While Tesla stock has had a massive run over the past few months, Cathie Wood still believes that Tesla stock is undervalued. In this video, I cover Cathie's bull case and why she is holding the majority of her Tesla stake.
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Tesla stock, without a doubt, has been on a huge tear. Over the past few months, we've seen tesla stock go from two hundred dollars per share to over two thousand four hundred dollars per share before adjusting for the recent split. While this has been a massive run, kathy wood, the ceo and cio of arc, invest still believes that stock is undervalued in this video. I'm going to go over kathy's bull case on tesla stock and why she still believes that the stock is undervalued if you're new to the channel.

Please consider subscribing for more content like this and let's get right into it. It's important to understand that kathy is looking from a five-year perspective. Tesla stock could go up fifty percent or down fifty percent over the next few months, but all of that isn't important to kathy's point of view. My point is: is that kathy is looking at the long term and not the short term? Imagine where tesla will be in five years? Do you see tesla's growth slowing down substantially, or do you see solar and eevees growing exponentially? The second question is what kathy sees in tesla and obviously you're a big fan of tesla.

Why do you continue to like this idea? Uh, we still think it's way underestimated, even with the massive move it has had. It hit 350 dollars at the bottom in march. Um and is now 1900 roughly there yeah. It went over 1900 and fell back a little bit today.

Yes, uh and uh, even with this um. Our bear case for this stock has been 1500.. Now that's a five-year price target that assumed that tesla would lose market share. We first made this analysis.

In 2018, 2018 tesla had a 17 percent share of the global ev market, including china last year. I think i've got this number right. They had 23 percent share. The point that kathy makes here is extremely important: kathy priced in a market share decline for tesla in order to reach a bear case of 1 500 per share pre-split.

However, since then, we've seen tesla continue to take market share from the rest of the ev companies. Kathy is indirectly pointing out that her bear price target is outdated. We assumed, for our bare case that tesla would lose market share from that 17 percent and go down to in our base case 11 percent and, in our bear case, six percent. Instead, what has happened? It went up to 23 last year, and now i think we're up to this is rough uh, as of mid-year uh uh about 26, so it's still increasing, has 78 9 to 80 share in the united states and even in china, where i think there are 150 Electric vehicle manufacturers, crazy, crazy um tesla, has 21 had in june 21 of that market.

Think about that 150 and tesla is 21. Now it's incredible yeah. It is incredible. For years, we've heard that the eevee competition is right around the corner and we're still hearing it today.

Nonetheless, behind the scenes tesla's market share is still continuing to increase and that bolsters kathy's price target substantially. So uh, that's that's the first thing, so it's not losing share it's gaining share and in that bear case we have nothing for autonomous at all and nothing for ride hailing ride. Hailing we do think they're going to start a ride-hailing service this year, they're going to compete against uber and lyft. We believe if they do that and again, we think they will uh.
We think that the bear case is history, given that cathy is a prominent tesla bull, i'm sure she has some information, some clues as to how tesla will initiate its ride-hailing service. As we all know, elon musk has been looking to start a robo-taxi ride-hailing service for years. However, tesla's fsd certainly isn't ready yet, and even if it was, it would take years for it to pass government regulations. What kathy is talking about here is if tesla would launch its own uber and lyft type ride-hailing service, where current tesla owners were taxi people to their destinations.

This makes sense from a logical perspective. If tesla were to suddenly roll out a robo-taxi network, people would likely be skeptical of tesla's ability to create a ride-sharing service. On the contrary, if tesla were to start with its human-driven network first and then scale up to a robo-taxi network, then people who are already using the human driven network would be more willing to trial. A robo taxi, along with this tesla, will also be able to utilize what is known as a tesla effect.

When someone goes inside a tesla for the first time, a transition begins to occur in the first few minutes, people may find a tesla interesting, give them a few more minutes, and sooner or later those people will be interested in buying one with the release of a Tesla ride-hailing service, the number of times a tesla effect would occur, would increase by a significant amount. In addition, tesla would be able to obtain some passive income without putting in extra work. This will be important for turning profits. Despite massive r d expenditures.

Now kathy has likely spoken to a prominent tesla executive who ran her through their plans, and the ride-hailing service was likely part of that. While this sounds great in theory, the initial cost for tesla is far too expensive for the majority of the population in the following clip kathy explains how tesla could actually do a business model similar to a rental car company for the ride-hailing service. I could be totally wrong about this, but it sounds like kathy has spoken to a tesla executive, about this plan now, with the legislation or in california and obviously uber's been affected with it having to have full-time employees. Would a tesla be affected by that? Would their ride hail network be affected by that or just these are tesla drivers and and they're, just taking advantage of their tesla car and connecting with other drivers and driving to from one location, the other well even uh? Well, tesla could actually hire these people make them full-time employees because uh the the total cost of ownership for a a model 3 today is about 30 less than a toyota camry, mostly because of the residual value.
In fact, i've seen uh some model, s's uh selling for ninety percent of what people bought uh them for, and we think the model threes will be even better if those become the ride hailing network cars. So, what's going to happen, tesla will say to a person join us and and for five thousand dollars down or seven thousand dollars buy a well we'll. Let you buy a model three, you can work the rest of the price off and oh by the way. It's going to be cheaper for you than a toyota camry.

You might be surprised that a tesla would cost less to own than a toyota camry, and that's where kathy is referring. The gene monster's calculations, jean munster, is a famous fund manager of loop ventures who found out that teslas are cheaper to own than camrys because of their low maintenance costs and the fact that teslas retain a large portion of their value over time. Last but not least, a tesla ride-hailing service would bring data for research on full self driving. So they will do that and then what does that do if they, if they drive uh for fifty percent or sixty percent of the day, compared to the five percent of the day that i drive and less than that now that we're that i'm not driving to The train station yeah um they're going to be delivering uh real miles data real miles, traveled to tesla to feed its autonomous network, so we think they have somewhere between 14 and 15 billion miles worth of data.

The just like what i mentioned with uh genomics-based data. In vitae, same is true in the autonomous taxi network. The winner is going to be that company with the most data and the highest quality data and the best ai, deep learning, neural network, expertise, uh and they're doing some very interesting things with um video labeling uh. In the ai uh area, which we think has them miles, i mean there's just no one's even close.

No one google's not closed cruise automation's, not close, no one's close and even in china. Baidu was supposed to be the autonomous taxi platform yeah. You know it's interesting. All of this is a bonus to the fact that kathy still thinks tesla stock is still undervalued, as of today.

Her base case for tesla stock in five years is seven thousand dollars, and all of that is without ride. Hailing also keep in mind that these aren't just random numbers being thrown around kathy is calculating these price targets based on actual sales number predictions um we're not worried at all and in fact, our base case, which is in the 7000 range. This is again a five-year target. Our base case will also go up if they do launch this ride-hailing network, because we have not included that and in our base case we have simply assumed that they keep their share from last year, not lose it uh uh.
So i i believe i'm right we may have. We may be assuming that it does go back to 17 i'll, have to check on that, but but nonetheless, so we're at 1900 now 7 000 before ride hailing it will go up with ride. Hailing our minimum hurdle rate of return for any stock in our portfolio is 15 at a compound annual rate over the next five years. That means a doubling over five years, so at 7, 000 plus versus 1900.

Now we're still well above that it's still one of the most uh. We believe it will drive more performance than most stocks in our portfolio. Even today, you just heard that right, kathy still sees the opportunity in tesla as far better than any other stocks in the market. Of course, we likely won't see tesla stock go up 500, like it did in the past year, but even a 200 return over the next few years is very enticing.

Now, there's still more factors that could potentially drive tesla stock up even more over the next five years and the largest of them all is full self driving. This leads to kathy's golden goose target of 22 thousand dollars on tesla stock before the split, if accounting for the split this would mean four thousand four hundred dollars per share. Now one of the criticisms of the tesla and the self-driving cars uh, or that that initiative is they've kind of got taken a different route. They maybe try to be a little bit cheaper on on some of things or doesn't analyze as well, because i i guess, what a few years ago with mobileye, they kind of had a falling out with them, and so they were going to do it themselves.

So do you see any concerns uh with that or or you still think that you know these guys are definitely going to be. The the first ones are most likely going to be the first ones to really get to that stage. Five, i guess with self-driving. Yes, i i i do believe actually uh elon is saying that he's been um driving to and from work pretty much without uh in the prototype of their full self-driving car, pretty much without uh having to intervene um.

So i i think, they're what i love about. Elon musk is he's, he he's the guinea pig, he's willing right, right, um and and - and i believe him when when he says that so they are they probably because of the billions of miles of data. They have seen more corner cases than i think most auto manufacturers and technology companies will see in the next five years, so it's gon na be very tough for anyone to catch up to them. We've talked about many factors in the future of tesla, but i believe the most overlooked factor is tesla insurance, as of today, analysts expect that tesla will begin selling millions of vehicles in the future, especially with the release of a compact car.

However, what they almost always overlook is that tesla can insure a large portion of these vehicles. Today, tesla insurance makes up a small portion of tesla's profits. Nevertheless, when tesla begins to have tens of millions of vehicles on the road being able to ensure all these cars is going to be a huge profit machine. After all, tesla has far more data than any other insurance company in the world.
The company will know how aggressive someone drives, how often someone changes lanes and practically everything you can think of in the insurance world data is king and analysts are not pricing this in so now. I i find it interesting, maybe six months ago or a year ago, when they announced that they're going to get more into the insurance business too. How do you think that's going to affect their their model yeah? I think this will help them in on the ride-hailing uh side of things. I remember uh talking to uber drivers and the insurance costs were killing them.

I i mean i really felt terrible for them. They were getting that. You know that the hikes they were seeing were enormous um, so tesla knows more about how its cars are going to perform with autopilot uh than any insurance company will so tesla will self-insure we're we're pretty sure of that, and so the insurance costs are going to Come down uh dramatically, you know when the when nitza did the uh analysis on the first fatal crash, um the model s fatal in florida um when it took them six months to do that study. But after they finished and remember, this was about three years ago.

Yeah even nitsa stated in its report. I may not have this exactly right the wording, but they said that anyone driving a tesla car with autopilot was going to uh experience. 40 was going to be 40 percent safer now was it 40 fewer accidents or fatal accidents? I don't remember, but 40 percent safer, any insurance company, knowing that would price accordingly they're not willing to do that right now. The insurance companies are a little bit behind the times.

They don't understand this autonomous concept. Tesla does so it can self-insure kathy didn't have time to talk about solar and energy. In this interview, which also makes up a large portion of our bold thesis. We all know that the oil market is huge, as we've seen trillions of dollars be made in the oil business as solar and battery costs inevitably decline with more research, tesla will be able to continue to steal more and more market share from traditional oil companies.

The potential here is enormous and is another giant dent in the short seller arguments that value tesla as a car company. Let me know what you think about kathy's bull thesis on tesla stock in the comment section below. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one.

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34 thoughts on “Cathie wood: tesla stock is still undervalued”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adela Adelaide says:

    l recommended a professional broker to you guys sometime ago, can I get person who invested with her
    comment below
    let's gooooo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hit-The-Web Marketing says:

    BE WARNED. this video states TESLA was between $200 and $2400 over the last 6 months. well it is now March 2021 and I checkED Yahoo Finance back 12 months to March 2020 and the stock never went above $880 in this timeframe and that was in Jan 2021. I checked back 5 years. never went to $2400. I checked back MAX. Not once did it hit this price. There are other videos on Youtube claiming it will go to $500,000. I've also seen claims of $4000. I bought at $774. went up $10 per share that day and down $100 within the week.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Chirico says:

    Do we know if Kathy's price prediction target of 1,000, after split price still holds for 5 yr projection ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yeah nar says:

    the only way tesla is undervalued is if high inflation kicks in. future earnings are fully priced in atm.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Stapler says:

    With regard to insurance if Tesla insures all the good risk drivers and then some one goes to an non-Tesla insurer, that insurer may assume that they've got a high risk driver and charge a risk premium which means in time they are more likely to be getting high risk drivers. And then high risk drivers may start to think I'm not going to a buy a Tesla because of the insurance.

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  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Massir Buturabi says:

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    Effective analysis of the market and management for the maximization of profits biweekly is what Paul Helfer does on my portfolio and that of other investors.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Manly Manly says:

    I wonder how tesla in car accidents? Do they have any safety videos?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars junk says:

    “If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.” ~ Warren Buffett

    Thoughts on million mile battery. for those complaining about million mile battery omission
    If your battery lasted 1 million miles then.
    1- 10,000 miles a year = 100 year life
    2- 20,000 miles a year = 50 year life
    3-100,000 miles a year = 10 year life
    How many years are you going to drive your car? do you need million mile battery ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R. L. says:

    The due diligence that Ark Investing does is second to none when it comes to disruptive technologies! They were beating the drum loud & clear on Tesla since 2014 not to mention they were sticking their necks out long b4 Tesla was successful in their stock price as they are today! September is volatile month going back 180yrs so this "dip" is chance to get $TSLA for cheap prices are hovering in the high 300's. Buy some share today otherwise you''ll be kicking yourself in 3-7yrs when it touches the 1400 price level. LONG on TSLA since 2013!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M Mullen says:

    I thought Cathie was the most factual and accurate TSLA analyst out there in 2018. In other words, the best TSLA analyst. I still think that. Certainly, she was one of the very few that predicted what was about to come and it wasn't just luck – she was making a ton of sense by following the data and making good use of the research her staff experts provided, but most people just laughed.

    They are not laughing now.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oXXo says:

    Crazy. But anyway markets are always full of amateurs and unrealistic traders. And thats how others make money.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loom says:

    A tesla major shareholder says the stock is undervalued ?! NO WAY !

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aisha Faraj says:

    I got into the FX market with my hopes up, I thought it was somewhere you could make easy money and that's it, I was Soo wrong after losing a couple thousand I had to rethink the whole thing over I wondered for weeks what I had done wrong I got the answer after letting an expert trade on my behalf, the FX market isn't somewhere you just put in money and expect it to double on it's own it takes time,experience, expertise all of which I had none of so i did my research and I found an ideal broker in Mr Hovik Morte his ideas and investment programme was too good a deal to turn away, immediately I got excited and I invested with him and honestly I am happy I did with 4000$ he was able to return profit to me, I got a car, I got my business up and running again and I'm living a more comfortable live thanks to Mr Morte, tbh i never thought for a second that i'd make it this huge with him. jokes on me….lol
    For reference

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richard chapman says:

    well she would say that wouldnt she, ark is a heavy investor in tesla. Hybrids more likely the future, battery tech limited, tesla poor build quality, still cannot make a profit without carbon credits. Always jam tomorrow, ie where is the cyberteuck etc. When the germans get into this tech properly tesla will be toast, its not a badge in the same way merc or bmw are and never will be. Also, if Elon drops dead tomoz what future then, seems like a one man company. Scary downside.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Investing for Generations says:

    Nice video! I just valued Tesla in my latest video for longterm investor. The result is mindblowing. Check it out!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Wong says:

    I know someone who's in the shares so deep that when the stock price bumps up or down $20 she says, "there goes a Model 3 Performance!" and she laughs!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Jewell says:

    The big deference is the cult following. I'm a big believer in Elon and his engineering. Not just in a car company. Nikola is gonna go to hell and to go against Ark is a foolish move. I'm in at 446 for battery day with no fear after sell off I'll buy more and Sell Off my SHLL plays after merger and get more DPHC,WKHS,LCA.(NZA is 100%+ on a year hold. Also Levi is a buy before dividend pay coming up.Let's go!!!! Also holding a bit in plug for long term play

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sophia Adam says:

    Forex and stock is a life-changing market but it's not that easy, and it's not magic or a supermarket with fixer prices stipulated on commodities. What he offers in stock s might be relatively low compared to those that offer over a 500% profit on a very short period of time. If that's what you want am afraid he doesn't offer that. But if you want something realistic, achievable, consistent and most importantly secure then he can help you. You can choose to make excuses for your situation or make results! Only one of these choices will change your situation for the better!! Trade with an account manager that can make an offer and keep to it. I trade with Mr Carlos Beckham, started with a minimum investment and sure to make a profit of over 14,390.00 in 11 days, an investment of $5000 with a profit of over $31,360 in 21 days, then I think I would be needed for that kind of job, he can also give tutorials to his working strategies to maximize your win rate. I'll advice anyone who needs help in trading to reach him via Whatsapp; +15735988454

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricardo Viera says:

    That’s why they sold the stock a few weeks ago. So you all could buy them out!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ar On says:

    Testla🚀 will reach the moon like spaceX
    Let’s goo
    I’m dead, See you in 5 years

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arul siva says:

    Googles wemo is already has licensed in limited areas In Texas and some other cities. Tesla too can obtain limited operations license.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Business Momo says:

    Of course she would say it, she owns a chunk of tesla stock.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OXPAHNA KOMPROMAT KOHTPOL says:

    Please maintain that shit-eating grin even when Tesla drops below $100. 🙂

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tam Mai says:

    I bought 10 share after split , it was down a little bit but I'm still plan an 10 years I will retired with 1mil in my hand 🤞🤞🤞🤞

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pablo Beneyto says:

    Tesla is a great company, but I am afraid to buy more shares because on the one hand Elon Musk already said that the shares were very expensive at $ 800 before the split, since then they have multiplied by 3! And now Elon Musk has decided that Tesla would sell a lot of shares at once. Doesn't this seem like a clear sign of danger? I don't understand much about stocks, but the simple fact of knowing that Elon Musk himself has decided for Tesla to sell so many stocks at once tells me that the stock may already be inside a bubble. Although I adore Elon Musk and Tesla and know they are great, I am already starting to get scared to buy.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis The Menace says:

    $1 says Cathy is exiting when after-loss gains are over 20%.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evelyn T Williams says:

    I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $450,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nicholas gabelli says:

    Its not just about  buying stocks when they are low and selling
    high No!! There are strategic ways to go about it.  When looking at a company’s previous financial and dividend information you can make an informed decision based on the stock’s dividend volatility. If a stock has a history of paying high dividends on time and consistently increasing the dividend yield, it can be classified as a stable income stock. My broker  has been able to make me  steady and constant profit using this method amongst others, he is still very bullish about Tesla going up a bit more in the near future. At this point in time I'd suggest we turn to professionals for assistance.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars belzvon says:

    Multi trillion company by 2030. People who knew about the company and watched all of the videos and still did not invest going to hate themselves. I feel bad for you bastards. The ultimate IQ test in front of us.

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