To learn more about Ross's 2021 New Small Account Challenge click here
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2.Β Frustrated by the PDT rule? ❌🚫 I know I am! Check out this link to read about how Day Traders with Less than $25k can trade πŸ†πŸ₯‡ -
3. Don’t understand the lingo? πŸˆ΅πŸ’±πŸˆ³πŸˆ―οΈ Learn the most important day trading terms & definitions on this page here -
4. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into over $1mil πŸ’΅ πŸ’° in trading profits πŸ‘€ - Remember, my results are NOT typical. Day trading is very difficult.
5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?Β  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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7. How many monitors is too many monitors?Β  Check out this video here on setting up your first day trading station πŸŽ™πŸŽ›βŒ¨οΈπŸ•ΉπŸ–₯πŸ–₯πŸ–₯πŸ“  -
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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well today is day 10 of the Small Account Challenge and the account's up about seven percent today. so a nice bounce back after the red day on a Friday. I'm up just under 500 which is great. The account this morning started with about six thousand four hundred dollars of profit.

I was at six thousand, seven hundred and twenty something or thirty something on Friday so but lost 3 30 on Friday. So um, made back what I lost on Friday which is great. And today's the first day in the Small Account Challenge where I've taken two trades. So the first trade was a 25 winner.

It wasn't great. I bought 800 shares and made only three cents a share. I was actually up almost. uh, 50 cents a share and I didn't take profit off the table.

It came back down. I stopped that break even so, first trade was break even and then I didn't take any trades for almost half an hour. And then I saw another opportunity and I I thought for a moment about whether or not I should take it. You know, one trade a day is a small count way.

and I do think that that is the right approach, especially in those first weeks of building a small account. But I've got nine days under my belt right now. Well, in ten after today. But I had nine days under my belt.

The account was up fifty percent and what I saw today was the right price. Stock moving up quickly from about 1.80 to 2 to 220 to 240. I jumped in for the break of the half dollar. it squeezed up to 255.

then 65. 75. 85.95 3. up to 325 up to 350 topping at about 386..

it was the right move to jump on the micro pullback. When I got it, it was the right price stock, which allowed me to buy 2 hundred shares. approximately having uh, two thousand, two hundred shares at two dollars and fifty cents is a little over five thousand dollars, so you know I was able to buy a bigger position. Now one of the problems with higher priced stocks and we've seen several of them in the last couple weeks is that I consider it and I'm like, man, I could really only buy 200 shares, 300 shares for me to have a nice five Six, seven hundred dollar winner and my biggest winner so far The small account has been 700.

It's gonna, this stock is gonna have to go up like three dollars a share. It's just not gonna happen. So for my one trade a day, while I'm not necessarily trying to focus on home runs or hail Mary's I want a stock that has at least some good potential in it. And part of the calculation is if it has good potential.

but I can only buy 150 shares. Is it worth taking that trade? And I feel like the answer may be. But in any case, today I got my first trade which was basically break even a small winner like 25 and then the second trade. So first day taking two trades, it was a good setup, jumped in, made about 475 on it.

I ended up selling uh, in two pieces. so I sold half and then sold the rest and where I sold the the rest. I kind of stopped as it dipped right before a bigger move up, which was a little disappointing. But I booked the profit and that's the more conservative approach, especially after having been read on Friday.
And since it was my second trade of the day, I I felt that it was really important just to book the profit and be green. So Day 10 now in the books. a good day. and the question is, day 11, You know, through 20, should I continue to take two trades a day? And I think that right now I'm going to be in a place where if there's a really good opportunity Yes.

But if not, no, and and so if there's no good opportunities, I may just not take any trades at all. It could be a no trade day. But if we have some good opportunities and we see something that looks really good, I think it may be okay to start taking two trades and then as the account continues to grow up towards maybe eight ten thousand dollars in profit. Maybe I start going up to three trades a day because one of the calculations that I talked about early on is your profit loss ratio, your percent percentage of success, and then you know your average winner.

How often do you trade? If you only take one trade a day and you're making an average of 300, then you know that's your profit. If you're averaging 300 a day, but you're taking or 300 a trade, but you're taking 10 trades a day, then you're obviously going to have a bigger green day. So the amount of trading is a factor and it's something to work with and be mindful of. But early on one trade a day is a small account way and then slowly increasing, but keeping a limit on it because that limit forces discipline when choosing stocks to trade and sometimes that limit is enforced by your broker.

If you're under the Pdt rule or you have a cash account, you have to wait for the cash to clear. So being in the habit of trading less is really I think important. less is more. Okay, so with that, we're gonna jump into the recap today.

As always, my results are not typical. Trading is risky. most traders lose money, so I encourage you to trade in a simulator before you ever put real money on the line. I hope you enjoy the recap and I'll see you first thing tomorrow for day 11.

All right. so today is uh, Day 10 of the small Account challenge and I am finishing the morning here up. Uh, 493.18 cents. And I did take two trades today.

So uh, today's the first day. I've taken two trades here on day ten. Uh, trade number one was on sprt. Uh, that was pre-market coming right into the open.

And on that one, we had this five-minute bull flag that was forming and I bought the dip at 7 48. I'm sorry 740. Um, which one was this? No, sorry, yeah, 7 40. Um, this is filled in.

Uh, this isn't the time is kind of weird on this. Um, let's see. No, it was 748. Yeah, I'm and then 240 was Sgrp.

Okay, so 748 So I bought it at 740. Um, and I was looking for this basically on this curl, the low was 30, 7, 7, 40. it dipped down, curled back up, and I got long at 7 48. I was looking for that break through 770 and in the minute right before the bell, it actually popped to 790 and I was holding.
I thought this looks great. Perfect first five minute candle at the open should be 790 795. Squeeze through eight and looking to take profit anywhere over eight dollars? Now on this one, I was only able to buy 800 shares, so I bought 800 shares. If I'd been able to sell the whole thing at eight dollars, I would have made 400 bucks.

So, but unfortunately at the bell it dropped and I sold it for uh, basically two cents profit or three cents profit 25. I just bailed and you know that was a good exit. Just get out if it's not working and it unfortunately didn't work. It sold off and it hasn't come back to 790.

maybe it will, but it hasn't yet. So that was kind of disappointing at the open and I thought all right, well here we are. Day 10 and I took my one trade and it was basically a more or less break even trade 20. So then I sat here and traded in my main account and did some other stuff and then I saw Sgrp hitting the scanners.

Sgrp hit the scans and on this one it pops up and I jumped in as it was squeezing up at 240 to anticipate the breakthrough 250 and I took it in my small account because I was able to buy more shares. I said, you know what, it's not every day we see a stock price between a dollar fifty two three dollars that's up fifty percent that's moving quickly. This is an opportunity to jump in. this and I can actually buy two thousand shares right? Because I only have my my total cash balance is six thousand four hundred dollars.

but of a two three dollar stock, I can buy two thousand shares. So I bought the two thousand shares and it squeezes up to 265 and gets halted. I then made the decision to sell half. Going into the hall, I say, you know what, Take half off the table.

Just be smart. I took half off the table. It ended up opening from the halt flat, it dipped down to 250, pops back up to 274, dips down a second time to 257 and I sold it 258. So you know what? You're still holding the 1100 shares.

Just just take it off the table. It's not worth it, turning into a loser, and it ended up ripping up to 311 right here, dropping down, coming back up to 305, and then having this nice squeeze from about 267 up to 355. And it did all of that without me. So the small account.

I left some money on the table. but I stepped up today and took two trades. So for the first nine days I took one trade a day and here on day 10. for the first day, I took two trades and I'm okay with that.

I think it was the right move. Okay, like I said, it's not every day that we see a stock in this price range that is making a big move and these are the type of stocks that in the small account I really want to capitalize on. Yes, I had already taken one trade, but this was a good opportunity so jumped in. It took a good trade on it, sold it, maybe a little early, but not going to be too bent out of shape about that.
It was still a green trade, so I think it was the right move here. And now the question I suppose is, um, moving forward? Um, you know As we continue as I continue this challenge. Day 11: Day 12: Do I continue taking two trades a day? On some days, now that I've built up the account, the account's up about 50. I've got a little bit more cushion.

There may be some days where I'm comfortable doing it and I think that that would be okay. I think it's a natural progression as the account grows to start to trade a little bit more actively as you have a builder cush as you've built a bigger cushion. but at the same time you have to be careful because you don't want to fall into the habit of over trading and the emotional traps in the market start to get bigger when you start to over trade when you go from green on the day to red because you overstayed your welcome. So I think it was okay today.

Generally, I think it's probably going to be better to focus on just one good trade a day in the small account and if it just so happens that I see a second really good opportunity, then that may be all right. Now that I've built a little bit of a cushion, so we'll see it, That's it's. still A little bit to be determined, but uh, finishing the day here with just under 500 of profit, which is which is really good for a 6 400 account? That's a great day and I'll keep it up. Uh, you know, going into the rest of this week.

So today's Monday small accounts? off to a good start. you know, 500 and we'll try to keep that momentum going as I look to the uh, the next trades sitting down tomorrow morning. All right. So that's the game plan there.

Uh, hopefully we see continuation today. It was a little choppy Friday. It was a bit choppy this morning as well, but I did find my way to some profit here on the small account. So a green day to start the week? Green on Day 10..

And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Day 10 of my new small account challenge | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garry S says:

    Hoping you can give a quick tip/answer. I'm trying an evaluation account to get funded trading futures. If I pass, my static drawdown will be $625. That said, should I try and trade ES/NQ with that, or trade MES or MNQ until I make a few hundred bucks then move into the E-Mini from the Micro E-minis?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keenan William Worthington says:

    How do you day trade so much in a week with a small account? Besides cash accounts of course, it does not appear you are using cash account. Thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars julio chevan says:

    Omg I thought you re start the small account challenge to keep it real and one day trade a day to keep it real like evrey small start trader but I guess everything when out of the window πŸͺŸ lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    Great job Ross, Keep ER Green… Personally I'm glad you took the second trade.. If your first trade was in my account it would have made a whapping 5.00 after commissions.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Lin says:

    Man, I’m on my 6th and I’m up $11, while Ross having a much smaller account makes millions times more. Someday I will hit his level

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh DeAmicis says:

    Hi, Ross. What kind of a laptop would be ideal for starting out with a small account ($3k, TD Ameritrade) ?
    Currently using my cellphone and want to upgrade.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Azzopardi says:

    Started my demo account today with €1500. Took 7 small trades, all green, up €104.05. I will take less trades from tomorrow with better entry

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Irby says:

    Howdy Ross. Apologies in advance if this question has already been answered, but what percentage of your small account are you actually risking? And what dollar amount are you risking per share (entry minus stop loss)?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Ruppel says:

    Just turned 18 so was able to take the money from my custodial account and my only goal was the make money today made 2 bucks on my 3000 dollar account went from red to green it was a mental thing to not be down in my new account

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Johnson says:

    Thank you for the free content, I hope to successfully apply it and show my appreciation, financially! As a work around for the PDT rule, could I create a cash (non-margin) account, deposit $5000, and limit my "One trade per day" to $1000? In theory, I should be able to "day trade" one time per day when taking into account the settlement time. Have you ever known anyone to try that? Thanks again

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars voxley19 says:

    There is no shame in making $25 on a trade. Wish I could do that every day! Please don't feel the need to justify taking two trades- just say (and put into practice) that you will use your own judgement about how many trades to take.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars glenn Spivey says:

    I'm interested in the warrior pro program. Do you use trade ideas or does the warrior pro program come with a scanner platform

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PFO says:

    Awesome, had a big return on SGRP as well, first from 2.20 to 2.90, then 3.05 to 3.40 and then a few minor scalps

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Real Mojojojo says:

    Lost $50 on 2 false breakouts today shutting it down and going to wait for more more opportunity tomorrow! Thanks for the knowledge Ross.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perviz Kyazimov says:

    That's awesome I did the same exact trade you did today I feel pro πŸ™‚ also sold twice and didn't make it to that bigger rip to 3.80 didn't even see the recap and know your talking about sgrp

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rad8n says:

    You should be simulating a cash account and if you take one trade with the whole account, you can't take another trade that day. This is how most small account traders will be trading. They will not be able to trade multiple trades if they use their whole account.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Common Wombat says:

    More than 1 trade a day is the small account way.

    Holding too long and praying is the dumb account way. The big account sharks will eat your lunch. That's why you need more than 1 trade a day.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rad8n says:

    I guess next week you will decide to trade 3 times in one day. The point is discipline to follow your rules. You said your rule was 1 trade per day. FOMO

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Goff says:

    A small account under PDT rule would be interesting. That is where I have been. Got a total 2500 in, because that is all I can afford to lose, over the last 6 months. But over a period of 6 months, slowly adding along the way, I am still holding about 1800 after a horrific trade week ago. I was back up to nearly 2200 then made a really bad move. Trying to get my bearings before getting back in to it much. Although I had a good green day after that. Just would like to experience a real world day trading experience instead of what you are doing. But still learn a lot. Great videos.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P N says:

    Great Job RossπŸ‘πŸΎ. I did two trades too today and I also have a small account. I traded $TYME and I made $512. Very thankful to be learning a lot from you Ross. πŸ™

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Kim says:

    Spotting right stock at right time is one of the biggest skill in Ross's trading method. I've been staring at $XBIO while these stocks run. Amazing as usual.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Hollett says:

    Is it recommended to put the entire accts capital into a single trade? I know it takes forever to build a small acct if you only put down 10-15% of your capital but then if you get wrecked on the trade you’re not out of the game completely. Thoughts, especially relating to those who are beginners?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Great small account trades Ross, managing risk on the first, and great timing on the second, esp considering nothing held up this morning. Very nice!! Good advice about taking more than one trade as well.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solomon Kane says:

    Ross for people with small accounts can you address the PDT rule and how they can get around that. THANK YOU! πŸ₯‚πŸ‘‘

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john dalton says:

    Ross, great video as usual. i lost $296 on SGOCO last week. small account here. i did make $100 today off of BTBT. its not easy starting off trading with 3 or 4 grand per day. i defiantly have to hunt for the perfect trade every single time. cheers.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Build Vlogzz says:

    Hello there I had started a $100 account ( I take my own plays) it’s been a tough road but today I made a total of $15. $7 on a day trade and the rest on a stock I decided to swing from last Friday. Overall I’m content I know it doesn’t seem like a lot but it feels good to win again

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Galen Grippo says:

    Im a glass blower and would love to send you a paper weight or something is it possible to do that not sure where to ship it ???

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