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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #defaults #meetkevin #investing ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Goldman Sachs defaults are starting. - 📉 Goldman Sachs predicts a wave of defaults, expected to peak in the first half of 2024.
- 🌐 Default trends are more benign in Europe compared to the US but are expected to modestly increase.
- 💰 Large companies are decreasing their net interest payments by borrowing long-term at lower rates and depositing short-term at higher rates.
- 💸 Smaller and riskier companies, like cruise lines, face higher interest rates, increasing default risk.
- 📈 The share of US dollar-denominated high-yield bonds maturing in the next 12 months has doubled, raising interest expenses and default risks.
- 📊 Expected default rates are not as severe as those seen during recessions, but the situation depends on factors like the Federal Reserve's actions.
- 💡 Innovation and competition are essential for businesses to survive and thrive in a capitalist system.
- 🚀 The speaker promotes financial courses and broadcasting software in the video description.
- 📅 The video mentions the expiration of a coupon code on September 15, 2023, for financial courses.
📝Contact Information for Kevin & Liability Disclaimer: http://meetkevin.com/disclaimer
This video is not a solicitation or personal financial advice. See the PPM at https://Househack.com for more on HouseHack.

Well folks. Goldman Sachs Thinks there could be a wave of defaults coming and the defaults are not going to Peak this quarter. they're not going to Peak next quarter, but instead they're going to Peak in the first half of 2024, which is actually where there's some alignment of current recessionary expectations, which is not great news. Let's take a look at this and see if there's some things that we should really be concerned about.

This is the Goldman Sachs Global Credit Trader Research: Uh, what we have are a peak mid-year but no. Spike Uh, okay. Interesting. We expect the 12 month trailing us default rates to peak in the first half of 2024 at 4.6 and 6.7 percent for high yield and leveraged loan issuers.

Those are kind of like think about like your cruise lines where you know when they're borrowing, they're borrowing at like 13 or whatever in Europe The default trend has been more benign than in the Us, but we do expect the pace of defaults to modestly increase in the first half. Uh, and so this is leading a lot of people to be very concerned that oh my gosh, you know that's how it starts. You know you start getting some defaults when you start getting defaults. What ends up happening? Well, you end up getting job loss that leads to less earnings for big companies, and then they have to lay off people.

And that's how you get a recession. That's definitely possible. But fortunately, these Peaks do not seem that dramatically high and it makes sense. In fact, last week we covered a story where we analyzed the net interest payments by Market Cap and we found that net interest payments for Mega cap companies and large cap companies were actually declining.

That is the amount of money companies we're spending on interest was going down. Not up. People Like, how is that possible? Well, it's possible, because what they're doing is they're borrowing along and they're depositing short. So they borrow for a 10, 20-year period.

They take that money like an Apple. They borrow at say four percent. They deposit it into a money market getting 5.5 They win. They profit the difference, whereas smaller riskier companies are getting screwed.

smaller riskier companies like Cruise Lines or even small caps. Like, maybe even a matterport. they're having to pay substantially higher interest rates. They're not able to borrow at those lower rates, and that increases the default risk for for these sorts of companies substantially.

Since the start of 2021, there's been a total of 266 billion of rising stars in the USD Market just more than reversed the 230 billion dollar coveted wave of Fallen Angels. That said, only 112 billion of the 230 billion downgraded in 2020 has migrated back to growth, suggesting a robust pipeline coming up. Okay, fine. refinancing.

What do we got here? Compression: Cash Cash Availability Fine. Let's skip some of this. All right. How large? How constantly the share of U.S the US dollar denominated high-yield bonds maturing within the next 12 months has nearly doubled.
That increases interest expenses for companies with the higher borrowing costs that we just talked about. So in other words, the amount of companies that are like, oh no, we have to refinance. In other words, bonds are coming due. We issue new bonds at higher rates.

replace the old ones has increased double twofold. Uh, nearly. Uh, for the next 24 months Increases the risk of more defaults. That's how they're increasing getting to this higher level of defaults expected.

Here's a chart by the way of the defaults they're expecting and how you can kind of compare them to previous levels. So, we've got sort of a peak drawn here for the high yield bond market. These defaults would be somewhat similar to what we saw in like 2012. Nowhere near the defaults expected of what we saw in 08.

So a six percent level of default shows you that this isn't like a recession level of defaults it would. There'll be an increase in default, and this default level is still ramping up. We're not in that down ramping phase. We actually had more defaults in Covid, more defaults in 2016, and again, this would just be similar to about 2002 12 of the failure of companies.

Well, quite interesting. So a few weeks ago Goldman updated their 2023 full year. Whoops. Uh.

issuer weighted defaults forecast to 3, 8 and 6.5 in the leveraged loan. Market Again, those numbers go up for 2024 to 4.6 and 6.7 percent. We then expect a decline that will push the full year default rate back to three and a half percent in high yield and five two in leverage for both markets. Our U.S Economists soft Landing Baseline view greatly limits the risk of defaults.

In other words, though, if we don't get a soft Landing these numbers could all be a lot worse. Assuming the FED delivers only three 25 basis point cuts, the U.S Uh, that. U.S Economists currently expect funding costs for floating rate borrowers simply will not come down far enough or fast enough for some of the pressured issuers to alleviate financial distress. Okay, in American, they're basically saying Even If the Fed starts cutting rates next year.

It's going to be way too slow for you to actually avoid default. you're still going to have to refinance at substantially higher levels, you're still going to get absolutely whacked in your net interest expenses, and it's going to be a problem that's going to lead to defaults. But those defaults thanks to the soft Landing narrative aren't expected to be that great. So is this like ridiculously bearish No.

Is it good? Um, that's debatable. Some people say that a lot of these companies are zombie companies that have more debt expense than they have free cash flow, and they deserve to go bankrupt. And to some extent, that's capitalism. If you have a bad product, you go out of business, you stop innovating, You go out of business, look new burst Pro Tangent: We talk about this and the uh, how to make more money and get sh9t done faster course featuring AI course expiration this Friday By the way, on the 15th, we talk about these sort of things, but every business goes through.
Cycles And if you were a business owner or you're even just an employee, if you're not constantly thinking about what can I do to stay ahead of my competition, Next, you will get replaced. There's a line out the door of people ready to take your job and that shouldn't be depressing. It should be motivating. It should motivate you to stay ahead of your competition.

Are you working harder? Are you working smarter? And when the answer to those questions is yes and yes, then you get paid more now. I Know then you get sort of the pessimists that are like, well, I've been, you know I've tried to start working harder and I haven't gotten paid more yet. Well, then you're either at the wrong job or you're being too impatient. It's a combination probably.

But the point is, if you're not constantly innovating, you lose. and businesses that fail to innovate deserve to die. That's capitalism. That's how we make sure we don't get scams like, uh, home builders in China building skyscrapers that are built so poorly that they basically need to be demolished later because the companies are just taking government subsidies and grants and stimulus building trash properties to get more money and building them faster to get more money faster.

And then they end up having a crop product. That's how you create fraud and froth. Real capitalism prevents that because the capitalist knows that the buyer is not going to buy a trash property. If your property's trash, it won't sell.

Then you go to business because you can't sell your product and the Builder who actually has a better reputation is able to sell their properties And so that Builder gets more business and those properties sell for more money, Capitalism weeds out this kind of stuff. So anyway, uh, this is probably a good thing. uh I Do think it's very interesting to kind of see the this, this increasing level of defaults and uh and and how it looks historically. uh I think this is actually optimistic so it's a good thing.

Another thing that's a good thing is you have four days left to check out that coupon code at Building Wealth Link down below. By the way, have I mentioned that when I Live stream and I make these videos I Bring them to you with the power of Stream Yard. This is a paid promotion, but go to Metcaven.com Stream Yard Learn more about how you can use professional broadcasting software so you don't actually have to install uh uh, you know stuff on your computer. You can do it all browser based through Google Chrome With Stream Yard, learn more about Stream Yard.

We go to Metcavon.com Stream Yard.

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32 thoughts on “Corporate defaults starting warning – the debt bubble.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y says:

    I'm one of the defaults. Started in June. No more Payments on that loan. 😅😅😅😅. See u in May 2024 when I sell some crypto. 😅😅😅😅😅

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sanjay Singh says:

    61% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. The foreign reserve banks are consistently off-loading US treasuries(as evident by the yield spike in 2Y and 10Y). Treasuries purchases by them, are down 50% MoM basis(International Capital Flow Report, US Dept of Treasury). The yield curve is still inverted. Even by Moody's lax(read: trash) standards, there's an incoming corporate default to the tune of $1 trillion. Plus $20 trillion of new debt is needed by US to balance expenditure and "interest payments". As the (the actual, the real, not the FED type)inflation is going to soar, the pressure on treasuries is going to exacerbate. In addition, higher yields are going to attract domestic dollars parked overseas (historical Pavlovian response), which in turn, would simply compound the inflation => more pressure on longer term bonds => more interest rate hikes => more interest payment => more inflation. The cycle just goes on and on and on.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Braun says:

    We need a cash only week, this would be a time set out multiple times a year, where for one week only cash is the choice of we the people.

    This will cause micro crashes in the markets to put power and control into the hands of we the people!

    This must be a unified effort!

    Also please make a video showing the increase of housing prices after the real estate industry was created as a 3rd party for selling homes…. that needs to be talked about!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim G Coaching Club says:

    Our channel is faith-based, and we're passionate about exploring passive income strategies from a spiritual perspective. We'd love to collaborate with you to create meaningful content that resonates with our audiences. Let's empower others through faith and financial wisdom together!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars royal-academy says:

    Corporate rake billions each year but they can’t pay their debts or employees.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Kohan says:

    As a real estate investor, I always keep an eye on these things. It's important to stay ahead by being creative and adapting. Thanks for sharing this info, and I'm excited to see more of your videos!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everything Crypto says:

    Don’t care, I trade both ways

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EvdM says:

    Large majority of companies,especially local, labor based operations, will be in this category, and I don’t imagine them all getting jobs at Apple once let go.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justSTUMBLEDupon says:

    I really feel like the only way we get the soft landing is if the fed reserve does something it hasn’t done in a while and move ahead of the data and slowly lower rates.

    Most of the Fed data is lagging and gets adjusted months later. There is clearly a slow trend downward and history shows when rates are like this, it takes 6 to 12 months to take effect, so maybe the fed should start lowering rates very slowly starting by the end of the year of the beginning of next year to get to this soft landing.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Koch says:

    Why is country garden up 4.85%?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Ses says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Azevedo says:

    I understand that you're running for some future office as a right winger who pretends to be in the middle. The Constitution DOES NOT give people an unconditional right to bear arms. It only allows arms to support a "well regulated militia". Since nearly all citizens are not part of a militia, they don't have a right to bear arms. Also, more civilized countries have few guns and fewer gun deaths. Japan has no guns and no gun deaths. The US has lots of guns and lots of gun deaths. Do the math!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars botousai says:

    Yes zombie companies should die. But what do you think happens to the economy when they die? Unemployment goes up. It's not like zombie companies just die in isolation and affect no one. Hence why it would be bearish and is the bearish part of the business cycle that we artificially stopped for 15 years.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars huu nguyen says:

    on the contrary the fed cut rate stock tanks because deep economy problem , fed has less ammunition with inflation

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nishant says:

    Can't get the bull argument- if the Rate hike stops, markets will go to the moon and blah blah… A rate hike only works to control inflation when you stop printing new paper. That's why the markets have been bullish since 2022 Q3 and will remain bullish till 2100 unless printing stops and reset hits.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Whittaker says:

    Most important part of this video… Where can I get one of these sweaters?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PC says:

    Young brother you ARE NOT going to be able to stop THIS TRAIN!!!!!!!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Dobbs says:

    We are led by trash

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carianin 52 says:

    Will fall like dominoes…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZenFury says:

    That BlackSwan is coming next year….

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! John Caballero says:

    When bulls get slapped in the face by macroeconomics…

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dewey P says:

    A recession is 20 quarters under now! we are fine… hey you keep throw the water out of the boat!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adam wing says:

    what are US leveraged loans and why is it the first time they’re outpacing US HY Bonds in 20+ years

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dead Polaroid says:

    I’m so broke 😭

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slobo says:

    Shorting Tesla and Nvidia tomorrow..Tesla will hit 290 and will go back to 220 ….

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toxic Greens says:

    Hello Kevin

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tactileslut says:

    Really not liking the return to dribs and drabs in place of the single long form piece.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aloalo says:

    Thats why all expect cut first q 2024… dont worry,lol

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tremor Bear says:

    The planets are aligning….🪐🪐🪐🪐

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Harris says:


  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macabrew says:

    Doesn't sound very debatable. Sure it's capitalism, and the mechanism of the machine. But idk how that can be spun as good

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Hello me babylove, I really miss having you all to myselfe boo boo, I really do sweet pea, see you in the next one me love! ❤😉😋😎😍😘🙂🤗😇

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