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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well, I'm back in my office and boy today, the momentum out of control. SI VA Mbot I TC I I TC I--'s up over a hundred and sixty percent right now. Totally insane I Feel a little FOMO that didn't trade it and my big account I Only traded it in a small account. You know what? The small counts up.

$1,600 today 1600 bucks. That is an awesome day! I'm really happy about that I Came in this morning with about seven thousand dollars in the account, so it's up over 20% in one morning, which is fantastic. I'm continuing to grow this account. Today is Day 12 of the Small Account Challenge And that means in 12 days I took $500 and they've turned it into over eight thousand.

Seven hundred dollars from five hundred, eight thousand, seven hundred bucks and twelve days. Pretty wild, right? So I've got five more days to trade in this account and a trade in it tomorrow. Of course we have the day off on Christmas I'll trading it Thursday and Friday and then Monday and Tuesday of next week and then you know what. Starting in: January New account, new account A new Small Count challenge starting January So those of you guys that missed out on this last one, they want to trade side-by-side with me in the chat room for the next small Count challenge.

Check out the coupon code right down there. Use our Santa 40 coupon code. Alright, give yourself a gift this Christmas Alright, so enjoy the recap. As always questions Comments: leave them below and I will see you first thing tomorrow morning Christmas Eve and hopefully we can have a couple more green trays early.

Christmas present. Alright, see you guys in the morning. All right everyone. So we're gonna do our midday market recap here.

Go over the traits from this morning. Today was a really solid day. some great action on ITC I that a lot of you guys did really well on Eric drops PNL in the room Thirteen thousand, two hundred, eighty dollars just on ITC I I made eight hundred and fifty nine on him I wasn't as aggressive on share size. it's a little more expensive.

it's at thirty dollars right now. It's another one of these stocks you know at this price range where guys get a little apprehensive and I've had a pretty good run the last eleven or twelve days in this small account challenge and so you know I just kind of want to again set the pace and kind of, you know, not do anything crazy I'm only gonna trade in this small account for another. Let's see how many more days it is. put my calendar I've got one, two, three, four, five more days.

so you know, five more days. So I'll trading the account of total of about seventeen days. and this morning coming into you know, my office here, the account was sitting at account value of seven thousand, two hundred and two dollars and ninety cents which was obviously thanks to doubling my account on Friday with over three thousand two hundred dollars of profit. or was it three thousand six hundred? Anyways, I'm up sixteen hundred total today, which is more than twenty percent growth on the account.
So another solid day moving indirect the right direction. I'll be at eighty seven hundred or so tomorrow after commissions are taken out. So let's go over these trades on: ITC I and SAV a those you guys watching on Facebook I Encourage you guys to use the link right down below to join us and give yourself a gift this. Christmas Santa Forty coupon code will save you forty percent on the chatroom, the simulator, the starter which includes a chatroom simulator or the Warrior Pro.

So I encourage you guys to use that coupon code. it will be expiring on Christmas Day Alright, so you've got two more days to use it tomorrow and then Wednesday use it or lose it. So let's look at ITC I ITC I Was the leading gapper in the entire market this morning. Look at the time frame here of 9:25 a.m.

the stock is gapping up a hundred and six percent. Twenty five dollars and 66 cents 46 million chair float. It's a you know biotech pharmaceutical company with FDA approval for a new drug which is you know can be really big for a lot of these companies and you can see traders definitely responding to it. It's up a hundred and fifty seven percent right now.

So right out of the gates John Took his first trade out of the gates right here in this green candle and he made fifteen hundred dollars. So right Like basically as soon as the market opened, he jumped in and believe us for the break at 26 and then BOOM this thing rips up to twenty eight dollars and sixty cents and you know he takes his money, he makes makes his profit I didn't take that trade I was reading the level to it already had four million shares of volume. I was a little hesitant and so I sort of I just kind of sat on the sidelines I wasn't confident and and then it ended up ripping up right here and I was like alright, well I guess I missed that I'll just wait for the next set up and then it's going red. So I was like alright, well at this point I honestly I'm not really sure where the set is gonna be and then it pops up right here.

it pulls back and then back to V web. so I was like okay it's starting to open up and then it pops up right here, pulls back and this is where I start dialing in my entry and that's where we got the beginning of the breakout from here. We ended up ripping through high a day and then all the way up in this push to a high of 34 dollars and 49 cents. Now now that I'm back in my office here, as you guys can tell, I'm able to do some screen recording.

so let me pull up the recording just to kind of give you a sneak preview. I'm gonna upload it for students who are in the Warrior Pro classes so you guys will be able to see this whole recording as early as probably this afternoon. but let me just give you guys watching here a sneak preview of this. Alright, so I live trading on ITC I All right.
so I'm gonna put this up on my screen. So ITC I this is where I was kind of dialing in the potential entry. so I'm gonna zoom forward just a little bit. Let's see.

So I'm talking about the cup and handle formation that I'm looking at on the one-minute chart. All right. So we're watching this for word a little bit. All right.

so watch this. So I'm watching for the break so it's 2684. So now I'm looking to get in here for the break of $27 and I'm in right there at twenty six dollars and seventy eight cents. So I'm in at twenty six, Seventy eight.

There's twenty seven. So there's Twenty Seven Twenty Seven thirteen. So now we're starting to open up a little bit. So right now I'm just sitting tight I'm holding the position I'm looking to add over twenty seven fifty I want to be aggressive on it? So right now it's a little consolidation here.

I put in the order there so it's ready to go I punch it now. we've got 27 68 28 is the next target. 27 78, 27 78, 2889 27 89 It's moving higher. There's $28 right? The stock is starting to really open up so this is.

this was the big trade today. That was a really good quality entry we got. We ended up getting a move on this all the way up over $28 just on that first breakout. So I asked you guys in the chat room and let's just see which stocks hitting there em by.

so let's pull up. MB ot real quick MB ot hit the scanner a couple times I have been hesitating on it on the daily chart we had this day where about a few weeks ago it hit a high of 8 91 then pulled back. so I kind of knew. All right this thing needs to break over that level in order to really look good because it you know kind of double top there against daily resistance.

So I think it looks great over 9 but I was just concerned that it would pop up and fade. so it hit a high of 838, pulled back down to 735, then ripped back up here to a high of 867 which is kind of wild. all right. So pretty pretty big move here and as you can see, now back down to 823.

So this thing is just it's jumping around a little bit more than I feel like I can really manage my risk on so no trades there. So anyways I TC I have a couple trades here up through 28 and then got back in during this consolidation right here for the break over 29 & Rohde this momentum up to 34 so walking away with $859 on it sa VA that was a stock that hit the scanners this morning and when it first hit the scanners right around here at 3:19 I said okay, let's watch this first second for a one-minute pull back and maybe the long is over 3. Funny, didn't give us that breakout so I didn't take the trade. it ends up going sideways, sideways, sideways and then all of a sudden rips back up right here and I bought this micro pullback at 3, 55 and 58 right in here I added there I didn't add it at 75 and then add it again at 90 and sold at 95 I tried to sell over for I don't think I felt any shares over 4 but I on that trade made seven hundred forty dollars and 89 cents which was you know again, really solid.
that's the only one I traded this one in my big account as well my main account and I made three thousand four hundred dollars on it which was nice I didn't trade ITC I in my big account I was too concerned about slippage because when I trade in my big account I'm not looking at it as closely and I knew on on ITC I I could potentially get 20, 30, 40 cents of slippage and I could end up making a really big mistake. So I was like, you know what? I'm gonna leave that one alone in the big account I've had a good stretch here I just don't want to screw it up and lose a dollar a share on five thousand shares. So ITC I high a day is 3449 it's coming back up here 34 on the ask. This is probably gonna form a 1 minute micro pullback under 34.

there's 34 28, 34, 30, 34, 16 So we got the break of 34. It's forming. Maybe a little bit of a double top because of the way it broke out here over 33. This is some nice action.

This has room all the way up to 40 dollars and 70 cents on the daily chart before it hits resistance. That's gap-fill all right. So gap down and now has gap fill back up. So anyways, really really nice action.

Great to see after the trades on ITC I-i-i typed in the room I said hey guys, you know how much did you guys make today on ITC I and or today in general and this is what you guys are posting in the room which was awesome to see. So some of you guys doing really really well. Some of you trading in small accounts may you know? $100 $200 that's okay. 495 Real money Brandon Nice.

Very good. 17,000 Mason Not sure if that's real money or sin, but either way. great perfect concept of its in the simulator Thomas 4000 Ibrahim Read on it which is a bomber but I know you'll bounce back. This is one of those stocks that I I could have easily gone.

Read right out of the gates on that first trade and then it'd be hard to bounce back on it I Was calm, cool, collected and waited for the really what I thought was the best quality. Entry 2300 307 714 $66 Look at em Bot! Alright I'm bought breaking through the highs. 943 is the halt level so this thing is wanting to go a little stronger. The only place that I tried to get in I didn't get filled so now we've got a high of 915.

the daily charts starting to open up a little bit more. If it can hold this level, you know then things will start to look interesting. I'll map out on the daily chart a couple of spots to watch. So I would say 961 gives us room up to what was the low of this day.

The low is 1008 1008 and then over 1008 gives us a room up to 1114 and then to there to there and the top of that candle. So yes, one may start to open up a little bit more I'm still having a little bit of a hard time trusting it and I don't want to overstay my welcome, but I'm glad to see that 5-minute break out worked as well as it did. And those of you guys who have made some money on it, good work! Alright everyone, so that's it for me. Another green day so far in the small Account Challenge I've been green all but two days I had to read days.
Neither of them were blowout days but I did have to read days and the rest are green so let's look real quick at this. I'll show you my metrics here from the small account challenge so far. Alright, so let me go December 2nd through today. This doesn't include today's trades this includes Fridays have today's trades imported tomorrow.

So this was the first one, two, three. That's right one. these days are so small it's hard to see how much I made or lost. but I believe this was one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve Now I think this was the eleventh day think I took a day off.

So that says eleven. eleventh Day Today is the twelfth day and this is my profit loss ratio right now: Net Profit: Six thousand six hundred eighty Two dollars seventy three percent Accuracy: $425 Average Winner: 992 dollar average loser So that's how it's done. Average winning time is stretched out a little bit because the holding stocks through halts and stuff like that. Alright, so um I I better step back before I get FOMO and and buy thing to remember is there's always another stock around the corner so maybe I missed this one but I'll get the next one tomorrow.

Alright, that's it for me. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Bye everyone! Hey, have you seen my most popular video on YouTube It's got over 5 million views. You can check it out right here and check out one of my other videos on YouTube right here I Hope you guys enjoy it as always.

If you have questions, leave them down below in the comment section. I Personally respond to every comment that's posted.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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