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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well here we are. it's Friday We made it to the end of the week and I'm finishing here with my 30 second consecutive green day. I finished well I did the recap and I was up $2,900 just under 3 grand which was great. The stock that I traded this morning SR any then broke through the feed web to the downside, then ripped back up and I actually got back in right around 6:00 for that final squeeze.

I was looking for a move up to 650 and I stopped out. so I'm actually up only 1500 bucks, but I'm still happy with that. It's a green day, Yeah I guess I gave in to FOMO a little bit jumping back into it. but one of the rules that I have is that I have to walk away if I've given back half my profit and I knew that I had stopped out for a loss I checked to see where I was at and I was like up up only 1500.

That's a bummer. not what I wanted, but you know it's better to walk away green event to try to push my luck and keep trading. and then next thing I know it, you know, 11:30 or noontime or 1:00 in the afternoon I've blown my my day and I'm in the red. it's just not worth it.

I Think it is sometimes worth it to continue trading when you're seeing hot momentum, but you just always have to have that line in the sand. it's you know and I talked about during the recap today. The difference between leaving money on the table and giving back profit and I left a little money on the table. Then I got back in to try to capture what I thought was some more opportunity and then I gave back some profit.

So it's part of trading. You know sometimes that we can underestimate how strong a stock will be and then by the time we're like ok, it's I'm gonna jump in this this is ridiculous. Well then it's extended and your your entries not dialed in so it's I think it's ok to sometimes you know take those stabs on stocks as they're getting extended because sometimes they just keep ripping and ripping and ripping. but you have to go in with that safety net of a stop.

you can't just jump in and then say I'm gonna hold this and if it doesn't work I'll just hold until comes back cuz just like that you give back profits. So I did give back a little bit of profit today but I'm still happy with $1,500 It's my 32nd consecutive green day and starting on June 1st we're gonna begin summer school. All right. That's gonna be the first day of summer school for my warrior pro students.

so that means starting June 1st we'll do the watch list, live trading and then right after live trading and recap, we'll go into the classroom which is the separate room for pro students and that's when I'll teach each of the classes from the starter and then the pro course. So I'll be re teaching all of the classes this year and we've got the coupon code some are 40 that you guys can use to save 40% on your education. Join us for summer school and that'll certainly stop a lot of us from over trading because you know, right, it'll about 11. We'll be starting class each day, but there may be some days where we are half watching a stock as it's ripping up and it becomes a good case study for whatever we're talking about on that particular day.
So you know III think that we'll continue to see some really good momentum. The market has been super hot and today Friday it's ending with Sr any up over a hundred percent as of right now, so I'm impressed. It's been a terrific week. Twenty five thousand dollars on Wednesday was definitely the high-water mark.

Tuesday was sort of the low and here Friday finishing you know with a respectable Green Day but no Homerun trades which isn't surprising considering SR Ne was the one I trade the most and it's one hundred twenty seven million share afloat with just lots of institutional traders trading it. plus the two hundred fifty million dollar offering that was announced yesterday I was skeptical on it and I'm honestly just happy to be finishing the week in the green because right out of the gates would be Li N and s are any both dropping I was like I don't know. this might not end up being a very good day, but pulled us together, got some nice trades, got up to three grand, gave back a little but you know, trying to be grateful and say hey, I'm walking away with more money than I had an hour and a half ago two hours ago I've done a good job. Is it as much as I could have possibly made? No.

But when you think of things like that, everything is gonna look like the glass is half-empty you know, And so you gotta just be grateful for what you have, Not overstay your welcome too much and if you do start to step back real quick before it gets worse. Alright, so that's it for me. Enjoy the recap today. As always questions, Comments: leave them down below I'll see you guys probably over the weekend they'll dump jump on into a couple live YouTube Facebook live so tune in and comment say hello if you see me streaming.

Alright, see you guys on Monday Morning bye everyone all right everyone. So we're gonna break down traits from this morning: I'm finishing the day in the green which is great because it was a little bit of a slow start. I'm up. Let's see two thousand nine hundred eighteen dollars which is not too bad.

You know it's not a it's not a home run day, but you know three thousand three nearly three thousand dollars is pretty solid. So that's where I sit here today. I'll just put this up here for right now and my metrics on the month up through yesterday, this is where I was sitting ten green days into the month and today is now the 11th. Green Day Great Down: Wednesday 25,000 grand those twenty five thousand dollars those awesome Tuesday was not great Tuesday I actually went red and had to trade until about 12:30 to get myself back to green and this morning I was afraid that same thing was gonna happen.

So right out of the gates this morning my first trades were on BL I N and although it made a nice move, I ended up adding for the break of three and that resulted in giving back profit and then I bought a dip and I lost on that and so I'm actually up only two hundred fifty three dollars on B Li n my next trade was ACB which was 169 and so after these two trades I was only up about four hundred dollars on the day and that was as of like I don't know ten of ten. So and so by the way I sit right now at seventy four thousand on the month and gross profit before today. So after today, I'll be it. about seventy seven, seventy eight thousand in gross profit.
so kind of you know, heading towards that. Hunter K mark and the profit loss ratio: Average Winners have been five hundred and sixty eight dollars, average losers just three hundred and sixty. My biggest winner is fifteen thousand. My Biggest Loser is fifteen hundred average trades three to five minutes long for winners and losers.

I've taken a total of 200 trades here so far in the last 11. don't let in the last 10 days so averaging about 20 trades a day. So I am trading a little bit more, but of course that's the right thing to do when the market is hot and it is hot right now. So this morning and I do still like Srna in a way back over 511.

My last trade was along on this dip right here and then I added right up here and then I stopped out for a small loss right there. It's still technically holding the 470 mark which was the level on the one-minute that needed to hold, but you know I cut the loss and that's because I added right up here and so I brought my cost basis up by doing that. So this morning when I was sitting down right around 9:00 9:15 to do my watchlist, I saw that Bli N was our leading gapper and S RN E was the second leading gabbro. So S RN E as you can see here, nice pre market chart pull back and move higher but 127 million Sherriff load and yesterday news out that they were gonna sell up to 250 million shares so offers up to 250 million dollars worth of not not 250 million shows 250 million dollars worth of common stock under no obligation to sell any shares that can suspend the offer at a time.

So that's an offering all right now. This is something that we've seen in some of these stocks where they you know put out news of an offering and then the next day they've got great great news right here and all of a sudden the stock goes up Is that so they can sell shares I Don't know. It makes you wonder. Yesterday a keer put out great news.

In the morning the stock pops up and then the afternoon they do a secondary offering. Did they know before they put out that news that they were gonna do a secondary offering in the afternoon? I Don't know, You know. It feels like as retail traders we're the ones that you know just get kind of kicked in the teeth and this is a great example of why you can't hold and and hope that things will go back because sometimes this will happen and then you really stuck. So you've got to be quick about taking the profit and cutting the losses at least in my opinion.
So anyways be Li N and s are any were the two leading gaffers this morning, but s are any right out of the gates I said I didn't really want to trade because of course the float was so high but also with that on that pre bad news headline I was just a little bit concerned about whether or not it was gonna just work I was just concerned and it ended up popping up to 450 and then flushing back down before you know opening back up. So I ended up not focusing on that and instead focusing on B Li n which was gapping up a hundred percent with the 2.8 million share. float has 28 million shares of volume right now and had some headlines. Had a nice pre-market chart here with a high about 250 and then it popped up to 264.

so this to me looked good and right out of the gates I hesitated a little bit I kind of I think this morning I was a little bit just not sure what I really liked and so I was just stumbling a little bit. but my first trade out of the gates was along here for the break of the highs I got slippage I ended up getting filled with like 75 so I had a bad entry. it pops up to 85 I took profit I got back in at 90 it pops up to 93 and then drops and I stopped out for a loss I then bought a dip which didn't hold and then stopped out for a second loss. So I made probably like 800 bucks and then lost 600.

so not a great start and immediately I was like okay I need to see where I'm at now for the last 32 days. One of the biggest changes that I made was not looking at my piano while I'm trading. so I don't see the running total up here and I don't see it down here but I will sometimes click to see where I'm at. So I was like oh, I'm only up 250 bucks Okay alright I better go slow I you know I wanted to know if I was red and I was like okay, I'm not red so that so that's good And and I thought for a second you know what? Maybe I should stop here.

Maybe I should just stop here I'm green and clearly Bli N is weak and at the same time clearly SR ne was weak. So that was the moment where I sort of thought, is this the place that you should stop because if I go read today, you know I've had 31 consecutive green days before today. If I go read and this is the market that we're in, there may not be anything that I can bounce back to get green on. Now, if I go ran out of the gates and we continue to have momentum, I can probably get back to green.

but if I go red and then things just slow down and everything is fading I might not have a good chance at getting green. so I sat tight for a little bit and ACB popped up. You know this one was a setup that I didn't trade here I wasn't looking at it and right here I was watching but I was a little nervous and then what I ended up doing was buying this dip right here with small size it flushed down to about let's see the low of this candle I think was like 65 and I jumped in at 70 and then it pops back up here to 10. So with small size I had a small profit of 170 dollars 169 so you know I'm starting to make a little bit more in the day and then SR any ad about what time was this about 952 came up to the volume weighted average price and I took two trades on it first I was long at fifteen and it hit only a high of 17 and then it dropped and I was back out break-even So I was like yeah, that's not great and then I got back in and almost the same exact thing happened I got out that time for a 1 cent loss and so I was like where am I sitting and I saw I was up one dollar exactly one dollar even on the stock.
So I was like huh I don't know it then pops up and breaks through 25 and squeezes up on this candle here to 24 and sorry so pops 24 pulls back. then it pops 25 on that candle and then right here it broke over 25 and taps 30 and that's when I decided to buy at 30. I was like all right I'm gonna get in at 30 and then it popped up to 40. So I was like okay, that was a nice trade.

Then I got back in at 40 and it pops up to 45. So I was like okay, good. Then I got back in 4850 for the break over the half-dollar and it popped up now to 60 70 all the way up as you can see here to 505. then it doesn't pull back and I bought that pullback and it rips up to the high right here.

So I had a couple false starts on it but I kept going for it and it ended up giving me. As you can see here, well, $2,400 of profit. almost 2500, you know. My last trade on it was this dip and it ended up not really working.

although to be honest it looks pretty solid right now. it's a pull back setup, it's holding. The only question is would an entry at 510 you know up here work is that not too much? And is it possible that we will get news at some point this morning that they've raised X amount by selling at the market and that you know I don't know I'm just I don't think I want to overstay my welcome. it's Friday it hasn't been an amazing Friday Not that $3,000 isn't great, but it's been a little choppy and was a slow start.

So I think my instinct here is just to take the profit off the table. you know, lock up 32nd consecutive Green Day and then just come back on Monday for the new week ahead and the risk is maybe I'm leaving a little money on the table by not considering taking a trade up here. but you know, remember you've got exposure risk. So if I take a trade right now, you know, whatever for the period from the moment I take the trade until I sell I have that exposure that if during that time news comes out, the stock could drop, get halted going down and now I'm holding.

you know even 2,000 shares if this drop $2 a share god forbid because I had bad news I'd lose 4 grand and 2,000 shares is a small position so you know it's that question of what I rather leave a little money on the table or you know, potentially give back profit. And actually I did give back profit on my very trade so we can look at that here. The last trade that I took on this, let's see, let me pull this up. So on the last trade I I bought this little dip and that was that was right here.
So wait, where was that? So I guess I had already pulled back. yeah, it's already dropped to 70 and then I was looking to try to get in on a dip because I thought now it was maybe starting to do an ABCD pattern I recognize that this red candle was almost a bearish engulfing candle. It was not a strong green candle by any means, but you know I was I was kind of like its if we can do an ABCD setup, we might actually see it move back to the highs so it pops up here 208 and I'm like now I don't want to buy this breakout. this is a little premature I want to let it pull back so it's gonna flush down here.

Let's watch it break 90 and it's actually going to have kind of in like one candle. A quick flush down to 88. So right here I said I'm going to take a starter of 2,000 shares. my stop is 74.

70 is my stop. Alright, the 470 is the low of this pullback right here I have 467 but that was from something I was looking at pre market so for seventies actually my stop and I said I'm starting with 2,000 shares if it comes down to 480 I'll buy another 2,000 if it comes down to 473 I'll buy another 2,000 but my stop is gonna stay at 470. So once I'm in full size of six thousand shares potentially on the dip, then I'm looking at maybe $600 of risk. Alright, so I've got my starter here at ninety, it does go a little lower and I'm like, okay, this might give me the chance to add.

so I put the order I've got my hand on the Bible and I'm looking to see if it'll do a quick flush below 80 and it ends up not doing that. If that right, there was the low. it then comes back up. So I actually set a stop at 73 and I set a buy order 70 seven.

So the reason I did that was I thought with the stop order, you know if I look away and it flushes I'll get stopped out and this has got so much volume that even though I don't usually like to use stop orders, I didn't really mind using it and it's a small position for me relatively speaking. I wouldn't use a stop border on like 20,000 shares or even 10,000 shares, but on 2000 I was fine. So put the stop order and I also put the order to buy a 77. thinking it if it flushed and dipped, maybe it would just pick up my shares and then pop back up.

but that doesn't end up happening. So I leave that there for a little while it doesn't dip, it curls back up and then I adjust the stop border to 77 which I thought was the proper stop even though 70 is the place I want to definitely not be holding if I set my stop at 70. That's where people are probably going to be also selling and shorting, so it's better to probably sell just a penny or two higher. So stops at 71 and as it comes back up here, over five.
I'm waiting for this candle to close on the 5 minute chart. Now this is the current time 1033 and 48 seconds. So this candle still has each five minute closes at the five minute spot on the clock. So the market opens at 9:30 First five minute candle closes at 9:35 9:40 9:45 950, 950, 510, 1005, 10 10 10 15 Ten Twenty Ten Twenty Five Ten Thirty The next one is going to close at Ten Thirty Five.

So in approximately 47 seconds, right? So I want to let it close because I want to buy the candle That breaks this for a potential ABCD pattern. Now it's not a perfect ABCD pattern. It's a little premature, but you know the stock has kind of been strong. so I don't want to underestimate what it might want to do.

So this candle has about twenty seconds left on it I'm looking for it to break and right here the candle is gonna close. So right now the candle is closing and I'm looking to add shares for the break of five Ten watching I see all that volume and I'm like I'm in. So I just added 6,000 sheriffs. Now for the break out, my cost basis has moved up to 502 and when it fails to break I mean it hits 10, there's a 70,000 share sell or it fails to break and I was like okay, well I'm gonna set my stop first I said to break even and then I was like no, no, don't don't send it a break even let's set it more like at five dollars So five dollars is my stop and I'm like oh boy man, this is gonna come stop me right out.

But you know at the same time within 8,000 share position I'm really only risking you know, two hundred two hundred dollars for the potential that if this rips through 15 and 20 and 25, that I could make 16 hundred bucks. so the risk reward ratio is still good and I cut the loss right there. five market order, hit the bid and I'm out. It's a marketable limit order.

It's a limit order five cents below the bid, which essentially is a market order in this case. So that was my last trade and that was where I was like okay, I'm done I'm throwing in the towel I I am technically giving back a little bit of profit on the last trade, but you know I I don't want to I don't want to overstay my welcome Chk Nice. This is a energy stock. It's got a lower float because of reverse splits.

It's had a bit of a history of making some bigger moves, but I you know, good for you guys who have traded it the whole time. Let's see chk. So the time of the last print was at 10:58 and 44 seconds. 45.

so resumption would be 1103 and 45 seconds if it's a 5 minute long haul. Sr. Any here breaking the low that is, as you can see a bearish, bearish drop. I don't see any news out on it, but I'm you know a drop like that technically typically I would be thinking dip but I want to hesitate because we know we have that offering headline from from yesterday, so it's probably just a panic sell and could have been a dip entry down there at 50 for a quick 10 cents off the low, 20 cents off the low.
So anyways, um, I'm not gonna feel thumb ball on that. So finishing up here with just under three thousand dollars of profit. this has been a fantastic month and I want to keep the momentum going and that does definitely mean knowing when to throw in the towel and walk away and call it a green day before I end up overstaying my welcome. Alright, so that's it for me.

I Hope you guys have a great day, a great rest of the Day great weekend and I will see you guys first thing on Monday morning. All right, See everyone! Hey, have you seen my most popular video on YouTube It's got over 5 million views. You can check it out right here and check out one of my other videos on YouTube right here I Hope you guys enjoy as always. If you have questions, leave them down below in the comment section I Personally respond to every comment that's posted.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Day 32: gave back profit, but finished green! $1,500 ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tronghung Dao says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Jones says:

    Hey Ross good morning what trading platform can I use to trade that is not base in the us an I can do unlimited trade?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Gormless Twit says:

    Up $1500 is a bummer? I want to have that any day.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars johan guzman says:

    Hello, I'm from the Dominican Republic and I started a few days ago in the world of trading through the etoro platform. I want to know more and have dreams to be a day trader. Can you help me?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angie says:

    Ross, what do you think NAT will do on Monday? Will stock price shoot up? Thanks!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panos says:

    Funny how focused you are on the video and you don't notice the little spider moving down your right side at 1.45 and then again at 1.59, hehehe. Nice job. I kept trading SRNE after it continued the crazy momentum and corrected my entry mistakes on BLIN, on which I entered late and I was building position for the break out, but position was too big and my avg too high, so when it didn't break and I had to cut the loss I was -800$. But, with SRNE, finished 2500 in the green net.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarod Gibson says:

    SRNE ended up going wild.. wow

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Cavicchia says:

    Hey Ross, I wanted to ask that calendar Tradervue is that part of our Pro subscription or did you set that up separately. I haven't been able to set my station up I'm in the middle of moving so I wont be stationary until end of the month. Thx

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Have a great day says:

    Im soon a warrior pro student ! Its not i dont want… i badly want it but its Finaly the moment next months

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joes_Apartment says:

    Ross, thanks for your guidance and for helping me learn how to Day Trade. I wish Finra weren't a bunch of gatekeeping nannys but I digress. I'm starting off slowly with a traditional Margin account day trading three times per week really focusing in on good entry points. It's tough because I set a floating stop loss point but with volitile stocks my position may sell within seconds at a loss if my entries aren't perfect. I tried without a stop loss point and ended up losing much more. With one trade per day would you advise taking quick profit (5 cents per share) or staying in looking for closer to 10-15 cents per share?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Granny says:

    amazing man sxx

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jakob Mayzenshteyn says:

    Where do I see if a stock is marginable or not in my CMEG account? I know that in lightspeed you can see it in the upper right-hand corner on the level 2 but at CMEG I have no idea?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Berry DC, DACBN says:

    For gap and go, are you still using a $.20 stop, and if so how often do you exit a trade before that stop if it’s going against you? In other words, do you stop out much on that $.20 stop, or are you exiting sooner than that? Also, if you are selling on the ask, doesn’t that take longer to exit the trade than selling on the bid? Just don’t want to lose valuable time trying to exit a rapidly descending trade. Thanks!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Winslow says:

    I read / seen a lot of people preach r:r ratios need to be at least 1:3 but given that math, your average profit would need to be around $900 per trade.

    Ross, given that your a pro trader, what’s your take on this? Thanks.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff says:

    Nice Ross, no trade for me today, didn't see anything that I like and I don't usually do good on Friday.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ollie Goh says:

    Hi Ross, thanks for the recap. But may i ask why does it says that you are only up $1,500 when it was showing $2,900 on your pnl?? Did I miss out on your last trade where your gave back half of your profits? Or by last trade, you are referring to SRNE for the break of $5.11??

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Thomson says:

    Hi Ross, congrats on the green streak! Your killing it! 👊🏻 what software do you use to record your screen? Thanks

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GrandpaGrimmm says:

    Did ok today with ACB and NVAX and walked with $283 net profit. Trading real money part time (1 or 2 days a week) since March 30th, i have found Fridays to be my best day for profit because i seem to get more focused on avoiding the "Friday surprise" and going red. Thanks for the morning pre-market vids Ross.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TFL222 says:

    i bought in on APDN at its low yesterday and while i was working my day job, i wasn’t given the chance to keep an eye on it. Of course when i get the chance the price jumped from 11.20ish to 11.80 15 min before hand!!! I was upset but managed to still make 300 after but sheesh my day job cost me 800 bucks on a single trade!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MegaManGib says:

    Green is green Ross the Boss 💸 I came up $540 today trading your strategy I’m a warrior pro student. Thank you. 🙏🏼 also I’m literally watching your video of your first impression on the G550. Bro please upload more videos on your cars and dream cars! RO$$ THE BO$$

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LifeWCJ says:

    Made $2,260 on SAVA

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aram Sahakyan says:

    Hey Ross, i'm switching to real money on Lightspeed thanks to you, what do you pay for in Lightspeed.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savalis Adkins says:

    Good job, Ross. I am ready for summer school.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cricket World says:

    ACB today 6K Profit 🙌🙌🙌

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    Could you have made more….lol. You still made more in 1 day than I make in a 60hr work week

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    Way to make it another green week!! Way to step away and take your money! 🐐 have a great weekend!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Maitner says:

    Well said Ross! One of my biggest challenges is battling FOMO and ROMO

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kjc9 trader says:

    Another Great After Noon Trade Day!… I thought you would have cleaned up on SRNE Ross – as it shot up to $9… then I remembered you usually stop before 11 (Oh ~ If only you hung around until 11;30!!)… I – once again – started late – around 11;30… so I was able to catch a lot of the SRNE run up to the $9 HOD… I was also was in and out of ACB throughout the mid to late day… Needless to say – another Big Big Big Green day for me… Have a weekend Ross!…

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andrewpm2 says:

    You didn't get greedy man good for you. Biggest and toughest lesson to learn PERIOD

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