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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, they ruined my week. I had a goal of having a 5th 5 figure day in a row, finishing Friday with at least 10,000 dollars of profit. That would have put me up 57 thousand dollars on the week instead I've got 5 something I'm down $5,000 That's disappointing I'm up about 1,100 in my retirement account I'm down 6300 in my main account and I just couldn't find the the Momo today I My biggest loss was on Bimmy Bi Mi. This is the one that has given us a wild ride this week and I jumped in I had it on watch pre market at 560 but it broke 560 and squeezed right to 650 and I jumped in as it broke 6 getting in at 618, adding at 650, adding at 680 thinking it was gonna squeeze through 7 and then it pulled back down to 6 and this is the challenge with my strategy.

that often times as I see momentum I add as the stock is squeezing up which works great in a hot market right? like Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday it works great but today you know I ended up adding at the very top thinking it was gonna go into a circuit breaker Hall daily continuation move up towards 7 8 dollars and it just kind of was that high-water mark and then it pulled back down and so I lost about $4,500 on that trade. One of the things that's tough as a trader is that especially for me. I'm very competitive and so I'm always trying to set. You know, I'm trying to set.

my new daily record best. I'm you know I Like you know, play Tetris I'm trying to set a new record. What doesn't matter what? I'm trying I'm trying to set a record and so trying to set you know, a record for my new biggest green day. I'm trying to set a record of five green days in a row.

my last confine Green five-figure days in a row. And so that competitiveness. If you think about like a racecar driver and those of you guys who have just gone on a track, whether you're driving a racecar, you're doing any type of kind of race, Sometimes when you're pushing really hard, you're sort of it at the ear, at the very very edge of your limits or maybe the edge of the limit of the machine. You're going around the track and the car gets a little squirrelly and you know the tail starts to swing out and you oversteer understeer and then you're back in line.

And that's the way you have to drive to get that best lap time to get in the first place. Things hat: You have to be on the edge of in control is out of control and now of course you could just take a leisurely lap around the track. You should have to send eight records. Do it now.

I Have two problems: Number one: I have I have two scorecards I've got my my Broker Statement scorecard and then I've got my youtube views scorecard. You guys, the problem is I know you guys love those big green days I know you guys also love those big red days and I can't help but feel like man I want to drop a fifth consecutive 5 figure day for the community? and so I have these two score cards and they don't always align in terms of trading strategy because ultimately, what's really best for my broker statement is probably just to hit lots of consecutive base hits. Just get on base, get on base and on. Bimmy! Today when I was in with 12,000 shares, if I had broken 7, halted going up I would have been looking at another 5 figure day no question about it, but it flipped the other direction and so I took my you know $4,000 loss I risked 4,000 to make 8,000 but risking 4,000 Certainly, that's not base hit trading, that's that's going for you know.
Solid solid homeruns Of course you could save it. We're in a market where it makes sense to do that and so I think that challenge for me as a trader and as someone that's producing content for you guys, you know and who's for someone who's competitive is that I often him right on that edge of you know where things start to get a little squirrelly, where they get a little crazy, where I've got that big position sighs it's either gonna be or I'm off in the grass, you know? And today's a day where I'm off the track come down 5 grand which isn't the end of the world by any means. I ruined my week. Only in the sense that I ruined my you know, self-created goal of a 5 figure day.

about 5 5 figure days in a row. You know what? I'm a 14,000 It's been a killer week and Momentum is definitely back in the market. And you know what be? NGO is currently up a hundred and nine percent right now. A hundred and nine percent.

So we still have momentum and I'm excited for next week. I'm excited for the rest of October November and December and of course January and I Think there will be some times where I'll be able to hit a couple more home runs this year, but they'll also be some days where I gotta stay focused on the broker statement side: I need to finish each month Green I need to continue to be consistently profitable. And you know the the people out there that do throw down six-figure days once every couple months. That's impressive.

but ultimately a couple six-figure days and then you know, dozens and dozens of five figure losses at the end of the day, they might balance each other out. You have a break-even trader, so you've got those big swings in the P&L and I really don't want that too much. I mean I want the swings to the upside without the downside and that of course is the challenge now. I've made a note to myself here about my pattern as a traitor and don't be confused about the pattern, day trader rule, or trading patterns, but my behavior patterns as a trader and this behavior pattern.

to sometimes step up for the home run and to go for that really big win and then strike out is something that you see in my trading. and after I have a big mess like today or some that are even bigger where I lose ten or fifteen grand for the next few days in few weeks I bring it back to focus discipline, trade, and cool, calm, collected. but then ultimately those behavior patterns that come out. Whatever that weakness is for you now, it might be different for you, but for me it's that.
sometimes I swing for the fences and I go for that big, you know Hail Mary pass - sometimes you pay it off sometimes I get you know that huge tray, the 30 $40,000 winner I Don't know if that would have happened today, but I think it's important to be mindful of those those those kind of emotional patterns and at a certain point to let yourself off the hook for them. I'm a trader that is up well over 300 thousand dollars this year this year, no doubt. I've had a couple of really big losses because I was swinging for the fences. Sometimes it was emotional, sometimes it was based on market data.

But a feature of the way I trade is that I'm competitive I Want to set records I want to go big and when you trade like that, sometimes you know you get hurt and that's just part of the deal. and I have to rather than get angry at myself that you know, I've done it again, accept that this is part of my pattern as a trader, a pattern that has produced over a million dollars from an account of less than 600. The strategy works, but part of the pattern is sometimes having that setback and I have a little one today. So let's get into the charts and let's break down the details of today's trades.

All right. So and we're gonna get into the details of the recap Today, this was not the prettiest day that I've ever seen. down six thousand, two hundred, thirty nine dollars in my main account, but up eleven hundred in the retirement account cha-ching. So I'm down about five grand.

That's kind of disappointing, you know I set this goal of this being my fifth 5 figure day in a row and B I am I killed that a chance for me. So let's look at the B IMI trade. This is the one that that got me good. and I I do have a trade here of Bi Mi in my den da da da Etrade account.

Alright now I've got a separate video that I'm gonna be putting out. We're gonna talk about this Etrade account and I'm gonna talk about my new T V-- Ameritrade account so you guys better watch that video. I'm gonna upload it later tonight. But in any case, I made fourteen hundred dollars in my Etrade account with a three thousand share position on B NGO So actually I guess I'm only down 40 I don't know what was that? 3,500 so you know.

But the thing is no this is real money. yeah and this is a real money account. it's got 27th out. Well no it's got I think 27,000 is net value after to his profit because it only had like 25000 that I put in.

But as you guys will see in the video I set up an Ameritrade account in Etrade account because I want to get to the bottom of this zero Commission stuff and I want to figure out which of these brokers is really the best because I'm paying a lot of money at Lightspeed for direct access routing I want to know that it's worth it. My first trade on be IMI today was it was actually not that great. betrayed I got some slippage so let's look at this so let's look at it. Alright so be IMI this one was on watch pre market because yesterday I Trey it made some money and this morning it was actually gapping up to 560 with some news.
so I said okay guys this is one to watch over 560 so I type it in here be IMI I put my order like five sixty or something like that ready to go. The bell rings and it starts to squeeze up to five sixty but it was on very light volume. it hit 572 and then drop back big spreads. so I left it alone and I was just like oh that's interesting and then it rips through here and goes to 582 and then on this candle here to 621 and this is where I jumped in right on this candle.

so I jumped in as it was squeezing up I tried to get in for the break of 6 so in my in this account here when I press this Buy button I bought with a market order for 3000 shares b IMI at 9:40 a.m. so you know that's right on this candle here and when I clicked it what I saw in the ask was 6 when I looked at what I got filled that I got filled at 6:14 so that's 14 cents of slippage. maybe just the first day. Maybe it's obviously a stock with a little bit of spread.

So I was in that there and I took the trade here first and then I just clicked this and then I came over here and press shift. one shift. one shift, one and so my average cost was actually 659 in this account. So I'm ended at 659, it squeezes up to 688.

I've got 12,000 shares I was expecting an immediate break of 7 and continuation from yesterday's move. maybe a test of 750 or 8? So it hit 688. I'm up 30 cents. That's $3,600 It then drops down to 32.

I'm waiting for the first one minute candle to make a new high that happened right here to 72. it then dropped I didn't want to stop out The thing course with a large position is that you can't with. unlike with the 2,000 share position where you can just jump in and jump out and you don't get a lot of slippage which both thousand shares, you can't just jump in and jump out. so the breakout or bailout technique does not work as well with big share size.

So I you kind of have to sit with it because if you bail on the twelve thousand you're gonna get slip, adjust, it drops, and then when you get back in, you guys slippage when you get back in. So you want to be really a hundred percent sure that you don't like it or that you do like it and so I held it hits a high of eighty and then reverses here and I stopped out coming back down and that cost me forty eight hundred bucks. So and I had already taken a couple trades when that happened so that was a pretty disappointing you know that was. That was a disappointing finish to the day basically to take that big loss, but with my Etrade account I did take profit a little faster of course I had a better entry and I was like well, you know I guess I'll just take the profit at Forty Three 943 which was kind of right in here I just figured I'd better be safe because that accounts only was only like five hundred dollars above the PDT level.
So I figured I'll just whatever I'll just lock up the profit and I'll focus on my main account which has more risk anyways in dollar amounts it came up here I didn't sell I was looking for the break of 88 and then stopped out as it came back down. So that was disappointing and you know I was read on 80 is this one was our leading gap or today but although it popped up here, it was choppy and so I lost one hundred thirty-eight dollars only to watch it rip without me DTS s This was a trade that I took again into a little bit of a spike that didn't follow through. So really quite a lack of follow-through today except on be NGO which has held up actually. well I guess it's coming back down now, but had been holding up pretty well, breaking the pre-market high and squeezing up here two to ten pullback and moving higher.

So I want to mention for you guys I Had a couple questions about these indicate here this right here. So the indicators that I have in my chart: I We talked about these in the Warrior Pro class Steve has a pretty extensive class where he talks about them as well. So I'm just gonna delete I have them doubled up here. So what do you have on the charts right now are two indicators.

One is the volume profile and that's called. that's the market map right here. So I took that off and then if I snap it back on, you'll see how it pops back on. So this is.

It's kind of interesting because this is a different interpretation of volume and what it helps you understand. kind of like V Web are the price points that have the highest volume. Why is that helpful? Well, price points that have high volume are often periods of consolidation. Okay, so this right here was a period of consolidation and what you know is that when stocks break out of those high consolidation periods, they often start to move fast and so this moved quickly as soon as it broke out of this zone right here.

which is not surprising now. this stock has two periods of heavy consolidation, one right down in here and the other was right up here. If it had been able to break over this level and hold over that level, it would have looked really good, but does it tested the top area? It ended up coming back down. So I find this indicator to be somewhat helpful when looking at stocks with incredibly high volume because it helps me see the pockets where as it's coming back down, it might drop right back down into this consolidation area or it might bounce off the low of it for a second as it did there.

And generally with these higher volume stocks I need to use more technical indicators because the level two becomes a little more difficult to read when you've got as we have on be NGO 64 million shares of volume. the tape starts to show false breakouts and so that's when I start to rely a little bit more on some of these indicator to help me confirm what I'm seeing in the chart since I don't have the the level 2 to kind of lean on. So anyways and so then I got my trade there on B NGO and I was ok taking that trade because I knew I was green here. so my profits are kind of on the side of the retirement and this Etrade account.
and on my main account I had a little bit of a setback, but in terms of the net, I'm actually net down only you know, a little less than 4 grand. so 48 minus 11 is 3700. so it's it's not. It's not the end of the world type of day, but yeah, so anyways, I do encourage you guys later today I'm gonna upload my videos on the new Ameritrade account, the new Etrade account and I would encourage you to check those out and comment below and help give me some tips and tricks on how to trade with these platforms A little bit better because I'm not as familiar with either a trade or a mare trade at this point.

but I will do the best that I can hopefully be able to really get to the bottom of which is the best broker right now for zero commissions and also commissions in general. Alright, so that's it for me again. a reminder guys questions, comments put in below I Hope you guys are all subscribed to the YouTube channel for those watching on YouTube and Monday 7 p.m. I will be live streaming a webinar on some of the crazy volatility from this week.

so I'll put the link for you guys to register to that webinar in the description. Alright, that's it for me I Hope you guys have a great weekend and I will see you on Monday Bye everyone about Trading! Check out some of the links in my description and if you have questions, ask them in the comments. I Personally respond to every question posted on my channel And don't forget to subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Couldn’t find the momo -$5k on the day ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Ooh no , ross. A down of $ 5000.00 d a r m it.. sorry !

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tred B says:

    Can you do a video on how to set up hotkeys for TOS & E-trade?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rgasta says:

    We Youtube subscribers love this guy don't we? I do. I watch and listen to him each day. However, from a beginner trader perspective, I personally think we should watch his 2018 videos where he traded less aggressively with the main focus put on the brokerage statement and growing the account. As he said, he now also trades to impress his YT viewers by trading big sizes, making more trades, etc.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sir SMKSAlOT says:

    tf is momo?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Barrymore says:

    Someone's got FOMO on zero commissions – lol.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BCFXSignals says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek says:

    Ross, what exactly is that indicator called ? The one showing the exact price with highest volume? Thanks

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AMANJEET SINGH Bedi says:

    U should not have traded on Saturday Ross…..!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading for Pleasure says:

    There is thing called Supply demand also in Trading.

    You bought at demand becoming a prey for Institutions..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amc says:

    Hello Ross, what do you mean by BNGO having 64 million shares of volume, how is that different from the 1.81 million shares pre-market ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farid Bawi says:

    Hi Ross I love your work man was wondering if you are going to share your daily watch list next week with the world again

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seedbox says:

    I always wondered if you can make 30to 40 thousand dollars. why dont you go for making 80 to 100 thousand dollars. Does it scale up like that. If so why dont you do that?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stanley perez says:

    This is why we love you Ross!! You're the most real and down to earth trader out there! thanks for all the content man!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earth Stuff says:

    I am with you Ross, actually I was GREEN and I end up in RED. This is life 👊🏻 some time you have to get a kick from life when you do pretty good.🙃

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruhop60 says:

    I love the racing analogy. Going to take the car out tomorrow to do what you were talking about. Take it to the limits.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brayan Martinez says:

    Good evening Ross. I made a comment in your E-trade video about direct market access, and in Quick Trade windows there are an option to choose what of the two ECNs you want to choose (ARCA and NASQ). I think they are there for a reason and that we can use them to send orders directly to the market without any middle-man.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Chapui says:

    Ross, you should try SCHWAB, It has a nice platform. I just moved from Fidelity to Schwab.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mardini , Ralph says:

    Hi Ross, I see a You have the Tas option. Would you perhaps know the equivalent in interactive brokers, I cannot seem to find it. You are awesome and appreciate all the work you put in, it’s beautiful to watch and learn . Enjoy your weekend

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaphaba Ch says:

    A spoonful gone from a bucket of water ; ).
    Hey Ross, would you call yourself a discretionary trader or a systemic one?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elzon1 says:

    Whelp, I was up $4,000 in my ToS simulation account. Put me back above 50k today. Didn't think I would get that 50k today, but I did. Keep those reds small Ross and keep up those base hits.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheAlbundy3333 says:

    I wasn’t feeling the mojo today .. call me crazy but I think the sudden weather pattern change had a effect.. cold 🥶

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScrapMetalJoe says:

    If you could? could you ask your followers who is the best for FREE commissions for "outside of the USA" clients?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScrapMetalJoe says:

    you started by saying "todays trading ruin your week?????" OMG you earn in a week that some people earn in a year. but all good

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saeed Golisade says:

    What happened to Mike?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pxrnx Lxuri says:

    You can't win every one.. Keep your head up.. I look at everything you said evenmy fav $AMD wasn't moving much. I made only $60 on $NGL. Today was emotionally tough for me. But hey you said I always have tomorrow (which is Monday) but I guess we don't have to trade everyday… You killed this week. I wish I were you. A professional trader. That would make my life. Ross keep up the good work fam have a great weekend you 👂…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dj Krime says:

    warrior pro student here ..i didn't get to ask this in the chat but do you look at those indicators solely on the 5 minute chart or do you use those indicators on the one minute as well?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L D says:

    Do you think that sometimes your trading is effected by your side business (youtube, warrior trading)? In other words, trading is very psychological, do you feel sometimes you make trades that you might not have (or vice versa) if you were just Ross, with no camera and no students? I'd be interested to know how it would go if you had no other "distractions". Just a interested thought.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smokinsnake says:

    I need to join Patrick's team

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smokinsnake says:

    Bngo stock is driving me crazy because I'm to greedy 🤪

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars We The Patsies says:

    Fridays are Friday's.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ketchup says:

    Great week for me but red day today as well.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg says:

    TD ameritrade is amazing. Extremely fast entries and exits

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete Fausone says:

    Ross, I have both Lightspeed and TOS. If you start using TOS you must use the trader ladder they call Active Trader. That's the only big advantage they have over other platforms. I can really visualize the price action, it's like level II on steroids. It has volume mapping like TAS but no halt indicators.

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