In today’s episode, you’ll discover whether you can make money from trading every single day, or not.
So go watch it now...
The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading:
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns:
Pro Traders Edge:
Pullback Stock Trading System:
Price Action Trading Secrets:

Hey hey: what's up my friends, so in today's episode i want to discuss this right. Can you make money every day from trading? So let's talk about this right. So the answer is yes, you can but dot dot. So there's always a but right when it comes to trading, but but but right.

So let me share with you three scenarios where i believe you can make money every day from trading or most days in trading and the so-called uh considerations that you must take into account number one is this right is that you have a wide stop loss relative To your target profit, so, let's say, for example, you trade, a market like a pound dollar. You have a five pips target and a 200 pip stop loss. So, what's gon na happen is that you will realize that you will make that five pips almost every single day, if you are trading one lot, that's about 50 in the bank every single day, but, as you know, right this, this is too good to be true And the answer is yes right. Eventually, you will end up getting hit right by a 200 pip stop loss.

So if you're trading, that one - not that that is about a 2 000 loss just like this - and you realize that all the little profits that you have accumulated along the way, maybe over the last few days few weeks or when the last few months might be Gone might be just you know, just gone like that from that 200 people stop loss, okay, and you realize your account might be back to where you got started at break even or maybe you might even be in a rate or even blow up. Your trading account, depending on how consistent you are with your risk management. I mean the size of the contracts you're trading, because you know, as you make five pips every single day, the size of your trading, your contracts, that you're trading will naturally increase as well. Due to greed, okay, so that's the first scenario is that having a wide stop loss relative to your target? Profit? Yes, you'll make money every day on most days, but eventually, when that loss comes, it's going to wipe out everything and more so that's the first scenario.

Second, one is this right: uh price action trading: you are a proficient price action trader and the way that you're going to make money every day is that you come into the markets. You understand the market that you're trading well and you trade, the price section of it so, let's say, for example, you're trading euro dollar today or last few days it's in an uptrend. So as a price action trader, you look to buy the dip, sell. The rally by buy low sell high okay.

So so, let's say you know you, you got this correct for over the last five trading days right, you buy low, sell how you make money next week comes right. This up trend, it's over reverse and you know, becomes a downtrend. So again, let's say you're a proficient price action trader. You take the loss right, you buy, you buy low and end up.

It becomes lower cut your loss move on. Then you realize. Oh man, market is now in the downtrend. Let me look for selling opportunities, so you look to sell the rallies and stuff like that, and hopefully you know cover back the 20 pips loss that you have.
So let's say you have lost 20 pips earlier, while buying in an uptrend. Let's say - and hopefully you can - you know, cover that loss. So you can see that for a proficient price action trader to make money every day, you've got to read market conditions correctly. You've got to trade market conditions correctly.

You've got to you know: uh adjust right your trading strategy to new market conditions as it unfolds every single day, for example, yesterday might be an uptrend today could be a downtrend could be a range. You never know, and that's how you make money every day. Is it difficult? Yes, it is right, you will, you will get it wrong often and for me personally, i've never seen a discretionary price action trader who reads the market so well that every single day they are making money, but maybe it's different from you for you. I do not know right, but personally, i've not come across such a proficient price action trader where they come to the market every day they get their analysis right, they get the execution right.

Everything is right and they make money every day i don't deny they could make money on 70 of their trading days, but every day it's quite a farfetched third scenario: is this right: you're a high frequency trader, so what high frequency, traders or high frequency trading firms Does is that they try to, you know, make small little profits right across uh many trades in a single day, so they are no longer like you know, using technical analysis, price action trading or support resistance to trade, the markets, no, the robots are doing the trading For them they write the program and they send the robots to to make a profit, and that is how you know these firms make a profit almost every single day. So let me give an example: let's say you have a coin in your hands every time it comes up hit you make, let's say a dollar ten cents. Every time it comes up till you lose a dollar. You can agree that that coin toss right that you have right gives you an age right.

You will make money from the coin toss in the long run. Now. Imagine this right for that coin, toss! You can only toss your coin. Let's say once a day.

Do you think you make money every single day, probably not right, because if 50 of the time it's going to come up 850 of the time you come up till right, there will be times right or rather 50 of the time on a given day that you Will lose money where you lose a dollar, but now, let me ask you what, if you can toss that coin a thousand times a day now? What are the odds of it? Now right you making a profit every single day? Well, the odds now is much higher because you have a thousand tries right to toss a coin within a single day, and this is what simply high frequency trading firms are doing. They have little small ages in the market and they trade many times a day. A thousand times 10 000 times that's how they make a profit every single day and again i think for most of you watching this right now you are probably not going down the hfd firm, uh trading approach, okay, so so so, what's what now? For you? The retail trader, so if you ask me, as a trader a retail trader, your goal shouldn't be trying to make money every single day all right, because there will be times where market conditions change and you can't adapt fast enough to it right. Let's not talk about you being uh, a hfd trader.
Okay, let's talk about you using you know technical analysis to trade, the markets right. So your goal shouldn't be, you know, trying to make profit every single day you, because if you were to have that goal right, you will realize that you will develop actions right. That is actually detrimental to your trading. For example, let's say your goal is to make 10 pips a day and you no matter what you die die.

You want to make that 10 pips every day, so market could go against you right and instead of taking a loss, you end up. You average down into your loser, hoping that the slight rally right could get you a break even or even get you into a profit. So you can see that all these detrimental actions right in the long run, will cost you more harm than good. So this is why i i want to emphasize that you know shouldn't be looking to make money every day from the markets.

Instead, what you want to do is is to trade when market conditions are favorable to you. So this means - let's say you - are a trend trader when the market is trending right, look to buy low, sell, how you look to trade in the direction of the trend continue doing so right until market conditions, change, don't try and predict right that, oh man, the Market has been trending over the last five days. It can't go up any higher. Let me try the gold shot.

No, you trade, what you see, not what you think so trade when market conditions are favorable to you, continue executing according to your trading plan and when market conditions change, when it's not favorable to you right, manage your risk right, cut your loss and move on. So, in other words, right trading right, it's it's! This is that you make as much money as you can right, man when market conditions are favorable to you and you play good defense right when market conditions are not favorable to you. That's really in essence right. What trading is all about? At least you know from the realm of you know: retail trading, okay.

So with that said right, let's you know do a quick recap: all right. Can you make money every day from trading? I give you a few scenarios that you know. Yes, you can, but right so first scenario is that you know you have a white stop loss relative to target second scenario is that you've got to adapt to market conditions quickly. Third scenario is that you adopt a high frequency trading approach and then, finally, we talk about.
You know how you should approach trading in state where it's more of a trading right, making as much money as possible when market conditions are favorable to you and then playing good defense when it's not so with that said right, i wish you good luck and good Trading, i will talk to you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

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36 thoughts on “Can you make money every day from trading (the truth)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J T says:

    Great advice. Advice all traders need to heed.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Camara says:

    Great video thank you men & and your honesty Keep up with the good stuff.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mixed Coffeyn Sound (MCS) says:

    just experienced this wide stop loss the wins i had just been blown away and been so emotionally exhausted after that but still not giving up on trading

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Boltic PhD says:

    Can you guys see the playlist on my channel and let me know what I could do differently to make more quality videos?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Brad says:

    I can boldly say despite the economic crisis facing the world, this is a still a good time to invest in Gold and Crypto

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Newbie Player says:

    don't put all your eggs in the same basket.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Newbie Player says:

    my sis become like that. That why wide stop lost will blow your acc.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars srikanth reddy says:

    There is so many fake accounts working on you're name first focus on that people losing money 😡

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. 101 says:

    Thank you for this video. I Just started a few days ago and watching your videos, I'm learning a lot.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xion Collins says:

    I believe the detrimental habits are the gambler's fallacy- keep putting money into a bad trade thinking it's due to turn a profit after a few losses.

    With high frequency trading, would 2 trades an hour for every hour the market is open be considered in that strategy?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Go Big says:

    i think you have no legitemacy to talk about trading.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bank Nifty Trader NS says:

    Thanks Rayner for your valuable knowledge. It made me profitable.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oraclewizard77 says:

    One not mentioned is you can have a higher win% say 90% and trade multiple times per day equal risk vs reward as a good PA trader. Yes, you will 10% of time have a losing day. However, if you keep risk vs reward equal you are not blowing out your account on a loss. Of course no one including myself will show you this system on youtube for free. Also, support is usually not 200 pips away on a smaller time scale. If it is, you should not take that trade anyway.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Carnahan says:

    Can you make a video (or redirect me to an existing one) that talks about what percentage of your total profit you end up paying yourself, how much you set aside for taxes, and how much you reinvest into growing the overall portfolio size? Also do you recommend doing this once a quarter, semester, year?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mwenda lewis says:

    Hey hey my friend. You trade what u see

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jendral Candle says:

    hey hey whatsup my friend…you are the best forex guru my friend…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ewemakugbe Bright says:

    I can relate. One time i traded carelessly and was making 10% everyday. By the end of the week i had made over 100% profit. As greed will have it, i added some cash to my trading account and started using crazy leverage. Guess what? The market went into ranges and in just a day, i lost 70% of my equity. I froze! My self esteem quenched for over 3 months. It was a huge lesson. 😂😂😂

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V7 Studio Production says:

    I want some result of the trading of this guy. Really a good result..

    Trading live, real account. Trading result in his Mt4.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dodi Hermawan says:

    The goal is to find the right set up everyday and execute it.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tevin jeremiah says:

    You can make money every day from trading
    But people try to make 1000s in a day and end blowing their account

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iLLeSt says:

    Rayner what if 85% win rate and 3:1 reward:risk. Almost every day is win unless boredom trades and undisciplined trading.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earn Your Money says:

    If you start today you really can make money in 2021

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Joe says:

    Thanks very much , you have always something to learn .

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gordie M says:

    #1 most important thing is to take a small loss early

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Johnson says:

    Hey Rayner! Great video! Could you share your thoughts on selecting a stop loss area? I like your ideas on trading from an Area of Value.. How do you select your Areas of Protection (Long or Short)? Swing highs or swing lows seems to provide easy targets for large traders to run over weak hands back and forth.. so it would seem intuitive to try to figure out how to exploit this phenomenon

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z Mack says:

    Rayner _ The Man The Myth The Legend :)!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR. D Celstn says:

    What’s with these fake model comments Rayner lol

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KAYDECI says:

    Typically theres always that one push phase almost everyday in the new york and london session. Occasionally the asian session. If you miss the push phase, the only thing to catch would be a pull back of the push phase.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Better at 30 says:

    The real profit are the friends we make along the way 😂

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shamanth Hs says:

    When to know the market condition is bad

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade Hut says:

    Hi Rayner, I've been following your videos for a week and practicing paper trading. Already seeing improvement in my trading. Want to say thank you!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oldrik Kaapo says:

    I make a profitable trading with the help of Mr Steven. It’s not easy winning from your own trades you’ll need an Expert like Mr Steven to help you accomplish that. I make $17,420 every 14 days with the help of Mr Steven. He is the best trader I have ever known and he is advisable to all new traders having a hard time making profits.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s k says:

    Managing stop loss is very difficult task not so easy but it is the secret to win this game

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Obinna says:

    I believe a price Action trader who trade on lower time frames makes money everyday

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ACTION GAMES says:

    Hi Rayner how r u?
    Love u from India

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andre Okware says:

    Hey Rayner great videos.
    I've been able to learn alot from your videos.
    Could you do a video for the ichimoku cloud and how to use it??

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