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#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well today is a red day recap for the small account and it's uh, salt in the open wound to see the stock that I lost on that. I lost big on. um, I got in at 32, 80, 30 to 60. it dropped to 30 and I stopped out.

So I lost 600 550 just on that train. It went a little lower to like 29, maybe 28 and then just ripped up to 34.74 without me. Oh gosh, that hurts you. just feel like you had the right idea, had the right idea, but the timing was wrong and the problem on that trade was.

I ended up having a poor profit loss ratio and I'll talk about it during the recap. You know God didn't think he was going to break immediately and then it flushed and at that point I was down so much on it that I gave it room, uh, to bounce. And it did, but then didn't really work and it just became a bigger loss. And so you know, the challenge of the small account today was that I hesitated on a similar trade early.

That ended up being a big winner in my main account. I was like, ah, it's too risky for the small account. I'll trade it in the bank account. I could have just taken it with smaller size in the big account, but or a small account.

but I didn't. you know. In any case, so I didn't trade it at all. in a small account, it makes a big move.

And then when this one this opportunity showed up, I was like oh, I'm not gonna miss that and I took the trade and then you know that's the one that doesn't work. So the challenges of trading in a small account, missing an opportunity, then Fomo kind of overcompensating getting into the next one and then not wanting to give up on it. So kind of a bummer here. Day 21 Red Day recap.

But um, it's okay. I'll have to trade another day. I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow, so I'll see you guys then. Uh, Day 22? Hopefully.

Uh, not for a third red day recap. But for a Green Day recap? All right, hit the thumbs up. And as always, remember, trading is risky. Most beer traders lose money.

That's a typical experience you should assume, therefore that you will lose money. You should trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line. All right, my results are not typical, so take it slow. All right.

enjoy the recap. I'll see you tomorrow. All right everyone. So um, finishing the day in the small account down 643.99 That's a bummer for sure.

That's a big red day. Um, I didn't trade that in it at all. Yesterday I didn't see anything that looked good and today I felt a little antsy. I was like I can't just not trade in it multiple days in a row you got to find something.

And so the first stock I traded was Xbio Xbio. Well, so in my main account today I'm up 23 000. I had a great day in the main account on Ahpi. The problem is that I didn't feel that I could trust this one in the small account because at the time the spreads were big, the price was too high and so I missed the opportunity.

I ended up overcompensating by then taking a trade on Acy in the small account, but then highlighting exactly why that's probably not the right type of stock to trade in a small account. So anyways, I missed Hpi in a small account, traded it in the big account did well. That's fine, but in the small account, the first trade was on Xbio, so on Xbio. As it popped up it was right around uh here that I got it.
as it popped up here. I got in at Um 4 and it pops up to a high of at the time 425. It did not break and I stopped out break even. Well, I lost 16 on it.

No big deal, it came up and tried it again, it failed and then finally it did break through that level. but then it failed pretty dramatically. So that was kind of a bummer. Um, I'm not even.

I'm not really sure why um that that was the case, but it was just. it was choppy and you know the fact is. I guess one of the reasons why is. that it wasn't one of the leading gappers.

It wasn't one of the obvious stocks and so you know I. I should have just left it alone. Well I immediately then jumped into Ocx. You know I get read 16 bucks and I really want to kind of get green.

So I jump into Ocx which um, had just squeezed up and I bought the bounce off the V-wap at 5 11.. So in that fire 510 stopped on that at 503. I couldn't afford to keep holding it as it pulled back. lost 94 on that, putting me down 111 on the day.

Then I didn't take any trades until acy acy. I decided to give a stab on it and that was right. It was right about here. I bought it at 3262 for the break of 33.

I thought at this point's a flat top. at that point it was a five minute setup and I thought it looked good. It dropped all the way to the V web. I held through the pullback.

I was down like 500 because I ended up stopping at about the same price right here. So I held through the pullback. I didn't intend to initially because I got in the trade thinking it was going to break 33 right then and I was going to have a winner immediately. And when it hesitated and dropped then I kind of thought, well shoot, I don't really want to stop out on this for a dollar a share loss, it's we.

First we have this yellow ascending support line. it broke that but then I'm like, well, the Vmap's right there and it bounced off the view app from 30 50 all the way back to 32.50 Two point bounce off the V back. You know what? This thing may end up going today, but unfortunately I held through a much bigger drawdown than I had planned on. so I was down 500 on it, then comes back up to basically down 10 cents.

But at that point I was like no, if this breaks 33, that's the spot and it hit 32.50 and then dropped And I stopped out right there. And so unfortunately on this one I just could not, um, keep holding it. And even though it's up from where I sold right now by a dollar a share, if I had kept holding it, I could have risked it going into a halt down. So you know, today highlights, um, one of the challenges with trading in a small account that sometimes you miss the stock that ends up being the big mover because you think you can't afford the risk and then because it worked, then the next one that's risky.
you take the trade on it, but of course it's still risky and then you end up not taking loss on it. So I'm disappointed to have a fairly large red day here. Um, it's not my max loss, but it is three red trades and so I'm not going to take any more. So between days 20 and 30, taking three trades a day is fine.

But I just went for that last trade thinking I'd get green and I just couldn't do it. So discouraging. But uh, you know it's It's the way it goes with small accounts. And the challenge here, especially is the level of patience it requires.

It requires so much patience because small accounts can be so slow. A small account is a slow account and that's a good thing. but it's it takes a lot of patience. and for me, um, I think that's where the frustration kicks in a little bit because I end up missing, you know, an opportunity and then I'm kind of feeling fomo on it.

and maybe I trade in the big account, but you know, I'm missing a small account and then I'm just like oh man, it just kind of gets to you. So that's kind of what I'm feeling a little bit today. Um, just like you know, just like a little bummed out and you know it's this is like 600 is like my biggest green day and you know the trade on Acy. I wouldn't have made 500 on it if it had worked.

I was probably only going to make like 200 of them. So you know to be down 500 on a stock. I probably only have the potential to make 200 on. Is that classic? You know, negative profit loss ratio, which is the result of sort of holding and hoping.

And that's a problem. So I think that these problems are compounded by trading in a small account in a large account. Uh, using leverage. I can get aggressive on the stocks that are strong.

I can afford to trade them. and uh, you know, the stock that I made the most money on today's Hpi. I didn't even touch it in the small account. You know I.

I just let it go without me. So it's a small accounts are a challenge, but at the same time it's a proof of concept. That's the whole point it's You know, it's sort of a just can can you keep your head above water? And if you keep your head above water long enough, then clearly you're doing something right. And then at a certain point you recognize if you're swimming with weights around your ankles, maybe you should take the weights off and training.

A small account sometimes feels like swimming with weights on your ankles. Because you're You're held back by share size. You're You're held back by the risk. And so if you can make it in that small account, then that's when.

Well, you have a small account slowly over the course of six, eight months or whatever it is, grows to a big account and then that's fine. Or you say, you know what it's worth me justifying investing in myself and turning it into a big account. You know, by moving money from somewhere or selling my old car. Whatever you know you might do.
which are things that you know. I've done myself when I was trying to keep my account large enough to to trade, because I knew small account would be challenging. But uh, you know again, it's a challenge that I took up here during a time of year when statistically there isn't a lot going on. So yeah, just kind of taking a couple trades here and there.

I'm not, I'm disappointed, but I'm not super stressed about it. Um, I've been interested to notice that the interest in the small account has been waning on, uh, on Youtube. You know. I kind of thought that people would be more interested in it.

That was sort of the ideal. Okay, people really want me to do a small count challenge. All right, I'll do it, but consistently every single day my recaps are getting almost twice as many views on the main account in the small account. People are really excited on like day one and two and it's just like, not interesting so I don't know.

Um, I'm wondering whether or not it's really interesting to people. I mean, the statistics are telling me it's not, but maybe today is a red day we'll get more views, so that's it for me. As always, training is risky. My results are not typical.

take it slow one tray at a time and we'll be back at it tomorrow for day 22. And that right there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor.

Please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Day 21 of my new small account challenge | day trading recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Lloyd says:

    A lot of these good trades are at PM but how do you get out quickly during flushes, since you can't flatten the position with a stop order or quick market order? I got in a stock like that before and my sell orders wouldn't fill 5 times before I finally cut the loss much lower than i wanted. Do you click "sell bid" instead? Usually i'll just flatten the position and take the slippage. Since then i've avoided Pre-market stuff and may be missing out

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2Bmade- Projects says:

    Thank you for these, the thought process behind building an account without leverage is more realistic to people like myself. I personally enjoy these sometimes more than the large trade recaps. Both are superb. I hope you continue with these!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blake Bowers says:

    As a person with a small account, your knowledge is priceless. I have learned so much from these small account videos, it is fantastic to see the thought process of a successful trader the same day I traded. I thank you for making these!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larkken Mars says:

    I love the small acct challenge. Please keep going. I recently started my day trading journey a little over a week ago and I've been learning a lot from your channel. Thank you for the knowledge I'll let you know how it goes 😌

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett - Puntzi says:

    Still finding the small account challenges interesting and relatable. Always looking to learn more about how you identify solid entries. Thanks Ross!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Adams says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick G says:

    The interest could be waning because your not getting in depth on your trades. I feel the people who watch these vids are looking for an education on why you chose the stock, your setup like trendlines/indicators for entry, take profit/stoploss. As a new trader I feel the red days here actually benefit the channel because it shows even the best dont always win and its a continuous learning process. Either way I love the channel and keep up the great vids!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Osborn says:

    Why have you evolved to trade these expensive stocks? You used to only trade stocks less than 10$.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El Jena says:

    Hi Ross, thank you so much for sharing your small account challenge. It gives me courage and I learn so much. It is the first thing a watch every day.
    And I saw nothing good to trade and I still went in πŸ™ˆ. I have to work on my discipline.
    β€œTrade your Plan, Not your Emotions.”

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spencer Dalberth says:

    Sure, people like to watch videos of you making $50k+, but the real students getting into the game are here studying these small account recaps since they're more applicable and relateable. As one of your students, I've learned the most studying the archives of how you trade in the small account. It's actually what's caused the turning point in my trading career, so keep it up! Thanks for all you do.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paolo Paredi says:

    I love these small account recaps. Educational and honest. Crucially, the profits will go those in need. How wonderful is this! Please keep them coming πŸ™‚

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Martin says:

    So interesting, Ross, to hear your analysis differential between the large & small accounts. I especially appreciated your comment about the inverse P/L Ratio in a small account being connected with holding too long (not bailing out) when a trade falters and drops some… and giving it more time… and it drops some more… and so on. I sure recognize that description. I'll pay more attention to the 'break out or bail out' rule. Thank you! Please keep doing these small account challenges!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars missxsbalanced says:

    This is the best video I've seen on YouTube for months. I assumed the small account challenge would have been the opposite, but its harder. And your pain and headscratching and sadness, sums up how regular folks feel every single day. It is harder with a small account. But never ever ever give up and live each day with a smile πŸ™‚

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Sonflieth says:

    PLEASE keep up these small account posts! I admit I don't hit the like button near as much as I should but I promise I will start doing that. I have been watching these small account posts and your large account every evening. I am addicted.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z75 says:

    keep going bro red days reminds me that trading is hard job and its one of crucial thing in the industry ,i really like your recaps specially red days its big lesson of trading

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Harrison says:

    I appreciate and thank you for the videos on small account challenges. As a new trader, I look forward to the recap and quick analysis on the stocks you decided to trade on for the day.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vampra 6140 says:

    ROSS KEEP MAKING THE SMALL ACCOUNT VIDS! You provide excellent value, its great to be able to see where the slip ups happen, and how to trade with discipline.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Malinowski says:

    Ross, I'm only one person but I do appreciate you putting all this effort into the small account. Hope you keep it going!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derrick1981 says:

    U will bounce back. I'm glad you trade this account realistically for us to see the ups and downs even you experience. Thanks

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Humes says:

    The small account challenge is fantastic. I don't miss a recap. They're even more helpful than the big account….well for obvious reasons. Lol.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Barrymore says:

    Ross you should continue the small account challenge until you reach $25,000. All of us are learning from you. Working without leverage takes a great deal of discipline, even more so than using leverage because it forces one to really look for A-quality setups.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelvin NYG says:

    The people that are seriously trying to learn and are trying to grow an account can see how it isn't a lie about the struggle of a small account growing process. i personally love watching every single video because I can relate to whats happening. I love it and i got other people that are struggling to grow their account like I am, now following you and keeping up with your progress. I think it is very helpful what youre doing this because i learn from your thoughts and the approach you have towards taking wins, losses etc. so please don't stop. I'm thankful for what youre doing and i'm sure others are too.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher says:

    The whole being out more than I could have even made.. that is HUGE. The number of times I've gone back and realized that later.. painful. Trading something hoping to get 20 cents a share and then selling at a 60 cent a share loss.. so much of a mental game.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goodbye Mr. Anderson says:

    Ross waiting and watching stocks run without me haunt my deams nightly.
    But for me and me small account, the stock has to prove its worth my money. However I do take some dirty losses.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb says:

    I think if you made a video showing your making $1B in a day, it would be your most popular video. Still, the meat is in the small-account trading, in my opinion.

    Curiously, the trades you're making seem to consistently be after the breakouts, where I would expect accumulation to occur. Do you not have entries for catching the big moves?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh A. says:

    Keep ya head up manny of us find the small account challenge very interesting ! 6k views is a lot of buying power 😬

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Golthier Santos says:

    Great content as always! Keep it up. Don't underestimate the value the community gets from the recaps and other videos too.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lyric X says:

    The thing about growing a small account is taking those small gains and stopping out after a small loss. 5-10% every day for ten days is 50-100%. If you start with a thousand then each trade should be 1000 no matter if you made 200 the previous day. A 1200 dollar order won't do too much in terms of gains but it will look bad as a loss.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adam pearson says:

    Had the exact same happen to me with pltr lost 450 on it if I'd of held could of made close to 3k

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dhilip Kumar says:

    Ross, I have been following your videos from last two years and my account grown significantly and my strategies changed. Yes, I am not watching your small account videos because you itself have helped me to grow my 4 digit account to 5 digit. Back then i couldn't afford your classes, but now i am asking my fellow traders to join your courses. Something little that i can return for the community that you have grown and the free knowledge you have passed. Thank you so much. Huge respect to you Ross.

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