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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, good morning everyone. Welcome to day Three of the All-Star Traders Summit We are, uh, sitting here with a couple of interesting gappers. Uh, Rdhl 76 Cent stock. It's grinding a little higher.

I've got uh, some great Traders uh sitting around the table with me here today. we've as I've said, about 18 million dollars in trading profits. Between all of us, we've got uh Chris resident short seller currently in a short position. uh, getting squeezed just a little bit.

Yeah, I'm at 74. yeah, that's my average price. Not too bad, pretty close. Uh, then you've got Manoli right there.

No this. this guy yesterday, he was wearing 1800 shoes. You know they were 1200. you know what? I did I came in with these big shoes.

You see this around them. For anybody who can't see, it's not just for about the money, it's about what these shoes communicate. They communicate a man who has class A man who knows style. Maybe into Fuzzy who's a winner.

So then we've got Hamang uh, doing very well over there and you're green on the day already, right? Oh yeah, I'm up about a thousand thousand bucks. Not bad Jess how are you doing today? I went red, but oh boy, back, how deep. A thousand bucks? A thousand bucks? Not bad. okay.

and Max no trades yet? Nothing yet Okay. Danny I'm up five bucks on Rdhl he's already trading Okay, okay, uh well. and I'm up 335 on two small trades a little bit earlier, both small cap stocks. Um, not much to go over there, just kind of a slow.

um, slow, slow morning so far. But as we know, it only takes one. Although we already had 8 Am, no real news, it was exciting. 8 30? Nothing really there.

9 A.M Uh, Well, it just. it's just past nine, so kind of still waiting to see if something maybe had News at Nine and then starts hitting the scanners. But it's a little bit. uh, uh, a little bit slow right now for small cap.

Traders a little more Rdhlers that don't love penny stocks rdhl. You know it's getting that volume here. Guardian just ran out of low. Gates They're ran out of locates.

Yeah, how many shares? How many shares you locate? That's Five Thirteen thousand shares. Okay, it's already in the positions. Okay, okay, well lucky for you, this is the third one. Now it's starting to squeeze.

Sorry. Wow. Okay, well but it is. This could be the toppings.

Hail right here because see how it's popping up and it's not holding that level. So that to me looks like maybe a little capitulation short. and then let's see. But right now it's closing stuff.

scaled out three quarters of my position. Now how many shares did you buy? I Just took two thousand. Oh, I'm still kind of dialing in on these pennies. Yeah, um, I could have taken a whole lot more, but that gives me a nice little win to start with.

So um, and that one dollar is probably going to be a magnet today I Think it'll likely want to keep going, but it needs to. Uh now. Big seller just came in right there. She's moving thin though.
so we've got 9.8 million shares of volume. Of course. I'm scaling out with the total Capital total dollars trading hands. It's only not even nine million dollars of transaction value.

I've got 100 shares? That's your topping tail right there. So you got that topping tail up to 89. Guardian Just had more locates. Come on the market.

Yeah. average price. reminder is always. trading is risky.

My results are not typical. You should trade cautiously in practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line. The results of these: Traders Not typical either. There's no guarantee you'll find success whether you trade on your own or you learn from me.

So please take it slow. so there you've got that topping tail high is 89 cents. plus it says 74. Was that just like a market order? Yeah, I don't know about that.

I think like a single order must have gone through there. It looks like AR EB is trying to follow it and all of a sudden crisis in the driver's seat. Arab 31 cents. Yeah, it doesn't have enough volume yet.

I'm out. That was a nice area. Nice good. Wanna let it? It's definitely on watch today.

Okay, um LMAO had two sort of Pops earlier. Popped up, Drop down. popped back up, dropped back down pretty choppy s p back down towards yesterday's lows sobr that one pulled back a bit. First you got to think that other shorts probably like that candle.

huh? Yeah, we had uh I don't know. We'll see what happens on the five and we're seeing declining volume on the one minute on that topping tail. Five minute candle I see half and half buying and selling? Um was there news on it? or is it just yeah. there's news what they got uh uh.

granted. new covid treatment patent. uh broad acting antiviral oral antiviral still cope with Catalyst huh? Well it's good news at least kids are getting sold into pretty hard so chances Larissa learned from your class. So just watching right now so you know I kind of know my wheelhouse I I Don't really go too much in the penny stocks sometimes.

I'll trade one right as it breaks over a dollar a share. but I don't usually trade them down in this area I I'll watch it but just hasn't been where I really I Want to see it consolidate and at some point break that 88 89 High I think if it does that goes over 90, we should see a dollar. You're gonna have a lot of shorts with stops over that level like me. Yeah, yeah, that's really pretty really clear level to stop out if you're short.

Here it comes. If it went, now, that'd be interesting. It'd be a little premature if it went. Now it could.

It could end up knifing. You know it could be violent in. One Direction Sellers stacked at 85 . This to me feels like risk of double top.

Usually like on a normal price that I trade I'd be pretty cautious on this setup. What about you? Jess What would you think on the setup if this was like an eight dollar stock. If it was an eight dollar stock, you know. I would probably wait for that blow through that level.
The highs: Yeah, watch it. test a pullback and then take that continuation. Yeah, looking like a double topper. Now this Gap scanner is weak.

Yeah, yeah, it is foreign. Are there any pennies under 50 cents that anybody can see moving? Uh, let me check. Uh, you got comms still. but that's not.

uh, it's not really holding up from yesterday at all. Ktra: 16 cents? Yeah. SNES 35 cents. Ktri could be interesting actually.

KTR A doesn't look bad at all. Not enough volume, but not right there. Yeah, but you see that flat top there right around 19 cents. Yep, they might come back for that.

If it can hold up just under view up, that'd be nice. Spy is hovering just a little bit below yesterday. Foreign I Like I have a defined risk level and then see oh, I'd like to see a flush at the open? Yeah, Squeeze him. Everybody feels a little top heavy.

Now it's extended. Uh, my average price is 78 cents. Yeah, so there's a bigger red candle. Well the funny thing is we've been talking about how our strategies don't really overlap too much.

We're not usually in each other's way at all. You're usually looking to take an entry when we're usually looking to scale out and I'm usually covering when you're looking to buy on a dip. Yeah, the only exception there is is like a breakout trade. like right through the highs which usually for a long trade.

it's only a small scalp. Yeah, sometimes I mean sometimes they end up going parabolic from there and like halting and stuff. but that hasn't been as much of the case lately. Lately it's been more of just like a quick breakthrough and then nice jackknife candle back down.

Okay so anything else anyone's seeing Jess anything? Not really. No, no not much. Let something set up, see if we can get another era. keep your X all right.

It's gonna be testing the DME here on the one minute and it'll be interesting to see what it does. Okay, if it can crack it here, it'd be look looking pretty good for you. It hasn't cracked it down in a while. Foreign Kprx today.

let me look at the chart. Yeah. Continuation: Yep, so we had that nice move up to 10.50 What levels do you like? So for me? Uh, the way I have been studying the action I'm expecting you know at first nine dollars, then 9 50, 10 and then I think it might just break the highs and I see this? Uh, 100 EMA I have this 100 EMA on my daily chart I I Think it's just gonna break yesterday's high and then come down. what are you looking at Kprx? Uh, yes, it might go near it, but you know I'm obviously going to stay a stay very safe uh and try to manage my risk as much as possible.

but if it keeps going up I think I might I might I might look to trade until it reaches the high or breaks the high of yesterday I Really like this ascending triangle on Rdhl right now, but it's so extended on the five minute I don't know if I could take it. Qnrx starter there for me at 90. I'm long too. Yeah, good for you I already took a little off the table I'm gonna look to add back a 308 so thank you.
um Mark and Bruno who called that out in the chat room I might add above 310 Yeah, I'm watching 305. I added right there 301. now looking for the Breakthrough 315 so hitting the scanners a little bit. This is small stuff for me still I'm not in a place where I'm confident enough just to like add add and not take any profit.

So I add tingle, profit. add back, take a little profit. Cost basis is 97. it had a strong close yesterday up to 328.

still holding a 97 average right now. The Big Wick? Yeah, don't like that Flat 423 dollars. Here comes the full round trip. Yeah, yeah, back.

well. 72. I Don't like those big candle wicks, man. Rdhl's tight.

The thing on Qnrx is that you know when you have something that's been holding up for a few days and starting to creep high or sometimes those continuations can start to really blow up and open up Kprx sort of similar. Rdhl I took a long there on Rdhl too. Yeah, I'm just going to give it a shot here. Yeah, I'm taking so long I know it's I I Hate to do it because but it does look like to go along here.

Let's just see how much it goes. There's 87. scale it out just a little bit. but it did I mean this is only this is like such small profit for me.

190 bucks. it's still a double top. See the thing is, that was a trade to anticipate that it was going to break 89 and it didn't. So I'm back out.

So I don't know. You probably didn't get stopped out there because it didn't break up either. It tried but it didn't and that that and that in fact makes the short even stronger at this point. I only made like 10 bucks on that I didn't scale out too much at the top of that candle I was waiting to see if it wanted to blast through it.

Yeah, that's fine. One of my problems is that my hotkeys don't work very well in penny stocks because my offsets to sell the bid 20 cents below wrist check failed I can't sell the bid I can sell the ass but then if it you know if if it starts dropping, if there's a big oh yeah or if there's a huge 50 000 share seller in the ask I'm just in line so not being able to sell the bid if I need to makes me a little nervous. They said to take it easy on Chris yeah no one, no one person said that one person I see like I felt like it was like five? Yeah yeah. I might look for an entry closer to 77 76.

make it like 74. let me get out please. My average price is 79. that's pretty good.

Yeah I mean you're I think you're in decent shade I'm not going to look for a big move because I'm pretty sized up now in that case. how many chairs do you have? it's you know the thing is like it is now a perfect double top. but that entry there um was what Max was saying. he likes in in a way that A B C double D right? it's that it's that like consolidation and then like coming up for that break for that bid bigger access I think it's gonna so the break of 87.
60 000 video at 83. I prefer for that that CD pattern for that bottoming tail to come down a little further. So let's prove it's going to hold. Uh what I liked was it? uh, it just couldn't break down through the 9.

EMA on the one minute and then it started I started seeing some buying coming in on that candle. It's got about 13 minutes to the opening bell here. Okay, is uh, being sold into? Yep, so this is the spot right here. You could see this is like a little Bear Flag because you have that strong red candle.

The 20 moving average is at 81. that could be a spot where you could see some support under 82. You'd think it might give you a bit of a dip down. It's holding really well here though.

it is. Yeah, so I guess I'll crack really well. Yeah, it could I could I hope it does for you Chris at what point though, like let's just give us another setup. At what point does this continue to in solid because it's forming an ascending wedge here right? and those seem to lightly be knifing where you get that break and then the flush.

So which I mean kind of is what just happened. It popped up there and it didn't hold big red candle so that sort of negates any strength that was on the previous. but it's not breaking below like 82. No.

So like if it keeps holding in this area, is there a point where it makes more sense? If you're sure to say you know what, it's not breaking it, it kind of should have broken already. I could unlock unwind it here down like three or four or five cents. Is it worth still holding? Does your bias change like does the thesis kind of change as time passes and it's like wait, it's not breaking down, it's really flagging normally. yes.

but um I Really enjoy holding positions that are strong into the open. Yeah, expecting a nice at least a little flush. To the downside, giving me the opportunity to get out even or with a little profit. So now let's think about this.

How much volume has this had over the last couple weeks? Are there people that are in this that don't know how to trade pre-market They're going to hit the sell Button As soon as the bell rings Seems like so you had back on September 26 14 million shares of volume today, you already have 15. you're on 100 Gap up I Have it, it's right. 80, 78, 78. But yeah, but yeah it's no Okay, yeah but yeah it's uh, it is a good Gap and if there were bag holders from that part of the September but it came back up on October 6.

Volume: There was only 4.2 million shares. So you might have some people that have orders you know, good till cancel. just to sell this thing is 60 70 cents that as soon as the bell rings now TD Ameritrade's starting to execute it now. Something that I would wonder is how do this is an interesting question.
So how do the institutions who have the insight into where everyone has those orders? How do their Algos react Or anticipate that at the Open? there's someone out there that's going to be selling a lot of shares because they can already see it on the book. They already see the or we don't see that, but they already see that order. So what are they going to do? Are they going to drop it down so that person gets filled low? Are they going to let it dry ride higher? I Mean it's if there's an imbalance that there's going to be all the selling at the Open? Yeah. now.

inversely, if there was a big Shore and they were going to be covering at the Open, does the market maker somehow factor that in to their Algo and how they're filling orders and how much they're going to sell? You know, at the current price thinking that they'll be able to cover on all that selling that comes through with the Open, right? Because you know the market maker sits on both the bid in the ask, so on the ask, they're just selling selling selling selling selling. They can't sell an unlimited number of shares, which is when more buying comes in. they're going to move their orders up a little more a little more a little more. At the end of the day, they want to be balanced.

They sold and bought equal number, profiting from the spread, but they have Insight That's much deeper than ours into what's happening behind the scenes with order flow. So I'm wondering if they are able to use that to you know their advantage To say oh, I could oversell this stock I could put a big wall up here at 88 because I know at the open cell shares 88 because I know at the open there's going to be a lot of people selling and then they're going to be on the bid accumulating all those sell orders as buy orders. I mean I'm speculating because I have no idea I don't know, but it's just that data is out there. Yeah, so I agree I can definitely see the market makers do that and I don't think there's any laws that are against it, right? because I mean uh.

I think front running in in when it comes to institutions I think uh, it defers a little bit I think Well, that's the whole thing with. um, you know the argument about payment for order flow that that's that's allowed. Even though they're cutting in front of your order and they're getting like a piece of it, or even the high frequency algorithms that do cut in front of orders, they don't have a fiduciary obligation. It's come competition who does the best with the knowledge that is readily available to those institutions.

So there's nothing as far as I know. that's why they have Traders And that's what they're looking for. These opportunities, You know, right? you had a nice five-minute red candle there. Yeah, 283.
Still holding up for now I'm curious to see how this next candle closes here. Oh, and not to mention whether or not there's firms that already are planning a secondary offering as we've seen a couple of those recently. Oh yeah, it's me. Yeah, yes we have.

So that brings, uh, that brings us to a point where, uh, for a beginner, they might be thinking that oh man, all these factors working against me, how can I how can I you know even think about being profitable? or uh, honestly, I mean I I I'm sure I definitely have struggled through the uh with this that in the beginning I'm like I start going into these theories like oh man, the market, the market makers are just selling against me or I lost out because of. you know all these factors that I can't control. Uh, so I think it's really important to think that and still believe that it's still possible we're doing it. Uh, it's still.

You could still be rationally, uh, able to make money and uh, make money out of the market. Uh, they they're They're just like us. They're just humans. They're they're gonna make mistakes.

Uh, they're They're not always perfect. You see all these big squeezes usually because of, you know, big institutions kind of dropping the ball right. And if you go back just to the simple goal of hitting base hits, you know, 15 20 cents a day. It all the stuff that's hard to happen behind the scenes is irrelevant.

Yep, you can still find base hit opportunities, but you know, thinking about a little bit when you're looking at something like Rdhl, it's kind of just flat here. Did Chris just leave his position? Uh, when? So so Chris just got up from his computer he's not currently at the computer and I think I'm I think I'm gonna cover that position. Typical short sellers. typical shorts.

Are you still holding that position? You're a Savage I can't I can't get away. walk away sometimes I don't want to watch I just wanna see now whenever I do that and I've done that before. I've been like you know what? I'm just setting a stop and I'm walking away. That's always like when I'm at Max emotion.

That's when I'm holding a massive position and I'm either gonna get stopped out on like 50k shares and it's gonna flush another 25 cents or whatever. Gonna get a terrible fill. It's really not moving much. No, it's uh.

that's why I'm hoping it's extended on the five right. 78 is the nine moving average. but that but see the problem I think here is that your break even is at like almost right at support because it just squeezed a little higher. So I don't know going into the open if I would set my stop immediately above this because we have seen some algebraic false breaks and then at nights.

Yeah honestly I I kind of like this here. I'm taking I'm taking a little bit, you are. Yeah I'm taking a little bit of rdhl here. it's a little bit just a little bit.
I'm I'm adding I'm in with you I'm looking right now I'm looking for 89 break I agree. and then after the open I'd like to see a move towards that one dollar mark feels a little heavy here. It does 87 15 on the bid, 86 87 I just got out to double top Yeah. I'm still here on this one.

You're holding up on it. Come on. Yeah. I'm just a little nervous because it's still extended on the phone I think he's been running into the open free lately? Yeah, about ready to get? Yeah, here we go now.

I Want to see this hold I Want to see this 89 level start to hold, build support and then I want to see it move towards this one dollar mark, start squeezing some shorts here sorry Chris you're not the short we're talking about. Other words: other shorts not shorts that are not Chris Yeah I'm still gonna see what happens at the open. Yep, look at this battle here. You can see shorts trying to hold it down and then big bids coming in.

Yeah I mean I uh just got back in a little bit with that Wick right there see I'm sitting on the sidelines because I don't feel like there's enough profit potential. go for me I'd have to take more size I don't know what about you Jess you training looks like you guys trained without me? Yeah, but you know we're supposed to wait. Why did it go on this one and it didn't go on that first attempt right? it was setting up. it was just Dean more time.

They did the same thing down there in the 65 Shares are gone and guardian again right now I Want to see if it can pop back? Yeah, you want it to hold that 89 cent mark? That's a tricky candle on the uh yeah. tricky handle here. but and I have not stopped out I'm still holding I've stopped out I took a few dollar a few bucks on that. Yeah.

I'm out for now. Yep, Yeah. same I see who won that battle? It takes a lot of patience. Yeah, a lot of conviction.

Wow. so this is what's going on today, so you know those were some quick breakouts trades in here. Keep that level and watch here though. Um, it's a battle for sure.

We've only got about 90 seconds to the opening bell. Yeah, Chris is still holding. He's still in averages I think like 79, 80, 79, 79. So all right.

Well um I'm sitting with small gains so far. Pre-market 892.84 cents. Uh, thank you those who have been tuning in on YouTube for The Morning Show Warrior Members Day Trade Dash Members We're going to keep trading here as we go into the open and keep looking for some more opportunities and still have. There's a lot of buying.


By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

15 thoughts on “Day 3 – live day trading from the all star traders summit 2022 #daytrading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mattbradshaw101 says:

    cant believe you cut the show off before open as clearly you have something very unique here in this new format

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asply says:

    I watched you back in 2020 and never took the leap. I like this series, good to get different insights. With your courses, do you teach your strategy? Or how to develop your own strategy? I’m Australian, and in 2020 I think I looked into the software you use and it wasn’t available. Does your course suggest any alternatives? Thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pretty Cats says:

    How to I find penny stocks that have a great volume that I can trade on a 1-5 min time frame?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pretty Cats says:

    Hello I have a question, when I check the stocks are you trading on the channel on a 1min timeframe I just see a low volume and two much empty candles, thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mattbradshaw101 says:

    educational but not the time to be momo long even for a one min candle rather its time to 'short'

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Atwood says:

    Hi Ross why don’t you have a Bloomberg terminal you could afford one easily. Do you think that is worth investing in? Would you recommend it for other retail traders?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michał Szyszka says:

    We need better quality man! On smaller screens it is difficult to see some numbers 🙂 Hope you all will be absolutely successful and happy in lives for what you are doing guys! Legends!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tilehouse Art Gallery says:

    Ross appears to have bought QNRX at 2.97…it didn't go north and he sold for either level or lower…yet showed a profit of $423.00…now that's magic. 😂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Waa Hosting says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mystic Meg says:

    I'm in the UK and I'm highly interested in Warrior trading but I'm struggling to find a UK broker geared up for Penny Stocks/Small Cap trading without using an CFD. Anyone had any success ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB ATL says:

    This is a nice setup

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Music/Bill Art says:

    Ross: Feels like more of a Team/FAM when you trade with the guys like this. You should do it 1 month out of the year, if the guys, (hopefully a girl soon) would be up for it. Would be great for sales I believe, AND would be great just for the YouTube community who respect your Teachings. Just a thought. Have a green week!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Barrymore says:

    What was the brand of his expensive shoe? Were they sneakers? What were they?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gaming says:

    How can i see this live when the markets open?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Build Life Better says:

    What! You're going to leave us on that kind of cliff hanger!? (awesome narrator) "Will shorts prevail, will his stop be able to withstand buyers. Find out this and more, on next weeks episode of All Star Traders Summit." (dramatic music)

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