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4. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into over $1mil 💵 💰 in trading profits 👀 - Remember, my results are NOT typical. Day trading is very difficult.
5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k 💰💵 since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So today is day 24 of the small Account Challenge and has been the best day so far. Of the challenge. Best day in terms of total profit.

Best day in terms of percent return. It's been a really good day. It was unexpected. I didn't see it coming at all.

This is Tuesday in August and we ended up having the stock squeeze up over 100 between um, the gap the the news at 9 00 a.m gapping up about 58 and then squeezing at the open into a halt, continuing higher all the way from low of about five, uh, to a high of 10.. very impressive. Really really nice action and I capitalized on it. I did well on it.

I got some great trades now in my big account. I did the classic Ross move of overstaying my welcome. So in this recap, I'm up 21 000 in the main account and I'm up 2 300 in a small account. Well, by the time I did the large account recap recap, I was up just under 11 000.

I gave back about half of the profit. I overstayed my welcome, reminding as always how quickly profits can come and go. That's trading easy companies to go. My results are not typical.

In case you thought trading was easy. I'll be the first to tell you it's not. Most traders lose money because trading is risky, so you should assume as a beginner trader. you'll also lose money without assumption in mind trading a simulator before you put real money online.

If you can practice as a simulator, you can use that sort of as proof of concept. You can export all of your metrics, you can see what your accuracy is, what your profit loss ratio is, and you can start to build a sense of confidence. Yes, it's a simulator, it's not real money, but if you're using real-time market data, it feels very, very similar. So I really encourage you to trade the simulator before you trade real money.

But in any case, I wanted to just get that. Make sure I communicate that to too clearly. So uh, today. Yeah, it was a big surprise.

I wasn't expecting this big move, but we got it. And uh, here we are. Day 24. it counts up about 29.

today. Tomorrow I'll be starting with over thousand dollars in the account, so now the account by itself is up over a hundred percent. I started with a little over four thousand, so now we're all the way up to ten thousand, making progress and continuing to grow, So I'll be back at it. I'll see you here tomorrow for day 25.

Please hit that thumbs up if you haven't already and enjoy the recap. All right. So today is day 24 Small account challenge and I'm up. 2 dollars and 35.99 cents.

Two thousand came from Brpx which is up 123 right now. almost 30 million shares of volume. Had news at Nine a.m and started off a little slow but then really, uh, picked up the pace on that squeeze into the open and then opened around seven up to a halt at 7-eleven Open continued higher up to 860. I took my last trade at 8 30.

then my last exit was 8 33. I didn't overstay my welcome in this. um, I from there picked up and got aggressive in my main account and grabbed twenty one thousand dollars. Well, I was up 24 but gave back three thousand off the top on this little false breakout right there.
I was looking for the break of 10.. you know the fact is, it's very easy to overstay your welcome on these types of stocks. and usually I I do finish the day on a parabolic stock having given back some gains. The challenge and this is always hard is knowing when to walk away.

You know if you walk away too soon you feel like you left a lot on the table. If you overstay your welcome and give back a bunch of profit, you feel like you know I stayed too late. So like right here. for instance, as it's coming up.

Uh, I'm honestly not comfortable trading this year because I I just would be too concerned about a nasty false breakout. The five minute is extended. You know it's a bottoming tail candle here, but you've got two sort of double top dojis after a false breakout. Now if you manage to get the dip off of nine, you're in great shape here.

You can take profit if it breaks. If it doesn't break, you're still a winner. If you're not in and you buy here for the first trade, you know, or this is like your entry right here at 90. all of a sudden you're like uh oh, it's not breaking 10.

and wait a second, there's a seller at 10. is it gonna break? And it does. But does it hold? Because what we often see when we do dip trades are a break below a whole dollar and then I get long as it comes back through it. So this broke above a whole dollar and then dipped back below it which can create a bull trap.

And now as it's in the 90s, it's below the whole dollar. Now it's in the 80s so that ends up becoming in that moment, a false breakout. Now you could have made money on false. You can make money on false breakouts if you're quick, but not everyone's quick.

Not everyone's able to be quick, so it's gone a little higher. now. what you end up having are three green candles in a row and it's extended so you know you got in there at 95 and all of a sudden it starts to pull back in a bigger way. You're gonna look at the five minute chart and realize wait a second, this thing is super extended Off the volume weight, average price.

This isn't the place for me to be. Um, you know, holding during a sharp pullback I could end up giving back a lot of gains so it's always a challenge. and again, I'm maybe I end up maybe this ends up going quite a bit higher and I leave money on the table. But this had a couple things going for it.

It's a somewhat recent um, ipo. so ipo'd in uh, February all-time highs is 8.59 and it just ripped right up to that level. It's got 31 million shares of volume now, so you see the volume is cranking, which is good. That allows for larger positions, which is why I was able to do quite well in my main account, but in the small account of course did well on it.
So let's dial this in, um, a little bit more here. So I'm going to back this up to pre-market which is where I took my first trade on it. I took my first trade as it was squeezing up right here, so as it started to move up right here, I hesitated. At first I wasn't you know, I was kind of like I don't know if I should, you know, jump on this.

But the thing is, as it squeezed up to five and then 550, uh it became the leading gaffer in the market. At that moment, it was the leading gap in the whole market. it was. It ended up gapping up 57, but it was didn't take much for it to surpass Bond which was up only 28.

So as it was squeezing up there, that's when I started thinking, all right, this is time for me to take this more seriously. It's our leading gap and if I don't jump on it, I'm going to miss the opportunity. So let's look at some of these micro pullbacks. We had a micro pullback right here at 521.

we had another one right here at six. There was another one right here at 638 and then this is a little choppy right here because it's it. Popped up to a high of 709 and then it dropped and then right at the open. I took a dip trade on it, and it squeezed into a halt at the open.

So that dip trade was picture perfect. That was a full dollar a share on that dip trade, which was phenomenal. Now, because I had eight thousand dollars in the account, I was able to trade this with between 900 shares once it got a little higher priced above eight to as much as about 1500 shares when it was down in the fives and sixes. So I was able to trade it pretty aggressively, which was fantastic for me.

And I had the last trade I had taken before that was Pbts and I had bought Pbts with uh, 3 800 shares. That was the nice thing about that stock, which I really liked about it was That um, let's see, Pbts. I could take 4 000 shares of it because I have the buying power to do it. So 10 cents on that? You know you're talking about a 400 winner.

So when Vrpx popped up, I was already kind of in this mindset of going all in. I pressed shift 3, which is a hotkey that calculates a share size based on ninety percent of my cash balance, which is eight thousand dollars. So just to give you the account value, so eight thousand, Thirteen dollars, and Ninety five cents. That was my starting balance today up 2 35.90 That's going to give me over 10 000 tomorrow on day 25..

So now the account is up more than 100. Since I started the small account challenge, it started with just over four thousand dollars, so it's now well over, um, a thousand percent. Uh, sorry Pbts. So anyways, this one.

Um, it didn't end up really giving any opportunities. But then Vrpx started squeezing up. And so when this started squeezing up, some people mentioned it. Hey, look at the Rpx.

I had news at 9am. I pulled it up. I saw, yep, there was news at 9am. It's moving, It's squeezing.
And that's when I start trading. So each of these pullbacks represented buying opportunities. I didn't get all of them, but these. This was the first, the second, the third.

the fourth. Maybe I don't. There was another one there. But the thing is, I took three trades on Bond, one trade on Pbts, and then my fifth trade of the day was on Vrpx.

So I traded more today. But it was absolutely the right move. When you have something moving this quickly, you might say. Oh, I've already taken three trades and cut myself at three trades.

You're unfortunately. what you're doing is you're selling yourself short. You're capping your profit potential for the day, you know. Yes, on the other hand, you're minimizing your risk.

But if you're already green on the day, then your risk should be. Well, I don't want to give back more than a certain percentage of my profit, and if I do, then that's the point where I stop. So for me, I set that mentally at fifty percent if I give back half of my gains and that's the time to stop. So I did.

I had not done that. I had one loss of the thirty seven thirty seven dollars. but that wasn't bad. So anyways, um, my last trade on it was, um, a dip trade right in here for the break through the high and that was pretty nice as well.

We got a high of 850 and I sold the rest of it. I sold it into that move. There high was 845 but then sold as it came back down. 831, 834, 833.

The first trade of the day was on Bond B-o-n This at the time was our leading gapper. It had earnings this morning and I thought it was worth a stab because it was giving us an Abcd pack. I also recognized somewhat recent ipo with all-time highs at 17.60 and so my trade on it was a dip trade at 13.50 the half dollar and that was right here on this red candle. It dipped down to 1350 which was the volume weighted average price.

I bought the dip and then we got that nice move there up to a high of 14.15 and I took three trades on. So my first trade um was uh, 1349 to 1382, the second one was 1388 to 14, and the third one was 1371 to 1377.. So three dip trades there and with that I kind of thought all right, those are your three trades of the day. Um, so let's let's be careful, you're up 277 bucks.

That's good and it's not phenomenal, but it's good so let's not be too aggressive, let's just take it slow. Pbts that one came up and I said, you know what? All right, I'll give it a stab and I took a trade on it. Um, for the break of 76 I got in at uh, I believe it was 75 and stopped at 74.. so those are my trades there.

Um yeah, so 76.75 So I was in 76 out of 75. that was right there. It ended up giving us that move at the open up to 89 and I was still watching it for a trade at the Open because I knew that this one, if I could buy 4 000 shares, was probably my best shot at having like a six seven, eight hundred dollar green day. And that's just because I really wasn't expecting.
um, such a phenomenal move on Vrpx. That was unexpected, but I think that that also tells a little bit of the story of um, July and August and even December. If you look back at December the day that acy made its really big move right here. this was on December 28th, so you know, isn't it? Kind of funny how in a typical low which is between the holidays between Christmas and New Year's typically the market's very slow.

except all of a sudden you had this stock that made a huge move, became as it started to move, became obvious and all of a sudden traders were jumping on it. and next thing you know you got some really good opportunities. So sometimes um, because there's not a lot moving, when something does start to open up it becomes um, exciting and people jump on it. So now the high here is 1008 and this five minute candle you can see right here it's a green five minute candle.

990 is the high. So this is where you're starting almost to have like a head and shoulders pattern. shoulder head shoulder. so you know as it comes back up a second time.

I get a little nervous about that as a breakout because you've got declining volume. Not only you have declining volume on the on the red candles that's okay, but you also have declining volume on the green candles, right? So technically this is a five minute setup and I would consider this to be the first pullback and then this will be the second. I wouldn't really say that this was too much of a pullback. It's not super well defined, although some might say it is, so that was the first and that's the second.

and then this is the third. and typically the third pullback starts to get riskier, so I don't know, but you know this is going to be one of those times where I'm going to say uh, yeah, look at that. it's better to throw in the towel in the green, uh and maybe be leaving a little money on the table to overstay my welcome. So it's 10 15.

I'm shutting it down. I'll live to trade another day. I'll be back at it. Uh, first thing tomorrow, which would be Day 25 in the small account, which now as it's over 10 000 is not so small anymore.

It's growing. but uh, yep, that's the plan. But of course, as always, in case you already know, trading is risky. the uh my results are not typical.

In fact, the typical experience for most beginner traders is that they will lose money you should assume. Therefore, you will also lose money. And with that assumption in mind, do yourself a favor and trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line. Now I'm going to log out here.

I'm going to close this and let's see. Um, All right. So um, I'm gonna open this up here. This is the right password.

Oh um. well. now I can't remember my password. Okay, well, in any case, I was going to log in and show you how the simulator is.
Essentially, it looks identical to the software I'm using with real money. So the benefit there is if you can do it in the Sim. It's a good proof of concept. So do yourself a favor and train the simulator before you put real money on the line.

And with that, I'm going to let you guys go and I will see you. um, back at it first thing tomorrow morning for Day 25. All right, I'll see you then. And that right There was an entire video with no ads.

I don't monetize my youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. but do me a favor. Please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch. If you want to learn about day trading.


By Stock Chat

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25 thoughts on “Day 24 of my new small account day trading challenge | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Madagascar Grandidierite & Sapphire says:

    I Just looked up that stock for that day I see that the stock went up to $39 so I don’t understand how did you overstayed your welcome! The stock was up trending from Tuesday open till Wednesday open, including after and pre market. I only ask to learn and never to criticize 😌 btw, how did you find this stock? What settings you choose on ur scanner? Thank you for your videos, I’ve began day trading March this yr!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandra t says:

    Opendoor is very undervalued. I would look into it for either a long term hold or swing trade. Currently trading at 14ish and price target is $42. Nice upside potential.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    Glad to see you are doing good with the small account challenge …. Keep ER Green

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    Aug. 18…… I'm a little choked here today, tried to get into PMCB twice both premarket once at 5.25 and then right before the open at 5.97 ……. I know had to have fared better… Anyway I'm just venting frustrations… Keep ER Green

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Kelley says:

    Well most people who start trading use a free broker and fall under the PDT rule. You started this challenge out great with the one trade a day, but now you are gradually trading unrealistic for most people with more trades.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt r says:

    How is Ross able to make multiple trades in a small account without PDT rule or limited cash?
    I appreciate what he's doing, but it doesn't really translate into a real world scenario with Someone below 25k in a restricted account

    Even if Ross was in a cash account he wouldn't have been able to make all those trades today

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abe Boney says:

    I would be very interested in how you sift through the stock news to find the stocks you choose to trade on any given day. I know you use several tools to follow the leading gappers, but there's a significant portion of your research that I feel is left out of these recaps. And hey, maybe that's something you want to keep secret, but with the barrage of news and false hype that gets perpetrated on a daily basis, there has to be a good way to find reliable news and leads to capitalize on.

    Love the series, love what you're doing, love that these profits are going to charity, and I love that you're doing it to help others succeed on their journey. Thank you for putting this knowledge out when so many would keep it to themselves.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Tierney says:

    Journal entry for VRPX
    Previous close 420 cents.
    News catalyst 9:00 AM
    FLOAT 2.059 million
    Surpassed my 21 percent hurdle at 9:25 AM
    420 to 515 = 22.62 percent.
    Bought 20,000 shares = cost basis $103,000
    Sold 20,000 at $21.50 at 4:44 PM
    Profit per share $16.35 x 20,000 = $ 327,000 dollars.
    Total volume as of 8:00 PM 156.860 million shares or
    76.18 times the float.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark jacob matias says:

    hi ross
    I'm trading virtual w/ $10,000 buying power and I'm scalping penny stocks (50M-500M cap) and I'm consistently making 1% a day you think that's enough or it only goes to the fees by the way w/ leverage 6x. thank you for answering

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stoic Trader says:

    I caught the squeeze into after hours too, got in at 14.30, exited my last position at 21.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean C says:

    Buying the open on VRPX was a no brainer, except my 300 shares at 6.72 didn’t get filled and the stock said bye-bye as it was squeezing on its way to a halt. 😔

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denny says:

    How are there stocks being traded (I see on charts) but I don’t have the option to trade them, I use TOS & the stocks don’t have option chains but are being traded.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peaceful Scrimp says:

    I only get one trade every other day. It is frustrating to see you get to perform multiple trades a day . I would enjoy these videos if you were following same rules that apply to us little people.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Gilbert says:

    Hey Ross how are you scanning for these stocks how do you know early that their plays?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! YH Photography says:

    How you able to trade multiple times in one day with an account less than 25K?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew S says:

    Hey Ross, I hope it's still true you answer every question. How did you know this was going to really start running? Was it the low float? The volatility? I struggle figuring out which of the leading gappers will really run, and when they run.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cocky Trader says:

    VPRX Went to 20 so far and started at $6 and $8 this morning. I know some people made BANK today

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tc Linn says:

    The drug companies are doing well here, especially the diversified name brands; such as, JNJ and ABT. Pharma is entering a sweet spot here. Do your own research before investing. Cheers!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Coquat says:

    Hope you came back to this again lol what a move it made after lunch and AH.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate Drewes says:

    I really appreciate you doing this small account challenge without leverage, but I wish you didn’t use margin and truly use a cash account

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SaiyanPrinceZ says:

    hi ross! 3 months in and it's been consistent where i literally choose the exact stock you're picking however i've been just observing and holding on to some lossess on stocks i had before but i also printed out all your favorite charts! literally bro it's amazing i went from picking cherries to picking stocks and it would be my dream to one day maybe get a glass of coffee or meet you and a meet&greet i appreciate you're humbleness you're honest and don't force anything on us bro. much love <3 warrior traders got a good rest of the year ahead of us.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Mack says:

    Hey Ross – I managed to pick the same winner. Looks like watching hundreds of your videos is paying off!
    I did have a question – during times of rapid price escalation, the ask side of my level two would just turn into a block of IEX with price of negative $1.00 and just dots where the size would be. Does that mean something, or is my brokers level 2 data just not able to keep up?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Full Energy Channel says:

    Hello are these stocks the less expensive ones? in which you pay fewer commisions

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art H says:

    Wow! I started using heiken ashi candles.. What a change! Please consider sharing.. I always get in a trade too early and get out too early. Using these with other charts really helped

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P N says:

    Today was an amazing day..I first traded LMFA it was very slow. Made $146. Then the great VRPX showed up. I had increased my buying power from 4K a to 5K. I made $3642 from VRPX. I first traded it when it was at 8.25…I traded a couple times and did not want to keep doing it…too bad I start my 9-5 tomorrow…hopefully I will find a way to trade even once a day.. Thank you Ross for your educational videos. Your small account challenge has really motivated me. Ross, this is a challenge for you…you have taught me not to overstay my welcome…I don’t, and that’s why for the last 7 weeks I have made more than 20K from humble beginnings of $2500…

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