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Well, holy smokes, China's cyber attacks could potentially take down our entire Financial system. That's not good if you're exposed to stocks and we have to analyze. Is it possible that China could potentially launch a war against Taiwan and what would potentially hacker groups do to America What parts of America could get hit could take talk potentially be weaponized to destroy our ability to respond to a threat against Taiwan in the defense of Taiwan which Joe Biden has promised. if China were to invade Taiwan, we have promised to respond well.

China just drove one of their warships through the Taiwanese straight against International commitments. And folks, the fog of War seems to be thickening and a lot of people are suggesting what could happen now. in my opinion. Well, I'll save my opinion towards the end when I talk about what the People's Bank of China is actually up to right now.

But what I'd like to start with is a piece by Politico on what might happen if China invades Taiwan Take a look at this: If China invades Taiwan, they are likely to unleash a volley of digital strikes in the United States at the same time which I wrote. It makes you wonder if Tick Tock could be weaponized as part of their Cyber attack strategy. but it's not even just Tick Tock Take a look at this. Uh, we're going to go through.

We'll jump over here. Here we go here is how China could potentially attack Us Number One military systems and transport methods for sending troops and supplies to Taiwan are likely to be at the top list of of attack for Chinese hackers. Ultimately, this could mean that ports on the west coast potentially like Port Hueneme Los Angeles Long Beach could come under attack to help limit The Troop and Supply movement from United States the United States to Taiwan and so potentially Chinese strikes on our ports are being reported by Politico This isn't me making this up. Politico is literally analyzing the real threats that American systems could face.

One of these we'll be talking about in a moment is our financial system, but ports are actually at a threat now. Usually when I think about moving troops and supplies I Just think about uh Halo and the anime has captured Captain keys and they're holding aboard one of their Cruisers The Truth and Reconciliation the ship is currently located and then Cortana the ship is used to transfer troops and Supply whatever this this is childhood memories I Don't know why that tangent is coming up, but the point is like now it's actually feeling like real like targeting the movement of troops and supplies could happen. But it's not. Just then the reports stressed that such a strike would be designed to deter per the U.S military from being able to even decide what to do but listen to this inducing societal panic and then therefore interfering with the deployment of U.S forces.

Now this is where when they talk about societal panic I think there's nothing more that you could do to create societal Panic than potentially blowing up people's phones somehow. And I have to say after I read this article, I made sure Tick Tock was not installed on any of my devices I'll go I'll go on with a VPN and on like, uh, on like a computer or something like that. Maybe. but maybe.
But then again, I haven't even used it recently. But anyway, so to highlight, uh, okay, here's the next one where they could get you China has invested a lot of money into. Guess what? U.S ports. So they'll go as far as basically talking about crane malware that lawmakers now were alleging that China could literally shut down the trade, the cranes that move equipment uh, and supplies onto ships uh, or or are military vessels China could literally just shut down the cranes potentially because they manufactured them.

They also have cameras on these cranes, which some folks say the cameras on our cranes and our American ports could potentially be used by China to spy on us. How much are we moving? What kind of troops and supplies are we moving? Maybe in the case of cranes, it would be uh, supplies rather than just troops. But anyway, Uh, the question now is, hey, how much of a defense does the United States actually have against these things? What kind of cyber warfare, weapons, and defenses do we actually have to safeguard our military networks? Those are questions. Another thing that could absolutely be open for attack are our energy infrastructure.

After all, in 2021, a ransomware attack on a major East Coast gas line here, as political says, temporarily caused widespread gas shortages and led to long lines at the pump. In illustrating the societal disruption that China could cause and China could do this to create panic in chaos, but it would just not be energy or electricity. could also be water. Take a look at this.

A hacker in 2021 gained access to networks in a Florida Water treatment center and what they did is they tried to poison the water supply. I Did some more research on this and what they tried to do was remotely access the water supply network and then increase the level in the water of sodium hydroxide that is a base that's used for pH balance and they basically tried to 100 Exit which then makes the water become corrosive. It could decompose tissue cause chemical burns. It's important to handle sodium hydroxide with gloves and eye protection because it is so corrosive.

it's used to make soaps and other chemicals. Uh, they said a water districts in Southern California where I live have been targeted as well. And look at this business and financial markets: China has a history of hacking U.S Companies remember they just stole more Trade Secrets From Asml and Advanced Ship and Advanced Lithography manufacturer and China has a history of hacking these sorts of companies. They've prioritized financial gain in stealing intellectual property, which may be if they go over to Boxable, they'll realize there is no intellectual property and there's nothing to steal.
But at other companies, they might actually steal stuff. They could also try to hit U.S financial markets by potentially causing disruptions within the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ causing to a freezing of the stock market. I Mean imagine how crappy things would feel if all of a sudden your stocks are tanking, you don't have water and electricity, and our China at the same time is trying to invade. Uh or yeah, China's trying to invade Taiwan and we can't even get our troops organized because we can't get our ships loaded up because cranes all of a sudden a sudden are shut down.

We can't get anything moving because oopsie do Sees, we've created too many problems uh, and become too reliant on either China's cranes or or allowed, uh, too much of a buildup of weaknesses within our cyber security. This is scary because you want to get life insurance in as little as five minutes by going to Metcaven.com Life which is of course, a paid promotion on the channel. But let's listen to what Donald Trump actually suggests when it comes to, uh, our preparedness it. hopefully this is not just hyperbole.

hopefully this is real and gives us a little bit of cause for Comfort. But Tucker Carlson Asked Donald Trump about the Nordstrom Pipeline and who blew it up? Donald Trump talks a little bit about our military capabilities which I'm actually bringing up because I think well, this is exactly where we want to talk a little bit about our military capabilities. Listen in here to Donald Trump on Tucker Carlson So I won't answer the question only because I don't want to get our country any deeper than they already are. but it sort of all starts we have.

You know we have the most incredible equipment I rebuilt our whole military. We have things that are you can do anything we're equipped to do anything but I refuse to say it because I want our country to be pristine. But okay, that's actually a pretty useful clip from Donald Trump here. Uh, it gives us maybe maybe some hope that maybe our cyber warfare is stronger than we think.

I mean consider the fact that we have conducted joint exercises uh with Israel to attack Iranian nuclear enrichment plants we have blocked internet access to Russia's troll Farms during elections. We've done everything we can to to aggressively attack our enemies already with our cyber warfare. But how would we fare against China We're not entirely sure, but we do know that we're losing some of our strength. Certainly in the Middle East I mean consider this.

In the last three years, ah, three to four years, we have sent over two and a half billion dollars of foreign aid to Egypt And what is Egypt now doing well? Egypt is now apparently considering sending tens of thousands of rockets to Russia. Wait a minute. We provide foreign aid to Egypt to the tune of two and a half billion dollars over the last four years. and now that's dropped to about 174 in 2022.
Maybe they're pissed we're not sending them as much money anymore, but uh, that's based on uh, information from Foreign Assistance.gov and this piece from political here, But it makes you wonder: could American dollars be used to actually arm Russia What's happening? Well, it's a power vacuum that's being created in the Middle East and people are becoming more reliant on countries like China because they can't trust the United States as much anymore. Whether that's because we're not giving them as much money anymore, or because of our botched withdrawals from the Middle East. But now the question is: what are the odds of China actually doing this well? Fortunately, there's one thing we have on our side, and that's the fact that China's economy isn't doing that great right now. China is pouring cash into the financial system.

They're keeping rates set at 2.75 percent. They just offered another medium-term lending facility to Banks of 25 billion dollars. They're reducing reserve requirements. They've done this for five months in a row.

Basically, China's trying to turn the money printer on because their economy is just not killing it like they thought it would after the release of Covet Zero. So maybe a Saving Grace out of all of this? Maybe just maybe is that China's economy isn't doing as well as people had hoped and maybe that would actually keep us in a situation where hey, maybe just maybe China doesn't end up going to war with Taiwan because they're focused on their economy. That does it for us. Thank you so much going over the course member livestream and we'll see in the next one.

Bye foreign thank you.

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28 thoughts on “China’s coming invasion of taiwan may destroy america attacks on america”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David H says:

    $75 billion to Ukraine
    $100 billion to Taiwan
    $30 trillion in debt 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aw27s says:

    Just send in Cortana (ChatGPT) for cyber threats

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ultimate Ghandi says:

    If there was a boy that cried wolf it would be Kevin apparently the world was supposed to end like 1000x by now because its happening daily on meet Kevin what a F joke don't follow this 🤡 for your own sake

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gunslinger says:

    China is definitely siezing all the tesla cars and tech if we go to war.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F. Spoon says:

    The US better back off in getting WW3. Nobody wants to die for the US

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sofiando says:

    China just need to stop sending us their imports. Checkmate.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Sweetser says:

    If you want peace vote for Trump

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars penghan Wang says:

    WeBull is Chinese Owned company KEVIN!!!!!!!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Dugdale says:

    Halo was a huge childhood memory.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blinnie says:

    Many would die here in asia, and many people would go starve especially Philippines

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billion Dollar Ideas says:

    I have always said the way to defeat America is to destroy our ports. Without ports America would be destroyed within a few months.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J J says:

    If China has a Billion soldiers. That will go a long way towards reducing the world population. I can see why the US wants to take them out by 2025. This will be fun.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Kahl says:

    yeah but life insurance does not cover acts of war or terrorism

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Kahl says:

    I bet aliens look down on us like we’re idiots

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Ramon says:

    We have ufo ,s

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Nanopoulos says:

    Here’s Mr. Doom and Gloom again. Do you ever have any good news? 😂🤡😂🤡😂🤡

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Ramon says:

    If I was a Chinese spy I would derail trains put chemicals in the USA waters etc we need more border protection

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Ramon says:

    Everything is made in China so that' will kill the stores

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Ramon says:

    Kevin china is just helping the democrats bring the inflation down

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Didier says:

    Kevin, what is wrong with you? Are you ok lately ???

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mrfoo2002 says:

    Why are you still listening to Trump Kevin. I really like you and your optimism. But you are better than that orange blowhard. So much better. Stop referring to him. You are smarter and would be a better leader.

    Unless you're trying that tactic used by dictators like Stalin, always referring to past figures of power like how he referred to Lennin, or how Xi may refer to Mao. In that case I'm scared of you lol..

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F.F. says:

    When a nation's international trust is based on the amounts of money it sends to other nations then that trust amounts to a bribe.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gen x tech guy says:

    At least we have timid little dementia Joe at the helm … right? … and of course, no mean Tweets and trans rights. 🙄

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lev Hacks says:

    Kevin will get drafted for WW3 and will still film daily Flip Flop videos in the trenches.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stormy241 says:

    Everyday .. fear mongering for views…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Know It All says:

    Another CIA & big tech corporate attempt to get you to cancel Tik Tok and hate China because USA big tech and industry can’t compete with China

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey says:

    That title suggests that China IS invading Taiwan.
    Careful man, even though I think it's possible, it hasn't transpired yet.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philippe Lee says:

    Self created problems in the name of saving something 😂😂😂

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