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Well, we gotta talk about Russia and Ukraine because remember that big peace deal we were expecting to get announced by Beijing Oh man, the peace deal is here. Are we going to see peace between Ukraine and Russia? Let's look at the multiple different parts of the peace deals suggested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. But first we, before we go into that, it's very important to remember now: China's potentially considering delivering lethal weapons to Russia something they haven't done previously. They've only been delivering parts for things like radar and Jammers and planes and jets.

Massive supply chain shortages by the way, and jets. And Aerospace Maybe because of the war? Maybe because it's just an industry that all of a sudden saw a lot more demand during Covid than ever before. Like let me put it this way, you don't want to own a plane right now like it's very expensive to do so. But anyway, uh, China is also now considering ramping from just those you know sorts of supplies to Russia.

but ramping to potentially lethal weapons going to Russia which would be seen as an escalation of the war Iran is already doing so supplying lethal weapons to Russia including potentially building a suicide drone facility about 600 miles outside of Moscow. That's not great. That gives them that creates a less risk that those sort of weapons are seized in transit. A lot of weapons that flow for example, from Iran to Yemen uh to support the Houthi rebels end up getting seized by the United States and now the United States in counter to un, uh uh, sort of Standards is potentially considering taking those seized weapons and providing them to Ukraine which is not what you're supposed to do.

Uh, that would be against traditional War conventions, but they're They're suggesting that while Russia is breaking warkins, it's a mess. But anyway, China is like hey, you know Look, we want peace because even though Russia is only like the 20th largest economy in the world, we like they're They're an important trading partner to us and we don't want our big Ally to be destroyed after this economically, whatever, militarily super weekend. Whatever. We also don't want nuclear war because as, uh, the letter that we reviewed uh, just a couple days ago Xi Jinping makes it very, very clear that his focus is on growing China's economy and he's kind of I Mean, if I gave you a bottom line of what Xi Jinping has to say, it is massive.

A sort of speech to the country which saw briefly on screen here. Xi Jinping is basically talking out of both sides of his mouth going, we love capitalism but don't worry, we still love socialism. But boy capitalism is great. It's it's kind of like they they they touched you know the white powder to see what it is and they took like a little taste of it and they're like we need more of that.

Uh, but don't worry, we are not addicts. That's a little bit what it feels like. So so what is this peace deal? Uh, that China is now proposing to Ukraine and with Russia Well, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China as the following to say, they say that we should respect the sovereignty of all countries and there should be an equal and uniform application of international law. Okay, that's fantastic for a peace deal, right? But what about the annex territories? Who's my, whose land is that? Because if you don't address the annex territories and you know, like if you're not saying should Russia give those Annex territories back.
Uh, and and basically let Ukraine keep those and essentially unannex them and then take the egg and face as Russia being able to wellbit Russia basically having to go back to their people going. Um, we need to unannex the places we Annex that just looks like crap, right? So without China actually addressing that, it starts off a little loony. Because you've got to address Crimea You've got to address Dunesque and then you've got to address Luhansk. This is very important.

Without that, you're basically saying hey, let's have a ceasefire and we'll just leave the Russian troops in these territories because Russia owns it now, right? Hey! Quick note: Ricky Carruth on YouTube Made a phenomenal review of his shadowing experience with me. So if you're interested in that, learning more about me or my personality and what I'm like in real life or those programs on building your wealth linked down below, use that flash sale. We've got a 69 off discount for you on all the programs on building your wealth. The most common right now are Zero to Millionaire real Estate Investing and Stocks and Psychology of Money which come with trading fundamental analysis, long-term analysis My thesis on the Market q A with me and daily Market Open live streams and did the Elite Hustlers Course we've got custom live streams on the weekend.

no no addressing at all of the Annex territory so that kind of makes this letter worthless. But let's see what else they say we have to abandon. Cold War Mentality Okay, this is basically where they're saying well, I'll just read this moment: the security of a region should not be achieved by strengthening or expanding military blocks. So basically they're saying hey, stop invading each other stop NATO Expansion Uh, you know, can't we just all be friends and not have NATO expand.

Damn it. China So far y'all not doing so great with your uh piece like this. This is your big one year anniversary peace deal I mean like it's I I Guess we could call it a good effort uh, like at doing something because it doesn't seem like anybody else is doing anything in terms of trying to negotiate peace. But I don't think this is really going anywhere Russia and Ukraine should work in the same direction to resume direct dialogue.

Okay, that's good. they should. and if China can bring them to the table, hats off to you! China So I actually think at least they're making an effort. It's kind of like a half ass effort if you ask me, but at least they're making an effort resolving the humanitarian crisis.
Everybody should agree with that and I Love I Do love that they say this: Russia Basically you need to stop attacking civilians or basically bombing like elementary schools and apartment buildings because that's F'd up. That's fair. Like not only is that fair like that, just like brings tears to my eyes because it that is effed up. but what it is, it's it's it's so there are two types of warfare.

There's battle Warfare and then there's Total War No and I'm not talking about like the video game Rome Total War Total War and Battle Warfare are very different. Battle Warfare is essentially like when you march to the front lines with your flutes and your drums and you fight each other. and then, okay, whoever wins more battles ends up winning the war, right? Obviously, we don't have flutes and drums anymore on the battlefield that I'm aware of. Uh, but but generally battle Warfare is how modern Wars are thought to be fought and the idea there is that we don't want to like Loot and pillage innocent people's homes and their you know, elementary schools and stuff because that's f'd up.

Russia is unfortunately still taking the total Warfare approach which is a very sort of like Viking mentality of let's just bomb the crap out of everything energy infrastructure, churches, schools, apartment buildings because all the people are who are still here are supporting the war effort in some way. So we're going to take a total warfare approach to try to win the war and just like demoralize Ukraine It's not great, right? Total Warfare is is the worst form of warfare. Uh, and and it's It's very sad for for the people who for whatever reason haven't left or couldn't leave whatever. obviously because they're probably dead.

Well, some of them anyway. Okay then then so trying to Fair Point here. but I think we can all agree on that keeping nuclear power plants safe. They're basically saying stop attacking Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

especially where the nukes are man like, we don't want nukes at War and we need to reduce the Strategic risks. Like why? why? Russia Why are you loading nuclear weapons for strategic deployment onto your Warfare ships like this is how we start World War Three: Please put your nukes back in the silo nuke and Silo not on ship. That's basically what they're saying here. Facilitate grain, expert exports.

Look, we got the rice. You got the bread. Please let the bread keep flowing. Uh, stopping unilateral sanctions.

This is basically like okay now in order for us to have peace and to stop pissing Russia off because they got nukes United States stop expanding NATO and please stop sanctioning Russia And while you're at it, please stop uh with the tariffs on China then hey, let's work together to keep Supply chains stable and let us have all your technology while you're at it. United States It's reading between the lines a little bit here and then uh, hey uh when we rebuild Ukraine Um, let's all work together and this is basically China saying since we've kind of overspent on like rebuilding real estate in China and now we have ghost cities. but we want to increase our ability to sell goods and services because after all, capitalism is great. Since we, um, we had a little bit of a taste, let's now suggest that when it's time to rebuild Ukraine we want to join.
In Other words, China is kind of like hey, um, we'll be there to help rebuild because that'll help our GDP too now. Jake Sullivan in the United States has so far brushed this letter off as worthless. NATO Secretary General has brushed this off as saying China doesn't have much credibility. You also have NBA players who have been interviewed about this Russia and China involvement and NBA players are basically scared to talk bad about China because guess where a lot of their products are manufactured? Oopsie Doopsies in China Yes, some are manufactured in other Asian countries but also in China So you can have a lot of people who are like we don't want to say such terrible things about China because we cannot rely on China for many.

Uh, then you also have like apparently these now uh, higher definition uh uh pictures of the uh weather balloon and they're kind of interesting. regard. you know from China because these are like up close from I think I don't know if they're from C-130s or or where they uh, where they took these HD pictures but they they really show a spy balloon. That's a lot.

um a lot more than like a weather balloon. Uh, I'm trying to find a picture here. uh, that's convenient for me to pull up. but basically it looks like a giant satellite hanging from a balloon and that kind of I don't know.

That kind of makes you a little bit more sussed out about the idea that yeah, this is just a weather balloon. although I will say I'm a little suspicious as to why the United States hasn't released more information about what the actual components were on. the quote-unquote weather or spinal Here we go. Here's a picture on Twitter Thank you very much.

Look at this. This is a picture of a close flyby of the balloon. Yeah, you can take a screenshot of it if you want. you know, steal whatever you want.

For me, it's fine. I Still love you I Don't know man that looks like one hell of a uh well, that basically looks like a low flying satellite, right? You get your solar power and then you got lots of equipment I Wish we had a little bit more of an up close shot in terms of what the details of all that were, but you know, maybe we'll get that one day anyway. so there you have the update on China Uh yeah. Now thank you by the way for the donations here.
Ten dollars one dollar thank you I appreciate y'all Two dollars thank you? Um yeah thanks China your massive one year anniversary peace deal is a giant nothing Burger but hey at least China's trying. Oh it was from a YouTube spy plane. What? like they were playing YouTube music while on a plane? Sounds good enough for me.

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22 thoughts on “China’s urgent warning *just* released ukraine v russia”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kat T says:

    At least China is trying to resolve the conflict instead of escalating it like America!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Orwell says:

    We can all be friends… all russia has to do is go home. Done. Peace.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Hui says:

    Believe China comes with peace & they will be back to Capitalism again? Come on! Over 80% of my mainland friends hate US people so much 🔫

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Dog says:

    There won't be peace until there's no more America.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tio Swift says:

    Kev you should take a flight to Ukraine and report on the ground. I think you’d be great at that.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Craig says:

    China is not our friend. They will never be our friend they want to dominate us and if we give them a chance they will you will be there bitch.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The North Star of Wall Street says:

    Battle warfare lol
    Tell that to IraK

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Craig says:

    China blinked

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Craig says:

    Don’t let up crush China and Russia now

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The North Star of Wall Street says:

    Thé day Meet Kevin discovered a thumbnail with a nuclear explosion 💥

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADCBG4E says:

    China finally realized that they arent immune to global recession? Incredible. Of course we all know that the ccp never says what they mean and less than never means what they say.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter Jeffries says:

    “Battle warfare” and Geneva Conventions are very strange idea such . This is war. They are trying to kill you. Live and let die.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed Tarik says:

    So now that Russia getting its ass kicked…they want to talk about a peace deal. Russian soldiers are basically Isis with white skin. How about Russia just leaves Ukraine and the world can go about it’s day.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amaury Jacquot says:

    I want to see the US illegally invade some new country, just for kicks (like they did with irak…)

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrWallStreet says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Am erican says:

    I don’t think they dare to use nuclear weapon. Putin is a coward. You can tell when you see how far he stay away from his own cabinet ministers in their meetings during the pandemic.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Here's A Thought! says:

    That white powder you talk about is greed. And that is a chemical response that takes place in the brain.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stiff Spliff says:

    Kevin….it's only bad ass if you can fly your own plane. Also your a bit behind sometimes on events. Seems like a Pete and repeat situation

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin He says:

    Zelensky to meet Xi

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sirenmuscle says:

    Their peace plan is 69% off but only till Friday Midnight.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Opportunities says:

    Kev definitely 🎉with the yayo before 🤣

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    China is not our friend

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