Cathie Wood and Elon Musk JUST Shocked The World...
00:00 Intro
00:40 Palantir PLTR
02:15 Tesla TSLA
03:54 Wedbush Tech Prices Prediction
05:26 Bitcoin BTC
06:50 Qualcomm QCOM
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I hold a long position in PLTR and Tesla.
I do not hold a position in QCOM, long or short.
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Hey this is tom and you better buckle up because today is going to be wet and wild. Now we're going to talk about palantir, tesla, wet bush, talking about the future of tech and growth, peter thiel, talking about china and bitcoin, and i got a stock. I really want to show you, because i think it's going to be one of the breakout stocks of this new 2021 economy. You better stick around for this.

It's gon na be a banger of a video. If this is your first time here, allow me to just to say hello: my name is tom. I used to be a senior financial analyst. Now i'm a full-time youtuber talking about the stock market, the financial world and economics, and in this video i'm gon na give you five things.

You absolutely need to know today before markets open and for the first story of the day we got ta talk about. You guessed it talent here now. Palantir is an extremely divisive company. Much like my mom.

You either hate her or you love her. There's nothing in between shout out to you, mom, i'm just kidding. Don't sue me now check this out. Palantir! Isn't the news again for all the right reasons, although a lot of people like to hate on it, smart money points otherwise, mainstream media wants you to think certain things, but smart money flows into this company kathy wood, which is one of the great money managers of Our generation, whether you agree with me about that or not i don't give a that's what i think she literally had zero shares of volunteer in october 2020., fast forward.

Six months to today, she has almost 20 million of pallent shares across her two funds, rk and rw. Now the news are she just added another million to arcade, and the news are that kathy wood is buying more into the dip again she just added. Another million shares of palleteer to her rk fund raising the percentage to 1.35 percent of the entire fund. Just to give you an example: tesla which is the highest holding he has in rk is 10.7 percent, so 1.35 is piloteer.

That's a top 25 stock for her extremely high conviction. It's a no-brainer, of course, she's buying the dip. I think that the market is slowly starting to realize what talent there is much like with tesla it's going to take time for conservative money managers to understand what there really is and that's fine, the interim period until the market realize. That is an opportunity for me to make more money by buying more patented shares, that's it and for the second story of the day we got ta talk about tesla, some incredible news and again i can't believe it, but sawyer merit is back in the show day.

After day this guy brings bangers on twitter. I love him. Hey sawyer, shout out to you so sawyer merit just put out this tweet breaking the buy. The administration's 174 billion proposal to boost electric vehicles calls for 100 billion in new consumer rebates and 15 billion to build 500 000 new electric vehicle charging stations now check this out.

The plan also calls for 20 billion for electric school buses, 25 billion for zero emissions, transit vehicles and 14 billion in other tax incentives now check this out. This is the actual screenshot that i posted. The new ev rebates, part of a 2.3 trillion infrastructure and jobs proposal, would be a potential big boost to us automakers, especially gm and tesla, which no longer qualify for the 7 500 rebates after they sold more than 200 000 zero emissions models now check this out. Essentially, what it means that, if this thing passes we're getting more rebates for tesla, of course, other companies will enjoy some of it, but who is the biggest fastest growing, fastest, ramping, auto manufacturer in the ev industry? It's definitely tesla.
It's a no-brainer, no competition, and i know a lot of people will say well tom. This is going to help their competition because subsidies help usually the week but check this out. If tesla gets a 7 000 rebate, imagine what would be the cost on their 25. 000 car, which is probably coming next year and a year and a half it's gon na, be insane.

Would you not buy a tesla for eighteen thousand dollars? That's a no-brainer! This is headed to mars santa everybody and the next story is quite misleading. So i need you to hang tight and listen to my explanation. Now, webbush and specifically dan eyes, just came out and said tech stocks will grow by 30 this year, very aggressive. Let me read you the paragraph and then i'll tell you what i think he really means, because i don't think you're understanding the true meaning of this, while valuations will continue to be an emotional bull, bear debate, the fundamental growth on the horizon for these next gen Technologies is unprecedented as this fourth industrial revolution begins to take hold across the tech landscape.

Web boost securities analyst dennis wrote in a wednesday note. In our opinion, tech stocks have an upward of 25 to 30 percent move in the cards for the rest of the year. Despite lingering rotation fears now, then ives is basically saying something really interesting. He's saying: don't worry about rotation, we think tech is the way to go he's not talking about the speculative non-profitable, futuristic stock.

I think he's talking about the master stock, the apples, the googles, the facebook, the amazons. These are the stock. I think we'll see that 25 to 30 at least the bulk of it. Of course the other ones will enjoy it as well.

I think palantir will be there. I think tesla will be there. I think what dan eyes means here is that the main pocket of undervaluation is inside these mega stocks that got sold off in mid february with the rest of tech. For no reason - and i think he's right - i think we probably will see 20 to 30.

I know it's aggressive, but i agree with him, but don't go buying some biotech stocks that make no money and just hope it's going to explode to 30 this year. It's probably not gon na happen, so be careful. Next up, we got peter thiel talking about china, essentially claiming that china might be weaponizing bitcoin against the us dollar, which is not completely unfounded. I can see that happening, but here's the thing peter thiel also owns a bitcoin mining company from texas, so you got ta disclose that every time you have a discussion of course he's pushing for some american protection against american companies.
Of course, it's pretty much. The same thing he does with palantir he's really national as far as protecting u.s interests. However, here's the thing, even though i think china is actually trying to weaponize pretty much everything against the us dollar, they did it with the euro. They have a lot of aspirations to dethrone the dollar.

You can't blame them for wanting to do it, they're fighting for top dog. I think the us is doing the most of the damage to itself when you print so much dollars. In fact, when you print 40 of the dollar in one year, you open yourself up, you become vulnerable, so i do agree with peter thiel that china won't miss any opportunities to with the us, especially with cryptocurrency, but i think the u.s best course of action is Not to fight china, not it's basically to strengthen the dollar. The only way to do it is to print less of it simple.

If you print less of it, you can actually compete. The main reason, a lot of americans also actually move to crypto from fiat money is because of the scarcity of that when you're printing, so much of it, people will trend towards cryptocurrencies simple, so peter thiel is right here, but it's only part of the story. You got ta look at the entire picture here and the next story of the day is about my next rotation stock. I hold no position right now, long or short, but after this video i will plan a long position sometime in the next week.

Now i'm talking about qualcomm qcom, this is already a massive player in 5g, the only main issue they had, the major risk that they had was anti-trust issues and the ftc went after them, but about a week ago this thing got cleared out, they're no longer going After qualcomm, this thing has settled no anti-trust issues and look at the main two valuations, which i always like to take a look at, which is p e to gap trading 12 months and ev to ebitda trailing 12 months. Look at this in one they're 33 undervalued in the other 20 undervalued and that's a leading company we're not talking about some joe schmo startup. This is a massive company. Look at this.

They almost have no short interest. I'm about to show you their numbers. It's pretty insane look at this 1.93 short interest. It's a 156 billion dollar company.

Look how undervalued they are now. I think that's the next big play for 5g. I think they're going to be massive. I'm going to put a lot of money into this company.

For me, that's a and seventy dollar stock right now there are 140, so there's 30 dollars here to be made about 20. Now i will put out a full video with the cfs and all that good stuff about this company soon, but i just wanted to let you know in advance, because i think at 140 it's a really good company to own. For me, personally, allegedly that's just my opinion, my being accurate might be wrong during research because, as you know, this is not financial advice. This is just entertainment and me sharing my opinion and, as always, a huge thanks for the channel members and the patrons for actually supporting this channel.
All this time, you guys are amazing. We just did another 10 on crowdstrike. We went in at 177.. The stock did 10 and we still think there's another 13 back 10, so shout out to everybody in patreon who actually went into crowdstrike amazing i'll, see you guys next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Cathie wood and elon musk just shocked the world…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richbl1 says:

    Money with nothing to back it is worthless. Money used to be backed by silver and gold then commodities. Now?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richbl1 says:

    It would be Great if they were all universal connections and all super chargers! And free!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hawtwax says:

    If you love palantir check out Nuix NXL on the Australian stock exchange

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SFB says:

    theyre taking TSLA private at 42,000. then theyre getting married?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Willie Lassiter says:

    tom get your facts straight, PLTR wasn't listed until September 30, 2020. so prior to October, few people, other than insiders and employees, had any shares of Palantir. therefore, literally, tom, everybody went from having zero shares since October 2020 to however many shares they have today.

    also, the ending has yet to be written on the cathie wood story.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim M says:

    What do u think if lucid? Especially with a higher rebate

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrypticFox says:

    Really not sure how much of a boost the incentives will give Tesla in light of the fact theyโ€™re already production constrained. Adding more sales will just build backlog.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Bryant says:

    No… most people won't buy a Tesla for any amount of money… we live in apartments in America, we can't charge them… there also is not enough charging stations to charge your car and it takes way more time out of your day to find and charge your car. Mars also is having massive earthquakes. "There is not enough electricity for all the electric cars" – Elon Musk, this year…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SO K says:

    tom, i appreciate your work, which brought real money to me, but tsla/pltr hyping sucks real investors – by the way who sells all these tsla/pltr stocks (and more of interest why) which we shall buy ???

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SO K says:

    heard that tsla could not finance berlin giga (lol) without brandenburg's money (real giga amount) – germany takes risk elon takes profit (if rules of subvention are fullfilled)

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SO K says:

    VOW is the biggest ramp upper – DAI & BMW are on the rise – got all comittments from unions – tough competition !!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 13 Mike says:

    Excellent information Tom ๐Ÿ‘Œ
    Another great video.
    Thank you Sir ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pass your IELTS says:

    Can't see any way it passes with the current senate.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freddie Lewis says:

    Excellent video as always. If you don't post another video next week, i'll know your mother caught up with you ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Ngo says:

    Hey Tom ,
    I beg of you to check out PaySafe (PSFE) Iโ€™ve tried to do some research on it but Iโ€™m not getting anything. In terms of the financials P/E ratio and etc etc , can you pleaseee help a brother out .

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wey Cool says:

    Nash. USD wonโ€™t be weaken because other countries that export to United States are afraid of USD weakening so many companies exchanged usd back to their own currency (Taiwan for example). Taiwan dollar went up too fast means their export is more expensive. What did Taiwan central bank do? They immediately bought USD. Export-heavy countries do not want to see their own currency being too expensive. Period. They want Usa to buy from them. The real truth behind USA printing money with no fear.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Baum says:

    Love the QCOM pick. I own stock and am in some June Calls right now as well. Plus it pays close to a 2% dividend.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spawnie says:

    Finally.. the first step to solving a problem (US Economy) is to recognise it.

    Thank you Tom for pointing it out.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevonious95 says:

    The same people that are printing all the money are behind the btc takeover it's all the same people doing that, to us..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Landers says:

    Not interested @ all in a company that deals in people's (should be!!!) private information & no accountability or moral obligations to the public! We have Gov for that. Palantir? Only conviction they have is to deal on the sly & folk are ok with that? Good on you types..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Strother says:

    I think she's trying to lower her cost basis on pltr so when it does pop she can sell. Maybe she does believe in the company but she's definitely buying to lower her cost basis. Shes no dummy haha

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Lopez says:

    I am in QCOM, very undervalued. And itยดs a big thing as most of the companies are overvalued right now., and this is a big company. BABA, FB and QCOM are my biggest positions

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Phoenix (Hextraordinary) says:

    Dude, PLTR is one of my highest conviction stocks, and somehow YouTube is pushing them to the max! I already love the company but the recent CEO video that I already watched is constantly looking at me in my feed! I know everyone must be seeing it nonstop.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vapor Citizen says:

    Imagine how much more sell offs there would be without the ramblings of a madman lolol. Fackn tn is awesome

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars not me says:

    If anybody wants to know I'm not going back to that place so you find out that the person that's supposed to love you is in on the whole charade he's a piece of work the sun or whatever the heck you guys call him he was my black hole I wasn't his I was way more positive than him he's a snitch

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars not me says:

    Allegedly blah blah blah you're my favorite

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars not me says:

    When is somebody going to come get me come on now I have nowhere left to go so can't you stick me in one of those solar house is somewhere with some canvas throw some crazy s*** at me so everybody will be happy and I'll be happy I just want to paint that's all I want to do I want to be happy and do whatever makes me happy I know I make a lot of people happy but I'm really sad. I wish I could be happy again my kid's wish I could be happy again my grandkids I hope they get to know me

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard T says:

    Simple print less money. Vote no to infrastructure stimulus

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Rink says:

    Elon just makes a horrible product the car 1% less horrible which is still a horrible product.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jt Rose says:

    Im on pally lets go…and thank goodness about tech.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars QJ Quimson says:

    I like this, no BS- straight to the point. salute brother!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Wardley says:

    The more shares cathi wood buys the more pltr price drops ๐Ÿ˜…

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