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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well I'm finishing my 16th consecutive green day here, but just barely. Today was kind of wild, right out of the gates, had a nice gap and go trade a green trade. then I had a small red trade. so I knew what I was.

kind of, you know I definitely wasn't at the daily goal. After my first two trades or the first two stocks, I traded and then I jumped into a stock that was squeezing up quickly and it dropped hard and I took a good-sized loss. the biggest loss but I've had all month. it was $2,700 so that's disappointing and that I knew it put me in the red I know now it was 2700.

So I put me in the red and I slowly dug my way out of the hole and I'm actually surprised that I'm finishing the day up $1,100 I got out of the hole thanks to CEO DX news that came out in the morning as it squeezed up from I guess it was 13 up to fourteen, Fourteen Fifty and then Whiting Petroleum wll which is not a stock out. typically trades, it's a bigger float, but that stock squeezed from about a dollar 15 all the way up to a dollar $50 $75 $80 nine to two dollars and then it ripped to 10 to 20 to 30 to 40. over 150 percent. Crazy move and so I rode the momentum.

I probably wouldn't have ordinarily traded that one, but I was I knew I was in the red I was trying to get myself out of the hole and there was a really good quality ABCD pattern and we'll break it down during the recap. So as always questions, comments, leave them down below I Hope you guys were green today as well. It was a little tricky you definitely a day they had to pimp it. take those base hits.

Not a lot of home runs, but there was some volatility and there was some opportunity to be had. So walking away green here. Day 16 I'll be back at first thing tomorrow, morning and tomorrow I would say my goal is hopefully to not go red in my first 10 minutes of trading just to try to get green. and even if I finish up only 500 bucks, to not have to go in the red and dig myself out of the hole would be just a nice way to finish the week.

So that's the game plan for tomorrow Friday Try to make it Day 17. All right. See you guys all right everyone So we're gonna do recap here. Today is Thursday and today has been the most challenging day of the month for me.

I Kind of have slow start which I thought I might have because we didn't have a really great Gap scanner today and unfortunately the Gap errs that we ended up watching really didn't do a whole lot. So starting to beginning of the day see: PAH you can see that I traded that one right here and you know I just knew that this one had some risk just because of the fact that has a little bit of a history of having some red days back here and up here and pre-market had already made a pretty big move. so I did take a couple trades on it I am I'm I know that I'm green on it because they were winning trades but not big winners by any means. Ino was another one that I trade to right out of the gates and then I had my biggest loss of the month which was on n B are disappointing.
It halted going up right here at 11:50 and I took a small position coming out of the halt and it popped up as you can see to a high of 12 46 a dollar a share and then dropped to 1071. Talk about volatility so that that was my biggest I Just I know it was a big loss and I've already looked at my P&L I'll show I'll show it in a second but I know where I'm at I know that that was the biggest loss and then I ended up feeling like okay, well clearly I'm in the red and what's what's the goal today I Knew I wasn't below my max loss because I didn't get the the message that I was below my max loss which usually would pop up right here. So I was like alright I've got you know room to keep trading and I started slowly digging myself out of the hole. but it was a fairly slow process and it really didn't happen until I traded the ABCD pattern on Wll white and patroling him a stock that I would not have ordinarily traded had it not been for the fact that I was red and I was thinking well, this is a good quality pattern so you know here at 10:45 I took the trade and this squeezed all the way up to two dollars and 40 cents has a hundred and fifty nine million shares of volume.

So the PNL today I'm up. eleven hundred bucks, twenty eight hundred on Wll, 1300 on Co DX five hundred on CPA age and then read on these stocks. a couple small losers and then NBR was the biggest loss. so not probably not a picture-perfect day.

NBR You know it's kind of funny because I was giving myself that pep talk this morning. I was like you got to be careful the Gap scanner. you know whiting is on there wll but I'm really not that interested I am and you I don't think it's gonna work Ino Well I see it's got a catalyst which was Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding potential vaccine against Kovan 19 How much? what did I do on that one? Oh I lost 17 bucks so you know it's fine but kind of annoying CEO DX had news that came out kind of in the middle of the morning right here and this gave a nice trade. There was a first pullback right here, a breakout right here right here, but it was really kind of heavy upside resistance so it had, you know, really nice move, but it it didn't hold up incredibly well.

I mean it's still at 1450 and I guess But yeah, so so let's kind of go back to the top of the Gap scan. So this morning when I sat down immediately I was like oh boy, this doesn't look like it's gonna be a great day and I felt that way because our leading gapper already had like two million three million shares of volume. So I figured well, I'm certainly not the first one to see it, the news has been well circulated, it's already made a big move up almost 100% You know we'll just see what it can do. and I did take this pullback here and got the.

We got the pop up to 450 and then I took a red to green. move on and so you know a couple small wins but nothing exciting. These are higher flow or lower price. so I wasn't super interested.
lower price, lower price, very light volume so I wasn't interested in any of those I wasn't interested in these. Nothing in here, nothing in here so you know. Basically the Gap scanner was just not looking great. So right out of the gates.

the first trade was on. see PAH the one-minute setup. we had like a sort of a micro pullback and a quick break over the pre-market highs. It flushed down.

then we had a quick red to green move down here, but none of it really stuck and it ended up kind of setting the tone for the morning. So see PAH small winds Ino I Tried to get in this also for the break over the pre-market high which as you can see popped up. drop down I Got back in right here. so I had two trades, one right here which was a small loss I knew as a small loss with a thousand shares and a second one right here which was a small winner with a thousand shares so nothing super exciting.

Savva I tried to take a trade on but I only got a partial fill and then I got right out of it. That was I believe on a five minutes setup which was right here. so I only got a partial fill and so I was like whatever I just got out of it immediately. For a two dollar loss that was on maybe 186 shares or something like that, it was less than 200.

B BCP hit the hide a memo scanner over here. it got halted. it popped up I jumped in and it popped up for a second but I didn't take the profit off the table. and then it came back down and I stopped out with $169 loss and chk I traded and this was kind of a bummer because a really nice breakout right here and actually I'll take a screenshot of this as well.

To add to the class is this is to sort of set up set in one. it's the break of the whole dollar of 26. It's also a pull back set up, but you can see that on the break. It did a false break before then ripping to $32 I tried to do a bottom bounce on it and I was early on the bottom bounce after it I was flushing down here and so I stopped out and I was quick to stop out relatively.

But yeah, that was a little bit of a loss there. So and then NBR again as I said halted I got in after the halt and it squeezed up I didn't take profit, it then flushed back down and I was out of that with a good-sized loss. I actually did something that you know I often say to be well I really generally say don't do it at all but I did average down on it and so I average down. It was actually right here and I average down adding at eleven ten and eleven thirteen.

So I brought my average down to probably I don't know I think it was like eleven fifty or something like that because of course I added up here as it was squeezing and then when it came here I got out at 11:10 So one of my rules is that if I'm going to average down my stop absolutely with no question has to be where I added otherwise with the shares I add down here I'm doubling my loss I'm making it bigger I can't hold now a double-sized position down to here now. Fortunately on this I went in with only a thousand shares to start. so I was conservative on my entry but then I added as it was squeezing up because it was looking good so that was must have been on this like micro pullback or something. right right around here it hit a high of 46.
I was looking for the break over 1240 and then the break, then squeeze to 13 and then right here flushes down I add down here it doesn't, it pops up but it not enough to get me to break even and so I stopped out as it came back down which was the right move but definitely disappointing. So biggest loss of the month right there on. NBR But you know all things in context. I can show you my P&L here on the month after importing yesterday's trades.

So I imported yesterday's trades here. This was yesterday, a $14,000 green day. Although today is nothing to brag about and it's not really super great, you know it's a small green day. which is good and up Coming through.

today. this is where I sat on the month: gross profit 62,000 average winners for 28 average losers 253 So I'm gonna have a new biggest loss right here, which is again disappointing, but you know it's it's okay I guess and my winning trade 72 percent almost 73 is probably gonna be lower today because I just wasn't as accurate. So anyways, all things considered I am maintaining the hot streak which I might have thrown in the towel sooner had I not been thinking about the hot streak. you know I'm not sure though because I knew I was red and often I tried it I will try to get myself back to green but one of the kind of things is what I can't do is when I go red I can't have like after the Nd.

while our NBR loss I needed to have a winner and I did. the next trade was CEO DX and I knew it was a good winner I actually thought it was a little better than it is so I was like okay. that might have gotten me add the whole from NBR I might actually be back in the green, but let's try to add a little more to that. and then of course I had the BBC trade.

you know, a couple kind of losers and I was like okay I might be right on the edge here I'd like a trade that really convincingly puts me over the edge. I then had a trade on CEO DX that I stopped out on. so I gave back a little profit and then the whiting setup formed. So yeah, kind of a a little bit of a roller coaster of a day and not picture-perfect I don't know if I would have traded significantly differently had I not been on a hot streak because I generally you know if I go red I will try to.

you know I will try to get myself back to green. but I if I have to read trades in a row or three, read trades in a row. that's where I'm like, okay, I'm done. and what I often did in the past, let's say I'm just writing down something for this screenshot.
a whole dollar break out and well, what I often did in the past is immediately following a red trade. I would impulsively jump into anything that hit the scanner, you know? So I would just jump into whatever this is SNe or something like that. And and next thing I know you know because I was impulsive and I was trying to make back the loss I I jump into this like way up at the high and then it flushes down and now I've just doubled the loss and when I'm doing that, I'm definitely being I'm definitely being emotional I'm being impulsive and I can't keep trading. So after a loss that I know is a good-sized one, I have to take a few minutes to just take a breath, slow down, and not try to jump right into the next trade just like that because that decision is almost always going to be fueled by the response from the loss.

and so today I was able to take a breath after NBR this trade was at 9:45 and then the next trade and Co DX let's see when was this was around 10 a.m. So I did have a period where I was sitting red and I was like alright, you know, let's see. Well you know I might might not get back to green today, but you know we'll see if I'm able to dig myself out of the hole a little bit. Maybe I can cut the loss down again.

It's a little bit hard and someone asked me about on the YouTube comments yesterday about trading not looking at the PNL because it it's done. It's not something that I ever done until this month. This is the first time I've ever done this and I've been doing it in response to the month of March where emotions were running really high, the market was going crazy and while I had some really nice green trades, I also had some days where I was very aggressive and impulsive and just I was like I need to slow down for April And so towards the end of March I started doing this and it has been helpful but it's a little bit. you know it's a little bit different from how I've done it in the past which would be that I'd be very closely watching my P&L if I crossed a certain number down I have to stop.

Well I have that set with my broker. so I don't really have to stare at the number and sometimes when you stare at the number in here like oh my god I'm down you know 27, 91 or whatever it is and then you take a loss you know like okay now I'm down only you know 1,400 okay I only need to make back 1,400 and it can start get you into the getting you into this frame of mind. that's really not very productive and so this kind of just helps me disconnect a little bit from those emotions. where I'm like okay I know I'm red I know that was a good loss I know how to I know the math so I know based on the number of shares and where I got out that I likely you know was down a couple thousand bucks on it.

So I've got a good-sized hole, but you know if I have a couple of four hundred dollar winners, that'll soften the blow a little bit. and that was only 9:45 so there was still a good chance that there was going to be more opportunity and more momentum as the day went on. And so today's a day where I did trade a little longer which again, I often say it's the losers who you know are trading the longest into the day because we're trying to make back our losses and it's the winners that take money off the table and hit the road. But that does mean the winners are often leaving a lot of money on the table because there will be opportunities like this that on a green day we might just not trade because you know I already had a good morning no no to push our luck and so you know if you're maybe a really really good trader would be able to be green and be willing to keep trading like all day and keep capitalizing on these.
But you know it's kind of playing with fire because you know the more times you trade the more you expose yourself to just that freak you know, drop like this. And that was my last trade I actually bought this down at 75 I bought it a dollar 75 off this bottom bounce right here which was a nice nice fill and rode the momentum back up a little bit. But yeah, in any case, it's this has been the first day where I really got myself into a situation I did have a day last week or wait, what day was it was it even earlier this week on ABCT but I can't remember if I was already green on the day before. I had that loss so it didn't feel as as difficult as today.

But in any case, and that's the recap. So what I'm gonna do I'm gonna switch over to the Warrior Pro room here. we're gonna do QA for Warrior Pro students We might do a little bit of a shorter session today is it's a little later in the morning, but we'll do Warrior Pro QA and I will see you guys of course back at it first thing tomorrow morning. hopefully.

Well today is the 16th Green Day So wait 15 know what is today? It's day two 15th day. I think it's the 15th Green day Yesterday was 14. no yesterday was 15 and I was up 14 grand. Today is 16 and I'm up so day 16 just barely just barely.

So I'll be back at tomorrow see if I can go for day 17 and finish off the week. and if I can do a green, get green trade and do the 17th day with just like one or two stocks, that would be awesome. The only days I really trade a lot or either when I'm having a really great day or a really terrible day and today I mean I would say it was a terrible day that ended well. it wasn't a great great day.

Even though whiting was a nice trade, it wasn't a great day. Alright, so that's it for me. I'll see you guys back out tomorrow and Warrior Pro students will start our QA in just one second. Hey, did you know that? I Go live every single morning between 9:00 and 9:15 to stream my pre market watch list.

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27 thoughts on “Day 16: from red to green ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Deven Rodriguez says:

    Ross, do you recommend that I pay the $125 per month for CMEG so that I could free up unsettled funds that are on TOS so that I could take trades later in the day like you did with WLL? Hope that makes sense

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Verdansk says:

    quick tax question Ross. If you have an overall yearly net loss day trading do you still pay taxes on your profits? example profits 50K, losses 70K. overall net loss 20K. do you still pay taxes on the 50K?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SIRI SILVA says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cason Searan says:

    Why didn't you add on CPAH when it broke pre-market highs (even though looking at it now, it dropped quickly after)?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Mack says:

    The speed of you moving in between stocks is crazy, like 3 people trading at once

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis R says:

    can you do a scan video for thinkorswim? i know you have a different scan but i can't afford it yet. thank you

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devan Velo says:

    Do you trade only US pennies or UK as well?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fleurys2 says:

    Good for you..today was a really tricky day….i have one question hopefully you can answer… With your experience with different ecn for direct order, did you find one that is better at getting fast entries… I'm being screwed right now with market orders that goes through a algoritm before executing and everytime at market open i get filled sometimes 10-20 seconds after my order has been passed… But the rest of the day is fine (fast). So i'm changing my hotkeys to use direct limit order but i have to choose which ecn (arca,drctedge,bats,etc..) can you share your thoughts on this and possibly which one you use ? Thanks again.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniels says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VirtuosoJo_AZDZ says:

    Hey Ross great turn around today. hey i'm thinking about getting a subscription to trade ideas pro, also to warrior trading chat room. i know your partnered with them. if i get the subscription to them is warrior trading chat room one of the chatrooms on trade ideas. or would they be separate subscriptions.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ollie Goh says:

    Definitely a challenging day for me, ended with a red day & broke my green streak. Still need to work better on my exits. However made some nice trades with CHK but i was taking smaller share size bcos of the higher price.

    Congrats to your 16th GREEN DAY!! 🙌👏 Way to go! 💪💪

    Key takeaway during the Q&A – keeping your losses small & to a minimal.

    Thanks again, Ross! Take care!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Dm says:

    Where can I find the daily gap scanner?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abqgolfer says:

    You can track and sense where you are at for the morning trades. If you really believe in not looking then don't look for a week. See if that is really helping or just verbal justification.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abqgolfer says:

    You failed your watching students and potential students as a mentor and showed that you verbally had to justify it in the review. There's no sticking to the rules. Dissappointed.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars inarisound - Anime Music & Memes says:

    Today I felt like a real broker…. my account was frozen due to free-ride but I had to sell a position JNUG because it just went through reverse split… and I hit the timing so well with my broker on the phone! that I got $362 and then it dropped like it's hot, was very please with myself.

    p.s free-ride was not my fault, my brokerage software is just "insanely good". Cash available to invest was not updated properly and that's what got me.

    No worries already applied for margin, waiting on it.
    p.p.s Ross great video, wish you more 'chill days' in future.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Bennett says:

    Can you link a Video about your platform setup again with light speed? And what charts you use? Are they sterling?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LennyZ1 says:

    Appears as of late, premarket looks better to take profits. Anyone trading premarket?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading & Crypto Stories says:

    Very nice day of trading! I was also green but should have let my winning stocks win more, one of those stocks being VAL plc, which I sold after a 22% increase from a swing trade the night before. If I had waited 15 minutes longer would have been up over 50% on the stock but anyhow lessons learn and profit still made. Opportunities are created every day in this market!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaDrippKingVR says:

    Love the honesty and how you tell about both the green and red trades. Thanks for the videos Ross

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohit Jassal says:

    Today was a close call.I have been watching your old recaps and I observed something that you probably are aware of; it is characteristic of you to have a loss after a big green day. haha

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor says:

    What are your sources for news? Thanks in advance

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hoogleyboogley says:

    I watched Ross Live this morning in his chat room and he is in a league all by himself. Ross is AWESOME!

    Ross is truly an inspiration!
    Ross, may I ask you a question?
    In the morning you create a watch list of the top 3 or 4 gappers.
    Then you type in orders on each a over certain amount of the premarket high or a key level (sometimes 10 cents for example)
    if one of these stocks rips up when the market opens and passes your order, if you choose to take a position on that stock will
    you use hotkeys to take a position since the price passed your order?

    I remember you saying that you usually take a position by clicking the buy button, but you will add and scale out by using hotkeys.
    Thank you!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Braun says:

    Ross, can you put a max loss on the simulator?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    I’m telling you, you have the tom brady traits… able to come from behind calm and cool. 🐐status!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amir farahani says:

    Could you break down when you decide to sell in these lightning drops?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Hernandez says:

    Do you call out your trades live in the chat room? I’m thinking of signing up for the chat subscription

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Psichopaidas says:

    Hi Ross, been watching for a few weeks now, love the videos. What is your opinion on day trading if you work full time ?

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