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00:00 Intro
01:13 Tesla: Full Self Driving
04:11 Tesla: Optimus Robot
07:42 FTX Sponsor
08:24 Twitter, Censorship, and Elon Musk.
13:00 SEC Scandal: Funding Secured
14:52 Twitter Next Steps & Offer.
18:59 Twitter Memes.
20:30 Twitter Poison Pill.
22:00 Humanity.
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Everything on Elon Musk, Twitter, Tesla, and beyond.
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Warren buffett just said that elon musk quote, has got an idea that is winning in this video we're going to talk about everything, elon musk. After all, the world is talking about elon musk and we're going to discuss everything that he said through filings and his ted talk. That just aired we'll be doing so by going in order of a the future of tesla b, everything about twitter that we know to date, which there will be updates to, but you can get caught up here and then add updates too and then of course, the Future of humanity, which will be a smaller part towards the end, i am also still wearing my cyber rodeo entrance bracelet or wristband here, so i'm very excited to bring you this video, keep in mind that, in the short term as well, tesla stock is falling over Fears that attention to twitter will distract musk and even rumors, that musk has sold tesla to prepare and secure funding to buy twitter have been circulating, which we'll be talking about funding secured in this video as well. There will be updates, but remember, let's get started here.

Let's go okay; first, we're going to talk about tesla and in talking about tesla, we're going to touch on full self driving, elon musk, and if you want to get to the twitter section, you can scroll along the bar or look in the description down below for The time stamp to get to that so regarding full self driving, elon musk mentions in his uh talk with individuals over at ted technology, entertainment and design that full self driving has a lot of false storms. That is you ultimately, you hit these ceilings and that you really progress when you're working on artificial intelligence, especially in real world applications in this sort of logarithmic pattern and the way to picture a logarithmic pattern, is a one that isn't uh sort of an exponential line Of just a growth see exponential uh would be something like this, or sometimes we think of the s curve right, which the s curve is an exponential growth and then sort of a petering home. A logarithmic pattern would be a lot more uh like this, where your progress and it's sort of upside down in this case, but your progress sort of tapers. So we can also look at logarithmic uh in its inverse.

As sort of like this, where we make some progress, but then we hit some sort of ceiling and we approach that ceiling, making very very little progress as we arrive to that and that ultimately learning full self-driving kind of feels like you're building. These logarithmic curves upon logarithmic, curves and that is very difficult and takes time, but elon musk tells us that he believes we can solve real-world artificial intelligence just like our eyes and brain are a biological set of intelligence, a neural net. We can use artificial intelligence to replicate neural nets using cameras and sensors, and he believes that he's confident, full self-driving will be solved this year. He does believe that there is a chance it will get delayed to next year and we've always heard of that rule with elon musk if he has a date, tends to get delayed, but he's very confident that the probability of an accident will fall substantially below that Of any average human driving without you even touching the steering wheel with full self-driving within the next year or two, which is really phenomenal, then he talked to us about the optimus robot.
He actually believes that the optimus robot will be bigger than the car, and this is something that i talked about last week in my video after attending the cyber robot or cider cyber rodeo cyber robot. The cyber rodeo was the moment that i really became inspired by seeing the gigatexas factory and realizing. Oh, my gosh this, along with giga berlin. These two factories are the essay they're the formula.

Now we just have to print copies of the formula throughout the world wherever the raw materials are put a giga factory. There, brazil, china, florida another one in texas, build factories, not just car factories, but then also soon optimus robot factories because see elon, believes the product of tesla. Is the factory not what actually comes out in terms of what we purchase? He believes the product of the company is the factory, and so, when he talks about the optimus robot, he actually believes that the optimus robot will start in manufacturing doing the dangerous things and the mundane things that shouldn't be done in factories uh or that just aren't Worth humans doing in factories that don't create any kind of a happiness or rewarding feeling like i made an example in my video last week that who wants to collapse amazon boxes all day long, i mean companies receive shipments from not necessarily just amazon but of products. All day long somebody's got to cut them collapse them throw them into the recycling bin.

Robots can do that in the future. Robots can take care of grandma play with kids, says elon musk, and he says they should always come with some form of safety, feature or safe word like saying stop and it stops - and this is a non-renewable removable feature, but elon musk really gave us. This excitement that we could actually see the optimus robot go into some form of prototype manufacturing within the next year and then get to scaled manufacturing over the next two to three years. So i personally expect that there will be optimus gigafactories in the future, because the gigafactories now are designed for raw materials to come in one end flow through the gigafactory maze and out comes a car.

There's really, i mean you think it's a large factory, but it's really not designed for an optimus robot, i think of a new factory as all right. Raw materials come in. Here's, the heart, here's the chipset here are the batteries. Here's the head and the chest and the legs and you go through boom out - comes a robot that'll come in the future, but again that will also take creating a new essay for an optimus style factory.
But in the meantime, what does tesla do it copy and pastes vehicle factories? But the big inspiration here was that he believes that the optimus robot will cost less than a car, and so an example was made that okay say it costs 25 000 or say it even costs 15. 000. There might be this fear that wait a minute, an optimus robot, a humanoid robot could easily replace jobs that uh isn't it possible, then that people will be replaced and not needed, and elon musk doesn't believe. So he believes that there will still be a shortage of employees.

We've got a substantial worker shortage now and there will be a continued worker shortage in case you don't know what the optimus looks like either i'll uh throw up a picture and give you a couple of shots here of sort of what the optimus robot might look Like this is from, but anyway, this gives you some samples of what the optimus robot would look like, and some tech specs here, but quite interesting. But anyway the the goal here is not to take away jobs from people. It's to free people up from doing mundane tasks and chores that we don't want to do whether that's folding laundry or putting the dishes away or taking out the trash or whatever elon musk. Ultimately, in response to a question of oh, could it be a sex? Robot says it could do whatever you want, but you could google to get more imagination, it's kind of quite interesting but uh.

He makes a very powerful statement and he believes that quote. It will be so cheap to have goods and services in the future. It'll be ridiculous. That was his line.

Quote-Unquote beautiful thing about this is it actually echoes the kathy woodyan argument of deflation that we could have robots mining for raw materials? We could have robots providing services that we need, like cooking food or cleaning our homes, that all of these services will become so cheap. It won't make sense for humans to do them, and humans can move into more productive things which actually elevates humanity, which is, of course, a perfect opportunity for us to mention our sponsor ftx via the link down below make sure to check out ftx for its excellent Opportunity for you to use a trading views, integrated trading services to track and trade movements in crypto to trade, at lower fees and get free crypto. When you trade, more information in the link down below for that, they also have an nft marketplace and so much more, including the ftx card, so make sure to learn more about ftx via the link in the description down below and huge shout out to ftx. For sponsoring this video link down below for more information on ftx and make sure to use code meet kev.

So this is an update on tesla, the optimus robot and full self-driving. But now we've got to talk about the elephant in the room, and that is twitter. So twitter elon musk, says, is very important for an inclusive arena of free speech. He says that twitter is a de facto town square and it's important that people have the reality, and this was an interesting one and the perception that they can speak freely see because even if people think they can post, but then they don't post something because they're, Like uh, well, i don't want to risk getting censored or banned that perception is actually self-censoring and that's bad elon believes that this could be done with an open source algorithm, no backroom moderation or if there is any human intervention or algorithmic intervention, there would be some Sort of flag or information about hey - this is being d promoted, because the algorithm believed this.
This is being promoted because the algorithm believes this and because it would be open source like on github individuals would be able to look at that algorithm and go. Ah. You know here we're going to submit feedback and say: maybe we should tweak this to do this, so it doesn't false flag things right, because elon musk does make it clear. That's first of all, it's important to the function of democracy, to have a free speech and will help the world.

But really the question is: how do we help the world and have free speech while at the same time, maintaining law - and this is important, so elon musk believes he wants to take twitter private, maybe have a maximum of say, 2000 shareholders, but this isn't really for Him to make money, he says this is not about the the economics he says this is about uh having proper limitations, but that are public. For example, we should abide the law in which the countries are that twitter operates. So an example would be screaming fire in a movie theater that would be a crime or potentially uh doing something that is illegal would then have an open source moderation that would flag and say hey this. This is illegal.

We can't post - let's say somebody's address and say, let's meet here at 4 pm and kill them. This is against the law and therefore this post has been removed by an algorithm or whatever, and it's there's a transparent reason for that. But what should not be done is the hidden, the back door, promotion and deep motion of content. We just heard this in canada that canada is potentially trying to work, and this is a rumor but potentially trying to work with social media companies to d, promote certain posts and promote posts that maybe have more government influence.

That's very, very bad and dangerous for humanity. Elon musk says these sorts of backroom moderation, things where there's no transparency, very, very bad for democracy, because again it creates this perception of censorship, and it in many cases now creates the reality of censorship, which is terrible, and so he believes it's better to also err On the side of caution that if there's a gray area, let the content exist now he does catch himself a little bit here. He goes on to say now: we don't necessarily want to promote that tweet and then he goes ah, but you know i don't have all the answers because now he's catching himself, it's like. Ah, but like okay, like if something's in a gray area, we don't promote it, but that's kind of also what twitter does like if it's not in the gray area, it's kind of like ah, let's not promote, although twitter goes a step further with their human moderation And removes things right, so it's clear here like it's: if there's no, it's not a binary solution.
It's not all! Yes all know we're on this gradient scale and certainly some form of of limiting of content rises to the level of what the law is. But but really beyond that it seems like elon is saying: when there's doubt, posts should stay and no matter what happens. Every single move, that's done should be transparent, so that way people feel as free as possible and the big conclusion that he gave - which i thought was really really incredible, and it makes a lot of sense - was the overarching goal. Is this? If someone, you don't like, says something that you don't like, are they allowed to do that and if they are, then that would be an example of good free speech and open sourcing, the algorithm and making sure that anybody can submit recommendations and seeing exactly every single Move that the algorithm makes, that is the key in addition to, of course, eliminating bot armies and scam armies.

Uh elon musk made a joke about if he had a dogecoin for every crypto scan he'd seen he you know on coin, so he does also touch on the edit button uh. He he suggested. Maybe an edit button could have a short period where you could edit it and then it would zero out retweets and favorites, which i thought was kind of lame. Because, honestly, then you could just delete the post and repost it if you're gon na zero it out.

Anyway, but he's like, but he hasn't he's opened ideas on that. He hasn't figured that out quite yet uh, then uh, and then this makes sense, because if you're like, i love elon musk and then you edit it i hate elon musk. You know that changes the whole meaning right, so it's edit button's interesting anyway, then he touches a little bit on the funding secured scandal. So this was back in 2018, where uh elon musk tweeted uh, taking tesla private funding, secured and uh he was.

This was back when the stock was in the 300s range and he was saying taking tesla private at 420., so this led the stock to run and the sec alleged that elon musk did not actually have funding secured and even though elon musk says he did have Funding secured, which is, of course, his his argument, is no no, we had the funding, he says he was backed into a corner because banks and lenders who gave tesla wholesale lines of credit to be able to afford to order parts make vehicles, sell the cars pay Off the credit lines redraw on the credit lines and and buy more materials right, very, very important to have credit lines for a startup business. He was told by banks. Look if you do not settle with the sec, we're going to freeze your working capital, and he says this was like having a gun to his child's head and he was forced to concede to the sec. And now he feels terrible because it makes it look like he lied because he conceded to the sec and and settled with them when in fact he never lied that he did indeed have funding secured, and he says that quote.
I was forced to admit that lie to save tesla's life at the time when tesla was in the most precarious situation, where tesla was under the most relentless short attack. He suggests that tesla was the most shorted stock in history. At that point, probably by dollar volume. Probably not so much by short interest percentage like a game stop, but by dollar volume, and he says that this affected people's ability to be hired or the company's ability to hire people affected their ability to build cars and so and so forth.

Now he does also talk about uh, so this is an interesting side. Note there on funding security, but if we go back to uh very briefly uh twitter, he does mention that hey. You know he's asked what happens if uh, if twitter rejects his offer and uh. This is where he makes the argument that don't worry, there is a plan b and so let's continue a little bit on twitter, and this is a little bit more of the current detail and then we'll talk about the future so uh.

You know we know now that elon has about a 9.2 percent passive investment in twitter and now he's now made a formal offer to buy twitter at 54.20, which is kind of funny, because it's 420 is built into that uh. This is a total price of about 41.39 billion dollars, which obviously he has uh the funding to do that. Uh. With about uh 763.58 million shares outstanding.

A a 100 buyout offer is calculated about roughly again that 41.3 uh nine billion dollars. Elon musk is willing to pay about a 54 premium of his first purchase of twitter stock around january 28th, uh by paying 54 dollars per share because he was buying in the 30s for it and he's also paying about a 38 premium from the day before he Disclosed his purchase of twitter, so he's he's definitely willing to pay a premium here. But if you look at the twitter chart, unfortunately, twitter has been rotating quite down. So a lot of individuals, including the uh, a saudi prince, who is a very large shareholder of twitter uh, is, is uh encouraging twitter to reject the offer twitter is having an all hands on deck meeting or at 2pm today, california, time that is after the stock Market is closed, so that will be quite interesting to see where that goes, but uh, it's also worth taking a look at elon musk's letter.

So let's take a look at the letter which was just disclosed, which is right here. I invested in twitter as i believe in the potential of the platform for free speech around the globe. I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy. However, making my investment i now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form.
Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company, not as a public company responsible to millions of shareholders. As a result, i'm offering to buy 100 of twitter at 50. 54.20 per share a 54 premium. Over the day before i began investing in twitter, we mentioned this.

My offer is my best and final offer and if it's not accepted, i would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder. This obviously twitter is extraordinary potential. I will unlock it. This obviously puts downward pressure on the stock.

Intraday initially put upward pressure on the stock, but now there's this fear that okay! Well, if, if uh twitter doesn't go for the deal, then elon's gon na sell and dump the 9.2 percent share he has and and that could lead twitter going right back down to that lower 30s direction right now, uh. This is interesting. Uh sent via text, as i indicated this weekend. I believe the company should be private to go through the changes that need to be made after the past several days of thinking this over i've decided.

I want to acquire the company and take it private, i'm going to send you an offer letter tonight. It will be public in the morning. Are you available to chat and then there's a voice transcript here of apparently elon saying best and final, i'm not playing the back and forth game. I've moved straight to my end.

It's a high price and your shareholders will love it if the deal doesn't work given. I don't have the confidence in management. Nor do i believe i can drive the necessary change in the public market. I would need to consider reconsider my position as a shareholder.

This is not a threat, it's simply a good investment oops. Sorry, it's simply not a good investment without the change that needs to be made and those changes won't happen without taking the company private. My advisors in my team are available after you get the letter to answer any questions, so we'll be more detailed in our public filings after you receive the letter and review my public for the public filings, your team can call my family office with any questions. Wow wow, that is uh, that's pretty pretty darn big uh.

Now, obviously, over the past two months, twitter has held a lot of polls about how uh his free speech has been viewed, and there have been a whole series of of reactions here and it's worth looking at a few of these and then what we can also Do is is take a look at uh, well, uh, some of the potential scenarios here going forward and we'll touch briefly on humanity as well. So take a look at this uh. Why buy twitter it's free on the app store? Here's pomp elon musk owner and chief meme officer at twitter, uh, here's another word good morning: elon musk has made an offer to buy twitter for 43 billion. He says it's his best and final offer.
He said that twitter has an extraordinary potential and will unlock it. Elon musk is all for free speech around the globe. If elon must buys twitter and destroys it, history will have to acknowledge him as a morally complicated figure capable of great evil, but also great good, destroying twitter. If there's free speech on twitter, the democrats may never win another election.

Oh my gosh! What if elon musk takes twitter, private and jack comes back as ceo and then together they make twitter the greatest freedom of speech and bitcoin platform. Oh man, i don't like one person controlling twitter and generally think it's a bad idea, but this could actually change my mind. Elon musk says twitter needs to be transformed into what another platform for the republican party where anyone can say whatever they want about anything or anybody, no matter, if it's true or not, ah an online extension of fox. Well, i mean in theory everybody should be able to say whatever they want, but uh.

Clearly you see some divisiveness here, uh here, of course, some of the polls that we've seen free speech is essential to the functioning of democracy. Do you believe twitter rigorously adheres to this principle? Seventy percent of individuals on two two million votes say no consequences of this poll will be important, uh and so some incredible implications here and so, of course, now uh. There are some options, an endgame here. You know this, you know what, if what, if this becomes a hostile takeover and elon musk does buy out a twitter and if elon musk does buy out twitter, is there not a potential that uh twitter could implement some form of poison pill before he does, and The answer is absolutely, in fact, a poison twill a pill would work something like this.

Let's say you have a managerial control of twitter right now at as an example at 50 or 51. What what could be done is the board could essentially vote to create a new class of shares for the those who have control that would uh give them substantially more voting power, potentially a 10 to 100x, the voting power of any other shareholder. This means that unless elon musk is able to buy con shares with those sort of sorts of voting rights, he might not actually be able to buy twitter uh, and so there there is a very real possibility that the twitter completely rejects elon's offer and, at the Same time says by the way, we're now changing the share structure, poison pill, you're not able to completely buy twitter this. This would then require elon musk getting in with individuals who do have those voting chairs acquiring not only others, but also those, and so who knows, but a perfect way to end.
This video is by, of course, touching on the fact that elon musk has a lot of optimism for humanity that he is obsessed with the truth, and that was one of the reasons why he studied physics that he has a deep curiosity of. Why we do certain things and he recommends things like the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and studying german philosophers, which he doesn't recommend for teenagers and uh? Really his his world view is that we have to understand the right questions to ask the hardest thing to do. Is not to ask any questions to ask the right question the more perspective we have the better. We can do that.

He does also believe that we should be very optimistic about the future that the future can be a place where we're happy to live and excited for the next day and to love humanity, and that we should not only be optimistic about the future, but that we Should fight to make that optimistic future happen? Folks, thank you so much for watching this video. I have to say personally everything that i've heard in this video has re-inspired me yet again, uh in about my tesla position and taking advantage of dips in the macro environment. Uh to increase my allocation to tesla uh, especially with the future of our optimus robot uh. I do not personally believe that twitter will be a substantial distraction from the mission at tesla for um for elon musk sure he may spend time on twitter, but i do not believe that will slow down the mission at tesla at all.

I personally am not only optimistic about the future of humanity, but also the future of elon, musk and tesla. So thank you so much for watching the video check out the sponsor link down below and folks, we'll see the next one.

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27 thoughts on “Damn elon: tesla, twitter, and beyond.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Shoop says:

    I am just happy to be alive at this time and knowing we have a person like Elon Musk- It feels like he is our Einstein, Edison, Nikola, Alexander Bell, Johannes Gutenberg, and many others that have changed the world I hope this all moves us forward toward the right direction and I certainly hope it all ends well. I am certainly 100% invested in Tesla for the long, long, long term.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slice of heaven says:

    Companies have made cars for more than 100 years now. Just duplicating that factory doesnt solve the problem of current supply issues with semiconductors or the problem of ramping up production or the fact that Teslas cheapest cars are now over the 40k range in price. Teslas ev´s are becoming somewhat expensive to buy for most consumers so who is going to buy all of those higher priced Teslas?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael rath says:

    Fight to make that optimistic future happen…GOOD IDEA!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M.m C says:

    It's just gonna trun into parler light, anything he doesn't agree with will pretty much be censored

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie G says:

    Id just love to see the all the censor employees at Twitter ,cherry staining their underwear right about now …

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wang says:

    you must be one democrat, not in Elon's camp.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars beachbum Lifestyle says:

    Elon musk could destroy Twitter it be funny if he does

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curt says:

    I thinkn Tesla has proven that FSD is not real. I don't understand how the government continues to allow them to rob people of their hard-earned money. smh

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Is The Way To Go says:

    Only if Elon cld be president of the United States

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ SoLetsGo says:

    Great content. Interesting switch from neuralink …..?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EV SEMI FLEET CORP says:

    Excellent content as always! I look forward to speaking with you soon. Jake Guerra – CEO

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saturday Clothing says:

    The robots aren't gonna happen for mainstream for at least 5 years , if you understand robotics, these mundane jobs of manual labor are not easy to program and build the data needed it will take years for any kind of ai system that can be developed for the robot.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rockton Road says:

    Love the ending summery, we need more optimism, especially for our children!! Dads and mums unite!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Suelo says:

    Optimus is also why Elon endorsed Andrew Yang and UBI, because it will simply be necessary.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ENO says:

    FSD when the truth comes out better sell the share. 😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Mecham says:

    Before Optimus, chop wood, carry water.
    After Optimus, chop wood, carry water.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eduardo Benitez says:

    I’m holding 10 Disney contracts 1/23 145.00 calls. Any advice?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caritas DeVersh says:

    When all else fails, sell more courses and ads Kev!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Djorn Northfield says:

    If they poison pill, wouldn't that tank the stock?!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maximus Decimus Meridius says:

    Wait until the factory becomes the utility with all the solar panels on the roof

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HHProgressiveconstruction says:

    With every Tesla you get a free twitter account lol .

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    Elon musk social media… Me:"Telsa sucks". you have been banned from Elon musk social media..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Trisco says:

    It's iRobot coming to life…
    Will… Get ready to smack some robots around…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheKnutselaar says:

    Imagine optimus working on the optimus production line

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Adler says:

    Where is that quote from warren buffet? Is there a chance he takes a position?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard West says:

    I interviewed for a data annotation specialist job with the AI team with Tesla, only pays 18.70/hr no wonder they can't figure it out lol

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J D says:

    if you dont like twitter or its algorithm, dont use it. pretty simple.

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