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NFT stocks have been running to the moon. This week I bought $OCG for a swing as a sympathy with $TKAT stock. And day traded TKAT, OCG, AMC, UPST long side. Shorted JFIN stock.
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So before we start talking about all these uh crazy nft stocks, that's going to the moon, such as tcat ocg and a couple others. I just want to do a really quick reminder that there's going to be a lot of fake, humble trader accounts in youtube. Comment: sections in on twitter on instagram as well. Please do me a huge favor and report all those fake accounts.

Once again, my only instagram account is humboldt trader. My only twitter account is humbletrader18 i'll, never trade or manage anyone else's money and i'll never try to introduce you to my accountant, my cpa or my portfolio manager um, but i will introduce you to my bag holder. Most importantly, please just exercise some common sense and stay safe out there on the internet. Okay, so let's go over the stocks that everyone's talking about today, which would be the nft uh small cap place, so we'll start with the stock ocg.

This is actually a stock that we swung overnight. Um it was going to be a longer term swing trade. I thought it was going to take. You know a couple days to a week we got in around 990s.

Yesterday i was looking at a daily looking like okay, it's increasing in volume, very strong bullish, daily charts and also in the sector, sympathy as um t-k-a-t. So we got long for the swing around nine nineties uh my target on the daily was gon na, be the daily breakout um towards you know 14th and 15th. If we get it - and i had no idea that we were gon na get it right away, i thought we were going to take. You know a couple days so this morning this is a day trading account.

This morning we were out some pre-markets around the 12s and 13s and i was out the rest of it at 16 into the morning. Push that's on the swing trade, so very nice swing on that so the day trades on ocg, i was mostly long biased, but i didn't do as well on the day trades as i did on the swing trades for ocg the after the consolidation of the open Around the lower uh pre-market low supports around 1250s. I did get in long and i sold some into the 13s and was mostly out around 14s before the halt, and i was all out only on hold at 17, so even with a tiny, tiny, smaller smaller starter size that was pretty decent. Now after this push, you know, i was still bullish on it, but i did want to see some pullback and consolidate to move up higher, but unfortunately, after the squeeze out squeeze out all the shorts and everyone else, the stock, just literally, was just not bouncing.

So it's weak. I did get caught um on the long side. Unfortunately, even though on the small size, this still sucked, i got in small size around pretty high. I know in hindsight i even added small here.

This is why i cut all my losses here, so unfortunately, i gave back pretty much a big chunk a little long on a day trade i did get in and you know i tried a couple times you can see for losses here. This is pretty much the only good day trade here around the 12s um i sold into the 1250s. The bounces were just very, very heavy um, unfortunately, and you know the stock just tanked back to where we entered the swing trade pretty much yesterday around 90s. So overall, not a good trade in for the day trades, but i think i definitely did a lot better on the swing trade on ocg and this is a leader right, tcat, um, so ocg.
If you look at the chart, it was basically mirroring what tcat was doing and that's the reason i got long on ocg after the the initial morning pullback of the consolidation i saw that tcat was starting to bounce and that's why i got long ocg and sold Into the pushes on t cat, i was more patient with this one. I waited till pretty much a double bottom here to start going in for the small long, but it was very heavy along with ocg and that's why i got out for pretty much really really small profit. I loaned from 29 and added around 27 um. I got out pretty much at 29, so small profits, even though the stock did break out and you know test 31 dollars.

I was not involved and you can see this 31 dollars rejected really quickly in a stock um. Actually, you know sold off and it was actually halted from news pending hold. So that's unfortunate uh, but in this one it was just a small, tiny day trade for me - and i was not involved in the overnight. But the reason we launched ocg overnight was following the tcat sympathy, so swinging small caps like these.

They have to be like very selective. I used to swing them a lot more before 2020, but the market kind of changed in 2020 and 2021. So that's why? I don't swing these things as much, but when i do, i want to make sure so many factors line up and you know - has to have the right catalyst, the right volume and we have to have the good entries so very decent when it works on this Small cap overnight trades, especially for those who are under pdt, the overnight trades, the overnight swings. The longer term swings are gon na, be like good options to build account for, for especially if you are restricted to only three day trades.

So the next stock i traded on the short side was jfin. So this one actually wasn't watching this until it started picking up volume, um around 11 o'clock and that's kind of when um around the time that t-cat was starting to die and actually got halted with a t-one news pending hold. So that's the reason i i was more interested in the short side. I did scale in starter sizes on the front side, but it's only after you can see this huge rejection.

Candle um on the on the on the you know once it broke new high for like 20 cents and slam right back down, and this is a very good lesson of why you should not buy breakouts on these low-flow small cap stocks, because you can see this Thing broke up for like what 20 cents and then it dropped a dollar or, like you know, even more so that's why that's why you don't buy breakouts on small caps, um large caps. Maybe you know i do buy large cap breakouts um, but small caps. No, no, that's a that's a big no-no but uh for small caps. I think i mentioned this many times before on these breakout place where you buy.
You know at this whole dollar breakouts at 13, and i try to like sell for like 20 cents. That's that's! Usually uh what caused some of my biggest losses as a beginner when i was new to day trading and that's the reason i don't buy these breakouts anymore. So i was more interested on the short side again, no news, another stock that um, i think, is also running in sympathy with t cat. So when tcat died, that's why i'm thinking that okay, like this thing, should start not fading as well, especially when it doesn't have any news um.

So this thing you know, after the hold it down actually scaled. In more short, i didn't have the best average, but again i only had a structure size in the front side. So it's only after this confirmation, candle that went in on the short side. Uh with you know, confirmation um.

I started scaling. In short, i covered some small, but i was covering the majority lower around the 990s and 10s. I read it on this push towards the 11th. You can see how i rejected that 11 level.

I couldn't just could just couldn't get above it. You can see it rejected once again, so i added backing on the short side that was all out in the 10, 10, 30s and 90s. It did go back lower, but you can see how this started reclaiming back to test um, v1 and 11. So i didn't want to mess with that.

So that's why i'm out of the short trade on jfin? I did trade. I also did trade, some of the larger cap stocks on the long side, amc and also this one upst. Now this one was, you know, very disappointing for me, because we were bullish on this. You know i planned it all out, thinking that you know we might um.

You know, sell off at the open and that's where we go in long, but this thing was actually very strong, despite the market being uh in consolidation kind of like unease, uncertain stage. So this thing you know, took off from our key levels around like 82's and just went to 90s reclaimed v1 and went up higher, so i really did not expect it to kind of break out right away right out of the gate. This is what i mean by on large caps. I will, i don't hesitate to buy the breakouts, because there's usually a lot more follow through.

I don't buy any breakouts, there's a obviously still a lot of criteria, a lot of things to think of, but for this one you know i did go along on the breakout 108. I was out on 1 12., pretty pretty nice, a four dollar four dollar point: uh four dollar per share move, and i just go back in try to try to long again around the 106s 107s once this thing broke out broke down. I took the last excuse me, so it gave back some profits from earlier and i did go back and reload this again, but it just got really choppy uh really long around 106 and sold into 108 and everything else. It just got really choppy and volume kind of dropped off as well.
So definitely the best place was the morning push from 80 something dollars all the way to 112.. So that's where it had the most volume, the most momentum and the trend was clearly to the upside, the other one that i traded, that was very disappointing, was amc, so this thing was very very choppy. I was more long, biased and bullish on the stock. Thinking that if we can hold the the 14 key level on the daily, then we have upside to push towards the 15..

But you can see this thing keep on rejecting the 1450s and it kind of makes sense, because that was the highs from a couple days ago on the daily. So i just kept on rejecting that lots of sellers around those areas. So you can see. I did go in and buy the dips couple of times once twice here for some scalp sold into the push, and i tried it again here started around 1440s and added around the 1413s and added on the way up.

I was trying to build a position for a potential move to 1450s and the higher towards the 15s if we get that um, but the market was just so choppy today. So that's why um i got out for pretty much breakeven on the last half and uh. The stock - just you know you - can see this 1442 so just held up for like a good uh, 40 minutes to an hour and the stock just dumped um amc, so i'm not in a stock anymore. I was more long biased on this.

I was thinking. I can push to the upside, but it just didn't happen today, unfortunately, so definitely a very interesting day for the small caps, but on a large cap side they weren't just there were just not as much volatility and momentum now it's time for our q. A first question from corey uh: she is basically asking about how to analyze stocks as halted and up with no news and how to to not give in to fomo so anyways. To answer your question: corey um, when a stock is up on no news and uh going straight up such as jfin today, that's the reason i shorted it uh, so that so so that should answer your question and that's the reason you should not buy breakouts on These uh small cap plays, as the second question is from leo he's asking if i have a custom scanner that pick up the the pre-market gainers and the top gainers on the day.

So i use trade ideas. So i have a video on how i set up trade ideas. You can actually even download my settings over there, so you can go and check that out on that tutorial. Third question is from peter he's: asking which indicator or algorithm am i using that's making the small and green arrows so uh? Those are not indicators, those are my actual executions.

So you know, if you see a green arrow, that's where i clicked buy or cover a red arrow. Those are the cells or short. So it's not an algorithm. It's not like it'll be nice.

It wouldn't get. If there's like actual indicators that show oh wait. I should buy and sell but uh no, you should trade, the price actually and trade, the setups. You should not focus on - or at least i do not rely on indicators to tell me when to buy or sell, because that's the thing with indicators they're always lagging.
They always show up after um. The stock already has made the move. So that's the reason i don't have a bunch of indicators on my screen, like rsi macd, moving averages, et cetera, et cetera. The only thing i have is a v-wap and i do not use it to use as buy and sell signals.

You should be trading your setup and you should be trading price action uh. If you are day trading, if you're swing trading, sure there are indicators you can look at but uh, i mostly focus on my day trades. If you guys have any more questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below and also please do me a huge favor and report. Those fake instagram accounts, fake twitter accounts and also on youtube comment section.

I do. I report them and block them. Every single day, but every time i i block one, two or three more show up and uh. So it's up for everyone to just exercise your common sense and please stay safe, uh and and nobody's ever going to trade.

Your money for you just keep that in mind, and i know some people are really concerned about moolah and here's a proof that she is doing well and very green and actually thriving a lot. So if you have a plan to buy your trading desk, then you'll be a lot more green. Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys next time, hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes.

If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time,.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Buying nft stocks $tkat $ocg $jfin $amc $upst trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Jimmy says:

    Hi there, what do u think TKAT for now? Would you do an update? Thank you so much

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Truth says:

    TKAT is not an NFT .. It's a pump and dump .. When someone posts at stock that was $2 .. and went to $70 .. what ya think is going to happen? I'm short .. Back to $2 it goes.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrei Mihai Toma says:

    Hi there my dear Humbled Trader, is there any chance you can move the window where you are presenting ( botom right ) somehow in the botom middle, so that we can see the volume traded under the price actions you are presenting in the chart? Apart from this small constructive feedback, i love your videos and thank you a lot for sharing your time and knowledge with us!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KingBlaze206 says:

    Hey im Alex. new to trading. What are good news sources? I heard about NFT stocks today and was wondering how I can find good news faster than I already am.
    Thank you.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fjord Driver says:

    The Magic Snow Globe tells me all I need to know at the start of the day depending on how the snow falls.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brijesh Rao says:

    hey, miss ..i think in IBKR… PDT rule doesn't applied for canadian resident…and they might have also reduced the initial deposit amount for margin account.please let me know if i am wrong.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Hernandez says:

    Hey , bad jokes ! Thanks , today and got 1k for this video 😎🔥📈

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Lawnmower Man & Company says:

    Happy trading Humble Trader 🙂 Great video, still in GME and AMC what a wild ride! take care and God Bless

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frankie Kore says:

    You are wonderful. Thank you for all your videos and spending your free time educating us. Ça fait du bien de voir quelqu'un d'authentique.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Willem Both says:

    Hey Shay, I have an idea for future videos. Could you maybe hide the future candles of the stock while you are explaining the decisions you made in that moment? The decisions you make seem obviously good or bad because of what these stock did afterward. It would be interesting to see what you saw when you made the decision that you did. I hope you understand what I'm saying, it's difficult to explain in words. Love your videos, thank you so much for all the free content.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iNNoCeNttDReAMs says:

    Guyz guyz guyzzzz. Ya'll wanna hear a joke?

    Last Friday AMC.

    Alright, sure it's a bad joke. I'm just not good at "manipulating" jokes.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norberto Robles says:

    Hello. I dont want to be bag holder anymore. Watch you all the time. I have a question. How much is too much stock to buy on low float stocks ? How can I calculate because I dont want to buy too many because I need someone to buy back ?. Thanks

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben d says:

    hi, can you explain please – how do I set more that one time&sale window?? thanks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mickey 08 says:

    I saw tkat was going to take off – but Robinhood doesn’t let options trading on tkat.. and I’m pdt on tastyworks ..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ryan graves says:

    hey humbled trader, flying cars eh altu rtp expc…..tbio for varient covids only, just had big drop

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Money Bags says:

    This is bigger than day trading sis buy some in your long term hold account

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ponz Arcade says:

    Hi Humbled Trader, How do I choose a stock to day trade?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Williams says:

    I traded ZKIN on Friday with paper, I'm considering buying long biased on Monday. Anyone else?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maelst0rm says:

    Hi, thanks or the video, @Humbled Trader. Do you have financial reports from your broker available? As I dig through youtube I am finding out that 95+% of day traders are actually not profitable from day trading and make money just selling courses. So it would be nice to have a proof that you are not that case. I assume so, but I wrote you an email, which you ignored. Thanks for your response.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M J says:

    do u use a stop loss for swing trades? and yes, reported those fake accounts!!!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustMusic says:

    Everytime I try to go short on webull there are no shares left to be shorted. How are you able to go short all the time on these hard to borrow shares? Please help

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saintnestor says:

    Thank you for your sharing 💓😊 I just started looking at the stock market. I have no idea how to invest if you could share knowledge would truly appreciate it ☺️❣️

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAJA69 says:

    Can you do a video in Chinese with your "humbled" energy

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev says:

    You’re authentic and entertaining always looking for new videos on this channel some market analysis and your take would be a great idea too for future videos I need more

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Cournoyer says:

    If your a beginner options daytrader u shouldn't be risking more than 5% -10% of ur account per trade no matter wat u have…Increase your profits by scaling in your trade. Buy in twice n avg down. Increase your profits in the long run by using a small trailing stop sell order which should be .05 – .10 down on the bid, if they're not expensive contracts. Good luck.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lior Go says:

    What trade platform are you using in your videos? Thanks! (BTW great videos, thanks for creating them, very useful and insightful)

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J P says:

    Do you have an intraday alert on volume spikes? How do you find the stocks you talked about? Your pre market scanners?

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