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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey everyone Alright, so here we are. back at it. Back in the saddle up $2,800 That's a good day now. Granted, I'm only making back ten percent of what I lost yesterday, but this is the way it goes.

You know if you knock down a wall, you can only rebuild it one brick at a time. So boom, one brick in, you know, nine more to go within a week or two weeks. I'll be back at all-time highs and I'll be able to put this loss behind me. But what I will retain from it is a really good lesson on being too aggressive.

I Watched this awesome movie on Netflix I Thought it's great. It was a triple frontier with Ben Affleck and Ben Affleck is plays the most annoying character. Totally screws it up for everyone, but it's a great movie on greed, you know? And when you start to get greedy, you start to think about all the potential. You can lose sight of the risk and you can totally deviate from your plan.

a plan that may be totally proven invented, and next thing you know, you're off the rails and you know that's kind of what happened yesterday and it's an easy thing to happen with trading. We're always kind of walking this fine line between capitalizing on FOMO and not falling victim to it and across the line yesterday. and so now I'm gonna spend a few weeks building it back up and that's part of the journey that we all go through is traitors. So anyways, today's a great day.

Really happy just to be green! Had a Really solid trade right out of the gates. 10-second long trade and I made 3,300 dollars last 500 on trade number two and three and I said okay, that's it I'm walking away and I'm gonna take my money and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Alright, so enjoy the day guys. As usual, questions, comments on today's trade, leave them below and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning.

Friday We'll do the pre market watch list live streaming here on YouTube around 9:15 Make sure you're subscribed to get the alert I Will try to make a little bit of money on Friday and then go into the weekend a couple days to relax and rest. All right. So here we are: 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time Done for the day up.

Two thousand eight hundred thirty eight dollars and forty one cents. I'm gonna take the money and I'm gonna get out of here. I'm not gonna overstay my welcome today so you know a nice little bounce back. You know this is the name of the game I'm digging myself out of the hole, shovel is in hand and I'm you know gonna kind of settle in here because this will going to be doing for the next couple weeks just digging myself out.

This is nothing I haven't done before. The last time I was this far on a drawdown of course was more than five years ago. but you know this is this is where I'm at. This is just another little kind of obstacle and challenge in this journey to take less than six hundred bucks and turn it into a million dollars.

Something that you know most people have said is impossible and you know it's gonna happen. it's just a matter of time. This is a little bit of a setback here, but it's okay. it's just gonna make it that much more exciting and feel that much better when I do finally cross the line.
So this was yesterday was my single worst loss of my career that I've ever had. Thirty-one thousand dollars in one loss I was already up on the day though. so I finished the day down 28 grand. You know I mean it's you.

just got a guy to brush it off. We deal with big numbers here all the time. I mean at my kind of level of trading, I'm up twenty eight hundred bucks today. This is yeah.

I could basically take you know, take a digit off of all these numbers and bring it back down to what's more realistic, you know, $283 Yesterday like a twenty-eight hundred dollar loss in terms of being relative to where I'm at. Right now. you know I'm already up well over a hundred thousand dollars on the year and it's March 21st. So the thing that's always hard is it feels like $28,000 is an unthinkable amount of money to lose.

You know it's like son-of-a-gun How did I do that? You know that's you. Think of all that you could have bought with 28 grand and it's it's a lot of money. On the other hand, it's only on those red days that you really start to think about it. On the green days.

on the days. I You know where I've made seventy five thousand dollars in one week? I'm just kind of like whatever. Like you know, I'm still at the grocery store buying like, you know, discount cereal. like trying to save a couple bucks.

like you know, it's just you're like, well, you kind of get disconnected from it. Um, at least when when you're making the money, when you lose the money, it's like, wow, that's a lot to lose. But you know that's kind of just one of the things with this career. When you start trading, you really get into it.

you're trading with. You may end up trading with some big size, and you may end up having some really big green days where it's like whoa. You know it's a 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 thousand dollar green day and you know you'll have them going the other way too to a certain extent. Fortunately, my biggest Green Day is still bigger than my biggest red day, which is great.

My single biggest green trade is about $33,000 So biggest green winners still bigger than the biggest red loser, you know. And it's it's fine. I'll be alright. And for those of you guys who have had losses, you know on a scale may be more relative to you.

where it's like a $2,800 loss, you can feel like a big setback. You know I did just give back basically two good weeks of trading from from February or from March. but you know, two weeks from now. most likely I'll be almost all the way out of the hole and I'll be back.

you know, back at all-time highs and you know, a month from now. hopefully I'll be over that million dollar level and it'll just be like you know I look back and on my P&L it'll be like Oh Yep, that was that little dip and then I kept going. So one of the things I mentioned this morning is that after having a big loss, there's a couple of things that sometimes people will do. You know I Had a couple people comment on my youtube video last night.
Rocks. You should change strategies. What you're doing is not working. You just lost $28,000 and that instinct is not.

To me, it's not a good one because yeah, sure I lost. You know, a good amount yesterday. but let's look at that strategy and how it's actually performing. not just on a micro level of like how I did in one day.

Which is easy to do when you're emotional is to focus just obsessively on. You know how you did on. that one day, you know. But let's look at how it's doing over the course of a little bit of a bigger period of time.

You know? Let's look at the last three months. For instance, if I'm gonna make a change like I'm gonna abandon my strategy, you know, let's make sure we're really looking at the data and there's a reason to do it. So you know Here we go. Let's look at the last three months up until February and in the last three months, you know there's a hundred and seventy thousand dollars of profit.

An accuracy is seventy percent and my average winners are eleven hundred and my average losers are seven hundred and my biggest winner was eighteen grand and my biggest loser was thirty one hundred up until of course. you know in this month. So you know, when you step back and you look at these metrics, these are the metrics of a profitable trader. This is a strategy that does work really well and that's over the course of 280 a trades.

You know we can go back here to 2015 or whatever. you know, Really? zoom back. There's 1.3 million dollars in profits, seventy percent accuracy. So these metrics hold up over the long haul.

But it doesn't mean that occasionally you know I don't have a big loss, occasionally I will, and occasionally I'll have a big winner. These are the anomalies. There are at the far extremes of, you know what most days are. If we look at advanced, let's see just profitability.

You know this is profitability by open date and time. This just shows you. night. Pull this back.

90% of my trades are gonna fall within the spectrum of being. you know, up 5000 or down. You know, whatever. 3000 doesn't mean there won't be a couple that are outliers.

You know, couple outliers. way big winners here. and they're a couple. On the downside, you know, but this is what trading is about.

It's about the averages and when you do have a big outlier either. To the upside and downside, you got to kind of just brush it off even if it's a big winner because you don't want to let that get you. You know, overly aggressive. It's probably not a coincidence that you'll see the biggest winners and biggest losers are tied up around the same period of time.
It's at a period when the markets at extremes and I'm being a little bit more aggressive and sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't So you know. Again, this is part of the deal of being a trader. It's one of the hard things about being a trader is dealing with the ups and the downs. So today I only had the goal of being green.

That was my only goal. Today was a pretty easy day. We had a great Gap scanner. SP I was on the scan here gapping up this morning a hundred and fifty percent which is awesome and I jumped into it and in less than 10 seconds I made three thousand, three hundred, ninety six dollars which was a pretty awesome trade.

So let's take a look at that trick. Alright, so live trading three thousand dollars in 15 seconds. All right. So we're gonna bring this up here all right.

So we're getting ready for the bell to ring and I'm watching SPI leading gapper the pre-market high is seven dollars and fifteen cents. All right. So I don't trade pre market I wait for the bell to ring and on this one we got the bells about to ring. I'll just maybe move this just a smidge forward.

Oops, pull that back. Okay, so here we go: I've got my 9,000 share max size for the day. Increased it because I felt very confident on this on this setup. We have a pre mark I have Seven Fifteen we're opening lower.

My goal on this is to buy right around seven, maybe on a little dip and then sell on the break through seven Fifteen. Very level of confidence it'll break. Didn't want to take twelve or fifteen thousand shares even though I was very confident I said don't take that much size because if you're wrong and I am wrong thirty percent of the time I don't want to take a big loss two days in a row. so let's go with nine thousand.

That's a little bit more conservative at this point for me. So here we go. We got three seconds to the Bell You can see the clock up here. there's the Bell the bell rings and it dips down for a second and I like that, that's what I want that little dip that for me is a buying opportunity.

So I press the Buy button. Seventy Nine Boom Boom Boom I'm in looking now. Target Seven Dollars. There we go.

there we go. That's what we like. Boom! Put an order on the ass to sell half at Seven Twenty. sold half I'm up 1,800 bucks just like that I'm gonna sell another half here and then sold the rest.

Stopped out Now at this point I'm gonna put an order I believe I was gonna put an order ready at about 7:35 to get back in. Let's see I'm gonna have to update it down here. My price window looks like I haven't updated it yet, just kind of watching it up 167 per 770 percent. There's 2032 back to the highs so that's where I prepare the order.

now the orders getting ready at 35. I'm ready to get back in and then nope we drop back down below seven. So we're one minute end of the day and in one minute of trading I'm already up Three thousand, Three hundred, ninety six dollars and 82 cents. Not a bad, not a bad start to the day.
I Took one more trade and it was on. I took two more, one on s con or so sorry, one on solo. This was a daily chart break out. Took one trade here, stopped out and then got back in right about here.

Jumped back in. Oops. just pull that back. This is just a quick trade.

It's not really not much to show, but this was a bull flag here on the one minute flagging on the five. So back in this one with 6,000 shares went a little smaller. I'm in looking for the break over five heavy sellers at five dollars. it couldn't break that level.

I gave it a second to come back up and try to break it a second time, but I knew I was keeping a mental stop at 490. So here we come back to 96 97 98 Alright, come on, let's go. Who's gonna break 99? No, not breaking yet. People are gonna start giving up on this thing and boom I'm gonna throw in the towel so you know that's the way it goes up twenty eight hundred dollars.

it's a great day I You know I Achieved my goal today which was to have a green day I wasn't trying to be a hero today I didn't want to, you know, try to swing for the fences I certainly didn't want a revenge trade I'm not gonna overstay my welcome. So three trades, one great winner and two small losers. That's fine with me I'm totally okay with that. Live to trade another day.

I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow. try to finish up the week with one more Green Day And realistically, right now it's gonna take me a week to, you know, just kind of clear the slate from from that big loss yesterday. It's it's just not gonna happen overnight that I can bounce back from it I don't want to try to. It's not to say that I can't make 30 or $40,000 in one day because I know that I can.

but if I set that intention I'm just gonna make mistakes and I'm gonna be sloppy and that's not what I want to do I want to be calm, cool, composed so you know. Probably wouldn't surprise you that I woke up with a killer headache this morning and there's been an excessive amount of signing going on today. but I'm just trying to put that stuff aside and just let it roll off and just start rebuilding. So moment of silence for my account.

We'll get it back. It's gonna be one day at a time. it's gonna take a few days. That's all right, you know? I'll get there.

So I'm just happy to be green today. You know it's good, good, good. Thursday And we back out of first thing tomorrow morning. All right.

So as usual, any questions on the trades, those of you guys that watch on YouTube and Facebook you can post them below. Just some comments later this afternoon and yeah, I'm gonna get out of the office for a little bit, get some fresh air, but the market kind of out of my mind and get back in the morning. Alright, see you guys tomorrow. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.
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29 thoughts on “Climbing my way out of the hole $2,838 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaid Chalabi says:

    awesome. filled you on bid.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max daytrader says:

    i liked the video image, i would have liked a bit more serious looking rock climbing face maybe even a rambo scarf around your head, other than that funny as usual thumbs up!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars htx goth says:

    I wish to start and be successful. Before you take action you must have a goal, a dream. I really wish to start and be successful amen.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lombardo141 says:

    30k views on your big loss and barley a 1/4 of that on this win. Lol…wow we humans really flock to negative stuff.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Jr says:

    i had a bad thursday, i feel your bad..I bought puts instead of callson AAPL it was my worse day of the yr.
    thank you for saying revenge trading, that's what i was going to do
    goal for Friday just a green day

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julia Parnou says:

    Good on you. Keep cool and trade well. You had a bad eye on you. Give 10% to charity from your gains. You will remove that evil eye. Hope next week you will be out of the hole, reminds me when yosef was put in a pit by his own flesh and blood. Anyway, wish you much success next week, and hope i will be back in April, cant wait i miss the action, the charts, the crazy speed. Best.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Belly says:

    the thumbnails are soo extra I love it =P

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Tirado says:

    Regards from mexico, which broker or exchange you rocommend?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max says:

    nothing but respect. I'm fixated on the good and the bad days. Thanks soooooo muuuuuuuccchhhhh!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean C says:

    Good job Ross, you’ll come back. Your thoughts on SPI at the open was confirmation for me that it was going to be a good trade at the open. In at 6.92, sold half at 7.17 and rest at the top of the candle at 7.26 for +318 profit in the sim. Trading your strategies are really helping me to become more profitable and a better trader. Thanks for all you do and I’ll be hitting the pro classes again tomorrow.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leconte says:

    Hi Ross,

    Any particular reason you do not trade pre-market, even there maybe plenty volume pre-market?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FPL_Bailey says:

    Even on my best days, I'm still sticking to my budget while shopping at my local Aldi.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Probing One says:

    your videos teach me to be analytical not emotion. thankx again

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SupaStarr says:

    Love the live trading recaps Ross !! Very informative

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Karawa says:

    Ross don’t beat yourself too much dude. You about to close on a million $. You are up over $100k this year .Com’on man!! You take other people money every day. It’s ok to give back a little 😎😎

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark P says:

    Hey Ross . Have u ever traded with a MacBook. Is it a good trading computer . ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Awad says:

    Thank you for not having ads on you channel. Plz don’t cave in. Keep up the great work. 👍👍

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ace Hexed says:

    Ross that was such a clean trade! what made you targeted 7$ in the first trade? What sign made you think that the price aren't shooting higher, and led you sold half the shares? I am struggling with when to pocket the profit. Sometimes I sold too quick and captured only a tiny bit of a big move, sometimes I held too long thinking its gonna keep going up and lost the profit I would've made.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cristian romero says:

    Hey Ross I’m really intrigued at starting to start to hopefully turn my $600 into something greater . I am of legal age to trade (18) and would like to get started . Where can I sign up so I can become a skilled day trader like you .

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kames Nek says:

    Glad to see you an an upbeat mood. You probably did not sleep well last night, but you will climb your way back up, a couple of grand at a time!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Officer Santana #037 says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jegan T says:

    Lost $80 on SPI. Red four days in row, lost almost half the capital. This is a psychological  trauma.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Roettger says:

    Best trader with out a doubt

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snozy says:

    Lost most 40% of my account this week

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Pitter says:

    I swear i'm gonna turn my $40 to $5000 in 10 months.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trey4x4 says:

    Can I use your system at all as a robinhood trader? ..Buy today sell tomorrow?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Informed Tradez says:


  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KingKatzKontrol says:

    Well done Ross, Dont listen to the haters, u have alot of them, keep your eyes on the prize

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernesto Moreno says:

    Question, what made you so sure $SPI was going to curl up and break the premarket high?

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