it's you know it's gonna make sense for you to be more aggressive on that day. and I was doing that for a while on Fridays But Monday's have now really sorry Wednesdays have now really taken the lead. So this is year-to-date Mondays I've made 41,000 well on Wednesdays I've made a hundred and forty nine thousand and my $47,000 Green Day was actually on a Tuesday Which is kind of incredible because that one day contributes a lot now. I could go back to the beginning of last year or even I could just go all the way back to 2016 and we can see over a longer period of time that Wednesday's still hold the most profit for me.
So this is statistically significant. which is, you know why I'm gonna be more aggressive now on Wednesdays So you know because I've got a little bit more profit on Wednesdays now I'm gonna be more aggressive on Wednesdays which is only going to increase that profitability when it's hot. although I do have the risk of having losses now. Today the three stocks I traded EC Mrsn and Hertz EC and Mrs sorry, EC and Hertz were both off the watchlist.

Mrsn was it was on the Gap scanner but it was a hard maybe. So today I really stuck with following my Gap scan which as you can see leading gapper was Gr and Q second-leading gapper was hurt. third-leading gapper was easy. fourth was Mrsn.

so the top four those are the ones that I was focused in on. So let's start with a review of and I'll just move this out of the way here so you guys can still see oops, what's going on all right? So I'll just put this down here for a second. I'll put it right here at the hall where the hall scanners usually are. all right, so make this bigger.

Okay, there we go and let me just check my CPU usage. Hang on. One second seemed to be getting a little bit of lag on my computer here. What's causing that? East signal is using the most memory at the moment.

Hmm, but OBS is using quite a bit as well. Yeah, I do see that. Let me go check the settings on this custom resolution. Bring that down to 1080.

Oops that did not work super well. Hang on. Sorry. I'll put that just back to default and I'll I'll play with that later.

I'm just saying. Okay, all right. So in any case, leading Gapper: Gr and Q So Gr NQ is the leading gapper this morning and you know my feeling on it was that it doesn't look that great because it's below the volume weighted average price. It's already stair stepping down and basically the bell rang.

It popped up for a second to the volume weighted average price which was right around a dollar eighty and then from there it faded so there there really wasn't any good opportunity on this. To the long side, the obvious entry, in fact was a short below a dollar fifty on this flat bottom breakdown. but I can't short stocks in a retirement account which is what I'm trading in right now and you know the benefit is that I don't pay any income tax on this profit. That's $10,000 Free and clear no tax now.

I can't touch it until retirement, but you know it's nope. I Mean to me, it's it's it. makes sense to do it this way. So if I was going to short a stock, I have to give back basically 40 percent of my profit.

You know, top income brackets 39 percent or something like that plus state income tax? You know you're you're given up 40 percent year profit, which is going to be the case for anyone in the top income bracket, but it could even be higher depending on what state you're in. Some states like California are very high. Other states like Texas or Alaska are obviously very low in terms of state tax, but federal tax either way is going to get you. so no shorting in the retirement account.
That's the rule for retirement accounts. So $10,000 training alongside Gr and Q note rates. Next one down was Hertz. Now Hertz is a stock that has just come out with news about bankruptcy filings, which obviously results in the significant drop from 285 down to a low Yesterday a 50 cent, 40 cents.

it bounced off that low all the way up to a dollar 47. This morning it was curling up and my first entry was a long I bought for the break one dollar it hit a high of a dollar and eight cents and then dropped back down under a dollar - I don't know Xan 95 cents or something. So I ended up stopping out of that for only one penny of profit I Bought 20,000 shares so one penny of profit was 200 bucks. All right.

I then got back in right here for the break over the highs hi add a break in a dollar 8. It squeezed up to a dollar 16 and got halted I was holding 20,000 shares into the Hall of $1200 It resumed drop to a dollar five popped back to a dollar twelve I sold it a dollar 11 for one cent, a profit up total on to Trey's 360 dollars and then they pulled back here all the way back down to a dollar before rallying and squeezing up to a dollar 49. So you know I'm a little frustrated on it because I kind of had the right idea. but I was buying one minute breakouts and in fact it was the five minute break out that was the cleanest.

So actually I said right here. but the trade was actually on the one-minute chart which was right here. That was my entry. that was my second entry.

$2 8 I Did not get back in here and at this point when it came back up here I didn't really trust it because of what it had done here and on this pullback I just thought it's too extended and it's near the 200 moving average on the five-minute chart. I'm gonna leave it alone so hindsight's 2020 I wish I'd held my 20,000 shares from $1 and made $10,000 just on. Hertz But I would have had to have been into the dollar and sold it high. A day of dollar 49 and I didn't get that so that's okay.

that's the way sometimes goes. Give it a couple tries, but didn't want to overstay my welcome. so the third one down was easy. Now this is an interesting stock.

It's a stock that many of us who've been trading for a while are going to be familiar with because it is a shipping stock. and shipping stocks back in 2017 did something historic. So let's pull our daily chart way back to 2017. That's 2019.

I mean this? You know? Honestly, that was pretty. That was pretty impressive as well. I am discounting that, but that was 100 percent in one day. And the reason it's had these days where it's made some big moves and even today you know it was a big move.

Although it didn't hold, all of these are tied back to the original move back here in 2017. from eight dollars to sixty four dollars a share. All right, that's insane. Now this is probably reverse split adjusted it is D ry S.
Now this is actually not trading anymore, but that's the one that went from about four dollars a share to a hundred and fifteen dollars over the course of just a couple days, which was absolutely outrageous. Here's another one back in 2017. tops from again. Reverse split but you can see it went up like 400% G lbs was another one.

The all of these shipping stocks went up on what we would call sympathy Momentum. One start to rip and they all popped and I mean these were absolutely in saying this is I actually have an entire section of the Warrior Pro classes dedicated to talking about that move in the the dry ship and companies that welcome the the cargo cargo shipping companies they are. you know, cargo ships with the you know, the big boats and they have all the cargo containers, etc etc and this is it's gonna be. It's gonna take me too long to find it in the classes, but in any case I have a whole section where we talk about it and it's a combination.

The Setup: There's a combination of true momentum on one stock that then results in sympathy Momentum FOMO on the others. so you know in kind of a different example. you know, let's think about my my fish in the pond. let's say they're starving.

This was November of 2017. Been a really slow six months of trading from like May until September October started to pick up and in November all of a sudden we got some absolutely crazy moves and now I'm saying 2017. But actually what year was this? This was 2016. It was still a slow summer but it was 2016 now 17.

Sorry about that. Anyways, so all of a sudden this one stock starts to squeeze up, open up, it goes crazy, and next thing you know, three others do too. So out in my koi pond with the fish, they get really, really hungry. You throw in a little bit of food, they all jump at it.

You throw in another piece, they all jump at it. and now a couple of them have seen some other fish. had, you know, a nice meal. and now they've got FOMA They all come swarming in and all of a sudden you know you have this just feeding frenzy happening and that's essentially what happened on GLB SEC tops ships DCI x Dr.

Ys and a few others. So this morning when EC was on the scanner, you know I was a familiar name. I was like all right 3.7 million share flow. it's had reverse splits, its gapping up.

but I'm a little cautious because it also has a history of popping and dropping. So let's see what the headline is. The headline is actually reports results for the quarter ending and March 31st. So I'm like, okay, we've got a headline here and it's not a bad one.

Now those of you who want to check out headlines and you can jump over here too, let's see Warren your trading quote and then let's see what is it Easy All right. So we've got EC right here and this will pull up the stock and then we can search down to the news. All right. So right down here we've got the headline and you can see it right here.
So you've got this headline which was really what triggered it and then there's a couple of Seaton Alpha articles. whatever. Okay, so as I saw that headline and realized it was decent, you know I had it up here. It hit a high of four pre-market now.

Could have actually bought the first pullback pre market, but the volume was very light and I was a little. I was a little unsure about this. Yesterday was a slow day as you might recall I only made about an hour Burroughs 2,700 bucks Friday was a slow day $2,700 as well. So I thought you know, let's let's take it slow and I'd like to have another green day I don't want to overstay my welcome and so I probably shouldn't take a pre market trade the way I did last week on Pixy I Think that might be a little too aggressive so I didn't take a pre market trade.

it pops up to 4:15 it's pulling back, then up to 4:30 and so by the time the bells ringing, it's already got a pre market high of 450. Now the bell rings and let's actually go to one second chart. just cuz it was, well do 10 seconds. so we'll look at a 10 second timeframe here on this and we'll look at the open.

So what I said is I want to buy a dip off the volume weighted average price. Alright now it's a little bit of an aggressive trade because essentially I'm expecting it's gonna sell off a little at the open. and I want to buy a dip? it actually opens at let's see 397 it dips to 391 and as I saw it dipping I started hammering that Buy button I start pressing buy buy buy buy buy. Alright now I thought I was getting filled around $4 which would have been awesome I was actually filled at 4:10 All right.

so I'm in at 410 it rips up to 450 and what do I do Now it's hitting a pre market high of two choices: sell half or add I added I added for the break the pre-market high because I'm in this at 410 Mrt up 40 cents I added for the break of the pre market high of 450 it squeezes up to 476 on the break of the half dollar right here I Took some profit at 60 and 67 and held the rest going into the hall. It's then halted for five minutes. it opens, it dips for a second. I bought this dip right about here and we'll go over the live trades for warrior pro students.

I'll just pull them up here so I have them ready and it pops up to five. Hits a high of 5 10 I Threw out orders to try to take profit over five and none of my orders on the Ask Phil which is not totally uncommon. I mean trying to sell on the Ask is certainly being aggressive and sometimes your orders on the Ask will fill and sometimes they won't So I ended up hitting the bid so I had to sell at the bid price which is obviously not great when you have a stock that has a bigger spread which this had at the time. but you know it is what it is.
So I sold it the bid it drops down I then did a dip trade off of the view app right here for fifty pops back up to 470 I do another dip trade off of four dollars right here and then it kind of drops lower. Alright, so as its dropping low where the next trade isn't, until it comes back up right here for the break of the volume weighted average price. Okay, so we had trades through here and we also had trades up in this area. it hit a high of about 430 before rolling over.

Actually it looks like 437 which was not happy. not too bad. It could have been a little bit better. so I was jumping in I was being pretty aggressive on that one and we'll review those trades.

Let's see in my live trading archives for Warrior Pro students. where is it? Well, I'll grab in a second. Alright, so that was EC Mrsn was the last one I traded and I traded this for a break of the volume weighted average price. A break of the V Webb V Webb breakout trade which was also a momentum strategy.

the long was. Let's see it was right here. Okay, and this was the entry 1430. It was actually just a little bit higher.

Fourteen thirty. There was some resistance in this area, so I was long at 14:30 for the break. Foofy weapon hit a high of Fourteen Ninety five little one-minute pullback I added for the break of fifteen didn't work. drop down I was on it I bought the dip.

it pops back up, cut some of the loss, then it drops again I bought the dip again off of 14. actually right down here pops back up to 1440. That got me basically back to break even on my add and then from there I left it alone for a few minutes until all of a sudden boom it comes back up right here and I'm long again for the break over 15 which was well. First there was a trade here and then another trade here on these micro pull backs put the pop over 15.

I Was hoping for a red to green and the squeeze back through 16, but we didn't get it so that's fine. That's the way it is. still a green day. Majority the profit on EC seven thousand dollars, twenty eight hundred on Mrsn and 360 on Hertz so you know it was kind of trading a little bit.

It seems like against the momentum today because although Hertz is still holding up relatively well and Mrsn I mean these are green on the day, let's see EC is still up 34% Hertz is up 114 percent in Mrsn is up 32% So these are all green on the day, but you know today was not. We didn't get the big homerun trade that I might have liked. The best one obviously was EC on the dip entry out of the gates bounce off V Webb before 10:00 for basically 75 cents a share as it squeezed up to 475 and then up to $5 but even then I was hoping it might do a little bit more. For 539 was daily resistance and then I had room up to 582 so we didn't get that test of 582 which is a bummer, but a green day and so where that puts me now on the month is, let's see.
so this is two million dollars in gross profit I just crossed the two million dollar in gross profit mark since 2016. That's cool. So this two thousand since 1 1 2017 which is when I started my small account challenge I have now 1.75 in gross profit. That's and let's see since May first one 2020 on the month of May right now not including today's Prophet 154 in gross profits, 74 percent accuracy, a one point five to one profit - loss ratio a perfect two to one I would have eight hundred and forty dollar average winners I'm not quite there, but I'm at one point five to one which is not bad Biggest Loser Forty eight hundred biggest winner.

Fifteen thousand, four minutes and four minutes for trades pretty quick. Had a couple that were long haul holds through halts and stuff like that and certainly some that have been faster. Best day of the week actually for the month is is on Tuesday because I had that one forty seven thousand dollar green day. But actually, you know what, today is ten thousand dollars.

So that's gonna make Wednesday the best day because we don't have any more Tuesdays left in the month of May so they'll be almost tied. So I'm gonna be at 164 in gross profit after today's trades are imported, which will be tonight or tomorrow morning after the trades close. Alright, so I'll be back at it as always first thing tomorrow morning. Live streaming or watch list and I encourage those of you guys watching on YouTube to check out our summer school sales which are going on right now.

We're gonna be starting summer school next Tuesday Alright, so that's gonna be running well. it's It's a summer school program. It's actually one year long program will start of course. June 1st with our classes and then we'll continue from then through the month of June July August Things will be fun during the summer to get some opportunities to work with you guys and study up and then fall.

Hopefully we have a really strong fourth quarter this year October November December and we can really have some nice profits. So anyways, check out the Summer School sales. if you haven't already, all Warrior Pro students, you're going to be invited to join us. It'll be a fun class.

We'll have some of the junior moderators hanging out during the classes as well and it's gonna be a great opportunity for you guys to learn a little bit more about my strategy, even for those you guys who have already gone through the classes once before. Alright, so I Hope you have a great rest of the day Warrior Pro students. Let's jump over the Warrior program. We will do our live trading archive review of EC and a few other stocks and I'll do some Q&A Hey did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watchlist.

Subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description and if you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment post on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “Day 39: another wild card wednesday $10k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars morel von doom says:

    hey ross, what brought you to the conclusion that you were expecting there to be a sell off right at the open for ESEA?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Soliman says:

    Great… when you said 1 penny of profit is $200, at that moment I thought, hmmm also 1-5 pennies of loss is $200-1000 of loss !

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter M says:

    Do you actually have a chart up at 10s interval or just for this recap?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Healthy Wild and Free says:

    Nice day ! What laptop do you recommend for day trading ?
    I was looking at Asus gaming laptops but could use some ideas ? Thanks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Baloomoody says:

    How do you find your stocks?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JaKo says:

    Hi Ross
    I’m your ex Warrior pro student, still following your pre/ after market video etc and your trading last couple of months is little bit different, this bottom bounce/deep buying and wonder if We your ex students can get this bottom bounce strategy.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kenzie1228 says:

    Hey Ross,
    What plate form is the best economically and efficient per trade for short selling. I heard Charles Swab is a good option but I would appreciate any help so I can setup and account. I also heard a Ameritrade. Thank. you in advance.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AfterKai says:

    Im watching the real stories from real students and i just got the vibe that you dont even wanna charge money for your classes but since its the norm to charge you do lol. Plus you have to do it cause people brush off cheap or free stuff.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dynamic Music says:

    Thanks man for the great videos 👍. I have a question though, I'm an international active day trader, mostly commodity (oil), and few stocks. Which platform are you recommending?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tropicalpnch says:

    Good review on ESEA. I was red on it trying to trade the dip after the halt, but I feel better about what I should have done looking back at it now. It was too much of a loss on my new small account so I'm going to practice in the sim tomorrow I think

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rebecca J Ray says:

    I miss you. It’s been a very long time since I watched one of your videos. Even though I am subscribed with the bell rang. That’s because I turned off all YouTube notifications and went into hiding for several months. Now I realized I need to get back in the game and totally planning on using you to help me do that so thank you. Ginger brother. 💗👋🏻💰👍🏼

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad Ali Ke Sath says:

    Great work again Ross appreciate your daily pre and post market actions videos.

    You the Man Good luck 👍

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AstralTransient says:

    If you had a hedge fund and an insurance company and made them pay each other, is that tax evasion or tax avoidance?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jhoan Camargo says:

    I did $87 gain on sim !! 👍🏻you are one of best traders !! Thank you for been open and willing to teach !!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OMAR P says:

    Ross what camera do you use to record such HI-DEF recordings?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arkane Knight says:

    Bill just passed. Chinese companies on the US stock market must be audited

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading & Crypto Stories says:

    Nice trading Ross, you are a money making machine lol! I also traded HTZ with a small profit, ended the day about 1400 dollars up, could have been more but I was not trading too aggressive today. The market really shifted early in the day and I was down around 19% on MRNA, but glad I held on for the reversal. I could see that stock really moving upwards on Thursday or Friday. CTRC was another stock I had traded, crazy moves with that particular stock. The stock went from down 12% to up over 20% within around 10 minutes which was also a nice profit! It is always interesting to learn from you and one thing I notice as a day trader's average weekly profit goes up, the sense of what is a high and low day does also. I am assuming 5 years ago, a 10K day would have been a monster day for you where as now it is something you can pull on a pretty frequent basis. This is one of the awesome aspects about day trading not a lot of ceiling with income at least up until the 7 figure range.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silent Whistle Blower says:

    How do you do it! I keep fuckin' losing money every damn week. Red day. Red day. Smallest green day ever. Red day. WTF!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CMShortboy says:

    "Consecutive green day"

    Everyone liked that.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Amerson says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DopaciD says:

    do you use market orders if you buying right when it opens?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rikschmitz says:

    You the man Ross! Congrats on the streak!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitul Patel says:

    Was up but lost it shorting mrns.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matthew davis says:

    I'm up 8% used my last dam day trade so I'll see you guys on Friday when I get another.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarod Gibson says:

    I love the speed of these trades. In and out in seconds sometimes. I need to get better at that.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hamzeh & Moe says:

    You’ve taught me a lot. We had the same trades on HTZ and ESEA . Thank you

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MainMan37x says:

    What explains the massive one dollar drop after the first half on esea? I keep getting caught in these random massive drops can't be profitable cause of these

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Berry Dgray says:

    Hi Ross, how do you know or what do you look out for in dip trades?
    Example for ESEA at $4, there's a few times it went below 4.10 before breaking down.

    Thanks in advance. Big fan

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kelvin zhao says:

    What broker do you guys use?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omowale Aiyenuro says:

    Brilliant 👌👌👌👌👌

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BEN says:

    Got in htz yesterday at .58 right before close it was down 80% nd buyers came in and shorts started covering there positions ah and pm and i sold at .80 shouldve held longer knowing it was so oversold lol

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stunt Chicken says:

    Karey’s Green day $313.60 5/27/20
    490 shares x 17.11 =$8383.90 Sold
    Buy price $16.46 $8070.30

    Profit $313.60

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savalis Adkins says:

    HTZ was a good trade. Nice job Ross.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 510purple says:

    do you think oxy petroleum will ever go up again and if so, when?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Deno says:

    I was trying to find out your preferred broker for small day trading accounts that is DT friendly, per your note below, but I’m not seeing it. Can you tell me what broker that is?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ra Ben says:

    Hello Ross, how do we anticipate the move before it happens? Overall. Thanks

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