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China EV stocks like NIO, XPENG has been going up higher and higher and lit up the entire electric vehicle sector. There's money to be made trading these stocks long and short. In this video I go over my losses shorting XPEV stock, and then the wins buying NIO stock.
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But then i discovered the stock market, you get stocks like neo they'll, give you all the highs and all the lows you need in the same day, what's up guys happy friday, so the chinese electric vehicle stocks, such as neo, expev and also li, has been the Hot place of this week, um, you know, there's money to be made both on the loan side and the short side. So, for me i don't generally have a bias, but on these large cap stocks i tend to do better on the loan side on the way up and you'll see that from my small red day on thursday yesterday um you know like i, i was trying to Short some of these vehicle stocks, but just didn't work out and then today, i'm still very happy to end the day, green and in the week green overall. So let's go over the losses from yesterday. First, so thursday, expeve um, you can see this very extended candle on the daily chart.

You know i was more short biased on expev, but on the other hand i was long biased on neo um expef. You know they had earnings. You know the earnings was okay. Like it wasn't like anything amazing, but i think it would just keep on going up with the entire sector, so i really had thought they were gon na sell off and you can see.

I was wrong, so i took a decent loss on this. Now pretty market is, it was up um up around the 40 dollars free market and it sold off all the way down to 35 before the open, and that's why i was trying to short around this 37 and 36 dollars area. Thinking that they're gon na break down 36 and flush all the way down, it doesn't show on the charts here. Uh but downside, there's downside to you, know 34 and potentially daily support around 32 dollars didn't work uh, but i managed my risk really.

Well, though, you know like, even though it sucks to take the loss, but i did um take a loss here and over here you know i had another loss again on the short side, this time smaller, because i'm revisiting these trades uh small loss over here when It didn't work, i'm not! I don't like to keep on adding adding adding on the way up. I think that's a very short way to blow up um, so i don't do that um. So i'm really quick to cut. If i'm wrong, you can see, i took a small profit but cut everything again and over here you know i tried it again, small size, just a scalp um this one.

This straight, i was green, but overall, still red on this name uh and you can see. I got kind of tried again nature on near um around two o'clock uh, when it just you know, seems like very extended still um traded this this one. I scaled it a lot slower and i would use a lot less size um. So this trade, the final trade, was a green one, but overall, on this name on xpev um, i was red on the short side.

Second, trade is also a loss, but smaller loss on starter size pdd this one. You know they beat some earnings and i really had thought um. They were going to be more upside, but we didn't get that today. You can see um.

I started aiming around the consolidation level: 134s thinking that they're going to hold 134s and retest the highs. 138. 140S um didn't happen. You can see once it breaks down.
I just cut it. So pretty small loss on this one less the loss is smaller than xpath, but the one trade that really worked out yesterday was neil on the long side um. So i short buyers and expef, but neo is a stock, i'm more comfortable and more familiar with. On the long side, i tend to do better on neon lungs.

I have shorter neo before but um these are. Those are 10, usually just scalps. Neo was a clearer long for me than expeve, but in hindsight, of course everything is clear in hindsight. Actually i just went long on xpath as well, but you live and you learn neo um.

You know i left it alone, the entire pre-market and at the open, once it breaks out. You can see this consolidation dipped to 45 and pretty clear right. I broke the 45 daily um resistance and you know once it breaks. You know i'm buying the dips and joining the trend on the long side bother here bought it here.

I was very patient with neil this trade. I'm actually very happy about and sold into 47s first price target and i left it along with a stop at break. Even um, because neo is a stock that you know, i traded just trend joining on the way up before and i sold um the day trade over here at 49 um so over here. So that was a very, very nice day trade for o'neill, and that was a green trade from yesterday um, so so, overall, still small red from yesterday.

Just because you know there were a lot of paper cuts, i took from expev and as well as pdd. So, today, friday, it's very interesting how fast things turn in these uh in the stock market and that's why this is a great market for day traders, because there's a lot of range to upside and downside um, so neo you can see. Yesterday i traded this on the long side um and then you know today it spiked to 40 54 and then just dumped all the way down to 45 dollars. So that's why you know you want to trade the price action, it's very hard to always be a perma bear or a permanent uh bowl in day trading.

You don't want to be too overly biased on any one side. Neil, i did um take losses on the long side today, um, but you know all my losses are very, very managed um. You can see. I tried the longer here.

I left it alone, um here thinking that okay they're gon na you know, consolidate v-wap and go up higher. Try it along here, starter, didn't work, cut it immediately and then try it again over here didn't work. This is where i realized. Okay, they are not even holding around the 49 50s level.

This has actually a lot of downside and i did scalp it short on neo and again, while i'm shorting neo, i tend to go smaller size just because i'm not good with neo shorts shorter. Here after i stopped all the long, shorter hair small basically covered everything here, re-shorted it again just scalp size, nothing, big, re-shorted it again down here - and i was all out over here on neo, so the shorts was scalps smaller size, but i did take losses on Long side of neo, but over here, is where i'm getting interested in the actual long, because you know when stock has dropped from 54 all the way down to pretty much 45 and 44s. That's 10 point move under stock. That's you know price around 40.
50S range. That's a big move now when i'm buying these stocks, that's very weak, i'm not going to go in full size right away on these bottoms um. So these are basically just scalps for me, even though they're scalps, they still ended up bouncing for like three four dollars. Uh, but when i'm doing these you, i won't do a smaller size, because you're essentially um, essentially trying to use daily support levels if you're wrong.

You want to get out fast uh. This is why i'm scaling small first 45 dollars after, like i covered all of the shorts 45 dollars for the 50s. I let it drop saying: okay: where is it gon na tank? If 44 dollars breaks, then i want to be out of the starter size. So once the tanks didn't break 44s health um, this is where i went back in for added into the lung um around 45 80's level added and i sold into the pushes just scalps right when you're doing these scalps um, you don't want to be too greedy.

Thinking, oh, it's going back all the way to 50 50 152.. It could have, but for me wearing the scalp, a scalp is a scalp and you got ta stick with it uh sold into everything. Here i tried it again thinking that they're gon na hold red to green, and i want to sell into 50 that's the plan right. It didn't happen.

I stopped out for the loss so overall neo um. I still actually end the green on the long side and very, very small, green on the short side um. This is a this is one hell of a roller coaster of a stock made new highs today and then just went all the way back to where it came from. Basically, yesterday, yesterday's lows, so this is what i mean by this a play for both long and short.

It's all about your setup, it's all about the price action and you don't want to just keep on adding adding adding on the long side on the way down. That's the same as adding on the way up when the stock is going parabolic and going short, that's the surest way to blow up adding to a loser. So that's my neo trade, uh and xpath. I also played that short today around here.

Another scalp. For me, 44 80s over here this level, and then it dropped to 43. just a scale for like one point um you can see you know it bounced back higher and then tanks to 42 dollars now. But you know i'm all out on the stock when i'm scalping these things, i don't want to be too greedy, so dkng is another large cap stock i played today, so they had some earnings for these this morning.

Conference call and no, it was decent. The stock. You know basically shot up from 43s all the way to 46 um 40s and then into basically from the earnings type. I was a little bit more short, biased on dkng, just because it's a stock that i've traded in the past before it likes to do this.
This kind of um gap up, sell off chop around um, and then you know sometimes it just sells off a lot further than you thought it would. So that's why i was more short bias on dkng. That's where i made the money from. I also got long around the consolidation levels here, thinking that we're going to get reversal uh my long trade on dkng didn't work out, so i'm better at trading the stock on the short side.

After all, uh dkng had a starter pre-market, very small 45 dollars, 60 cents uh once it drops, you know, drops at the open right out of the gate. I wanted to short the bounce and you can see the drop from 45 50s. All the way down to 44 30s - and i showed the bounce around 45s and then we got a nice follow through to a new low. Around 44 dollars covered some i'm re-adding, some small on the on the rebound and i'm covering all the way down here.

So these are all the covers, i'm out of the shorts by this point um. This is where i was actually thinking of a reversal um. You can see. I got long here thinking that okay, we're gon na you know probably consolidate around the 43 30s 44s, but i really want the 34 dollars to hold for me to keep on adding into the long side didn't work.

So i stopped out all the long hair so took a small paper cut on the long side, um didn't work and i definitely got chopped up a little bit. Try to re-short it here around the v-wap level um. Once that didn't work, i covered for the loss. You know i don't want to keep on adding on the way up um, but you can see it went all the way back to the initial level, where i showed it around 45 dollars.

So that's why i went in short and we got some nice covers on the way down. So overall you know i just should have just stuck with it on the short side um, but there was definitely still long plays um on dkng. It's just like. I was too early um, you can see they failed the 45 44 a couple of times.

It did reclaim here um in hindsight um. That would have been the better place to go long, but no, i lost on the long side, so um and i had another scalp here around 43 thinking that i'm gon na tank all the way to 42. But i wasn't patient enough to write it down to 42. That would have been um very nice, so you know i did get chopped up a little bit on dkng same as my trades on neo and xpev yesterday.

No, i still take losses, i'm human! After all, i'm not a perfect trader. It's just like when i'm wrong on these losses, i keep them very controlled and very small. Okay. First question is from chill cosmos.

True cosmos, that's a that's a really cool name that should be like your dj name or something chill cosmos. Here's a fun fact about me that nobody asked for i used to be very into those like music festivals and following all the dj's and i'll go to all the shows in california. That was a fun time, but then i discovered the stock market, i'm gon na stock. Like neo, you get your highs.
You get your lows on the same day: okay, anyways back to the question. Sorry chill cosmos: how come you don't use trillion? Stop losses instead of scalping, so as price continues upwards, you move up your stop losses. So the way you set your stops has to be dependent on your setup. If it's a scalp, then you i pretty much, monitor it myself manually and just stop out um on my own.

If it's a setup like neo the way i traded it yesterday. Basically, it held the trend up this, and usually i do this on large cap stocks. Then i would use a trailing stop loss uh, but for neo i set it pretty wide, so actually never hit my um stop, but you're right yeah. So, as price continues upwards, you move up your stop losses um for a star for a setup like these, where i think it's going to make an all-day move.

That's what i do basically so yeah you're right but for the scalps. Then i monitor - and i stop out myself manually next question - is from susie. May i love your videos and find it cool and we can ask questions yeah. Thank you.

Do you watch stock market indicators like upticks versus downticks of indexes, futures markets and so on? So i only do that, while i'm trading large cap stocks generally speaking, and mostly the tech stocks um, so that i'll watch um the spy s p, 500 etf trust as a general guide for direction. But not all stocks are gon na follow the spy closely. So it's all dependent on the stock you're trading, so yeah, so i do use it as a general guide um, but on these stocks that we talked about like neo and xpev um, they don't follow the spy because they are in a sector hype essentially they're. All in a chinese electric vehicle sector, um sympathy so they're, definitely not going to follow spy anyways, guys very nice way to end the week um i think neo and the expeve and the rest of the sympathy plays um, maybe more opportunities next week, because we have Neil with the earnings and a lot of high expectations - um, i don't have a bias.

Yet all i do is trade the chart, not the company, alright guys, if you have any more questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys next time. Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy the video and the bad jokes.

If you want to see more day trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time,.

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30 thoughts on “Chinese electric vehicle stocks- nio, xpeng stock trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arvind Ahuja says:

    My fren never short an Uptrend stock & vice versa …always go with the flow ( trend) bcoz market is 90% all about noise & emotions … always remember TREND IS YOUR FRIEND ..Uptrend stock= Go long
    Downtrend = Go short

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ???? says:

    What is a good profit for day trading for a month or maybe for a day? I do like 2-3% for day, but I have a very small capital. What do u think?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alanlts says:

    Really sexy to see a women that knows trading so well. (No ill intent, just felt women that trades is quite attractive)
    You got yourself another subscriber . Lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vivid says:

    Hi, how much is your budget for each scalp? For exemple Nio today? Thank you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sky1 says:

    You must be partying today. Holy smokes my portfolio is up 35% in 1 week and I had a bunch of cash on the sidelines!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All says:

    Hi Humbled Trader, quick question, what’s your opinion on trend trading? Did you ever consider becoming a trend trader?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam says:

    #1 reason I will never invest in mainland chinese EV stocks – The products will never leave Asia. The growth is limited to the worldwide acceptance of Chinese name brands, and there is very very little of that.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Al says:

    Hello, I've been a hardcore fan since May and i really like your content without missing a video of yours. 🙂
    I am from Europe and I want to begin day trading with a real broker.
    Do you have anything in mind when it comes to brokers from Europe, for trading NASDAQ stocks??
    Thank you in advance 🙂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Walker says:

    Great content. Curious as to what is your average time you hold a stock excluding your swings…..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy says:

    Hi, I would like to know if candlestick patterns are important for day trading ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Treelife says:

    Great share! I like people who share not only their success, but their mistakes/failures 😁

    I bought NIO at $17, sold 66% of my holdings at $26… and the remainder is free for me, no matter what happens!

    This is simply an EV bubble… I'll ride it long into 2021 and then jump off!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mnsndjsjs says:

    What is your yearly profit in % (compared to the whole budget)? Just want to know what expectations can I set for myself…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Royal Eyebrows says:

    im new to your channel and you give good information i been in the day trading for a while its been a crazy challenge with the voltility of the market seems like markets react to much too news

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tank says:

    If I can ask, when you scalp, how much stock are you invested in? (or are you scalping calls). If these are stupid questions, i apologize, I am in my first yr trading and still finding my style.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tank says:

    UGH! I did not complete last week green… Only playing the EV's, specifically, NIO. I doubled down with two puts, and the stock jumped up. Now I am holding a call and wanted to regroup my losses, you know, I got greedy and I missed taking my profits when it capped. Needless to say, last Thurs and Friday were sad decision making days for me. Hoping I learn from my losses, and can get back at it on Monday.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Lim says:

    always enjoy your vids… still trying to pluck up courage to download a trading app…lol

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lester Cairo says:

    You said you monitor stops manually when scalping. Have you lost money when a stock flushes and you can't get out fast?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edwin Camilo Bass says:

    I bought NIO at 3.05. I regret not buying more, knowing what I know now.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sniper Trading says:

    No way in hell XPEV was a short on thursday: 3 red daily candles prior to that big day, that also happened to be ATH, hot sector , and earnings…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Ng says:

    Hi humbled Trader!
    I am wonder that the trading fee in what proportion in you trade?
    Coz trading cost is one of the biggest enemies in day trade or short term trade

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P E says:

    Thanks for a great video. Do you ever use a trailing stop loss for scalps?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    Hengchi new story is that they can make a new car every sixty seconds. can you check out the chinese news sources for this see if they are credible? if so, it can really damage these popular chinese EV.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OTC IS the Poor Mans Options says:

    IPNFF and OPTI…longterm pennies that are great companies with potential and they both started running

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Kala says:

    Just discovered your channel. It looks interesting…subscribed 🙂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn Batemon says:

    Hello Humbled Trader I have a question for you. I work full time and want to trade stocks as well. But I am on the eastern seaboard and work a 9-5 job so the market is open during my work hours. How can I trade without changing my work hours? or your recommendation for a good swing trading strategy? Thank you for all that you do, I smash that like button a lot 🙂

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Nguyen says:

    First time stock trader any advice ? Interested in Penny stock

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChillCosmos says:

    LOL! I'm glad my user name reminded you of your dance music festivals. Your flashing lights graphic almost gave me epilepsy! =D DJ ChillCosmos, sounds like something out of the movie Fifth Element. I like it! I thought up the name based on the chillout electronic music I love to listen. Cheers!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prateek goud says:

    Ma'am please give your opinion on betterware de mexico for long term investment

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Swiez says:

    Nio will continue to go up even if it goes down to 25. Your wise beyond your years Humbled trader but shorting Nio is risky business, but long term it will be fine. Just my thoughts

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sayed Mahmoud says:

    Humbled trader, I learnt a lot of you. Thanks not enough.
    I am grateful for who invented the internet because I had the opportunity to see an amazing person like you form the other side of the world.

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