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Next up, we got to talk about how Bitcoin may have been the contributor to the bank runs right? Yes, literally, Crypto may have killed the banks. What an incredible irony that is, Because after all, that is maybe not ironic. That's kind of been the point of Crypto is: get away from centralized Finance get away from funny money and Fiat but I Don't think anybody actually thought that Crypto would end up causing Bank runs in America But that's exactly what's happening. And if you need to protect yourself at home with the Needler Metcavin.com Needler or the link down below.

And if you're on the receiving end of this, get life insurance by going to Metcaven.com Life. You can get it as little in as little as five minutes and Apple or Android pay for. So what do we got? Well, first of all, we know that the Justice Department is now investigating some stock sales at Silicon Valley Bank by Executives. But what's more actually interesting is what happened with Signature Bank and how that relates to Silvergate.

and Silicon Valley Bank get this So Silica or Silvergate which was a bank in New York was frequently considered quote a place of ambition not Prestige What's really interesting is how they went from basically a bank doing deals for people like Donald Trump cab owners and quote-unquote slumlords they were saying to Crypto. Now they've been always trying to figure out how could they grow, what's the best way for them to grow. In fact, one of the big ways they tried growing at Signature Bank was doing loans for taxi companies Unfortunately they made those loans right before the pandemic. They also made a lot of loans for Donnie T Donald Trump and the Kushners were frequently questioned about their relations with Signature Bank Signature Bank ended up dropping them as clients, closing about 5.3 million dollars worth of deposit accounts.

Uh, that the Trump and Kushner ended up having over at Signature Bank And this bank has had a lot of drama and a lot of backlash from both sides. even the Democrat Leticia James who's the New York Public Advocate or then Public Advocates and she's got another job? Uh, still over there obviously. But anyway, she ended up calling uh, this Bank the city's worst landlord or actually they put the bank on the city's worst landlord. And the reason for that was not that Signature Bank actually owns properties.

but they do so many loans to office and apartment building landlords that they basically called this Bank such a bad bank because they enable bad landlords to own buildings that don't provide for basic living conditions. That doesn't sound good. So Signature Banks got some pretty interesting history when it comes to trumps the kushner's taxi companies right before the pandemic. uh, landlords for office and apartment buildings.

But this is where things took a shift in 2015. The Winklevas Brothers Gemini Gemini Exchange got one of New York's first licenses to run a cryptocurrency exchange brokerage. That means you go to Gemini you're like, oh yeah, I will give you a thousand dollars of cash. Please give me your Gemini token.
so I could go buy Bitcoin or crypto or whatever, right? Guess where that cash went? Signature! So Signature Bank ended up taking crypto clients not just Gemini, but they ended up taking on Coinbase and Circle as well. At one point, Coinbase has had about 240 million dollars at Signature Bank and Paxos, which also provides a stable coin a USD base style stable coin. Paxos ended up having about 250 million dollars in uh, deposits at Signature. So basically Signature was basically the way, uh, that people would deposit cash and then get crypto the exchanges whether it's Paxos, Coinbase, Circle, Gemini, or sort of what you see.

But when you put your money in the cash went to go sit at Signature in many cases, so there's a chance if you've used one of those platforms, there's a chance your cold Hard Cash was sitting at Signature Bank And this bank brought in tens of billions of deposits. Tens of billions. That's a lot of money. The they were able to bring in tens of billions of dollars during the crypto boom.

They made lots of money during the crypto boom. A whole heck of a lot of money. And they made so much money that unfortunately, when things started flip-flopping in the crypto Market in 2022, they started seeing exactly the opposite happen. But it wasn't just Signature, take a look at quarter on quarter changes in total deposits at these Banks Look at and then look at some of these names right here.

Oh sorry. quick note: If you want to change your perspective on how to build wealth, it actually make money. With stocks, real estate, your job, your side, hustle, your self-employed gig, whatever it is Property Management Rental properties. If you have fears about thinking the system's rigged and you don't know how to navigate through the system, consider joining me in any of the programs linked down below and building your wealth.

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We are super excited to have you in those courses! I Want to be clear: none of the information is personalized Financial advice because I don't specifically know your situation but I think you're going to get some pretty incredible information that'll help guide you on the way to wealth you said St Patty's Day link down below quarter on quarter total changes in deposits q1 you add Silvergate also a crypto related uh, on-ramp Bank Lost about 6.3 percent of deposits in Q1, Signature and Svb Silicon Valley Bank were still gaining by the second quarter. almost all of them were losing deposits with the exception of silver date slightly flat there. And by the fourth quarter, the deposit withdrawals here were massive deposit changes. massively negative, and a lot of this many say had to do with the crypto.
Market Slowing down as the crypto Market slowed down. Less people invested into crypto as less people invested in the crypto, people also had less and crypto prices were falling. People also had less money to invest into venture capital or other businesses. They're losing money in the stock market long and short of it.

What ended up happening? Well, while uh, Silver Gate ended up having billions of dollars of deposits, especially for example, 1.5 billion dollars of deposits in the first two months alone of 2022, they plummeted to all of a sudden, seeing massive withdrawals. In fact, at one point they were collecting nearly as much as three times as many deposits from crypto as they were from regular depositors. That actually ended up leading some entrepreneurs to argue they didn't want to do business with a bank that has basically become a crypto bank because again, the bank at one point was taking in three dollars of crypto deposits for every one dollar of actually what made the bank notable. working for entrepreneurs and uh, landlords for example.

But all of these industries obviously got hit. We know, taxis got hit, We know, Uh, thanks to Uber Lyft We know crypto got hit, We know, Uh, apartment buildings and landlords and Commercial landlords have all got hit mortgage-backed Securities are getting crushed and now all of a sudden hundreds of millions of dollars started getting pulled out of the bank as it seemed like the bank was potentially running out of money last week and that led them to fall into F Cic receivership on Sunday. Now part of the reason Signature Bank was seized was because of what they called a crisis of confidence. That's what regulator said.

A lot of people in the industry say no. the bank was actually seized because it was a crypto bank. and whatever they can do to punish banks that were related to crypto is what they wanted to do. And it's kind of interesting because Silvergate was a crypto.

Bank Signature was a crypto bank. and even though Silicon Valley Bank wasn't technically a Crypto Bank it did provide loans to startups in the crypto space. And guess what? All three of them failed. We now have the two biggest bank failures that have happened since 2008's WAMU failure in just the last week.
These are pretty big banks that failed and they happened in just the last week and they all three of these two of them being some of the larger two, but all three of them happen to be involved in Crypto. Now to show you the scope of kind of where these failures are on the time frame, it's worth looking at this uh, this bubble chart over here and really, it shows you. Here's Washington Mutual's bank Failure bubble chart shows you kind of how big the bubble is, right? and then you could kind of see how big the bubbles are of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank based on how many assets they have under management. So it's a pretty big deal.

but it's very interesting that crypto almost somewhat feels like the virus that is killing its host from within. Think about that for a moment. Crypto goes in and gets money from Banks or deposits money with banks. Crypto Market Crypto In the first.

The whole point of crypto is to get away from Banks and Fiat money, right? And the more crypto deposits there were, the more at risk of collapse. These Banks actually became. Some articles and authors like over on Bloomberg are now suggesting that quote: the Crypto Bros are getting pushed to the brink of banklessness. But it kind of makes you wonder: is it almost crypto becoming more valuable and more brilliant by being associated with banks killing their hosts, the banks sending people into more of a fear tail spin around Banks and potentially into Crypto.

It's kind of brilliant now. whether it's orchestrated or not, look at what Bitcoin is doing on Weeble Uh, by the way, if you want to sign up for Weeble, they're doing a 12 free stock offer right now. just go to Metcaven.com free or click the link down below that's M-e-tkevin.com Free. But anyway, take a look at this.

Since the banking crisis was resolved with an unlimited bailout, Crypto has exploded uh, over about 25 percent here here from about 1950 to 24 9 or at least Bitcoin over here. Uh, Bitcoin Huge recipient of of this recovery here. Uh, you've got Ethereum still sitting around nearly 1700. Also a nice bounce here.

Of course a lot of people bag on crypto and say, hey, you know what crypto is just another risk asset But I Do think it's really interesting that the three banks that were really associated with crypto all just happen to be deleted or receiverships should I say uh While at the same time reiterating the whole purpose of Bitcoin and crypto, it's kind of brilliant Now, of course there were other things that led to the potential failure of these: Banks Remember, the government is saying well, signature failed because they were supposed to give us a reliable and consistent data. We didn't end up getting that from Executives on Sunday morning, they lost 20 percent of their deposits just Friday alone. It's worth noting that Bank of America is bragging about how 15 billion dollars have has gone to Bank of America how excited they are about how much money has gone to Bank of America. But it kind of makes you wonder how much of a trojan horse crypto has become to actually eating the banking system alive from within.
Kind of incredible. So anyway, that's that's very interesting about. Uh yes, as Alvaro here says, that's a very interesting theory about crypto I Hate to say it, but it's it's very interesting to me. this is the smartest meet Kevin take I have heard in like five years I don't know if that's a compliment uh and then of course somebody else replies here.

love me some gold All right, Very well. So there you have a crypto Update: Okay, uh uh. all right, what else do we want? Oh boy, this is fun. All right.

So uh. next, how about we talk about the Russian jet? Yeah, Oh God.

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29 thoughts on “Crypto and bitcoin collapsed the banks more to fall”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Hughes says:

    Kevin if you believe crypto collapsed the bank your lost 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Derrick says:

    Hello Mrs flora the bitcoin trader is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Montana says:

    As long as you get yours

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snugz Giddens says:

    I’m so tired to these dumb , pointless, purposely trying to spread fear for clicks, never true video titles and thumbnails. If at this point you think you still need this tactic to get views instead of being confident in your content, you need to reevaluate. It’s ridiculously frustrating and makes me not even want to watch a video. I’m not sure when this trend took off but it’s extremely played out and I’d like to think you’re better than that. Then again, you dyed your hair with a highlighter once so… maybe I’m giving you too much credit.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Milne says:

    Wonderful how this guy starts out is video with a massive piece of misinformation. Those Banks collapsed cuz they over leverage their ability to loan based on the value of US debt that they invested their holders money. Literally the basic principle that the majority of banks used in traditional finance. What a stooge, put out a YouTube video about a banking system he doesn't even understand 😅.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Spence says:

    Central banks are trying to roll out their digital currency. I'm not sure what they'll call it. "Slave Coin"? They're ruthless when trying to eliminate their competition. It shows how much our government (FDIC, DOJ, etc.) is influenced by the big players.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salim says:

    I wish for this hypocrite Zionist all the bad things in life

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared R says:

    All we can do now is prepare for the imminent civil war. The agenda of the world leaders is slavery until you die off as witnessed today in France the world is filled with tyrannical leaders do yourselves the favor and do not bring children into this world.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Kayla Wood says:

    The United States is in the midst of a perfect storm. The cost of living has increased due to inflation, bank failures, unemployment, a severe drought in the agricultural belt, recession, food shortages, heating oil and diesel shortages, a shortage of infant formula, and prices and shortages of readily available cars. It's all coming together and could cause a serious catastrophe by the year's end. (or sooner). My main concern, given the current inflation rate of around 6%, is how to get the most out of my $300,000 savings and retirement account, which has been stagnant for eons with little to no growth.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christiana Sherry says:

    I think it is more likely for BTC, ETH, to retest the resistance to the upside and then move lower. But as always, things change on a daily basis and all we can do is to trade responsibly and keep track of the markets and re-evaluate our strategies frequently. I want to thank you Marshall Clinton. For being my source of crypto education, As I am comfortably making 9.5 BTC With just 2.3btc I'm so glad i made the right decision after 5 years of holding.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Walsh says:

    yah its called operation choke point, US gov tried to kill US crypto friendly banks ended up causing a massive bank run now spread to Europe.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Peanutbutter says:

    Fed and govt. coming fo on ramps for crypto? USDC says you bet your ass

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mach ronald says:

    I am so fortunate that I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever. I am a single mum living in Toronto Canada who bought my second home in September and is hoping to retire next year at 50 if things continue to go smoothly for me>

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jdson381 says:

    Bro the fact that he has that gun that’s why I F with him 🫡

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D M says:

    How is crypto so genius!?!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoonBeamer says:

    The govt would want to blame crypto… I really hope you’re not pushing their narrative

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared R says:

    Crypto has not collapsed nor will it. I can't believe you of all people Kevin don't realize this was a Fed organized attack against two banks holding stable coin dollars.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shellroc21 says:

    Nothing brilliant about it. Crypto helped to collapse banks and during the crypto rise, you were advocating it. Stop being a hypocrite.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luc Ducharme says:

    Bank miss management is the problem not crypto,….. crypto did nothing wrong by itself you should know that!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G2P1 says:

    Awesome video! I was blown away by the recent economic data! There seems to be uncertainty over inflation and the U.S. stock market is at a crucial crossroads. Despite growing concerns among investors, the economy shows signs of resilience which could help Bitcoin remain stable. Interestingly, the crypto market, which is usually correlated with the U.S. stock market, has been moving in the opposite direction. BTC and the Nasdaq have turned negative for the first time in two years. However, with the sentiment changing fast now is the perfect time to get into the crypto market. Joelle Fradsham's excellent trading strategy has helped me amass 32 btc in the three weeks that I've been trading. In this field, she is a true visionary.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ambassador Byleth says:

    That one looks like some weapon from the No Man's Sky game

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars william bo says:

    The FED is trying to make it look like CRYPTO is BAD , so the FED can keep SCREWING THE SHEEP. GO CRYPTO !!!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars herpadjerp maplurp says:

    dude how many times is this fucko gonna talk about his pro grams for retards

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trucking & Investing says:

    Well we do have to see that crypto in our financial systems is a burden, it currently provides nothing to our nation’s financial system but takes away and maybe even provides financial services to another country. (Where does BNB store there deposits, what bank?) any crypto deposits are taken fiat currency out of circulation.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kpop Stan says:

    Thanks Meet Kevin for this…Now being clear as to why Paxos stopped printing any more BUSD out of thin air just like how dollars are printed out of thin air justifying falsified productivity and GDP numbers by raising debt ceiling.
    Also makes it clear why Binance is converting BUSD into BNB token to increase BNB dominance as well to compete with other cryptos except BTC.
    BTC dominance also rising without volume increase…Is it becoz Dollars value and dominance is expected to decrease even with increase in interest rates?is this also becoz BUSD is being converted to BTC?Or is it becoz Sellers have reduced more as compared to the lesser volume increase of long positions and swing trades?Is it becoz Stable coins are being questioned as being another form of transformed dollar to pave the way towards entry into BTC to protect people from the rising interest rates and reducing dollar dominance?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Rich says:

    No the problem is the fractional reserve system. The fed is ruining the dollar. Once china and india completely stop using US dollars we will hyperinflation and collapse of the dollar. The. The fed coin will come into play and all other cryptos will be band or taxed out of existence. If you don’t have gold or silver you will lose so much. Because they will reset the whole system and give your asset a new value. All tied to the currency will be your social credit score and license to go onto the internet and so on. The great reset. I’m going to make a YouTube channel and my goal is to interview you Kevin. And so many others but I want to talk with you about real things .

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HIRO says:



  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Theodore says:

    Did Meet Kevin just try to sell me life insurance? Boss

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SMARTFONCENA says:

    FTC ( Feathercoin ) sure to go up in price soon!

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