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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Well, I blew up my account again. Yeah! I doubled it again. Third time during this small count challenge I Came in this morning with a little over eight thousand dollars in my account and I am up Eight thousand One hundred bucks today in one day. Today is the thirteenth day of the small account Challenge which means in thirteen days I've taken five hundred dollars and turned it into over sixteen thousand dollars.

It's pretty wild, right? Well, it's also kind of sad because I'm coming to the end of this small account challenge I told myself I was only gonna do this for the month of December right? So I've got, let's see Thursday Friday then Monday Tuesday only four days left I guess I'm starting to ask myself whether or not I'm gonna be able to turn it into twenty five thousand in one month. which would be pretty cool because you know twenty five thousand is the traditional PDT account balance that you would need to open an account with. You know, some of the big US brokers. but I think regardless of where I finish for the month of December This has been an incredible month.

It's been a lot of fun, but a lot of you guys. You kind of missed out because you weren't in the chatroom trading side by side with me during the Small Town Challenge. Sure, you watch some of these recaps, but that's not the same I Want you to be in the chatroom and I want you to be practicing in a trading simulator so you can practice with pretend money. Prove that you can be profitable trading side by side with me, and then you know fund a real account after you've proven profitability.

So this is what I'm gonna do for you guys. It's a Christmas time and I'm gonna give you guys a gift I Am going to do a new small account challenge starting in January I'm gonna take out my profits from December and we're gonna do a new challenge in January So here's what my plan is: we're gonna do a new small account challenge because a lot of you guys missed out. I've also had so much fun doing this challenge I'm ready to do it again. these short little challenges.

They're exciting, they're new, and they're really challenging me to improve my training. In fact, this month my accuracy and profit loss ratios have been better than they have been in years, which is cool. So this is kind of bringing out a better side of me both as a trader and as a teacher. as my students are getting some really great content.

These live trading archives are getting uploaded and the commentary over them. This is some really solid stuff so I'm going to do it for another month starting in January All right you guys! So as always you have questions on today's trades questions, comments leave them down below and I hope you are subscribed the channel and give us a thumbs up if you haven't already. All right you guys! So I will see you first thing Thursday morning and I'll try to finish off this week with a couple more green trades. All right, let's see on Thursday All right everyone So we're gonna do our midday market recap.
We'll go over the trades from today. this is Christmas Eve and my account is up eight thousand, one hundred, sixty three dollars, and Seventy one cents. This morning when I came in and start trading, my account had a balance of eight thousand Six hundred dollars. Which means my account is up almost 100 percent in one day.

This will be the third day during the small account challenge that I've had a blow up where I've essentially doubled my account in one day it happened on last Friday it happened to Friday before that and now here it's happening again on Tuesday the 24th. Today is my thirteenth day of trading in the small account. Which means in thirteen days I've taken five hundred dollars and turned it into what will officially tomorrow be about sixteen thousand, five hundred or something like that. And you know, really, this has been a fantastic challenge.

My goal this month was, you know, just to trade the account just to grow it as quickly as I could while following my rules of risk management. Now today, I'll say that MB o TM Baht was not the easiest to trade and in fact I did lose money on it in my big account which is which is disappointing and I'll show you those trades here and I'll show you both of them. So I've got my small account where I really crushed it today and then I've got my big account here. where on Mbot I was up actually four thousand dollars in this account and then I lost five hundred, I lost it all and I'm down five hundred fifty five and so you know in this account I was aggressive on share size, I got some big slippage and I had a couple trades where I just got in at exactly the wrong spot.

and part of that was because my focus is trading in the small account. so the small account is the one that I focus on. and then you know, after I've taken a trade in a small account, I'll take a trade in the big account or sometimes I take the trade first. but I just am holding that trade for a longer period of time while the stock kind of works.

I can't aggressively do really fast trades and two accounts at once. it's just not possible. So one account is the one that I'm really aggressive on and the other one is the one that I hold a little bit longer And you know generally this month that has been working quite well holding a little bit longer. But but today on Amba I had a couple of trays that really kind of faked me out.

So anyways, let's start with kind of the beginning of let's go sort of top of the Gap scanner. so time frame, historical data or historical date will do 9:20 a.m. So this morning at 9:20 are leading gapper LC T X it's an 88 cent stock. it's too cheap.

I'm not going to trade it next one down Gr NQ to cheap staff to cheap SS NT only six shares of volume chn are only 600 shares of volume so not a lot of volume and LNK high flow. so in the top you know five or eight there's not a lot and then we have M bought right here now M Bot I actually was watching yesterday although I didn't end up trading it and the reason I didn't trade it was because by the time it started to open up I felt like I'd be kind of giving in to FOMO to trade and I'd already had a really great morning. so I didn't want to be too aggressive. so it started to open up right here at about 10:45 a.m.
And you guys know usually I focus on trading the first hour of the day and I don't want to overstay my welcome. So anyways, it rips here from 8 dollars up to 9 9, 59, 74. It then pulls back, consolidates through the afternoon through the lunch hour. all right.

Then all of a sudden, right around one o'clock it pops back up to 10. excuse me, pulls back and right before the close it pops up to 1080, hits a high of 1090 and after hours rips up to 14. But by the time the bell was about to ring this morning, it had already pulled all the way back down to 11. So I kind of thought that it was done I just was like I don't know it made move after hours, but then it didn't really hold up.

I'm not sure that it's gonna really give us any more opportunities I think I'm just gonna, you know, let it be. Anyway, So the bell rings and it does this kind of red to green move where it dips down and all of a sudden surges from 12 to 13 to 14 all the way up to 1450. This was my first trade and this is where I got myself into a little bit of trouble and so right here in my small account and I can I'll have this little get uploaded for students, my live trading archives and for students that are part of the Warrior Pro classes. Alright, so Safa that was the first trade out of the case Sabi, You can see this was continuation over yesterday's flattop of four dollars and six cents.

So I jumped in on this micro pullback at 4:17 and I rode that momentum up to a high of 450 high, was forced 58 or 469 hundred and forty three dollars. Very easy. Very simple gap and go trade. Even if that's the only trade you took this morning, that was a solid trade.

Nice clean little pullback. A little micro pullback which was right here just before the bell jumped in on that first one-minute candle as it broke over 417 418, 419, 420 immediate pop up to 450. So immediate 30 cent pop and that was fantastic. Alright, so um, let's see.

Let me go back here. and alright, so we're gonna look at the first trade on em bot. Alright, so em Bot: all of a sudden, that's right here. and I stepped up to the plate.

It's doing the micro pullback right here. under 1450 and so I jumped in I pressed the Buy button I'm gonna press it three times which means I'm using almost all of my buying power on this trade. I'm watching this pullback I'm in right here and now looking for it to rip up over 14. Okay, I'm in.

We got a high now. 1450. I'm looking for it to break over 1450. That's the high right here.
I Want to see it break that level? Come on, 1450. What are waiting for now? All of a sudden it's starting to drop down and on this first trade. Boom just like that. I'm red right? So on this one now.

I'm nervous that I was too aggressive and I'm gonna have to unwind the position and sell on the ask. So I end up unwinding that position and closing it down. actually 116 dollars I'm read on that tray and I took that trade in my big account and I lost money on it also which was disappointing because I was pretty aggressive in my big account. Then it does.

a little micro pullback here, pops up to 1450. false breakout doesn't hold that level and drops down. So then we kind of have this period of sort of sideways consolidation, but it breaks over 1450 right here. I'm back in take a quick break out trade there through 1450 1516.

There we go. That's the first trade on em bought. That really puts me on the board. Now we've got a micro pullback here under 17.

Looking for the break of 17? The line there I say 17 is the breakout spot and boom. Just like that, this is how it adds up. All right. So at this point this was 952 and this was the bulk of my profits.

although I kept trading it as it moved higher and I'll upload this for Warrior Pro students to review in more detail. the bulk of the profit was in this the very beginning of the move. As it got higher, I started to get chopped out a little bit I took a trade where was it actually I think it was right here that I jumped in this with my big account. So through here I was up four grand in the big account and then right here I Gate I got in, added for the break and it dropped right there and instantly gave back pretty much all my profit.

And of course in hindsight, I could have just held it and give it a second. but if I hold it and give it a second, next thing you know might be down here. my loss is twice as big. So I draw that line in the sand to try to keep losses as small as possible and sometimes I look back and I'm like I could have held it and would have been okay and other times I'm thinking I'm really glad I sold because this you know, sometimes they don't, they start dipping down and they don't turn around and then you're just holding as the loss gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

So you got to draw that line in the sand somewhere all right now. Um, so that was Mbot that was. Let's see CA or Sava si VA and then CLP s is actually the only one I made money on in my big account today CLP s I just sort of jumped in this on this one minute pullback right here. That was my entry and it made this move from five - six - seven - eight but without a pullback.

So I waited for the first pullback. I got in right there and I made 1,300 bucks. You know, nothing to be crazy excited about, but um a little bit of profit there. So again, you know today was a day that you had to be quick.
And those you guys that aren't already in the warrior pro classes I want you to rewatch a lot of these live trading archives because they're gonna help you make sense of the sort of the triggers that I see that are what convinced me to press the Buy button. You want to be able to see that stuff in real time. You cannot wait for me to say I Got in. These stocks are moving so fast.

they're so volatile that you need to be able to already have your order prepared already. Be looking at the level - and pressing the Buy button. you know at the same time as me or before me because you see the same indicators that are telling us that this stock has potential. Now one of the things that I did today during the recap is I asked students I said how you know how much did you guys make today so let's see where was that um I think that was back around here did you do to do to do to do alright So I got the chat room feed up I saw a lot of you guys did really well today which is awesome I'm really glad to see that you know this is one of those days where it kind of all came together.

you know I Mean we had a really solid day I Wish every day was as kind of impressive as as today was. well. I guess I don't remember where at what point I brought that up So in any case, and you guys who are watching from the sidelines I really encourage you to jump in and start learning more about this. You know every single day I'm here trading and today happened to be a really good day, but it certainly won't be the last good day.

This is the market. There's always another trade around the corner. All right you guys! So enjoy the day off tomorrow and we'll be back at it on Thursday and Friday hopefully wrap up this holiday week with a couple more Green trades. All right, that's it for me.

I'll see you guys first thing on Thursday Morning Hi everyone! Hey, did you know that? I Go live every single morning between 9:00 and 9:15 to stream my pre market watchlist. subscribe the channel, press the bell for the alert and you'll get the notification.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

22 thoughts on “Day 13 $8,163.71 for my 3rd blow up in 13 days! – small account challenge ep 19”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Ferrer says:

    Ross at what point did you start uping your share size?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NorCalAMG Media says:

    Thank you for all your content. I would love to see more in detail breakdown of the steps you take while trading. The lines you draw for example. Don you have a video that goes into details on this?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay says:

    Always 👍🏽 and always subscribed!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaid Chalabi says:

    i need this day
    i have a 16k account
    i need a 10k day but i always sell after 20-30 c
    and then get afraid to enter same stock again

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! DOUNUT TV 🍩 says:

    I wish I could do this to get over PDT haha. Damn

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Gonzales says:

    How do i become part of your program. Send me info. I want to learn from the best.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lesley Nkomo says:

    I would like to learn to trade stocks like you do. How do i go about it, the trading simulators you’d recommend and classes etc

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Moretto says:

    Sorry if I missed it, but do you share your trades live?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markley Denis says:

    yayyyy i missed the last one.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Crumley says:

    Ross…….you are the man. I dunno what else to say…..Good job man. You never cease to amaze.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John K says:

    Ross, you say your using a new broker CMEG. But I see you using Lightspeed in the videos without the PDF rule. So its not really a small account challenge. Very confusing and sounds misleading.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amc says:

    Hello Ross, the first trade on MBOT the micro pull back entry on the one minute, what would you say is your ideal stop loss point? Is it the low of the same candle at 12.8 or or half dollar or whole dollar? I have noticed that this is the strategy you also use (micro pull back) on stocks that are from halts going up.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harland Darau says:

    Merry Christmas Ross

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harland Darau says:

    Hi Ross

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relentless Legacy says:

    that's bad ass

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Junior Saj says:

    This is the man right here… Thanks Ross

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Dolley says:

    Hey Ross, do you have any kind of special deal setup with Lightspeed where your students can get a special commission rate?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Jay says:

    good work. try next account time with 1000$ please!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Casanas says:

    how do you differentiate when you are doing a good job and when market conditions are just being favorable?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TuffTrading says:

    Just google and compare the SEC Rule 606 Report pdfs for Ameritrade and Robinhood to see why they can offer 'free commissions' to the clients. Essentially, TD Ameritrade (like Robinhood, E-trade, etc) sell all their clients' non-directed orders to several major dark pools like Citadel, Virtu Americas, G1 Execution Services and UBS Securities @ $0.0014-0.0026 per share. The algos that run these dark pools then determine how to make a return by structuring order executions (ie. front-running) .

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Livc Bef says:

    Ross you are the best!!!!!!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT INFLUENCER says:

    yes please only do 1 month, i cant bear to watch you continue to double your account while me as a new trader is struggling to make $100 bucks a day.

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