Today I wanted to discuss the Fico Score breakdown!
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What is up everybody a moment for everybody to get into this chat? So, let's get in here as soon as we can. This one is going to be a nice video. We're gon na give you guys about a good two minutes I'll be be back shortly. Give me one second right back all right, everybody.

So sorry I got a little cold, but today's video is gon na be about the credit score breakdown, I'm so of your end of chat. I see one person's in here now, so, if you're in here, let's get in here as quickly as we can, I'm gon na give everybody five minutes to do so. So, let's get in here and you're in here. You know you can just let me know about sending me any, not chat.

Today's gon na be the credit school breakdown. I want to talk about the credit score, I'm not I just don't. I know it is kind of early on Sunday, everybody's - probably out right now, but we can get people in here and asperger. If you are starting this video you're.

Looking like a pre-record, I would say kind of based off of everybody. That's kind of coming in when nobody's in here. Actually people just left, let me give it another five minutes if it doesn't work or five minutes and I'll kind of just cut-offs work. But you know we're going to definitely try to get some people in here as quickly as we can and start the credit score breakdown process.

We're using this chart right here. Alright, so I'm excited to get this video started here. All right, everybody we're gon na give you another three minutes to get in here again. Today's topic is going to be about the FICO score.

Shawn welcome into the chat. It's kind of slow today took three minutes, but thanks for coming into the live stream, I'm guessing. It's Sunday and it's pretty much nice weather, so everybody's out enjoying time with their family, so welcome into the chat. So how you doing again, everybody give you like another, two or three minutes.

This is today's topic. I want to get into this right here, and this is a pretty decent topic to talk about for people who don't really know much about it or need a refresher or just have questions in general about the whole process. So I'm gon na give everybody another like two or three minutes to get in here so far when I got two people in here, but I get into Sunday afternoon almost a weekend. So I understand I'm gon na Gary about another two minutes to get into this.

If you are in here, if you're ended, livestream just say hi or something so I can greet you appropriately and to see who's actually coming into the chat at this point, pretty much doesn't, let me know who's in here. I'm gon na try to get everybody in here as quickly as possible. All right, so I'm gon na give everybody has a minute and then I'm getting in here there's only two people in here. That is very strange to people, but if you're here, thanks for coming, I said well, most have got five minute mark pretty much so another like 30 seconds, and we should be good.

I don't know I'm guessing because it's Sunday, unless you know I'm just not like anymore, but I don't think that's the reason so very small audience, but is a Sunday. You know the weekend. Is nice outside? Well, I'm not feeling right now, it's pretty nice. What is it fifty five give her credit? Well, Nicole, thanks for coming into the other channel, it's almost sixty degrees, so I mean I would be outside to them actually gon na be outside after this video.
So I get it Daniel thanks for coming into the channel. Alright, thirty more seconds, I want to get at least okay, five people in here. If you're watching this video give me a thumbs up, it can be one person in here. There can be 10 people gon na, be a thousand people, I'm still gon na go on with the probe the program so thirty more seconds and that's pretty much it as far as game people in here right, oh wow, so yeah as well go from 50 to 20 yeah, that's a big difference, so I understand okay, so it's anybody familiar with this chart.

I'm pretty sure everybody is. If you have any questions, anybody, let me know, but I want to really talk about the the FICO score chart. This is courtesy. I got this offline from and it wanted still anybody's work, so I have to put it down there, even though my handwriting is pretty bad.

I've got this off of my cycle calm, but this is the FICO score, and this is how we are graded. All of us on a daily basis when it comes to a credit score so pretty much. The first thing I want to talk about, and probably the biggest one is right here. It was payment history, payment history is a bit long.

Does anybody have any questions about payment history or anything like that? Pretty much payment history is how well you pay your payments. Do you pay your payments on time, even if you miss a payment by more than 30 days on the first attempt when I first try? Regrettably, it's going to be a pretty bad. It's not gon na do too good on your credit score, it's gon na actually put you down big-time. What did Nicole say it's 59 right here.

Well, see 59 is kind of cold for LA right. As that, pretty so 70. That's awesome! You know I wish I was over there and high of 70 degrees. That's pretty nice, but here the first one 35 % is payment history.

This one is probably the biggest one, actually is the biggest one. So we're going to go about order about baking, our 35 percent - again, of course, the biggest one you just want to make sure that you are making your payments a long time every time and a good tip for that is auto pay. So you never forget to make a payment on set lines up to always pink. I personally appeal all the minor fool, but I have my auto pay set up for the minimum payment.

Eighty degrees Wow so again set it up for auto pay at the minimum. So you're at least paying the minimum, and once you see that that has come out of your account, you'll kind of just be like okay, I'm paid the rest of it if possible, panel pool. But yes, this is the most important thing. If you miss one payment, your credit score would definitely be affected in a big way.
It kind of sucks that it's like that, but it's pretty much what it is. The second one is going to be amounts owed, and another word for amounts owed is what we see all the time, I'm going to put it in here, for you that's kind of like a basic term, but what they call. It really is credit utilization. My hair right is sloppy, but credit utilization is what that is so and it's funny it says 30 %, but typically a lot of experts always say: don't have more than 30 % of your pretty much all of your balances.

So let's say: if you have $ 10,000 total of credit through all of your accounts, you don't want to have more than $ 3,000 at a time. One of those all those credit cards, 30 % - is pretty good. It's pretty standard, but as time goes on Nina thanks for coming in thanks for coming in Nina, I agree payment is crucial and paying your car as look for the end of the month. The best way.

Yes, I agree on how to percent Daniel and again, like I said, minimum payment, if you can always try to pay it on pool. So that's the first one again. The second credit utilization don't have more than 30 % at a time. So again, if you have $ 10,000, don't have more than $ 3,000 in total, but what I will say is, as time goes on, just like how the high school diploma was.

You know, considered really good back in a day and then a associate's degree was considered. Really good and then it's a bachelor's and it's a masters and a doctor all that stuff right so as time goes on, I think things advance people advance. We as a human recently advanced right. So me personally, I say no more than 10 to 20 percent.

I'm always trying to be better, then in the normal or what the standard is so same thing for you guys. I want you guys to be better than what the most standard is, if possible. Eight point: nine, that's awesome, so you're, even under 10 percent, which i think is that's really awesome the lower you can get to zero, even if you can have it at zero, the better so get. My personal recommendation is anywhere between 10 and 20 percent.

As you see Nina just said, she keeps it at 8.9, so she keeps it up pretty much like nine, eight to nine percent, which is pretty awesome. Yes, it is really good to have the balances spread out. Let me see it's really good to have them all spread out. You don't want to have one car maxed out.

A max top card is not so good. The only thing I think that really comes from a maxed out card, but I don't even think this is the best way to do about it most companies. If they see the term maxed out, they want you to keep spending right so they're going to keep increasing your credit limit. I've heard of that, like people max out their card, so credit card companies go ahead and increase their limit which, if that's what they want.
If they want to credit them, an increase, there's probably better ways to go about it. But people do that as well. What I mean it's okay, but it's not the best thing to do it, you're right on a percent of cold, it's always good to have things spread out for a couple reasons. If you get rewards, you don't want to have all your one basket.

You have a bunch of different things going on, but Amex or chase or Discover. So that's a good reason and then also of a good reason. I maxed out credit card. It's never good in the looks of the FICO score.

It's never good and that's not cars. In that good, all right, so that's number two and then the next three are kind of with a lower side, but the first one, the third most important one is right over here. Then this is the length of your credit history, and this is why it's important to not have your credit cards closed out. It is really important, like a lot of other youtubers say like I know, SEBI talks about it all the time and he actually gives options and I agree: 100 % downgrading your cards are probably crucial.

If you can now, I get a lot of questions like um. What if the cartridge is really bad, I'm getting charged fees out of you know left or right field, and that's just not doing too well under that circumstance. I get it and I would recommend again trying to downgrade, but if you really can't downgrade close it, but don't wait close it as soon as possible. If you closed no you're gon na have to close the card at the end of the day.

If you know you're just gon na have to you cannot downgrade, if you know you have to close the card, do not wait, and so, even tomorrow, each day is crucial. The longer you wait to close a card the longer it's going to build your history right because you're 15 % credit history right. You want to make sure you're closing as soon as possible. Don't wait a year! Don't win six months! No wait! Two years to wait! Ten years, if you wait all that time, when you close that credit card out all that history that you had is gone and you're gon na see a big big affect negatively on your credit score.

So you know you have to close the card and there's just no other option. You cannot downgrade or if you're down greatest or not gon na be satisfy close it, but definitely close as soon as you can. Just don't wait around again. I don't recommend closing, but if there are some options there are sometimes what you just have to have the car, please, okay, so that's 15 % the length of credit history.

Now here are the two right here that are kind of equal. So we're going to talk about the top first new credit new credit and, in other words, is credit inquiries or credit enquiries. That's another word for it. So how often are you applying for credit cards? How much new credit do you have if you're applying for a lot of credit cards at one point in time? Like I'm not got a question about points pointers.
You got 50 something cards within about a couple years. Let me get them close okay, so somebody retracted a message. So it's all good but yeah. He got 50 something cards in about two years between him and his life, personal and business.

It's only affecting 10 % of his credit score, so it's not a big effect, but it definitely again is to have an effect on it right. So 10 % new credit aka credit inquiries, hard pools, not software. When he's talking hard. So let me put that there hard pools only when you have companies like American Express who pretty much do soft pools.

That's Paul! That's perfect, because it's not really doing it dangling your score. 10 % is new credit. So again, that's inquiries. That's new credit card showing up on your credit report, etc.

Let's see you get back and say to check. My utilization is 5 % between the four cards, but I have one card that is maxed when I applied for more cards with that Bank see the specific card and that's maxed out, I'm sure they will see most definitely that you have a car, that's maxed out, But they're gon na see both like Nina, do say: they're gon na definitely see both. But if your credit history is, you know, credit history and credit score is saying: okay. Well, he does have a maxed out car, but he's he does this well.

He does have a max time, you know car, but he also does this. You know they're gon na take a lot of things into consideration, but they're definitely going to see a maxed out car for sure. They're gon na see the balances it may have an effect on how much they give to you or something like that. But again you know.

If you can try to pin it off as much as you can, then you know you have a better chance of one. You have a better credit score, but then too, you have a better chance of being approved for whatever bank you're talking. I know a couple of eventually sticklers like chase on giving high limits and things like that to people, but you should be fine as long as you know, like you said, you have five percent utilization, which being a four cards which is pretty good. Now that was a different situation where you had 40 percent or 30 percent between four cards, or maybe 50 % between a four car.

Isn't that be a different story, but I think you're, fine, the last one is credit mix and I think credit makes is something that people seem to forget. So credit mix is not the different companies you have like chase discover Amex. Your credit mix is going to be the different types of credit. You have that's why you have people out here, let's say like celebrities who have all the money in the world like remember.

What's that's on that Drake had he said he had two mortgages, thirty million in total, all right, I'm sure his credit is awesome right and I'm sure you know he has a lot of money, but he still has a mortgage. I'm sure he has creditor. Has credit card she has mortgage, she probably knows like car loan, whatever I'm not sure, but all I'm saying is I'm having a mix of credit is really crucial. They like to see one that you have multiple credit cards or multiple lines of credit, but at the same time you also have different types, so mortgage home equity line of credit, personal loan, credit cards, etc.
You don't have to have all of those, because I don't have all of those. I have my car loan that I can pay at any time, but I decided to kind of pay more than a minimum, but I still have it there to one the credit history, because I'm still young, my age is only about five years. As far as credit age wise, so then I have credit card I have about ten of those. I did have a personal loan that I've had for maybe like six months, and I had the money, but I paid it off in about six months.

I had the money I just took the money out just to do it building my credit and I just paid it off at about six months. No, I'm just because and I've seen what you just say, the wealthy used credit has led. Yes, exactly a lot of them, do they use home equity line of credit? I noticed a lot of people get like mortgages and he lop personal loans and now go out there and now take a risk on themselves, not if they're gon na make that back anyway. So, for example, if somebody gets a Airbnb, what do you call it a cat, condo or something, and you take out what thirty to forty thousand dollars they're never gon na make it back.

That is using that money and they can probably pay off at any. Given time to those that credit report and also make themselves even more wealthy, so I agree 100 % everybody who's joining in now, because I see the live stream is getting more and more. I always like to use the pre-approval compiler tool see what card that would be a proof of before I apply they're. Not always.

I agree: they're not 100 % accurate Nicole, but they are they're, pretty they're, pretty accurate, not a hundred percent but they're very accurate and like American, Express always I haven't had an issue so far with them and you're pre-approved for this card or pre-qualified, which there are Two different things: pre-qualified, you meet the criteria based off of kind of like a like a quick observation type situation. Pre-Approved is like we've, already kind of already did like a hard inquiry. You're already pre-approved for this amount, so pre-approved is more like you're already in the situation, you're good pre-qualified. You can always be the client or not never had to chase pre-approval work for me and then there are situations when you're not pre-qualified.

I was not pre-qualified for the there was a card I wasn't pre-qualified for because it was still a fairly. I think it was either. I think it was the Chase Sapphire Preferred or the Amex gold. The Amex premiere would go one of those cards.
I was not pre-qualified for no I'm sorry, it was the Amex Platinum that I wasn't pre-qualified before and after like a year so having the Amex gold card apply for the Amex Platinum Card and I got it, I wasn't pretty qualified, but they still gave it some Yourself, there's even chances where you're not pre-qualified and they go ahead and you do the application and you're approved. So it goes both ways. But again these this is the chart that everybody goes off up again, so I don't get in trouble by anybody. This is courtesy of my FICO calm, where I've putted this off of.

I wanted to have this for my visual learners to see some numbers, and also my visual people, like myself, would like to see like a little chart or a graph 35 percent, most important as your payment history make sure you are paying all of your payments on Time, if you don't want to pay the minimum again, just set it up for minimum for Auto pick. If you don't want to pay the minimum, that's fine! But if you forget to pay the balance of fool or, however you pay it. You at least have the minimum paid each month. How's it taste.

Pre-Approval worked for you. Yes, the chase pre-approval weren't actually sent me on. They sent me the Chase Sapphire Preferred card in the mail, so I mean that was kind of. Are you telling me that I was pre-qualified based of time? You know you know, enquiries and things of that nature.

They data sort as far as soft increase. So in that instance. Yes, it worked for me. I haven't actually get to chase pre-qualified like button, because I was pretty fun with that.

Whenever I've been pre-approved as word yeah yeah, whenever I'm like is pre-qualified, it's perfectly fine. The second one is your amounts owed again. This is also known as credit utilization right. Credit utilization, so I'm Alex Oh aka, credit utilization, the experts say 30 percent.

I say, and I can't you know, got ta call me an expert, but it's done me very well. It's also done Nina very well she's done ten to twenty percent. So I'm saying do ten to twenty percent of your credit utilization and you should be perfectly fine, but again, if you're doing thirty percent you're not doing bad either could that that is recommended, and then we also have 15 % with the length of credit, a ka. Your credit history make sure that is good as well.

Try to act so close cards if you can, if you have a Chase Sapphire Reserve card that you just want it for the sign up bonus, definitely after that first year, because they can retract your bonus. If you close it out too soon go ahead and downgrade to the chase freedom or a chase freedom, unlimited and they're, both zero dollar annual fee credit cards, but you're not losing your credit history at all. If you're closing our cards do that now you have to close out a card again like I said: if it is just not working for you at all, you're, just not happy with the company, you want to close it close it sooner than later. The longer you hold off the worst effect it will have on your credit report.
These two right here go together, they're both kind of equal as far as affect on your credit score. We have the credit mix which I'm sorry oops. I've got new credit up here. That is also known as your credit inquiries and also new accounts.

I've been reporting opposed to your credit account. Okay, so if you're squirted outs are added into account, how long is your recovery, their recovery? When you apply for a new card and again it depends on how much you're doing it's no set number, but if you are applying for a credit card, I would say the recovery typically. For me it's about three to six months. I mean I mean, maybe even sooner than that, it's not a big big effect on you, unless you are doing so many like again like the punch planners guy and again, I'm sure his credits awesome, but fifty and one year is a lot.

So again, it's only ten percent of your score, but you'll definitely take longer to recover if you're applying for a lot of cars like that, if you're somebody who only applies for maybe two or three a year, you can recover within a few months, maybe six months It really depends on your credit score, but it's not going to be a long journey to kind of get that back. As far as credit mix, I had three revolving and one in two installment accounts. It's best at least. What do you think one trick is to lower your credit limit? Yes, one trick is to lower your credit limit or utilization before you cancel the card or transfer okay, so Nina.

Let me answer your question first. So as far as credit mix, I hear we're bobbing and one and two installment accounts: okay, so you're talking about a fixed payment like a personal loan, the installments are pretty much they're fixed and then you also have your revolving credit. Like a credit card. I said personally because I had a personal loan, I would say maybe one or two installments again.

I wouldn't really recommend anybody need to one or two installments is perfectly fine, because I only have about missing driver now. I just have one and that's the personal. That's the car loan, so the personal car loan, if you want to call it that that I can pay off at any given time but and what I'm gon na do. I know I'm actually gon na make give her credit a moderator, because she is answering a lot of questions for them right now and her advice is was awesome.

So if I'm missing questions, so I'm sorry Julian, I'm talking then give her credit is way more than qualified. To answer those questions, you know one or two installments, maybe five to six. It's really up to you. You know reviving credits like again a home MP.

A lot of credit is revolving because it is once you pay it down once you pay it down. You still have that for a second term, credit cards are more like again revolving as well, so you pay it down. You have that balance over and over and over, I would say maybe a good credit karma is a good tool. If you use it, they say between like five to nine with credit cards or a five to nine accounts is really good and they could be a mixture of.
However, me - and you want my thing, is I don't want you guys to be dishing out more money than you have to so again? I'm gon na have more credit cards than I would have more personal loans again one or two installments just to have it and again also having a good five to six. Some people even say four, and it really depends on you and what you like. So I would say total, maybe about five to nine accountable and it can do whatever you want and then the last one we have here is credit mix like we just talked about credit mix, just make sure you're having again not just credit cards but diversify your Portfolio just like anything else, if you have investments, you want to have stocks, bonds, etc. This way as well, you know you don't want to have all your eggs in one basket.

It's a good read, there's a couple of good reasons: it's good for your FICO score because again they like to see that you can hand more than one type of account, but it's also good. If you have credit cards - and you have rewards, you know again as far as mixing up your credit cards, you want to have not all your eggs in one basket, so I have chase points you want to have. Amex points discover, etc, but this is more so just talking about having different types of credit, so that is pretty much what this chart is. If anybody has any questions about it, I am here to answer for another thing, like good 15 minutes.

15. 20 minutes. We can have a conversation in the chat, but this was today's topic. I think this was really good to kind of talk about and that's pretty much it for what I wanted to talk about.

So at this point now it's just kind of just a free-for-all. I'm here to answer any question that you guys may have so let me kind of describe up and see if I missed any MX blue everyday. Your squirt dropped 119 points. Today, hmm, did it come from the credit card? Did they tell you why they are? Did they tell you why it dropped well I'll? Let you know, give her credit any living yeah.

I hope you can get that back up as soon as possible, because then I would have had me have an anxiety attack so Wow. That is that's a lot of stuff with you. Have you been applying for a lot of cards today, really a 119 points off of applying for a car? So do you use what do you use to kind of like track your mom? Do you use credit since to me you credit car mode. Do you kind of use, maybe like your home personal, but maybe like do hundred a 19-point? So that's a lot but again they're, just if they're just off increase, there are like no late payments or no derogatory mark anything crazy.
Like there's nothing like that collection accounts, something else have had to happen because I apply for three cards around awfully yeah. So I'm thinking something else, a hundred and nineteen points it's a lot. There had to be something else and again I don't know, and if you're saying that there's nothing else to happen to notes fine, I would definitely go look over to figure out. What's going on because 119 points is a lot for just a credit card application or just enquiries in general, and that's a lot Lexington law, okay, I'm torn with the next credit card to apply for I'm at 324, I'm way more attracted to Amex as far as Purchases right, but compared to chase, I have what cars are you kind of torn between getting you know what card that you're looking at? Do you know why Vaughn Credit Karma so, as my age of accounts are five months when my experience I report says my age of history is one or two years old.

I began that is kind of how mine is with that's how mine is with Credit Karma. I'm actually gon na log one of mine. Now let me just see so I'm trying to help you with that question because there's one that's telling me my age is this and once someone I'm low, I'm going to see what my age here they're now answer. Your question for you, let's see hmm, so this is where I'm standing out right now as far as critic and again it's hard like I'm almost there, but I was almost there.

This is where I'm at right now and I was almost there, but I guess something dropped. I don't know like at one point I was almost at eight. I was so close to eight, but let me just see as to why the credit scores are differently. So what is my age right now? What other one are you using? Let me go back up to your question.

Do you know one credit card loans for five months for my experiment, port says: have you recently closed anything strong or something like that, because I think maybe it's not showing all of your accounts. Mine right now is showing two years of age, which I know my longest account that I've had is three years there's only three years. Yes, there's three years yep I've had it for three years. No.

That was my second credit card. Let's see what the other one! It is five years. Okay, did you close something out? Did you close anything? You could get something new or its credit occur. My not showing up you just answered all across and we see the morning was because Credit Karma is only showing my card account snake spring.

Yes, so Credit Karma to be honest with you is giving you the more I would I will go with the one: that's always the lower one. Just so I'm never. I don't want to be negative, but I always want to go with the one. It's the lower one just so I know where I'm at the very lowest on that versus I'm all the way up there, and you know I'm surprised on my scores now it is, I will say credit tournament.
Is I'm really good at giving you the most accurate, up-to-date information again, a Credit Karma is not 100 % accurate because it doesn't use auto credit bureaus, but I would say, credit chrome has telling you well look. If you closed these accounts, then they don't count anymore, which they really don't really count anymore. Well, this drop might score. Let me see I want to go to Amex and platinum.

Awesome license I'm under 300, for everybody keeps saying it to chase us ICP one. Second, so Nina when it comes to you, if you know you want to get chase and Amex and made it really up to you, I'm personally Amex person, if you're, okay with can amplifier like, if, what's my guys name and somebody always comes in here - and he Doesn't like chase simply up so our Amex because of the travel protection that we don't get like the flights delayed or cancer, or some crazy, like that, I'm perfectly fine of a plan will fire, because most of the time that puts you in the hotel and stuff, Like that, I personally I just like Amex is reward system better. I think the customer service is a little better. To be honest with you, and most of my cards are index cards.

I go in the Platinum Card, but if you know ultimately you want to Chase Sapphire Preferred or the Chase Sapphire Reserve and you're at 324. I would say: get the Chase. Sapphire Preferred a reserve, whichever one but if you're under 424, then at that point, maybe out for 24 right. So then you got one more and you can get maybe the chase they didn't get a max.

You can get both ugly once you get the Amex go in the MX platinum and it won't affect you. If you know you want to get chase soon, just get it out. The way now then get a maximum X, not going nowhere chase, not going nowhere. But if you know you want chase and you're going to be at 524, just go ahead and get it out the way get out.

While you a little chase love that you want to get out and then you know, go ahead, go somewhere else called a quarter index or something like that. Yes, if you haven't gotten access to your own egg, Nicole saying, if you don't have, if you haven't looked at your free credit report just this year, yeah, I definitely would because again 119. Is it's something different Nautica boy? 25, thanks for coming in to the chat, if you missed it, whether you did miss it back, it is a nice Sunday. This is what we were talking about right here, we're talking about the FICO score breakdown.

You can always replay it, but not put it up for ever just pretty much long over the important factors and what they meant and all that good stuff Chase is pressuring people to buy into their system, but they're also avoiding the credit card churning, which is they Don't like that, a lot of companies are cracking down on it, because these companies are spending millions of dollars a year on these rewards that they're giving to us for us to use. So the churning process is just you know and the bigger it gets and, as time goes on, it'll be even more strict. I'm just getting into the credit where my code is pretty jacked up. I got my first credit card, I'm sober and everybody.
If you haven't followed, they're subscribed to give her credit, UCC is actually a moderator on the channel. She's awesome so definitely go ahead and subscribe to her channel. She does amazing videos. She also owns her own businesses as well, so definitely give her a follow.

I'm sure she has her Instagram information as well as far as for businesses and Nicole. If you don't definitely, please do so, because now is the time we have a higher audience than we did. She's really awesome. So thanks, you know for even joining the channel Nicole.

Her name on here is give her credit. She has again businesses. She also has a YouTube channel she's, an amazing person, so definitely Sweden, her stuff Credit, Karma, shows, experienced core and my FICO shows 100k credit score shows x-squared and my FICO shows why it's only because Credit Karma shows x-score. My FICO shows.

Why can you explain it to me again - um Jay Jenkins, of course, of course, Nicola of course, of course, of course, any time thank you for helping out, I don't know when they plan on rolling out the new FICO plan. I didn't even know that was a new. Let me just said and check it out. We got a new FICO plan coming out.

Let me see, are you talking about the FICO score? The FICO square that is including into the auto focus for a situation is that what you're talking about? If so? No I don't know anything, I don't know anything as far as when it's coming out: okay, okay, X & Y, like you're, just putting in the numbers. Okay, the big gap um. I think this is how they grade. To be honest with you six, ninety, seven, twenty! That's about thirty point difference.

Let me check because some of our credit reports do the same thing and again they kinda they're, not accurate 100 %, and I mean that's that so that's thirty points. So that's pretty big. It's not the biggest gap, I've seen um. So, for example, let me log into my lost Fargo here we got yes sub to sub, to give her credit, she's awesome and, if you're liking, this live chat and they were getting some information just give it a thumbs up.

Definitely I would greatly appreciate it so, like I showed you, the Wells, Fargo school they're, showing a 782 right, but I don't know karma, is showing that's my dog back to acting crazy and my credit column is showing a 772. That's just how they calculate each score. Just kind of give you a roundabout but should never know what your score like really is and see like. You've, actually apply for a credit card and depending on what the heart Inc replaced, and that is pretty much what your score is.
So I'm trying to actually read the comments on here. Steve is going on I'll talk about those people with low credit history. Is they gon na do and you have to actually approve of that? Actually, such is not gon na happen. You have to actually kind of like give, you know ultra FICO permission and actually you know, use your checking of information.

So have that happen? What if you could create a credit card? What would be the benefits? That's a good question. Okay, let me let me see, I'm actually writing down real quick. Let me see how I got to make sure I've got all the benefits. Okay, so you create a credit card, but with the benefits per speak now, do I get to pick and choose like what credit card company it has like chase or Amex or discover? Do I get to do that because if so I'll create a credit card, I have to closed accounts, I'm trying to figure out why it's still in my report.

If it's closed, I have to close pounds. How long ago did you close them Nina, I'm actually figuring out for you right now? That was a good question. I Mikey gon na write it down to figure it out now, when you see it's closed, its like closed by decision right, like it's not closed by anything else, and it's been closed out for about two years based off of decision because, depending on you know how It is if it's closed down as far as closed closed, then it's gon na stay in there for a while. Let me see, I believe, it's there.

It is five, seven years, seven years, okay, they were closed about a credit card company. I'm guessing. Maybe you weren't using them or something like that, what you get if you're, not using your credit cards, I tell everybody to have at least a like an automatic, recurring transaction every every month, hulu netflix, whatever you have, because if we don't use your credit cards, then You're the credit card company will close it out or they're closed off. For other reasons, but again like Nicole and Nina just said seven years, seven years is when they will fall off in the account they're still going to be there for about a good seven years.

Okay, let me actually get the question that you have for me as far as WIC card, but I have a little bonuses. What we have um mmm, I'm going to do it in the eyes of a consumer, because this is what I apologize about, that somebody is trying to FaceTime me right now, we're not doing that. I apologize somebody was trying to do something and we kind of lost. Give me one second, okay, so Amex we're gon na have a 100,000 points on our bonus, because that's what I wish we had still so that's gon na.

Be it let's see what kind of perks we're gon na have I'm gon na try to miss you we're gon na definitely have that we're going to have okay, we're gon na. Have that as well. So so far, I want again 100,000 signup bonus for points. Let me see, I know this is kinda like just me being just messing around, but I'm answering the question hey.
This is what I would have to go, how to credit car so again right now. What I'm doing is I'm answering Nina Nina's question in this is really awesome and then I'm gon na tell you about water to think one other thing I want to start doing, for you guys actually on a different platform, but to answer Nina's question. If I had a choice, it would be what American Express, because I love Amex in their service. It would be a 100 thousand point sauna bonus if you spent, let's say four thousand and the first three months or whatever that's pretty fair.

It would definitely have the trip delay. Slash travel, delay, insurance, all that good stuff, you know roadside assistance etc. Also, I love my Hilton status as far as gold, the Marriott gold status and all that good stuff. So it's definitely gon na.

Have that yeah? Definitely I think we should definitely start that I'm Nicole, but one thing that no card has unless it's like the Centurion card no card has airline status. I want airline status so bad, but you literally have to fly to get airline status. Now, for those who don't know what airline status is so, let's say, for example like right now with American Airlines, I have left 63,000 miles. I have 62,000 miles and I fly miles all the time right, but I don't fly enough to have any type of status, so American Airlines has gold, platinum, platinum and executive and with those things you get different perks and benefits, like maybe upgrades to first class or Upgrades an extra extra class - or you know how you know: if you get a credit card, you would get preferred boarding but preferred is not priority.

I would love to get on a plane. First, priority boarding, the Shamrock. I'm glad you're here so Nina, asked me a question of what what I want from a credit card. If I had a choice - and I made my own credit card so so far since I know you like Amex, but you would like chase for one other reason.

It would be American Express it would have a 100,000 points on a bonus if you spent a 4000 in the first three months and we'll have the trip delay insurance shamrock. If I added to his American Express or have the trip delay. We'd also have Hilton status. Marriott status for gold, we also have airline status for your choice either of Delta or American Airlines or United.

You get to pick which one you want, which is pretty awesome. Five points on flights, three points on restaurants, two points on groceries and one dollar and everything else. I think that's pretty fair annual fee wise, I would say to hang up. It can be like 550.

I think we'll all those purchase you're getting as far as even the airline status Hilton status - I would say, 550 - is okay or maybe I'm reaching. Maybe I'm okay and, let's say 450, I'm Pro consumer 450, 450 annual fee. Okay, that's gon na be the SVN you'll. Be right there 450, so I think that's cool, so anybody works for index.
If anybody knows Amex, let them know we need that card a7. This may shock you, but I'm actually happy that there's no car come here. My little guy is acting up today. This is my little chihuahua say hi to everybody, say yeah, you want to keep barking and everything gon na be seen everybody showing off.

So I'm actually happy okay, but you know what shamrock I'm. Actually, I agree because, if you're somebody who, if you're somebody who really works hard to get airline status, I agreed that you don't want somebody who's just going to pay and get the same thing. You did that you had to work for it. I agree, I agree and there never be a spot.

I agree, but then a lot of people don't want to pay 554 annual fee. So that's what I'm saying we had an annual people. I got $ 550. I think that would kind of cut the majority of for half of the population.

There's some people don't like paying. You know that that much money for a credit card, so I think you know you make an annual fee high enough to kind of weigh it out and then I guess I kind of keep people down from getting the card, but I'm gon na people to get The car, so I mean I don't know I mean it - has its pros and it's cons pros and it's cons. I definitely still want the uber credits. I definitely store one the travel credits, but I want them to be done in this instance, and it is way you can use them.

However, you want to, you can use all 200 now you can do increment. So, however much you want to do it, it doesn't matter, it doesn't have a restriction on it and you can use it for gift cards cuz. Now, I'm kind of sad most of my travel is with American Airlines. So no I couldn't along to do the gift card with America Airlines, because American Airlines coded that gift cards differently, so that's kind of a bummer.

Now I'm a fly American and I choose American next year. I have to use it for travel incidentals or like like baggage fees, but luckily, when I do every January first, if I get the gift card as soon as possible, so I was able to get the American Airlines give cards this year with Amex platinum before they Decided to switch the coating or whatever sauce hood. I got you know two more gift cards right here that I can use that's pretty much it which lets me know that folks don't mind paying an increased fee. They are very chronic, but I think we're making it even more crowded is um the family and friends which I don't.

I love having people come with me to the centaurian lounges, because they get to kind of fill. We got pious and wanted to help out referrals out, because then people want to apply for the card, but sue makes travel so much easier. So I do feel like you know. You should have at least one or two people, anybody coming with you, but I think at the same time index needs to make more lounges.
They only have what about seven or eight. So far. I think you know they have to make more lounges okay, so I wanted to actually go over this with you guys. A lot of youtubers have um a really big plaque.

You see, but they cannot do. What they can do is not make the airlines that I might maybe they have this concern about your fly. I like that. I like that, maybe like, if you fly maybe 10 times in a year like round-trip ten times or something like that, I'm guessing right.

Okay. 20 times so you know each each leg is a trick. Then that would make sense would chase card. Would you get does not the CSP or CSR? I would get the on the Hyatt.

Are you talking about like an off-brand, so kinda like hotel, because I want that word of higher card? I'm still thinking about it. The word of high card. Definitely I haven't Chase Freedom car which gives you another categories, so those would be the cars and I would get what about you. What would you get the world of higher car is my favorite so far, but, like I was saying, a lot of youtubers are really being on YouTube, but only if they came over to different platforms, they would be even bigger because a lot of people a lot Of my friends, they aren't subscribed to me simply because they don't have a youtube account.

They don't want to make one. They just want to watch videos on YouTube and get off the platform and go to their other platforms that they're more comfortable with. So what I'm going to do is try to build up my Instagram platform for two reasons: one to connect to a different type of user, because you got to have more than you know. You have more than one basket and to kind of bring people who are on Instagram over to YouTube, so I'm going to be doing for the next 40 weeks.

Now I don't know what I'm going to start. I know it's gon na be very soon, though, for the next 40 weeks. I actually have right here on my notepad: I'm going to be doing 20 tips so that those 20 tips is gon na, be maybe a good 1 minute video or something like that or maybe 30 seconds to 1 minute. And what I'm going to be doing is it's gon na be called a free tip.

Friday freed set Friday is pretty much what it is. It's gon na be a quick video, giving you a tip, and I've got some tips right here already ready to go. So I'm really excited. I actually have all my 20.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to spread it out into 40 weeks, I'm going to do one every other week. I'm gon na put my Instagram in here right now for two reasons: one. So you guys can get on board a lot of you. Don't have me on instagram and two, so you guys can you know, interact and tell me if you like these tips and if you have any suggestions, so I'm actually gon na put the my Instagram information right down here right now.

I'm just give me one. Second, I'm going on here and if you follow me or if you're gon na, follow me on instagram, just send me a message or something or type in one of my pictures or something, and let me know who you are off of just. Let me know who you are off of youtube, so I can then follow you back, but there is my Instagram right there make sure you follow me back again. Let me know who you are so I can follow you.
Let's connect more than just on YouTube. Unless you know I like pictures, I'm always talking to Nicole, give her credit again and they're not following give her credit. Definitely do so follow me on Instagram and, yes, let me put Twitter there too. I'm gon na put my Twitter account linear as well.

You want to follow me on Twitter. My freaks at Friday's will be on Instagram, though I want to have people sharing a video. I want to have a bigger audience with Instagram, so then I can bring that over to you too. I feel like if a lot of youtubers did Instagram or Twitter a lot more than what they normally do, there's so much bigger, and that's what I'm going to do.

So my Twitter is the same thing and I'm doing it right now and my Twitter right there. Alright, so make sure everybody you follow me again if you were watching this live stream, give me a thumbs up, so I'm actually gon na cut it here now it is almost 2 o'clock in Eastern time I get a following on Instagram. Follow me on Twitter. Let me know who you are.

I will follow you back. I will definitely in Iraq, I'm not one of those super stuck-up people who don't respond back anybody. I love having a conversation. Ok, give me a thumbs up if you found this live stream.

Helpful we'll be doing something like this at least once every week or two but again I'll. Let you know again, I'm not saying I was gon na. Do it today at 4, but I had some things going on around 4 o'clock today, so I figured I'd. Do it now, so I definitely will be doing so.

I'm always interacting with people again. Everybody thanks. So much for tuning in follow the Instagram and Twitter will be doing the free set Friday's on Instagram within the next few weeks. Thanks so much for tuning in everybody.

Have yourself a good day, Sean thanks!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

One thought on “Credit score breakdown”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y. D. Smith says:

    Dang, I hate that I missed the live stream!!! I was hanging with my Uncle on the front porch chatting it up. Yes, its Sunday and it's a really nice day.
    This was definitely a topic I needed to listen too.

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