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Good morning everybody! welcome back to the channel And uh, let's just get Radar Rock and Roll on the market. Pretty straightforward here. it's going to be the same thing over and over and over and over and over. Alrighty, so when you look at this screen down here that my cursor is going wild on again, this is actually the NASDAQ typically I have up the Spy but I figured we would look at the NASDAQ today too.

So anyways, this is the uh the NASDAQ and this is the all-time high bearish anchor V web. We could be running one from the all-time high or we can even do kind of split down drop which would be like this candle here. Okay, but either way pretty much same thing I mean we could even add two and get real crazy with it. You know what I mean jelly beans? oh wrong thing.

sorry that's lame. Okay, sorry am I doing uh, that's right there we go. Okay anyways, so yeah, we could double up the band like that, do the all-time high in the split downs. But anyway, so pretty much what this says is uh Market is still bearish.

So again, tracking the market crash down, volume way and average price. this shows the Bears right? so the Bears still have some weight into the market. Uh, so much so that we're unable to get through their all-time high volume weighted average price. So if you could think about all of the bearish volume or the entire trend from the top down, that is going to be the red lines which are still holding true.

Therefore, the Bears still have weight and or control uh within this Market to a degree. Okay, we can take this. go pop on over to the old Spike Alrighty same thing and arguably you have this and this so it'd really be like this. you have the down split candle d so it'd be like a day.

So again, pretty much what that looks like is uh spy Bears still have control into this market and actually what we should do is go back and look at the NASDAQ real quick and we'll add the bullish V-wap from the bottom up just so we can see that as well. So theoretically we have I mean really this one's slightly different, but it would be here. this is the way I would run this. Um, we have the low.

All right, that's the absolute low. Oh I want to take that upper band off real quick and then I also want to take into effect this split up spot. So either be this low point and or the split. but ultimately it'll be about the same thing.

So pretty much we have kind of like this Zone down here where the market can't Panic out until it pretty much takes out this guy and this guy in my opinion. So that's gonna look like a disc that is the Panic Zone below that. Okay and then if we were to kind of go back over to the Spy All right. same thing with the Spy I mean we could do the low end and or really kind of split up spot which would be like here which is just going to give us two lines.

It pretty much says that this getting below here would arguably be a level where Panic can start to consume the buyers of this low Point All right. So right now we're getting wedged in spy. So again here to here. This is also why I made that video a little bit back a little while ago about the JPM collar tray which pretty much says JPM is long bias the 380s which is right around here.
uh they're bearish d320s which is like your 420s which is or sorry 430 which is like right there um with downside protection all the way to like here. All right. Anyways, now let's jump into like the 30 minute scale I'll give you some insight on what's going on this morning. All right.

So we, uh, we gotta take off the pre-market data. Well we don't really have to never mind I was going to but no big deal. All right. So pretty much right here.

This is our last buy Sig not our last Buy Signal um let me show you actually real quick. All right. So pretty much what this looks like is this was our last Buy Signal so it'd actually be like here I'm just gonna put one there real quick. So right here is one of our last Buy Signal levels.

Um, and this view app didn't really have as great a respect. It was getting a little choppy, but ultimately you know we broke it here, recovered, broke it down there, tested the previous bison will be wet, bounce recovered so there was one in there. But ultimately this was our main big Buy Signal Uh, previous previous buy signals. we got a Buy Signal rallied for many days.

Then we held the Buy Signal View app for gosh knows how long. Um, and then we just broke it. Uh, that was was that yesterday and that was yesterday. All right.

So that's kind of what we were looking at, right? So we had a Buy Signal all the way back here. So let's put um, this would be alt V right for vertical. So all to the all right. So that was our last Buy Signal Then we had a very short-term sell signal here.

Want to be? Then we had a false signal here, both positive and negative. Then we had a legitimate Buy Signal here. and then we just had a new sell signal here. Okay So the I'll take out the false one just to clean it up so that one's done.

And then we had a very, very lackluster sell signal here. But it's legit. So I'll change this to settings. We'll go and take this red.

Okay, this one will be red settings red and then the other two will be green for the buy signals settings green okay, and then settings settings. So those were the last four signals in the market right that I would pay attention to. So Buy Signal here, then a sell signal, then another Buy Signal and then the most recent sell signal. So you can see sell signal here and what follows down.

We had a sell signal here. It had one pop and pull back and then it recovered. So that was only like six hours to a day and that's kind of it. Sometimes you can get some short ones that don't really amount to anything, and other times you can get some really good ones.

Same thing here. like this: Buy Signal Here was a Buy Signal right here, right? so we go alt B All right. There was a Buy Signal there and it really didn't amount to a great move. There was a little up move and it depends if you waited for the cross, you're really late.
If you took it over the 50 you got a little bit of action, but you can see Buy Signal didn't really amount to much But the following one. What huge rally and then from there after the rally, what does the market do? The market creates a sell signal here, but the market supports the Buy Signal V Wow, so that's why we try to retract the volume weighted average price of these signals, right? So if you think about it, this green line is where the Buy Signal occurs. Then we rally up. Then we get a sell signal that sells the market to where our Buy Signal V web.

So this Buy Signal and this green view app that's the volume weight, average price of this big Buy Signal Market trades under it a little bit but holds, it bounces, holds it rallies, creates a new Buy Signal. So from here we would add a new Buy Signal B web. Okay, and that would pretty much kind of give me this volume weighted average price which we we didn't respect the greatest year. Then we broke it and then we recovered it.

Then we balanced it, then we bounced it. Then we kind of trade it around it and then we finally broke it here. Okay, so essentially the way I'd read this chart is Buy Signal Make a view app, trade long into The V web Until It Breaks Right Then we get a new Buy Signal and then it would be watching this by this view app to trade long into Until It Breaks and then if it breaks, we go to the next one. All right, that one holds, we recover, so on, so forth, so on, so forth.

This would be the support along with the 50 SMA Until okay, we get a new sell signal and then this sell signal brings in new selling and then that eventually breaks down this. Buy Signal View App right? And then what does it do? Takes a market to our next Buy Signal B web and then we take that out. What do we do? We go to the lower distribution. So um, now we're going to go into pre-market charts.

Uh, like this, All right. So what I want you guys to think about Is this right here? All right. So I'm going to take this off real quick, not take it off. but I'm going to change it real quick.

Okay, all right so this is the volume weighted average price trend. Okay Then if we were to track the lower distribution of that volume, we would put on the lower band and that's where we're at right now. Okay so this morning I made a tweet saying you really shouldn't be short biased the market anymore and the reason being is is more for like short-term trading in the immediate and I try to make the post when the market touched the lower distribution. So if you look at where yesterday's low balance was, it was almost at it perfectly, a little below it.
Sure again, markets aren't always perfect. but ultimately like end of day you shouldn't have been bearish down here. obviously because it was such a big drop. but number two because we had reached the lower distribution of the previous previous.

Buy Signal So if you're tracking the max pane, so this is right here. this is the max pane of everyone. That let me rephrase that all the volume from this rally up this dip. This dip, This dip everything in between.

This is the volume weighted average price of that. This is a lower distribution Max Payne Stopout level of everyone participating up here, into here, into here, into here and here. So all the volume from this bottom to that top is averaged out to here. lower distribution would be here another way.

I refer to as the max pane stop out level of everyone that's long there. So arguably we are kind of at like a trading bounce Point That's why when you look pre-market If we were to go to like a one minute chart, let's just map this out right. So if we put a horizontal line here just so we know where that's at, when we go and look at a one minute chart you'll see I mean that's pretty much the balance point. okay and the over under.

So if you go and look at yesterday's low a day you trade into it, bounce and then you split up and squeeze. Okay then you come down. This morning you pretty much just Wick to there and then today we get below a little bit. Bounce above becomes the over under and then you flag and pop right? So essentially for the selling to continue, obviously the market has to go down, but in the immediate.

this is also a very key price point. About 406 20 on the spy for dictating more downside, potentially. Um, so with that being said, obviously we're not bullish to Market uh, we're bearish, right? And then on top of that Again, if you look at the all-time high Bearish Anchor V app where is it I mean it's the top Starts from you know, 415 to 416. Where did the markets talk? that's four or actually I have to go back a couple days I know we got a little higher than that.

Sorry, we're at the markets top right here. about 4 15 05 Again, all-time high Bearishank revamp 415 so no surprise there. And then this red line. right? This red line is the sell signal.

So let's put this on like a 10 10 minute chart here. All right. So 415 here. All-time High Bearish Anchor View app.

So let's increase this. Okay, so all-time High Bearish Anger: We have 415s 4 16s top at 415. Then what do we do? So we top sell down, create a new 30 minute trading sell signal. Trade sideways.

We break our previous Buy Signal View app sell down now at the lower distribution of the previous Buy Signal V Web so we're not bullish and then when we put this on a 30 minute scale, go back to regular trading hours. And now we add our new uh bearish sell signal V Web It will be like This you snap down there. but then we recover the 50 so that invalidate. So then we go back to like right here.
Wrong. That's not how it's supposed to be. There's two that I'm going to add but mother Trucker Gosh stop being stupid. Okay, so if we track the 50 SMA break it would be there.

and if we do track the first candle to break the 10, it would be like that. So very, very similar. But ultimately these two red lines will pretty much be our and our our new bearish sell signal V-wap Trend So you can pretty much see red line up vertical is where the cell signal occurs. Then from there tracking the break of the 10, the break of the 50 would give us our bearish sell signal V web so you can see we hold the low, hold the low, get over just a bit, bend down, get into it again, gap down roll.

So now, um, with such a big gap down, we can look at continuation View apps and this might be our next thing that comes into play which is going to be about 409 28 to yeah, pretty much 409.28 And if we were to make it potentially lower, it be like this. So the zone of selling now is 408.70 to about 409 55 409 20s right in that area. And then also if we just go back to this, you know, trading hours. Uh, we broke down here about there.

Yeah, so 409 30s, four nine forties. anything into there is probably going to get enough of selling. So arguably today we're at the lower distribution as we talked about. so arguably a bounce spot and then, uh, you know, bounce to continue selling is also uh in play.

So we, uh, we won't see the market flip bullish until it's back over the price of right now 411 And then as the day uh, concludes, that's going to get changed. So for right now, since the market hasn't opened, uh, the recovery for a bullet Market is 411.. So everything right now is counter Trend Bounce Not buy Dip Bullish Trend up in short-term trading perspective. So the long term is still bearish.

Theoretically, the short term is now bearish. Um, so everything is theoretically bearish and the only thing bullish would be best classified um, as counter Trend buying not uptrend dip buying. Okay, anyways, take care, have a great day, and uh, you know where to find me.

By Stock Chat

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11 thoughts on “Daily stock market analysis”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slap Tastics says:

    omg i love those vertical lines, i use them all the time!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sussy short seller says:

    absolute legendary analysis

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomasz Pawlikowski says:

    3 days in row! Rockin it!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RMK Mechanical says:

    Thank you sir

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john Apstrader says:

    Excellent as always

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sharkbizzy says:

    Thanks as always

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars henry s. says:

    Great analysis sir πŸ‘

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flint Lockwood says:

    Good morning 🌞

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Lawson says:

    Morning Connor

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Stogner says:

    Good Morning Sir!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the sinister says:

    Hello there!

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