💡 The best setups in trading don't falter, they go right through! But what if it doesn't work right away? Don't worry! You can always get back in or adjust your stop. Share your thoughts on how you handle setups that don't work immediately. #TradingStrategies #ShareYourExperience #EntryExitStrategy #MaxLossPattern #ProfitLossRatio #StockScanner #TrendingStocks #RelativeVolume #DayTrading #TradingStrategies #TradingTips #SuccessfulSetups #StockMarketSuccess #StockTrading
Um, but of course the best setups work right away. You know the best setups don't falter, They just go right through that level. So if it doesn't work right away, well, you know it's probably okay. You can always get back in if you really want to, or you can use a looser stop, but then you're gonna have to use smaller share size and the profit loss ratio still might not make sense.
So the max loss of the pattern and then enter the position, then this is what I do. If there's High relative volume and green on the tape as it approaches the Apex point. So high relative volume. Again, the term that we talked about already.
that's versus the relative volume. Over the last 14 days, we want to see at least two times, but preferably five times or higher. And just for reference today, the stocks that were on the scanner.