In this video we analyze whether Tesla will be able to hit a $1 trillion market cap and if so by when.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we cover everything related to stocks and investing today we're talking about tesla. Over the past year, tesla has been one of the most popular stocks in the market. It has consistently been in the top 100 stocks owned by robin hood users, and its market cap has surpassed 700 billion dollars and those willing to stomach the volatility have been rewarded handsomely since the beginning of 2020, tesla shares have increased more than 700 percent and it Received inclusion into the s p 500 index. Obviously the people who own tesla think it will increase even further with the next logical milestone being 1 trillion dollars of a market cap in 2018 apple became the first company to reach 1 trillion market cap.

A level previously thought to be impossible for any company. Since then, microsoft, saudi aramco, google's parent company alphabet and amazon have all surpassed one trillion dollars and facebook is within striking distance at 984 billion dollars. In this video we'll explore how likely it is for tesla to join the trillion dollar club, and if so, how long it will take keep in mind that we are not financial advisors and this video is, for entertainment purposes, only make sure to do your own research And consult with a professional before making any investment decision. The analysis is a bit complicated because tesla isn't just one company.

They have an electric vehicle business, which they are most well known for the energy storage, business, the residential solar business, the insurance business and they plan to soon have an autonomous, ride-hailing business. While they have other operations, such as their supercharging stations, we'll focus on the five main business units mentioned earlier, as these are the most significant we'll start off with the cars. Tesla has four main production vehicles, the models s three x and y. They also have the high price point roadster, with expected deliveries in 2022, the cyber truck expected in late 2022 and the tesla semi truck, also with expected release date in 2022.

Next is the energy storage business. This includes the power wall which people can use to store electricity generated from home solar panels. They also make industrial scale battery packs for utilities using renewable energy sources, their residential solar business, which is built off their 2016 solar city acquisition, installs solar panels onto roofs, tesla insurance offers insurance coverage for tesla vehicles. It is currently only available in california, but they plan to expand nationally and even internationally in the coming years.

And finally, is the proposed robo-taxi network musk plans to develop a ride hailing app where existing tesla owners can put their cars on the network and earn passive income from autonomous ride? Hailing this is the most uncertain part of the business, but also has by far the greatest potential for upside. If tesla can get to 50 billion dollars of annual net profit, they should be able to justify a 20 times earnings multiple in one trillion dollar valuation we've created a sum of the parts valuation adding together projected profits from their three main business units. These are vehicle sales and energy, auto insurance and their robo taxi network. By 2027, we estimate that they can make 50.2 billion dollars of net profit or 45 dollars of earnings per share at a 20 times price to earnings.
Multiple. This would value the company at slightly over one trillion dollars. As you can see, the robo taxi network makes up 33.5 billion dollars of net profit or almost 70 percent of total net profit. The tesla bull case is highly dependent on the robo taxi network, which is also the most uncertain part of the business and has not yet been launched.

Let's start off with the automobile business. Currently tesla makes the relatively lower price point model 3 and model y. They also make the higher price point models - s and x, but over the next few years they plan to massively expand their lineup with the tesla roadster, cyber truck and semi truck expected to launch in 2022 and the still unconfirmed tesla model 2 to begin deliveries in 2023 in 2020, they delivered 500 000 cars with most of these being model 3s by 2027. We project that this will 10x to 5.3 million deliveries with the vast majority of these being the lower price point models 3 y and 2.

between their california and shanghai gigafactories. Tesla currently has the capacity to create a little more than 1 million vehicles, but they also have the berlin and texas gigafactories, which will be operational soon. Musk also says that they plan to make a second gigafactory in asia, while the exact location has not yet been confirmed. There is wide speculation that will be in south korea, which has highly developed automobile and battery industries, keep in mind that 2027 is still six years away, given tesla's rapid growth.

Historically, it's not a stretch that they could have five million cars worth of capacity by then, and if they can produce five million cars, there will almost certainly be enough demand to sell them. The volkswagen group sold 11 million cars in 2019. under elon musk. The tesla brand has become ubiquitous and demand has never been a problem for the company.

Statista estimates tesla to be the most valuable automobile brand in the world worth roughly six times that of vw selling. Five million cars seems like a reasonable estimate, especially if they can deliver on the twenty five thousand dollar model too. Next off is the energy division, which includes solar roofs, power walls and industrial power pack batteries. The business is small today only making up six percent of 2020 revenue, but elon musk says that this business will grow to be as big as the automobile business or at least on the same order of magnitude.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the energy business is the industrial power packs. As the world transitions to renewable energy. There will be tremendous demand for battery storage from utility companies and at scale. This business can be incredibly profitable.

For example, one of tesla's first power pack, projects in australia cost 66 million dollars to build and generated more than 20 million dollars of revenue in the first year, with its operating costs likely minuscule it could pay for itself in just three or four years. We estimate that the energy business will generate 20 billion dollars of revenue in 2027 and make a 25 gross margin. The next major business area is tesla. Insurance tesla collects data in real time from the software embedded within their cars.

They then apply machine learning, algorithms to estimate the accident risk of each individual driver. This allows them to write profitable policies while at the same time, charging premiums 20 to 30 percent less than legacy insurance providers. Tesla insurance is currently offered in california on a limited basis. Data scientists at tesla are refining their algorithms and expect to launch nationally and internationally in the coming years.

There are currently about 1 million teslas on the road. This number will grow over time as they sell more cars by 2027. We estimate that there will be about 16 million active tesla cars as they roll out the insurance offering to more jurisdictions. The number of insurance policies they can write will grow.

Eventually. We think that 50 of all teslas will be covered by tesla insurance. This reflects the superior rates that they can give to most customers based on their granular driving data. This will also give them industry leading ebit margins of 25 percent.

Ebit stands for earnings before interest and taxes by 2027. We estimate that their insurance business will contribute 2.3 billion dollars to tesla's net income and now we'll move on to the most important part of their business, which is their proposed robo-taxi network. As early as the end of this year, tesla is expected to launch their network of autonomous robo taxis once full self-driving is complete and approved. They'll make a software update for existing teslas already on the road.

Tesla owners will be able to put their car on the network and generate passive ride-hailing revenue, while they're at work or otherwise would not be using their car anyway. Tesla will generate revenue by taking a 25 to 30 cut of the ride-hailing transactions. A tesla owner could potentially make back the cost of their car in two to three years and ride-hailing revenue beyond that will be pure profit. It'll take a while for the robo taxi network to get regulatory approval in all jurisdictions.

But it's not a stretch to think that they can launch in some jurisdictions by the end of this year, tesla will likely start off in more friendly jurisdictions and after they build up a track record of safety, they can expand nationally. There are other competitors working on their own robo-taxi networks in the us. Waymo is the most notable competitor in china. Companies, including baidu and dd, are working on similar endeavors, but tesla has a massive advantage over any of these players.
Other companies have to build their fleet from scratch, which will cost tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars and take many years. On the other hand, there are already more than one million teslas on the road. They can just flip a switch and turn all those robo taxis on the average uber driver in the us makes 30 thousand dollars per year. A tesla robo taxi could easily make at least this amount, because the autonomous system will be more efficient than a human.

We estimate that by 2027 there will be 16 million teslas on the road of which 35 percent will be integrated into the robo taxi network. This means 5.5 million robo taxis. Each taxi will generate thirty thousand dollars of ride-hailing revenue per year. Tesla will take thirty percent of the cut of each transaction, which translates to fifty billion dollars of revenue.

Once the network is up and running, there will be almost no cost. We estimate eighty-five pre-tax margins after taxes. This will generate 33.5 billion dollars of net profit. If we combine all these businesses additively, we get to 50 billion dollars of net profit and one trillion dollar market cap to have confidence in the bull case.

There are two main things that you must believe. First, you must believe that tesla can continue to grow and achieve 5 million annual deliveries. This is about what ford produces today. More importantly, you must believe that they can successfully roll out their robo-taxi network within the next few years.

Tesla is a global leader in autonomous driving, and we already know that they will have the necessary technology. The bigger question is whether they can get regulatory approval. Well, musk thinks that we will see fully autonomous tesla taxis within a couple years. The timing is very difficult to actually predict a one trillion dollar market cap would value each tesla share at 893 or 25 above the current share price.

At the time of recording this video, if musk can deliver on his ambitions, then there could still be room to run with tesla stock. Alright guys that wraps it up for this video. Do you think that tesla can reach a 1 trillion market cap? Let us know in the comments section below, as always. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see in the next one wall, street millennial signing out.

By Stock Chat

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32 thoughts on “Could tesla reach a $1 trillion market cap?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff W says:

    I really think you should stay away from pumping sticks. Pretty soon someone else will be making a video about you and how you pumped of stocks and cost investors millions of dollars in losses.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam says:

    The main credit Tesla gets is in pushing EV mainstream adoption much sooner. With so many car makers pivoting to EVs and being able to produce units at a larger scale, Tesla will just be another EV maker like Nissan, VW, GM, Ford, etc. Once the current cult-like dust settles, Tesla will be valued in parity with many other car manufacturers its size.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Katherine Smith says:

    ROBOtaxi is IMPOSSIBLE with today's tech. It would be cheaper to higher slave labor to drive people. WHO DO YOU THINK MAKES YOUR TOASTERS? ROBOTS?! PFFFFFT!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Nelson says:

    I wouldn't be so confident in the auto insurance industry… other companies will quickly learn that any tesla owner not buying tesla insurance is a bad risk and will be a decline criteria for other carriers. This will increase the price of tesla policies. Basically, if tesla drivers are better than average drivers, it works. Otherwise, wompity. Fingers crossed for that auto driving software getting better and better. Source: I "write" hotel insurance. Lol.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johanes Sugiharto says:

    I view TESLA as a one man show, and it future success will rely very heavily on Elon himself. With current financial situation, and without Elon, the stock will plummet just as rapid.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Electric Man says:

    I think tesla will eventually reach there ,but we have to give it some time to build all its factories first

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bullminator says:

    Real question is. Why would i give testla a car so they take a cut from each drive, when i could instead make my own app.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blank Blank says:

    Tesla is getting asskicked in China by CCP.

    Have you realized that giga factory is just a way CCP to steal their techs, Tesla market share in China is dwindling

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick S says:

    Can't wait to have strangers puking in my Tesla when I enable it as a taxi

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob J says:

    25% update over 6 years is 4% per year, pretty shit upside and with the risks of delays.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DavidJMa says:

    Robo taxi means passenger safety – from the human driver too!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DavidJMa says:

    Tesla has already been ripped off in China. Same will happen in India. SK sounds a better bet.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DavidJMa says:

    Divide the Tesla market cap by cars sold. Then do the same for (say) GM. Then think about it…… massively overhyped??

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew El says:

    If all the dd of amc short is correct. Then amc gonna hit trillion dollar market cap before tesla🤣

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DSZ119 says:

    Wrong question it's when is he gonna reach the 1 trillion market cap?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aidan Francis O'Flynn says:

    Everyone of the companies are a scam that make ads that generate millions in valueless stock.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars connenenco says:

    tesla's earnings in the next 10 years is already priced in, so there is no way it could reach 1t anytime soon

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cwl.ronald says:

    You might wana try doing an analysis on FSD revenue instead of robotaxi

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earl Grey says:

    If trains, planes and boats are not self driving why do people think cars will be? Sounds like free money for lawyers

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D W says:

    Tesla's rivals should be far behind them given how late some of them started, but if anything some other automobile producers are improving at a rapid pace. So much Tesla hype is based around ignoring the certainty that dozens of other automobile makers will have their own successful electric vehicles over the coming years. These companies will also develop automated driving (since it's a pretty sound bet that this is the future of driving in some way or other) and it's kind of ridiculous to assume Tesla will maintain its advantage in this field for long.

    There are also so many assumptions in people wanting to let random strangers make a mess in their vehicles. It's not comparable to Uber, where a driver is constantly monitoring the passengers, nor the fact that even cheap Teslas cost a lot more than the second-hand bangers many Uber drivers use, and the owners will want to keep them nice and shiny. Let's say that this doesn't matter, and a lot of Tesla users will no longer consider their vehicles to be prideful investments in the future, but practical workhorses – doesn't this negate the whole exclusive future-tech excitement of buying a Tesla EV over a regular brand EV like Toyota? Nor is the tech guaranteed to be as close to ready as it is claimed. One or two high profile accidents, and this entire side-project could become politically toxic. Governments care about conversion from fossil fuels to electric since it makes them look good. They have much less stake in automated driving becoming a thing while it's still perceived to be dangerous (even if it is technically safer than manual – look at how many people irrationally fear air travel despite the statistics).

    I don't think anybody has bothered to analyse how these semi-taxis owned by private individuals will fare compared to organised fleets of similar vehicles owned by dedicated taxi companies. If it goes the company route, the cut that Tesla takes from the robo-taxi business won't be as good the moment competition hits the market, plus the larger the companies get, the more power they have to negotiate their own deals. It's not like old iTunes or Steam where for the longest time it was difficult to justify using other services. Automated driving could take so long to pass regulation outside of a couple of US cities that Tesla's head-start in automated driving is difficult to consider a lock. Automated driving is an inevitability and it's rather absurd to imagine that Tesla has the capability to retain a meaningful lead in the sector, especially given that substantial boosts in this area to competitors are one Google partnership away. This is what makes Tesla truly overvalued, they are destined to not retain this powerful niche position as the sector transitions into the mainstream. A pioneer business, if truly anticipating the future, rarely retains an initial strong or dominant position as other businesses move in and improve in other areas. The entire sector is a couple of breakthrough patents away from being upturned on a regular basis. This is where the unicorn aspect to Tesla comes in, the belief that somehow they can ward of an inevitable decline in the niche sector that they currently lead, which will become the all out warfare that the fossil fuel sector has been since its inception when the technology goes mainstream.

    Sure, Tesla have a branding advantage at the moment, but these pioneer businesses almost never retain their dominant position, history shows that eventually a competitor will overtake them, or their share of the market will be eroded by many equally strong rivals. It's not like Apple or Amazon who have near monopolies in their ecosystems.

    An electric car isn't hard to produce if you're determined to do it, as many companies have shown, it's the transition to new infrastructure that is a problem, and any existing large vehicle manufacturer knows infrastructure and R&D like the back of their hands. Tesla's much-vaunted battery tech is largely a smokescreen for their lack of expected radical improvements in density, the semi is basically a borderline joke due to this, and doesn't make sense by any measure that freight transport cost is assessed by.

    Whether it reaches 1t or not, it'll always be an overpriced luxury stock mostly invested in by ignorant late-comers, and it'll be great until it stagnates or crashes. If anything, looking for established companies with EV divisions on the rise, or looking into specialist companies that produce raw materials or parts necessary for this newly expanding market, might be more wise than investing in Tesla at this price, since there is a lot of the market still to be claimed. But these would be long-term value investments, which are not popular with to the moon gamblers. All credit to people who bought Tesla at 2017 and 2018 prices, I hope they know it was a gamble and get out in time.

    Not gonna lie, it's going to be great fun to watch some old marquee brands crash and burn in their failed transition to electric, but others (presumably with Toyota near the lead, even Tesla can continue at a more realistic market value) prosper from their sound investments. Tesla's unicorn/fetishised nature should be warning enough about its lack of sound value.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Meow says:

    Elon Musk has lied on every projection. He's predicted loads of company milestones that have happened way later if at all and he just keeps going.

    Soon the market has to realise that even the company's CEO is making wild speculations, let alone Tesla share holders.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Young says:

    Tsla to a 1 trillion market cap. It will definitely happen.
    In tsla the fraud is strong. Very strong.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrGreenMooshroom says:

    Ive been diamond handsing Tesla since 2019, up 1300% so far. Still not selling.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ruben k says:

    The market is completely irrational since the corona crisis, so yes it could happen

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ryanime20 says:

    Feels like this analysis is working under the assumption that the world economy will just give tesla the entire robo taxi market. If that happens I can see tesla magically getting 30bln in 5 years.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crastius says:

    yeah more reasonable than the 30 trillion or 50x lol some tesla holders say

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samson Soturian says:

    Pure speculation on future earnings mixed with ignoring how it'd be overpriced even with said growth.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrypticSel says:

    Can't lie it seems pretty stupid to follow elon musks forecasts historically at leasts

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrypticSel says:

    The thing about Tesla is most investors don't understand it they just see 1000% gains. It is near impossible to predict the future of Tesla with accuracy. Most investors are speculating and trust me the place to speculate is not on stocks with 300+ P/E's. Everyone seems to think their a genius, fair play to those actually doing DD tho.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InfamousKicker says:

    20 pe is way to low especially factoring in growth and the high margins of robo taxis

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bull says:

    Teslas per vehicle margin in q2 2021 was $16,000 or ~ 30%. This was without high margin S and X.
    This was mentioned in the Investor earnings call and is why revenue outperformed by 600m and ebita by $450m, additional sales fell largely to profit
    Texas and Berlin will push them to 3.5M cars, $55B GAAP profit and a 2T market cap next year as their growth rate WILL justify a high PE.
    This is ignoring battery storage, FSD etc.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samson Soturian says:

    Double. Double trouble.

    Theta burn and market bubble!

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