Combining ChatGPT & SEO for Real Estate Marketing Domination
ChatGPT is taking the world by storm. But the verdict is still out on what it is capable of and the extent of its uses across different industries. In your case, ChatGPT might just be one of the most powerful timesavers ever invented, especially when it comes to SEO for real estate marketing – if it’s used in the right way.
On this episode of This Week in Marketing, Jason Pantana is talking with ChatGPT & SEO expert Dennis Yu about harnessing this tool to boost your presence, enhance your content, and avoid the common pitfalls that agents are making. They’re going to answer some of the most asked questions such as:
• Is it possible for ChatGPT to replace search engines?
• What is the best way to use ChatGPT for real estate?
• How can you use ChatGPT for SEO?
• Is there any danger when it comes to using ChatGPT?
If you’re doing SEO for real estate marketing and are considering using ChatGPT to enhance it, this is an episode you absolutely can’t afford to miss.
If you’re serious about stepping up your digital marketing, we’ve been working with Jason on a new series of courses that are designed to give you the ultimate edge in your market. It’s called MarketingPro, and the first installment, Cracking the Social Code is available NOW! So, click on the link to learn more.
In this episode, they discuss…
0:00 – What is ChatGPT?
4:00 – Can it replace search?
7:27 – Creating content
9:20 – What to use ChatGPT for
12:34 – You can’t fool Google
15:06 – Best ways to use ChatGPT
17:30 – Mistakes with ChatGPT
20:15 – ChatGPT & SEO
23:58 – Leading to more creativity
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Chat GPT is changing the landscape of digital marketing. It's changing content marketing overall, but there are a lot of questions. Should I or shouldn't I What are the impacts? Possibly from an SEO standpoint? What does Google think about Chat GPT How does it impact my social media performance? How do I use the tool? Yes, we'll talk about how to use the tool today, but also should you use the tool and in what capacity. This is a pivotal conversation for Content marketers and so welcome to this week in marketing where today we will take this conversation head on and I am joined by one of my all-time favorite digital marketers an influencer with Facebook Google Yahoo Paid Organic All Things Marketing Dennis you Dennis Thanks so much for joining! How are you today man? I'm feeling great Jason After that intro, it's all true.

you're the man. Uh, so I was talking with Tom's team about Chat GPT and we've been training a lot in our ecosystem about how do you use Chat GPT to assist you in your content marketing and so my hope today is to go there or talk about how to use the tool. But also there's a lot of people scratching their heads and asking questions about. well, are there ramifications for using the tool if it's blogging for me? Essentially, if I'm using it with indexed pages on Google what's what does that look like now and going forward.

And so let's dive head first into Chat GPT And first I would just ask if you could explain for everybody what is Chat GPT What are these AI based language models and how can they be utilized in a Content marketing standpoint? Chat: GPT is the latest version from the Open AI Foundation It's GPT 3.5 The current tools that you see outside of that are Version 3.0 that don't allow for dialogue and don't allow for importing large volumes of data. The Open AI Foundation is like a science fiction movies horrible Nightmare because it's Elon Musk Some of the other big dogs, right? he's still involved. Okay, and so the the folks that that are involved in this all believe that AI is the most dangerous thing to face the planet. It more than nuclear war or famine or whatnot.

And the the head of Open AI was the former founder of Y Combinator. So they know a little something about building and scaling startups. and the scary thing is that it's only processed data through 2021. and the next version, Gpt4 that's coming out in a couple weeks is literally a hundred thousand times more powerful and by next year, you won't even be able to recognize what these different tools are capable of doing.

Now remember you and I were using tools like Jasper remember other copy AI These other tools that were all based on basically an API interface into Openai and I I have a license too because I got it when it first came out. but all those guys are just marketing layers that sit on top of this. AI Now Ai is moving into something that's called AGI to artificial general intelligence and that means that instead of tools just for real estate agents, it can be for any kind of business. It can be for painters, it can be for doctors.
It can be for it because the the AI has read everything, has watched every single video currently. Yeah, well, within two or three months it will be real time, but you're gonna have to pay a little extra for that. Well, we're already seeing some news with the Bing announcement, so Bing's new search is going to integrate a version of chat GPT in there seems to be some relationship there as well I don't know if you have commentary on that Well, Bing has always played second figure fiddle to Google and Google declared a red alert on this. I Don't really think that this is a substitute for search.

It's different. The idea of generative is create something for me or help me think as opposed to search which is find a particular definitive piece of information or a fact. So I wanted go ahead. So obviously I started to think about that a lot.

like I Remember listening to a futurist on a podcast several years ago who predicted that within the next few years, AI or some version of AI will be released, whereby the need for searching for content on a search bar like Google for instance, will become obsolete because it will create the content in real time generatively based upon whatever input I put or whatever query I put into. Google However, I've been thinking a lot about this. There are some applications where that's not going to hold true and I want you to get to those. but for instance I was um, working on a presentation of the day and I needed to find a quote that would be able to voice a certain idea.

and so I started with Google quotes about this and I started scrolling through a Labyrinth of not relevant not the right pages and so I went to chat. GPT and I was like quotes like this: Bam! It gave me a list of eight and I said number seven and number eight are more closely what I'm looking for. Give me more like that. Bam! It gave them to me and in that context, it was a much more useful search.

now. I Want to be careful not to get too far into the weeds. but one of the things I wanted to talk about today is how does this just impact the way we use the internet? From a search standpoint going forward, people have already realized that the search box is not just a librarian people. So when I built the analytics at Yahoo like 25 years ago, I was seeing people type into like you know, how do I kill my wife or how do I do they're they're revealing their dirty, deep dark secrets and they're talking to it like a person because people just like to anthropomorphize.

So I don't think that the shift to chat gbt is really all that different because people have. they don't know the difference between the browser window versus a search box versus chatting with the chat bot or talking to someone at Verizon who's actually you know in India somewhere. Sure there's just an interface box, but now the expectation because now you can in your kitchen talk to Alexa and ask for a recipe and whatnot. There's just the assumed level of intelligence.
so all chat GPT does is just take it to the next level where the it's smarter and and you know the funny I'm I'm sort of a conspiracy theorist because when I was at the search engines and I've got a lot of friends at Google and Facebook we intentionally dumb down Siri and Alexa because they imagine because Siri is always listening and Alexa's in your house and the microphone's always on. So imagine if Alexa was listening to everything and said you know Jason By the way, I don't think you should say that I think you should do it this way or I can hear it in your voice. you're kind of tired. Are you maybe like stressed out? Maybe here's something you should buy for you being stressed out so the systems can do that.

but they're intentionally being dumb Siri and elect do you really think Apple's that dumb with Siri No, they're intentionally dumbing it down because they don't want to creep you out. But now chat GPT opens that Pandora's Box where we reveal how much we actually know about people's personalities and what they're feeling. Well I Agree that we're going to see, not just chat GPT when 4.0 comes out, I Think there's going to be and there's going to be a huge explosion of the potential of AI and all these other tools. And it's not as if Google hasn't been thinking and dealing with this on their own side of things.

I Mean, for goodness sakes, they're the ones who really, from my understanding, popularized natural language processing about four or five years ago, and they sort of made inroads for some of the capabilities that exist today. I Don't know a whole lot about their Bard system other than that the name is lacking. but I think we're going to see an explosion of the power of AI and how it can enhance search and so forth. Now let's flip gears and talk about content for a second.

So somebody who's watching or listening to this podcast and I'd be curious what line of work you're in. If you want to drop a chat or in the comments, let us know like how are you using chat GPT I'd be curious for your marketing standpoint of your business but I've been using it or see it as a strong tool to assist with content creation and supporting in that capacity. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages or use cases for chat? GPT In that context though, SEO is the easiest way to use chat. GPT Because if you're a local service business then you have to have location service pages and have pages about everything that you do.

For example, if you're a personal injury attorney, you have dog bites, car accidents, slip and fall, trucks hit you Amazon Uber Drivers hit you all kinds of ways of getting injured and most small businesses when you do, a site colon comes back with 30 or 40 pages instead of 100 200, 300 some pages so you can take knowledge that you have. You can take really thin location service Pages pump them in the GPT and chat EBT and say hey, can you just go ahead and enrich this for a personal entry attorney in Louisville Kentucky and it'll populate some really great stuff. but it doesn't contain your stories, it doesn't contain your pictures and things that are first person experience. So a lot of people are using this and it is working on long tail searches it is working for SEO and Google has even said it's okay to use these AI tools but you saw that Google made an announcement that they've changed eat to eeat and this is absolutely huge for anyone that is doing anything with AI thinking they're going to cheat the system and we can talk a little bit about what that is and why that's so important.
So I want to talk about Spam Brain I Want to talk about some stuff. Some comments: I Read on SEO Journal I Want to go there? but I think I don't want to glaze too quickly over the comment you made. So if somebody goes to Google for instance and does their website domain colon which is a query, it's a command on Google that says show me all the pages of this specific website, there's only like 30 or 40 pages. So the impact from a local standpoint in terms of helping your Google business profile rank higher would be to really beef out a lot of the pages that are for the lack of a better word kind of static.

They just describe what you do. So if you're a real estate professional dentist, I'm putting you on the spot. What would be some of those pages that you'd want to beef up a little bit with some help from chat? GPT I'm thinking this is your services page buying and selling those types of pages. What else? Your bio, your blog about the neighborhood, about other vendors in town that you have relationships with, the best schools that you support, this, the football team, everything.

The show that you are the community agent. You are well connected. You know what's going on. You know what home values are.

You know here's other homes that you've sold. Here's other people that are past clients. All you're doing is using the web to enhance and make visible your existing relationships. I'll make this super blunt when: I Google you I will find almost nothing about you now.

Jason Pantana's got a lot because you can. You know he's publishing content like a madman. But for 99 of real estate professionals I can find almost nothing about you I can maybe find your Facebook your LinkedIn your website which you know maybe it's controlled by like a Remax or whoever it is, there's almost nothing there. so it's not about chat.

CPT The bigger issue is there's nothing about you. The issue that I had when I was at the search engine was, how do I rank something when there's almost nothing available? So yeah, so are we detecting something? Is there a circular dependency in place? So do you think we never answer the question That Chat, Gbt and AI tools will remove the need for creating content because it will create the content on demand based upon search. Let's address that first. it enhances existing content.
It's a multiplier. Bill Gates says the technology multiplies what's there. You have to start with the seed. So if you have relationships, if you've sold houses, if you have a bio, if you have a track record, chat GPT will multiply that.

But if you're a brand new agent and you have nothing that that see that's called um synthetic content when you start from nothing, you can't start from nothing it. You know you multiply it Zero by a hundred you still have zero. Yeah, so we agree I'm not I'm not afraid of these AI tools because all they do is multiply the advantage. the rich get richer.

Okay, and and I agree with you. it's a tool to be leveraged. If you're watching or listening to this podcast and your brain is exploding with the potential of content creation, then make sure to look at our new course, Cracking the Social Code. It's part of our marketing Pro training platform and this course in particular is designed to help you level up your skills as a content creator on Facebook on Instagram on tick tock on YouTube all over the web to get your message heard by more prospective customers.

Click the link in the description to learn more. Now back to the show point of debate: If you delve into Quora and Reddit and Tick Tock and other platforms, there's a lot of people talking about how no, no, no, you don't want to use chat GPT to create content for your website because Google can detect it and it goes against their spam. It goes. I There was a comment in an SEO Journal article that said um content automatically generated with AI writing tools is considered spam by the search engines or by Google in particular.

what's your comment to that I've known Danny Sullivan for over 20 years and he basically replaced Matt Cutts and he's very clearly said that it's completely okay to use AI tools and we've been using tools since day one With the search engines, all this is is just another variation of tools that we've seen forever. So it is not bad to use these tools. but if you use it, that's what Google said forever and I believe them because I I've been speaking at conferences together with them and have meals with them. I Believe that if you are using AI tools to try to fool Google as opposed to to try to give the user a better experience and you will get nailed.

And there are many ways the search engines can detect you. so give me some elaborate like how how do they detect that Well there are signatures that are embedded and all of the queries that you are making are being recorded and can be tied back. How do you think Google deals with Spam Google Can it's it's a lie detector test. Right when you have a lie detector, they're looking at how you breathe and how you blink and your skin temperatures.
All these different factors, your IP address and the the frequency you're using certain keywords you can look at output that comes from chat GPT or Jasper any of these ones that are from open Ai and you can tell it has a certain way of saying things even if you say like in the style of Tom Ferry and I've tried that you can still tell and also it doesn't because like a lie detector test, it's a sliding scale. It's not just like fake or not fake, it's like a percentage. It's like it's like a grade A percentage grade. Yeah.

so if it doesn't have things like specific stories or if it if you're embedding images and that there's no like age card or metadata attached to it, there's all sorts of ways to tell whether there's mix, whether a mixing in real content. So what I do is I start with an image or a video. I'll also maybe like a video of you and I talking about something and I'll have chat GPT extrapolate upon that extend upon that same same but I Don't start by having the AI just invent something out of nothing like write 10 blog posts about why you should sell your home with us like no. So that's the mistake I see a lot of folks making they think that's what it is.

but really it's to your point, it's an enhancer. So typically when I use chat GPT and I'll just give you sort of my use case and we can talk about how to use it as we circle around. this issue of should I shouldn't I I Typically start with a video transcript and so I'll I'll feed it a video transcript of 150 words that that are my words and I'll say uh, rewrite this into a 250 word blog post and then I'll give it some more commands. I'll say things like speaking an instructive tone of voice don't just explain the video but you wanted to be additional.

I'll give it a whole bunch of details and it'll give me the first output and then I'll just kind of like a Potter working with Clay I'll I'll re-prompt it to get a different output and then eventually I'll get something I can work with and I typically tweak it myself at the very end to make sure I'm satisfied with the final result. I am using it as a collaborator the same way I would argue Tony Stark Not that I'm Tony Stark but the same way Tony Stark is collaborating with Friday or Jarvis not that nice dark. Well, a tool using a tool is still a tool. That's what we like to say.

You want to know my process, it's working super well I'll make it very practical. So a lot of friends that are local service business owners for example Tommy Mello runs A1 Garage He does garage doors. What a surprise! And as he's going about his day and repairing garage doors and training up people and you know, doing estimates and you know buying new Vans he's capturing these moments on his cell phone. Just like you know, you have an iPhone you're paying 10 bucks a month for iCloud and you're paying 10 bucks a month for Google photos and it's automatically going to the cloud.
Then our Va's will take that and run it through Dscript. Dscript turns it into words and allows us to chop it up. Then we use chat sheet BT to enhance it. Yeah! So when Tommy Mellow rolls up in Phoenix Arizona to this one lady's house and says hey, Suzanne I love your house did you know that the garage door is the smile to your house and then they have this kind of conversation as kind of a behind the scenes thing.

Then we run that through descript and chat GPT to flesh it out into a full article. but the seed started from a picture. It started from just a few sentence, a 15 second little blurb like wow, I Really like what you're doing here in the garden and then it talks about Suzanne's garden and whatever you can use chat EBT to. It's like adding 4K detail to an old black and white photo.

Exactly exactly. So then do we agree that just to make sure we're super literal with the listeners and viewers today, starting with Chat Gpts source of inspiration is the wrong way to use Chad GPT That's a mistake. Yeah, it's a mistake. You start with the relationships, you start with photos, or you start with like a podcast.

Maybe you're interviewing somebody like here and you take that transcript and you enhance certain sections. Is it also a mistake to use whatever output it resolves at Or do? You typically make some own manual adjustments at the very end. So you start with the seed, which is original. You enhance it, but you always need to have an editor at the end.

so think of it as a sandwich, right? The meat can be chat GPT but you know we're at both sides. we're the start. They do the stuff in the middle and we finish at the end. Yeah, I agree and and I I would argue by doing that.

I mean I've read somewhat on this and I brought you on because you're truly an expert when it comes to SEO and just digital marketing as a whole. The word that I have kind of concluded is that currently Google does not really have the ability to detect AI generated content specifically from chat GPT 3.5 It just doesn't have it right now. But the concern I had and the concern I've had other people voices well, what if they build out their tools and then you published content now. but six months from now it starts getting penalized.

Do you see a risk along those lines? Well, first off, I believe Google can tell and they're not going to tell how they do it. And it's always been this cat and mouse game with people trying to do SEO because I've been on the other side where all these people to do SEO are trying to claim that they know better. look SEO has always been a sliding skill. It's not like it's good or bad.

You know that's why most stuff out there is gray Hat. If you're starting from the seed of your experiences, words, you have actually said pictures you have actually taken and you use Chachi BT to enhance it like Photoshop can enhance or you know Adobe Premiere can enhance video I Think you're going to be just fine. The people that are getting nailed now like The Helpful Content update you've seen that's been rolled out in the last couple months are when they're just straight up generating tons of spam, what's called these thin content Pages Those guys are going first getting nailed first and progressively because now there's going to be a hundred times more content on the internet. Because people are using these tools, the penalty is going to be a little higher.
The filter power for the search engine has to be higher. I'm never worried about that. I Have never been worried for the last 25 years. Ever because we're always staying well ahead.

We're not. We're not skirting the line of where we get in trouble. We've never gotten in trouble whenever Google's up. Had any update You're trying to make Rich quality content consistently and that's the key.

There is no free lunch and it applies to all things in business including your SEO Yeah, Okay, all right. so we've talked about what is Chat Gbt: What are language models? Are they going to replace search engines or just enhance them? We both said enhance we've talked about. Is there a penalty for using them? and if so, and what cases is there and in what cases isn't there And then what are the best practices for using chat? GPD Is there anything more you would add in terms of um I'm a small business owner I'm a real estate agent I'm creating content for social media for my website. Here's how I can be using Chat: GPT We talked about beefing up some of your more just your traditional web pages, your selling page, your buying page, your products Pages your biography optimizing for keywords, beefing them up with more content, and then also for blogging content on a regular basis using Chat GPT not as the inspiration, but as the enhancer to your inspiration.

What else is important for us to know? I Think you do a competitive Gap analysis. So you know real estate is a competitive game because there's you. Know if it's not you, someone else is ahead of you. So what is that someone else doing with their buying and selling? How are they getting their deals? What are they talking about? Look at what they're ranking on and then look at the Paa right? People also ask.

so what are the keywords you want to rank on? If you're not ranking on them, go down a little bit below and Google's including more Paa blocks. Here's what you do: Those Paa blocks: point the camera at your cell phone, at your face, answer those questions in one minute videos, then have chat GPT Clean it up because spoken words are Never As Good when you transcribe it into an article. So literally use chat GPT as an Editor to enhance so that every one of those you understand paa. Everyone here like you.
You know you. those are all the related searches. Google's telling you what you need to rank on. Make a one minute video answering those and let chat GPT clean it up.

Have your VA or whatnot. add more images and whatnot just to make it a better article. then post that to your blog, post a video to YouTube embed that YouTube video inside that blog post that's called Google stacking. Post it to your Google my business What? Google business profile repost it which is called repurposing to your Facebook and Twitter and all that and that is complete white hat way.

legitimate not get in trouble way to do things with Google to be able to rank better. Why? Because now in a matter of an hour, you can make 60 videos on you. make a list of all these different topics. You make 60 videos at 60 blog posts.

You're already ahead of 95 of all the people out there by having now. you have the tools of chat Apt so you can really meteorically expand the amount of content you can output. And what's more, you can also employ the services of Va's or assistants to help you. In terms of publishing in different platforms.

There's tools. We agree, this is the way. this is the way of content. And literally, like your real estate agent, think about all the different cities.

So I'm going to Dallas next week and there's Dallas and Flower Mound and Plano and Irving and Fort Worth and I'll just say I'll make a one minute video about what I think about each of these cities and then have chat GPT and these, uh, you know, mid journey and these other tools enhance that and then post it and then repurpose. I've never heard anybody talk about repurposing chat. Gbt is just making words. but how about how about all the other kinds? What about turning them into not just blog posts, but YouTube videos? What about using the prompts? where where I ask hey, what are the seven most common questions people have when they want to get a house near? White Rock Lake in Dallas Oh well, is there a lot of traffic? And does the lake stink because when the water recedes it, you know, whatever.

And then then it tells me what I need to make my videos on? so I can use Paa and I can still use chat GPT to tell me what to make the videos on then I make the videos and then I use chat GPT to enhance it Bingo Man Bingo! So I hope everybody listening and watching is in the comments right now saying what they're going to be up to and how they're going to use chat. GPT Because this one I have nothing to add to anything you're saying. it's just Flawless and the opportunity right now I Think this is where people get lost, they get confused by new tools, or it's something else to learn. And my argument is yes, this is something to learn so that you can do a lot less and get a lot more.
Chatgpt is a massive Time Saver For anybody who's in the realm of content marketing and I would Echo What? Gary Vaynerchuk said that everybody who's in business is in the media business, every single body, every every person on the planet and so tools like this are only better and better. Um I'm super encouraged by the commentary as well. Um, just in terms of the future of search and how does this enhance search not take away from search, how does this continue to make more of a case for Content Inspired by true content makers not Ai and publish more on the web I'm not sure if that thought was making sense or not to you I think it leads us into more creativity and Leadership Let me explain. Last week I was in Orlando and I gave the keynote speech for several hundred universities that are all worried about AI Now imagine this a bunch of school administrators and they're worried about kids that are cheating on tests by using chat GBP and these other tools.

So I I gave the opening keynote to all these universities a week ago and I told them instead of trying to find ways to detect whether people are cheating, instead do this. for example. here's an image someone created in mid-journey Everyone try to create the prompt to recreate that image. So it causes us to be able to think about how to create prompts, to think about how to be leaders and tell and guide other people instead of being a worker.

So I said, you guys are all treating these students like they're workers who are trying to memorize things or trying to regurgitate information about the Civil War Instead, let's let's go one level up and let's talk about how we program the Bots to do the work for us. So what kinds of commands would I issue if I want to write a book on Tick Tock how would I like? Go ahead class everyone go and go ahead and type in the prompts on how do we write a book for real estate agents to use tick tock. What are the 10 most common videos they need to make? What kinds of equipment should they have? What kinds of performance can they expect? Who are the top 10 people in real Estate on? Tick Tock That we should interview about this See, that's a higher level of thinking. So my keynote was, don't be afraid of the bot, Think about how do we use the bot.

So let's train people to be leaders and be able to give directions and treat the bot like a employee. basically. I I Agree At the end of the day, people are creative. they're inspired with new ideas.

they're Innovative and we get so bogged down in the weeds of doing the clerk work like Seth Godin calls it. now is the best opportunity I've seen in a long time to step out of that kind of work and really move into Inspire creative work to level up your Marketing in a way that's never been done before. Okay, we're about out of time. Dennis I've been super grateful.
Any final thoughts about Chat: GPT For our listeners and viewers today, think about chat. CBT is one Link in a chain. The beginning of that change is your relationships. Why you got into real estate, What your style is, how you're different than these other folks, Why you love Birmingham Alabama You know, whatever it might be, that's the initial seed, then there needs to be some Exposition emanation of those relationships and of your experience that could be making selfie videos.

whatever. then that feeds Chat Gbt. It could be podcasts that you made from years ago that feeds chat GPT to understand who you are I Have been for years. the last 10 years I've been collecting thousands of videos and whatnot on my cell phone, waiting for this moment.

I've been waiting for this day that has happened and now I've been pumping it into chat CPT and other tools. I'm using chat CBT It's like a umbrella for all these tools. Okay, sure, because now the AI is able to take my relationships and I can tell the AI make a list of the top 10 podcasts that I've been on and and figure out who I should interview or you know, bring back on my show and what questions I should ask them right? So so then I'm using Chat GB to advise and create derivative content or enhance my content. Then here's the other piece.

once you've posted it on Twitter Facebook YouTube your website? whatever, then you've got to boost it like dollar day. you've got to get. Just because you're creating content doesn't mean people are going to see it. You've got to have ads you have to do remarketing against it.

You have to collect information. You have to connect it with your CRM. There's all these other things that have to happen after you post the content. I Think people are so focused on the shiny object of the AI tool, they forget about the seed of what they put into the tool and then what they do with the output of the tool.

Good stuff. Man, it's really good stuff. I'm super grateful. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing your Insight and talking about the best ways to use the tool.

How to not be intimidated by the tool? How to innovate with the tool. It's all good stuff. Uh, if this video has been valuable, make sure you share it with somebody else who could really benefit in hearing it so that they too can start leveling up their marketing, their business, their content. until next week.

This is this week in marketing.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

15 thoughts on “Combining chatgpt seo for real estate marketing domination”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maui Real Estate says:

    Can you explain using Descript with photos Seems like a terrific strategy Mahalo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LIVING IN ATLANTA - NORTHSIDE - Robert Whitfield says:

    Great info however what is that acronym your guest keeps throwing around when talking about a Google search – PAA?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Behan Salamati says:

    I may have missed something or may need to view some tutorials, but I am missing the piece on how we "interact" with chatGPT…seems like the program will respond to single prompts, but that is about it.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James McClellan says:

    And how exactly is ChatGPT going to "enhance" a video??? It is simply a text-generator. Record a video, and enhance it with a text-generator? How? You can't even put a video into GPT's input.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RE Digital says:

    awesome video!!!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnson Stones says:

    Most rich people stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without stopping then most poor people stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich but impressing them

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Catherine Rossini Lapierre -LAZA Properties says:

    This is not language that the lake person can understand. You haven’t defined what GPT is. what do those initials stand for.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Sibbach says:

    Hi Tom, I followed you for a while. I think it’s time we talk but let me know when you’re free.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MaryBeth Pavilonis says:

    Great info.. I use Chatgpt everyday love this new tool.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jennifer Gibson says:

    I’ve used Chat GPT for Listing remarks when I’ve been stuck and not wanting to use the same words for descriptions. Works great!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soleil M. says:

    The Success behind every Rich person today is the decision they made for themselves, I'm so happy I'm able to acquire my second house in January even as a single mom at 41 and I believe if things keep going well I would retire early.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balm Beach Insider says:

    Just sat in on a course for realtors and I've found chat GBT easier to use than Jasper. Loved in the course that you can create a prompt of your voice and tone. You can even have Chat GBT do the analysis of a sample of your writing.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Atoche Real Estate says:

    Thank you so much I just asked Chatgtp to enhance my words on my one minute videos

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julie Kennedy Munden says:

    A teacher here, FT and real estate videographer as a side gig. I use it to plan lessons. It is currently a blocked site on our school wi-fi. 🫣 I use it for ideas in my video production classes too.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chido Gondo says:

    I thank you for continuing the conversation on ChatGpt. Firstly, why is it not available in Southern Africa? Secondly, how can one connect it to a CRM software?

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