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China EV stocks like NIO, XPEV, LI auto stocks has been going up higher and higher and lit up the entire electric vehicle sector. Today I traded NIO, LI stock long, BLNK stock longs scalps, and then shorted BLNK small, and MRNA stock. Some other small cap names that are in the same EV sector are AYRO, SOLO, KNDI, FCEL.
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What's up guys very nice way to start the monday, uh traded, the same electric vehicle stocks, except today, my focus coming into monday. Pre-Market was trade. The larger cap, electric vehicle stocks, specifically expev li and neo, and a couple of the smaller stocks, were on watch on the site. As you guys know, last thursday and friday i took some losses um, even though they weren't detrimental.

It was still tiring and draining on my mind, so i took the weekend to recover and coming in today, pre-market the goal was not to make back the losses, it's just to trade well and trade. My plan and i'm very happy to say that you know i am ending the day green um. You know i still have some positions open, uh, but let's go over some trades right now. So, as i said, i was watching the expeve and neo for long um.

Those are, if you look at a daily chart, all those stocks on the daily they're. All you know pretty much breaking out to the upside lee. I was long um started in early here around 42 dollars and i added on the dips. You can see we dipped to you, know 4120s, but we held that level and now 41, 20s and 41s.

These were pre-market levels and that's why i was going in low now. If we break down 40 ones, then i'll get out for a loss. It's not just adding adding adding in um to until averaging down to your right. It's about you know, building a position on dips.

So that's how i was doing now sold some into the 42s re-added. Some more! You can see, i'm not afraid to go back in to add as long as it holds right, you can see it's holding that prior level around 42s and that's why i added added some now i should have sold into the 43s, but you know i was trying To let it work trying to be more patient with it and over here you know i sold some more. You know. Entire market was pulling a little bit just to trim my position.

I want to keep a core position long, but i don't want to get dumped on if the entire sector rolls over together um and i re-added back here. We added some more trim. My position and i added some more very near the top um you know - should have sold into 44s again. I was just trying to be patient um, so it ended up being a little bit minimized, but i was a little bit more patient with my trade on neo i get to give back some unrealized um and then this is why i got out um all of It pretty much so you know still green on the long side on this name could have been more if i had sold into 44s, especially if i had added pretty much from 41 42 40 to 40s, and then you know 40 to 80s and then 43s really Should have sold in the 44s, so i minimized some profits but still very green on the long side on this trade, the whole idea is to buy on the dips and join the trend and sell into any parabolic move but um for li.

You know, i i don't think we're done yet, but at the same time, you're also seeing that you know this level around 44s it's kind of been sold into and we didn't get the true parabolic upside that i had really wanted uh. What's he, you know there might be a play on this uh during power hour. So next stock is the stock. I'm a lot more patient and i also entered a lot later than li right in the early beginning of the morning, no 9.
30 to about 10 30's, i was in li, but now for neo i was looking at it. You know trading it along with li and also expev, i'm seeing that okay they're trying to hold this 52 level 52 level over here once that holds. We can really have some nice upside to test. All time highs around.

You know you can see. 45. Sorry. 55.

54, tens and potentially higher, and that's why i went in long um. You know the whole idea is to join the trend. As long as the trend is intact, i want to stay in um. You know the whole idea i kind of want to stay in for the entirety of today.

So we'll see you can see, i'm up a little bit over a buck a share, but i'm really looking for the 54 dollars we'll see what happens um. You can see just you know, this is kind of what i call a trend joining kind of play. You know if you just look at the dips around here here here. The dips are getting bought back up and that's why i didn't stop out over here right.

This is just another deep level to the trend line as long as it holds, then i'm going to stay in it long um, let's say later on. If we break down, let's say we break down 53. We break down 52 50s, then i'll i'll, potentially look at okay. I should either take profit for a smaller win or you know, cut the entirety of my long position, but we'll see i'm a lot more patient with neo because uh it's a stock that i've traded.

Many times in the past before on the long side now next, this is a smaller name blnk, as you guys remember, this is my biggest loss from friday. You know lost about two thousand dollars on this, something like that uh, but overall, on friday i was down about uh a little bit like four grand, but today i was actually neutral on this. You know i did short it um just over here, but i actually made more money on the long side on bln k. Um i had the scalp just on the short side.

The opening breakout move um around 28. You know i started in around 2730s added at 28. Pretty much gave me a 27 60s average, just a scalp um covered into this. Should i cover them down here, but i was a little bit too late on the hot keys covered here and when i covered you know, if you look at this level, um 27 dollars i can see they're holding this 27 is also pre-market highs.

What i was trying to say is: i'm not as convinced on the long side, i'm bl and k as i was um neil and li, and also expef, but i didn't get to trade xpath um. So um i had a small position. I was kind of scared and i'm not gon na lie and i sold most of it already at 27. Uh 30s.

I was thinking okay. If we really break out and hold the trend, then i'll keep on. You know adding on small dips same idea as li. This one, i was no the even though i did add on dips here.
You know 27 sold all my longs and we rent renting again smaller size, 29 um 70s. You know you can see we dip down here i was going to stop out. I don't want to give back too much of my long profit um, you know, but it ended up. You know the same idea as it lead right held the trend, so i was selling into the pushes um and then you know re-adding back some on the dips and we're trying to you know see if we can get the 33 dollars parabolic, we didn't get that So i was actually out of my entire loan position here over here, 31 30, so that whole long trade was was the biggest trade um bl k for me today, the law, the short was just a scalp now over here - is actually where i went in schwartz Again, you can see we rejected the 33 32 50 area.

You know i was thinking 33 dollars could potentially be the harder resistance uh. But if you just look at a chart right basic technical analysis, um double top over here - 33 50s right. So if i'm going in short, uh small position - i you know i'm not a small position. Remember this is a stock like got squeezed down on friday, uh small position.

You know i got a nice scalp down here around thirty to one one dollar. So pretty much. You know only fifty cents and then after i covered i i was covering here as you can see, because this is the whole idea that there's a uptrend over here. If you draw a trend line um from the dips here, dips here dips here and over here, pretty much a trend line right.

That's why i was covering here thinking that okay, they're, probably gon na hold the trend 31 dollars and go up higher, but it didn't so um so pretty much. I was not in short anymore. I wish i was staying in on the short side under 29, but it wasn't um so after it breaks down to v1, that's what went in long again same idea. It's still in the hot sector.

Um volume is still intact. You can see on the daily volume. We're trading around 53 million shares um, so you know - and you can look at here right - some small supports around 20 nice. That's why i went in long got a nice upside to 2980s and sold all of it into 30 dollars, so pretty much scalps afterwards right.

I'm low on the front side, this could potentially be the back side, i'm just scalping on the long and then the shorts over here now. This is where various things you know got very interesting. Citron came in with a tweet um, giving blnk a one dollar price target uh. You know the stock did flush from thirty dollars.

Down to you know twenty sevens pretty much, but you have to understand uh. If you look at solo, citron did the same thing on friday last friday you know solo dumped pre-market and then the weakness actually got bought back up because, after all, we're still in the hot sector right. So you know so after citron's tweet a lot of times. Um, it makes the short side actually more difficult, because if you think about it, they probably loaded up short up here around 32 31s and then they tweeted a short call and the stock dumps.
Do you think they probably covered some like? Let's be real here and now for a lot of novice traders who just follow these twitter alerts blindly, they're, probably shorting down here they probably chased it. Thinking that oh citron said it's going back to one dollar, i better get insured now at 28, and this is going back to 10. It's it's not gon na work like that, not not usually anyways a lot of times. These short tweets depends on the stock.

Of course depends on the market. Cap depends on the market condition uh, but for stock like bl and k, you know that's why it went actually waiting long after the citroen tweets. I let it dump. You know i wasn't trying to pick bottoms.

I let it no try seeing some wick at the bottom being bought back up. That's why i went long around 28. 28. Tens.

28. 20S. Thinking that we're gon na get a nice bounce to you know 29. You know we didn't get 29 no right away and unfortunately you know i sold into 28 70s and i got stopped on the rest in case this pose again uh.

But you know this kind of move was what i was looking for right. I wish i held, but i didn't um. No, you can see pretty much after you know. I sold it double bottomed around here, 27, 80s, double bottom and then got bought back up and squeezed to you know 29 and then 29 80s.

So you just just have to be careful which side you're on and you know whether you're long or short, there's a play for everyone. But you don't want to be chasing short into the weakness and you don't want to be buying breakouts into the into the parabolic. Moves so there's some tips for you um. You know the whole.

You know citron. If you look at the performance of the tweet on solo, you'll kind of get the idea why i went long on blnk, so the last stop we're going to go over. Is my you know, usual favorite uh mrna, the stock gapped up, you know to 101 102s. No, the same idea.

I played this twice last week. Um same idea same executions. If you take a look except today, i wasn't as aggressive and i kind of got out a little bit too early, because there were a lot of the other electric vehicle stocks, the large caps. I was looking too long.

So that's why i didn't stay as patient. As i should have you can see. You know it went all the way down to 98 dollars. That would have been nice uh, but i got the pop from 101 fives down to 101 150s and then you know the low i got was 99.90.

So that's a decent short for me and i got stopped on the wrist. I actually tried to go long here, but just taking a little bit too long, you can see. I would the long i did around one or 140s. You know i sold for like two cents and the stock just dropped afterwards.

So my only position left is neil. On the long side from here you know 50 to 20s. My price tag is 54s uh, we'll see if we get that, but potentially, if we break out above 54s, you know you can see the steady wick if we break out above that, you know this stock. Could actually go even higher all right? So let's answer some questions.
The first question from jh: how long did it take you to earn enough to make such large trades where losing five thousand dollars is still your risk management comfort zone um? So let me clarify losing five thousand dollars is within my risk, but i'm not saying it's fun. Okay, like there's a difference. Some people say that, oh you know it's five thousand six thousand twenty thousand is nothing um. It's within my risk profile, but five thousand dollars still.

It was still like it's still a bummer right, um, so just to clarify that five thousand dollars. Now i still value that money. It's not like. Oh it's nothing! You know i wish i could just be like.

Oh five thousand dollars, there's nothing just let me make it rain lambos, but if you're a brand new trader uh starting out with day trading, you definitely don't want to risk five thousand dollars. Even if you have a fifty thousand dollars account because you're a bowler uh, if you're a new trader, you know trade with small amounts and gain some consistency first before sizing up, because if you cannot trade with a hundred shares, you will not be able to trade With a thousand shares or 10 000 shares, so keep that in mind. Okay next question is from feife, hey ht. Please answer this question.

Okay, i shall do you need to be good at maths to be good at day trading uh. The the the short answer is no absolutely not um day trading, you know, i know the only math i ever use is, you know, calculating share sizes, and i do that on my calculator. So you know you don't need to be good at math, but what you really need is discipline. That's that's the main thing you need to have a grasp of discipline.

You need to be able to cut your losses. You need to be able to. You know be patient with your process and with your trading journey, but yeah you don't need to be good at math unless you're writing these um trading bots or trading our goals and maybe but for the kind of trading. I do the momentum kind of trade.

You do not need to be good at maths last question from nelly as a day trader. Do you keep some good stocks with long-term investment? If, yes, what early so? Yes, i definitely still invest long term with completely separate accounts right. You want to keep your day trading and investing accounts separate, and i've done a video on that. So, if you want to know about more about this, make sure to check that out.

But if we're talking about individual stocks for my long-term portfolio, i only have about 20 in individual stocks and those will be stocks like apple nvidia, facebook, um and then, what's in tesla, of course, individual stocks and a few other ones. That's not working so well. But that's why you know it's a very small portion of the portfolio, but the bigger amounts of my portfolio are in index funds, low cost, etfs index funds for the entire s: p, 500, the entire uh, no qq, and also some dividend etfs. So that's what i kind of do and i also have some other investments outside of the stock market, of course, but but yeah you know it's because i'm trading all these such volatile stocks on a day-to-day basis.
I want to make sure my long-term investment. I can be very hands-off and stress-free, so all my contributions are done, um automatically every single month um, so i never have to touch it. Basically, so yeah it looks like my 54 dollars. Neo trade just got sold.

I still have about one quarter. Position left we'll see what happens, but i'm locking in very nice profits and ending very green on monday. If you guys enjoy this video, please remember to drop a like at the bottom of the video. Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys.

Next time. Hey guys, thanks for watching, i hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content, make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll.

See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

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27 thoughts on “Chinese ev stocks to buy- nio, li, xpev, blnk stock trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason's Kitchen says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Marti says:

    I bought LI & XPEV and after November 24th have come down up to minus 40% as of March 19th. I chose going long and I expect they recover by December 2021 otherwise I'll sell them at a loss for tax purposes.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Hardman says:

    What do you think of ehang, ticker symbol EH the autonomous flying drone company that can haul people or cargo? Its pumping and potentially the head of a trillion dollar industry

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Hann says:

    Can you cover Blackberry stock? Blackberry and Amazon announced a "multi-year, global agreement" to develop BlackBerry's Intelligent Vehicle Data Platform, IV. This stock is soaring.


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KMartha22 says:

    I am new to this day trading business, and I have no clue what I am doing tbh. Basically, my tactic is if I loosing money on my day trades I just turn them into longer term investments, when those finally catch up I sell them and use the funds for day trading. Is this a ridiculous approach?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ngai Kai Tuck says:

    Why not invest in NIO as an investor? Will be rewarded greatly in 4-5 years. Just my thought.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Y says:

    Could you tell us what software you are using to see those fancy graphs? Thank you!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AR M says:

    Hi shay, when you say the price level "holds", exactly what do you mean by that, what is the time frame for "hold". Thanks for your help.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt I says:

    Can you please make a video about reducing capital gains tax in British Columbia. Thank you!! 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nischal Khadka says:

    Hi, can you make a video on how to use trailing stop limit or do you already have one?😅

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suresh Patel says:

    How much u paying broker and which platform u use. I want to start daytrading.. good video

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xiao Liang says:

    Hi you! your channel got quite big already and I am very proud of you as an youtuber!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Zimbalist says:

    Hi, I was wondering if you could list off some of the best brokers overall, and also the best brokers for shorting. My account size is <10,000 and I've been trading with thinkorswim, but I'm willing to pay commissions if the executions are better. I do have a trade zero account, but you mentioned that the locate fees are unreasonably high. Thanks!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay DKB Games says:

    It takes a LOT of discipline and trust in your strategy to be successful doing this. This morning I let FOMO take over and I took a nasty punch in the nose for it. Lesson learned, stick to the process and your plan UGH….

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crusadn says:

    @Humbled Trader, if i use DAS trader and IBKR Canada, does PDT rule apply to me? I'm Canadian

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Natural says:

    Thank you for consistently putting out information HT. I'm new to trading and am still learning, but your videos really help and continue to keep me motivated. Your honesty and humor always keep me watching your videos. I hope you're very profitable this week!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mattia Violani says:

    Hi, I have a question. How should one deal with pre-market and after-hours dips and volatilities in swing trading given the fact that stops do not activate on extended hours?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff B says:

    When you place an order, do you place a market order or a limit order. How are you hitting so many bottoms and tops. It is so hard to predict these moments, and even harder to get the order in at the right moment. Would like to hear more on the preplanning, and choosing stocks to include in plan for the day. I love your videos! honest, "humble" and real and super helpful. Thank you!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Illuminus Illmind says:

    Do you think that trading will have a future after the world has been resetted by the elites? Or lets say like this, will our kind of trading have a future? Are there any signs in any way? Someone?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avenge All Heroes - No Commentary Walkthroughs says:

    i still feel like even after pullbacks this sector should be fine
    everyone wants tesla stock.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hilal K says:

    Hey HT! I'm from Toronto and recently started day trading. I love watching your videos, they're super helpful!! I just cashed in on OTPP today 🙂
    Stay awesome 🙂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodrigo González Martínez says:

    I have always traded in the penny stock, lower-cap area, but lately I haven't been liking the action and wanted to take a look at larger caps, and I was wondering how do you usually scan larger cap stocks and how do you usually approach building a watchlist made up of these bigger companies? Thanks a lot!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W Huff says:

    Another great video! You say you use a calculator.. I would recommend using Alexa.. I get all my quick calculations yelling at Alexa Ha! So… NIO got passed by XPEV (pushing $74 Pre-Market).. Would you consider XPEV's new lead paving the way to NIO's new highs? Thanks! cheers Happy Trading!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hphoto says:

    She said calculator. I totally agree. There's something about having a straight talking calculator by you that avoids touching the mouse again. Somehow gives you a bit of mental space from the screen.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hugh Manniti says:

    Hi HT, I know you always scale out, but do you always scale in when going going full size?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    Would you mind sharing how much you trade with? Like 100k account or more?

    Do you wire out weekly or monthly or just keep growing account?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    You crushed these stocks nice job. I was fighting them all short the entire day 🙁

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